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Bonnie Springs has been caging animals as tourist attractions for over 50 years. My kids and I visited the zoo in 2006 back then I thought it was very deplorable. Many of the animals were in bad shape, dirty, sick, suffered from mange, missing fur, depressed, underfed and the cages were extremely small. There was no shade for most of the animals as they were out in 110 degree heat.  Our lead investigator went there in 2000 and told me it was her last time that the animals looked very unhealthy.

I honestly think people who have been employed here or visited Bonnie Springs should report this by clicking any of the above banners or you can contact
Michael.C.Long@aphis.usda.gov or the Clark County Manager at ccdistb@co.clark.nv.us!\

Although I think its a great idea to have a petting zoo its not fair if the animals are not being taken care of the way they should. I had started discussing the conditions of the zoo later on during my talk show years later when I returned to Bonnie Springs for a second time. When I realized that they would not give me any royalties off the movie I filmed here let alone a job doing their ghost tours as promised my opinion was of this attraction basically went down the tubes. If they treat business colleagues like a grain of salt imagine how these animals are treated here.

 I have over the years talked to at least 50 to 100 people who have either worked at Bonnie Springs or toured it most of them feel the same way I do. Some of them have told me some of the animals are sick while they even report even seeing a few dead. I understand that Bonnie Springs has a limited budget we all do however maybe the last few years they bit off more then they can chew.

While parking alone is fairly high besides the cost to enter this tourist attraction I had hoped that they would honor their word making me head of their ghost tours as I had suggested to Hysteria City Studios and briefly to the owner that this choice could help benefit everyone meaning the animals as well. Then a portion of those proceeds could have gone to upgrading the petting zoo as it would have drawn in thousands of dollars of revenue for them. Still this day I am the first one to investigate Bonnie Springs for its paranormal and film a paranormal film. Unfortunately I am not responsible for poor business decisions, however I really feel its too little too late and that the animals should be removed from Bonnie Springs its just ridiculous.

Bonnie Springs is a dying tourist attraction now all you read about is poor reviews such as rude staff, deplorable conditions at the zoo, high costs and closed down attractions etc. At times I feel like its more about the money then it is about caring for the place as an entirety when it comes to the people who are operating it. Most of the structures are now closed and the zoo is facing many diar issues.  Hell when you look at how they treated our organization I feel that I can turn what was done wrong into something good so please lets save these poor animals.

Further below on this page I have posted some of the complaints including this news article. If you wish to file a complaint there is a banner above and a few email addresses below. We also would like to post your horrific stories in relation to the petting zoo at Bonnie Springs NV.

By Lord Rick




1 of 5 stars Reviewed 14 August 2011

dont go save your dollars , went there just to get out of vegas for a while , was told it was a zoo and a old style western town , the zoo if you could call it that was very small and full of sad rejected pets chickens with no feathers , as for the so called town looks like it was put together by a drunk with old bits of wood they found in the dump . should be removed from the tourist list and shut down

  • Visited August 2011
  • _____________________________________________________
Posted: 5 Aug 2008 3:10 PM
This zoo has deplorable conditions for the animals. Anyone who has visited, has seen how bad it is. To file a complaint write to:


You can also write to the Clark county manager at:

Please, with enough people complaining maybe someone will finally help these poor animals. They need to be removed from this zoo, before more die, due to neglect.

 13 Sep 2008 8:40 PM

I just sent emails to both address you provided. I visited there today and was appalled at the conditions! Have you seen the Lynx they have there? It looks to me that the mother has had all of her teeth removed. There also is a small horse there who looks to have a broken leg and can hardly even stay standing let alone move around. How are these people still in business?

Avoid Bonnie Springs Ranch, NV
posted at 9/14/2006 3:26 PM EDT 
First: 2/23/2004
Last: 8/28/2008
  I had hope the zoo was closed by now.  I gather only the petting zoo is open.  There was a larger zoo which I sought assistance in closing down and having the animals moved to humane quarters.  When I was there 4 years ago most of the animals were visibly ill, underfed and suffering.  I am surprised to hear that any of them are still alive.  The property is owned by an ex-show girl, who at this point may or may not be alive herself.  It was too much for her to handle.  I do not support the mistreatment of animals like this.


Avoid Bonnie Springs Ranch, NV
posted at 6/8/2006 9:07 AM EDT

An article in Frommers suggested this Nevada Ghost Town as a neat place for kids and adults in the Red Rock Valley area.  We found it vulgar, run down, barely functional with many places within the town closed (wax museum, restaurant, etc.) and the petting zoo was really bad news with animals caged, appearing to be neglected and no sanitizer in the proferred sanitation station to even wash your hands when we got out.  The mock hanging was far too long for most kids, and filled with potty humour and innuendo that I don't think is appropriate for children in the 6 to 11 ages who were with us.  Their parents were disgusted and when we tried to talk to a manager he simply kept smoking his cigarette, talking on the phone and ignoring us until we "went away"  Do not waste you rtime on this place - the beauty of Red Rock Canyon is enough in my opinion!


“Petting Zoo - Shocked!”
1 of 5 stars Reviewed May 18, 2006

I went to bonnie springs to get away from the strip one day (someone told me about). I was shocked - animals in tiny cages made of chicken wire (is it safe to have wolves in chicken wire), the place stunk of urine, animals are dirty, a deer had a huge growth on it, are pigeons an attraction - we have them for free everywhere in the city... just a total DUMP.

These animals are in real danger.

  • Stayed May 2006, traveled on business

Join Date: Feb 2008
Bonnie Springs....SHOCKING!!!!

I went down to Bonnie Springs with my family and was shocked by what I saw....the petting zoo was horrendous, and the town in complete disrepair!! It was horrible! Am I over reacting, or is this a common feeling amongst people that visit the ranch?


Decades-Old Attraction in Danger of Closing

Posted: Feb 04, 2011 3:01 PM PST Updated: Feb 04, 2011 3:08 PM PST

LAS VEGAS -- The animals at the Bonnie Springs Zoo may not have a home for much longer. The zoo could close if its fence isn't replaced in the next three months which would mean an end to the 60-year-old tourist attraction.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture says the current fences aren't strong enough for a zoo but this small zoo 25 miles from the Las Vegas Strip doesn't have the money or resources to fix them.

It's not often people get to see roosters, peacocks and burros running free but at the zoo, they rule the roost.

"We have our guinea pigs, our rabbits, and our chickens, but then we also have wallabies, lemurs, and lynxes. We have wolves and there's a lot of educational stuff that people have never seen," said "Cowboy" Joe Tasso, Bonnie Springs Zoo.

That's what drew the Meraz family to visit the zoo with their children.

"They need to learn what's out there and they need to know there's animals that they can take care of," said Laura Meraz, zoo visitor.

The Bonnie Springs Zoo opened in 1952. It was named for the owner Bonnie Levenson who is now 89 years old and still feeds the animals daily.

In December, the zoo applied for non-profit status. The federal government granted it but to keep its zoo license, the USDA says the perimeter fences must be replaced.

"There's not many zoos here, we've lived here for several years and this is the only place away from the crowd where you can relax and enjoy as a family," said Meraz.

The fence will cost $30,000 which the zoo doesn't have.

"It's part of the Red Rock Canyon, it's part of Vegas, it's part of history," said Tasso.

The zoo has 79 days to fix the fence before the USDA will shut down the zoo to the public.


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