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From: LordOfThyNight@aol.com
To: ParanormalBuffalo@yahoogroups.com,  Paranormalflorida@yahoogroups.com,   ParanormalGhostSociety@googlegroups.com, paranormalghostsociety@yahoogroups.com,   ParanormalGhostSocietyConnections@yahoogroups.com,  ParanormalGhostSociety@groups.msn.com,  TheParanormalGhostSociety@yahoogroups.com,  pgsociety@groups.aol.com,  SupernaturalFlorida@yahoogroups.com,  ParanormalCalifornia@yahoogroups.com,   pgsociety@aimgroups.com
Sent: 9/1/2008 3:06:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] All About Last Nights Film & Investigation Of Bonnie Springs Ghost Town.....

Bonnie Springs Ranch

Investigation 2

Its strange how many years I been involved with the paranormal and sometimes find more inner peace with it then I do trying to understand human nature. Things are never what they seem in my field of work. Sometimes I think its the people I deal with that are worst then any ghosts.

Little did I know a few years ago when I took my sons to Bonnie Springs would I have a chance to walk around this place at night let alone get into some of the buildings most never get to see. Bonnie Springs was visited by our group back www.paranormalghostsociety.org/BonnieSpringsNV1.htm
of 2006 just a few years ago.  Now I have more content to add to this case file pretty cool really to know I had first dibs at ghost hunting at this place.

Not only were we the first group to investigate it and put up an article on our site written by us but I have sent so many people to the springs. Bonnie Springs today is a tourist attraction they have old west shows, a rifle gallery, wax museum, old antique shops, and even a saloon. Its a historical site sort of a hidden jewel out near Las Vegas nestled in the Red Rock Canyon area. Very scenic....and sits back by the old Spanish Trail where some of the first explorers of the west traversed on.

I was contacted by Bonnie Springs to investigate the Ranch and a studio that works with horror props. They were trying to build a haunted attraction called Bonny Screams and wanted to film my investigation. Then they would air it to the guest while standing in line. I would return to meet the producer who asked if he could film me doing this investigation. Little did I know that some of my ideas they would take then cut me out of the deal. Hell I never even received a copy of my movie and I felt that their was allot of disorganization such as they didn't have enough battery for their night vision cam and the other cams cord wouldn't reach certain places. Ill explain further into this report but during my second day visit I was very excited to have been offered the opportunity to investigate this location and just a few days later I would return at night for the actual filming.

As I said this beats anything on any show you could ever see on television. As my investigation progressed into the night the wind had gotten so bad that I even seen one person almost fall over tonight trying to get balance. I do not think I ever seen gust in Las Vegas this high. My car almost blew off the road on a turn but certain times the wind was extremely bad during the filming so EVP's were nearly impossible to collect.

I arrived early at the location as my goal would be to help produce more funding so that their zoo could receive proper attention. Most of the animals in their zoo look very neglected and so I had hoped to bring something positive to the table. What we do here is more then often a thankless job nobody pays me to investigate we do what we do to help others. However its important that we make some royalties off our films so that we can remain in business and unfortunately Bonnie Springs wouldn't even give me a dollar per movie sold so lets hope they at least put that towards there animals instead.

I chose the spots tonight we would get video of....what we would do....what I would speak about at each location including a lot about The Paranormal & Ghost Society and the ranch based on what I knew about it. So technically I had myself filmed more like a documentary rather then a ghost hunt. Reason being is that their were to many people around if it was just my producer and team it would have been an entirely different situation.

I brought along a lady who is trying to get into the entertainment industry so I hope that this video will further her career. Really ashamed that despite the thousands of hits my site gets and the amount of members I have that I have nobody to help me investigate so I was glad to have found Jennifer a day prior to the filming. I had my EMF on me, motion sensors, camera, EVP recorder, my special light and a few other things pieces of gear. Jennifer stayed on the EMF detector so that enabled me to work with EVP and other things such as photography.

Jennifer and her boyfriend showed up at the house then they followed me to Bonnie Springs....I told her bf look out cause I speed he kept up pretty good with me despite the high winds up in Red Rock. We arrived really early prior to sundown. I kind of felt out of place they were closing up...I was trying to set my motion detector up.....Jennifer seemed a little reluctant to talk with me most people are and some are just really intimidated by me then some who are not use to the paranormal just think boy he sure is an odd ball. But lets face it most paranormal investigators are a bit odd right?

I worked really hard on the film trying to teach people a bit about who we are and what we do. There is allot of messages I put forth into it. Sadly I never was given a copy nor was it ever put onto youtube as the producer promised. I felt honestly ripped off like I wasted 3 hours of my time on video only to never see the film.

Everybody else was late I was like wow I am actually on time haha usually I run late trying to get my things together. So I sat out front seen two cute ladies I think employees walk past me the one was really friendly said Hi and she smiled . Nice long dress...true lady which is rare to see believe me when I say that one. But believe it or not a true western woman knows how to be a lady when she wants to be one.

Anyhow everybody showed up late I was told that one of the guys would be filming me and then was told he could not make it so I could see things were crashing through. I was told a lot of things lol lets leave it at that. Hysteria City did the filming no film crews as I was told and since that was the case I pretty much had to make this work and believe me I made it work I always do. The problem is that they were not accommodating me with what I needed during the filming.

So anyhow there were a lot of people here watching as if this was some ghost tour I couldn't get any work done it was disrespectful honestly. The staff turned on all kinds of lights at Bonnie Springs more light then I wanted which is not good ghost hunting when lights are blinding your eyes while trying to look for ghosts. Things show up better in the darkness when you are taking photography. I made sure that I took ALOT of EVP on this one since that was more important then photos to me since we had video running throughout the investigation.

I showed the two other parties involved my contract both refused to read it really let alone sign it. I was rather disappointed since I worked on it for almost a week. Basically since they would not sign it they could make all the money off me in the world and well they probably have. Meanwhile my gear is old, broken, used and abused. People do not understand that were not out to make a buck but without donations or at least some funding we cant continue to operate. I have become a very closed individual as far as trusting producers. This is due to the fact they ask me for my ideas then turn around hire someone else on and to me that's stealing. So I just need to no longer tell any producer my great ideas and make sure they sign a contract before I tell them anything PERIOD.

I did interview privately some employees here and it appears to have allot of residual activity...you hear pianos, dancing, talking, laughing, objects moving, doors open that were locked at night etc. Its very exciting to listen to others tell me these stories. I enjoy hearing other peoples strange tales so I did have a chance to at least get a feel for the occurrences that take place here.

I kind of felt barraged here and was not able to get my work done. There was kids laughing and running around during the filming. There were people talking loud walking in front of me. Some were asking how to see ghost while others were giggling. Why would someone call me to make a movie then turn it into some attraction I just do not understand this.

Not only that but I was promised that I would be giving ghost tours at Bonnie Springs. Then later on the story changed and was told that there was some other guy who owns a tour bus and gives séances! That he could bring in more revenue for them due to this fact. After I suggested to the producer that you should give ghost tours and let me head them. Nobody wants to be scammed or sit down in front of crystal balls. People want to have a tour done by somebody who is an actual paranormal investigator who can share tales and show these folks how to ghost hunt. Deep inside after the film I never received any call despite the fact that I was promised that I would be able to participate giving tours. You have no idea the sadness I felt when my exwifes family through me out calling me a jobless loser. It was not my fault that Bonnie Springs and its staff used me for a film then though me out like a piece of trash. Its just like Sci-fi I wrote them telling them about creating a paranormal show then months later TAPS is on television doing ghosthunters its like WTF man! ITS wrong!

I laughed tonight a bit telling Jennifer that even if I was not called to investigate this location I probably would have investigated it at night eventually. That is just the type of group we are we love to venture into anything and everything haunted or not. I did the video more like a walkthrough or documentary...my plan is to start working more with video production so that we can show you another side to our society you never seen before.

I wore the cowboy hat tonight afterall its an old west down lost it a few times too:) due to high winds. It was a rough night for me allot of pressure on working out the contract which failed. Then dealing with people running around during the film and pressure from the in laws because they felt the work I do is a sham.

We have some bloopers on the investigation....for example we went into the shooting gallery where my head hit a string setting off a puppet I went flying as I tripped. There were a few other incidents.. Would have been a great photo for the paracomedy page and id post the video but the producer never sent me the footage as promised.

When the production started the wrong camera was used so the first 20 minutes were dark according to the producer. I thought to myself why are they not bringing out the nightvision cam? They did not use any nightvision till after they realized that they could not see me on camera. Normally I use very little lighting on my ghost hunts as I try to go for the element of surprise such as what is lurking around that dark corner type of feeling. I was getting pretty frustrated at this point and felt like the entire production was a sham.

Not only that but they had to bring a cord attached to the camera while filming so they could not follow me around past 100 feet and I was just really frustrated about the whole thing. I just get told one thing and show up get told another. So they couldn't even follow me to the areas I technically wanted to investigate. Its the same story when I was interviewed on the 13 most haunted places in WNY. They wanted to know the most haunted locations I gave them those then show up for the interview being told to talk about places that I never even been to. Places that were honestly not very haunted in my opinion but nowadays everyone is apparently a ghosthunter or should I say know it all.

The problem is nowadays is that most ghost groups are mainstream however Id like to take a different approach that most folks have not seen before. It seemed to me that the producer and Bonnie Springs was looking more about trying to line their pockets here. They are afterall a tourist attraction its not a real ghost town however it does have allot of history prior to its existence as a ranch.

I always say that being a ghostbuster is a lonely life and it is. Driving back into Vegas tonight I just felt so hurt inside. Especially when you get told your going to head there ghost tours or that they are going to sell your movies. Then you arrive and there like thanks for filming now get lost. I had goals to work on giving tours so that I could save my money move my kids out to Ca to a better school and fix up my car. Buy better equipment for my team etc but it seems like to me the producer wants to earn his bucks but doesn't want to pay those who are helping him do so. If you wont pay me to work on certain projects then my theory is you better promote us its only fair right?

So now you get an inside look into my world as a founder it is as I said a thankless job. You can prove on film ghost exist there will always be someone skeptical or critical of the work you do. So I said what I had to said now I can get on with the report and hopefully others will understand how big of a headache this turned out to be. I am not a cocky founder but I will say our website does well with over a million hits per year and I have done hundreds of investigations over the years which is hands on work dealing with this sort of phenomena some of you call the paranormal.

We filmed at a few locations I sensed something down an dark alley. I was pretty in tune tonight more so then lately and could sense out some of the energies while exploring. We filmed at the opera house which was my main goal. The camera according to the producer kept losing power mysteriously even though it was plugged in via cord, I heard foot steps on the stairwell that I thought was a bit odd. I walked over to play the piano lol tried to stir some activity. I was able to explore the front and back stages it was a pretty eerie building.

I went back outside of the Opera House and asked if it had a basement unfortunately Allen locked up the Opera House. He had to unlock it again because I had inquired about a hatch I had found. I assumed that this led to a basement. We tried to get it up then realized that the hatch was screwed down. I had a screw driver with me but everyone seemed a bit to reluctant which honestly does not making good filming if you cannot give the viewers a bit of the unknown or what lies ahead.

We also investigated the school house which has some ghost tales according to some of the employees. I did not have my light on for this one nearly tripped over the beam blocking those from going inside. Jennifer played on the merry go around and the winds at this point in time were ripping through us like a knife cutting butter. I was told that this seemed like a great night for the spirits as the moon was hovering above the school making it even more eerie. I ripped my pants at the crotch at the school house as I was climbing over the gate. Just another funny occurrence for the paracomedy page I guess right?

I felt something go past me at one of the locations it was fast as if something brushed me when I entered one of the dark halls in one of the buildings on site. With all the people around it would appear to me that the ghost were probably as uncomfortable as I would and this was just not working. If it was just the producer and me sure it would be another ball game. But with all the flashlights going it was almost as if the ghost were running to get away. Everytime I had an opportunity to walk alone I did so I could take photos for our webiste and get away from everyone thinking this is some ghost tour.

Our main event was the haunted Wax Museum which has figures inside its been locked down for awhile. It was like the movie house of wax. It does go underground to a degree and in my opinion day or night I felt watched here no matter when. I sent up a motion sensor inside strangely it did not go off but it did not stop beeping either. It was not acting right the entire time as if something was interfering with it.

The doors of the wax museum were banging like crazy some of the spectators became locked in. I noticed the door was jammed and released everyone who was caught inside. The wax museum is a wonder in itself as many of the wax figures look so real that they almost look as if they are alive. When I visited the museum a couple years ago it was open but during my ghost hunt I found out they closed it and were trying to do some repairs. I sensed some energy here my kids did back in 2006. I wish there was not so many people who were running around I probably could have made a pretty good film here but there cords wouldn't reach and there was just so many people acting immature.

I heard a groan ahead of us around a corner...heard some voices...heard some movement above us. Most of it was probably wind but not all of it. I heard things in the Wax Museum like somebody was inside with us or ahead of us when in reality everybody was behind me as I led spectators down dark halls. I knew the layout  very well thanks to a couple previous tours. I snapped one photo of Jen in a room with 3 wax figures she kind of looked freaked out as the flash illuminated them lol.

We had a lot of equipment failures with the night vision camera including the Opera House where it would work outside and not work inside. It cut off as I watched it and nobody touched the cord so that was fairly odd. I heard the wind howling allot...shutters were banging...it was a very eerie night not sure the sound came out in some video with as loud as the wind roared. The Wax Museum felt differently then the school just as the Opera House.

I did stand on stage of the wax museum jumped down almost died my knee is just so bad lately. I had to hide it on film when I jumped so when it hurt I thought of 420 lavender kush haha when I get home. You see I hurt my knee a couple weeks prior to the film playing soccer with my kids so yeah!

The last filming we did was at the saloon which has a ball room, restaurant/pub area, pianos, and a stage. I went back stage first. I notice the paintings of all the women were topless not in a sexual way but more as nude art. There was also a cold spot...and bird flapping inside near the backstage area. I wanted to point these out so others new the flapping was not ghostly so you see we even admit honestly to our finds in the video which they did not release to us. I did hear one sound thought I could not identify it was odd like a scraping noise or nails.

I had them finalize the film near a old postal wagon I do feel the camera was held way to close to me and did not show background like I wanted of it. Again I been involved with the paranormal a long time cameras...productions...adventures are my forte and this guy didn't seem like he knew what he was doing. But my wrap up was very very strong and I gave my shouts to my supporters you bet your ass I always do lol as we finished up the investigation.

Everybody left the ghost town and at the black smith shop the wind blew open the doors so I went in by myself to have a peek. Nothing wrong with a little UE for my buds lol. There was a jail inside and a giant furnace of some kind. The guy came up behind me to lock up told me he locks this building and the next day its always wide open. They use pretty good locks too at each structure here so it does make you wonder if this place may have some pretty good haunting's going on when there isn't as many people around or when its later on into the night. I never knew they had a jail house here or such old relics of the past.

I honestly did the movie mainly in hopes for them restoring their zoo. I do think that at night the ranch is an eerie place. The mountains behind it are mere black shadows. From what I have collaborated is that society has taken the ghost thing a bit to far. Everybody sees this as about making money or as if its some tourist attraction. What we do within our group is very serious and I was pretty let down about this production. I hate when my toes are stepped on its like Lord Rick we want you to film this and use the guy giving séances to make money off your hard work.

In conclusion to my report I do have to say that I was so tired when I arrived home tonight the walk back to the car which was a considerable distance. I drove home about 100mph in Red Rock just very upset...had to pick up a friend...got home last night started to work on the report then crashed. I drove home upset because everyone was hired on but me. . I just cannot believe how rudely I was treated and not only that but the production was disorganized as there crew never even showed on up which also didn't help either.

I noticed a lot of the people that were watching the film seemed rather scared I could see it in there eyes. I felt the place was pretty laid back Id done it alone really its rather peaceful.  The wind storm last night really made it hard to listen for any ghostly sounds I know they were there I felt them watching. I didn't see allot of activity but I know the ghost are there. I do not think the solution to seeing something strange is having allot of people around the lesser the better with this location.

I felt a lot of residual energy at this location for one and the other thing was certain windows I felt watched from. There are many relics of the past which also have connections to what once was. Some of those objects may be haunted just as the many dark alleys that very few people ever get to walk down who visit the springs. I was able to see many places that the public is not allowed in so that was the only plus to the entire investigation.

I did not get to go into every building I just hit the locations where all these ghost sightings have taken place which includes the church, saloon, wax museum and opera house. On our website will be able to show you different aspects of Bonnie Springs. Some of them will be photos from around town while others will be pictures of some of the historical artifacts which are scattered throughout Bonnie Springs.

I will tell you what you never realize how hard it is till you are up in front of that camera and you have no choice but to make it work lol. I do feel that others could have been a bit more cooperative. If your going to use my society to promote the ranch then put a link or our logo in your video. I mean honestly with that much staff around they should have given our team drinks at the saloon or something ya know lol?

I did a lot of things on film though that had to be done like if you look in the school house window people say you see apparitions or the merry go round spins. I went right up to the window looked in and smiled hahahaha:) it was good stuff believe me. I just wish they had provided me with the film because then I could clip some of this. I tried to throw a bit of humor into the film. Although I didn't see any ghost at the School I thought I seen one towards the back of the Opera House.

Its funny how I am more skeptical of people then I am the ghost but in the past people have tried to make money off me therefore I have almost shut my doors to all people in general. On a cool note anybody who volunteered was able to walk around this haunted tourist attraction...those that helped with it get credit....and the lady who volunteered her boyfriend might have a job this October with the lighting at the haunted attraction they are putting in so in a way such projects open up new doors for anybody who gets involved with our society. The main thing with this is that all of us were able to explore places that most never get to see.

I took over two hours of EVP recordings last night, dozens of photos, and we have full video on the entire investigation which ill probably never get to see. The photos I had taken while being filmed so that was kind of hard to work around with. Sometimes though we get good ghost photos sometimes we get nothing its the chance you take.

I would have liked to have been sent a copy of the film done by Hysteria City Studios of the shadow moving in the backstage area of the Opera House. I noticed there were boards creaking and footsteps inside which makes me believe that this second investigations most haunted locations within Bonnie Springs was this once bustling structure where music played and drama transpired.

I was so glad to get my cowboy hat off hahaha I threwthat in the car and said to myself good riddens:) Lord Rick Paranormal Cowboy lmao:) it was a pretty good investigation it would have been better if I had a team with me its hard I do everything the films, evp, photos, readings, driving etc etc on my own so I did with what I had to make it work.

I always give my friends and my fans an inside look at how my life is as a Paranormal Investigator. People have no idea how hard it is or the sacrifices you must make. Allot of people think finding ghost is cool but they are real and it is a serious thing what we do. If Bonnie Springs truly wanted to make this work then they should have listened to me because the place is becoming extremely deplorable based on my investigation and finds.

Bonnie Springs has always intrigued me its the only springs in miles with water in the desert. Its a pretty place with a lot of history. I was glad at least to do an investigation you as members could see from our website updates. It really was more of a documentary and ghost tour live on film rather then an actual PGS investigation. If it was a PGS investigation id be climbing the mountain in back of the ghost town which is hell of spooky lol. I always thought those mountains were spooky I have talked to people who have seen strange eyes watching them, UFO's, glowing lights etc. Bonnie Springs sits at the base of these Red Rock mountains so its not just the town site that is eerie but what lays beyond the Springs.

Anyhow that was about it high winds, shutters banging, equipment failures etc my motion sensor went crazy in the Wax Museum just odd real odd. We have no explanation as to why the camera cut out nothing wanted to work right in the opera house.

I was going to put this up prior to Halloween on our website but after how they treated me not even giving me tickets to their haunted house forget it. Ill put it up after things settle on down or a few years from now. I will not promote or advertise for someone if they are not going to do the same for me. On a good note they told me that people will associate me for my face since I was the first to investigate this place whatever that means.

So that is my story I am sticking to it and  its going on the site....people can watch the film only if you go to the haunted house apparently as they wont send it to me so I can put it on youtube for our fans.  It is ashamed because all of you have a right to watch the film its just as much as me. 

I spent allot of time on the investigation trying to debunk things rather then say hey that bird flapping inside the restaurant is a ghost or that shutter banging is the paranormal. I know allot of groups would boost their ratings by playing along but that's just not me. If the right elements are there at Bonnie Springs then sure there can be ghost to bust but with all the people and screwing around going on forget it.

The activity here was pretty mild heard a little bit of talking, foot steps, a few cold spots...pretty typical of any historical site investigation I have done. Its possible they will bring me back for other projects Id like to spend the night here alone I need to able to do this a certain way really less people...less lights...etc I do think though you will enjoy the work put into all of this. I worked so hard at all of it and hope that they will change there mind about my offer but I doubt it people never see the things I see and its just the truth. I always look at things on parallel levels and sometimes I see people do things that make me wonder lol. Its like wait a second here you want my help or don't you do not ask for it then not take it. I could have brought in 1000's of dollars in revenue here now half of there attractions are closed so not my problem.

The only thing that I wish I could have done was gotten into the basement of the Opera House...and jumped off the roof where they have a mattress below. I could have pretended like I was shot and fell off hahaha yeah craziness I know and for my 420 fans you know I toked one secretly just for you:) think about it Rock Stars do there performances baked only difference is I perform at the Paranormal. I really wish that since they gave me permission to investigate that I could have gotten into the more hidden areas of Bonnie Springs.

So that is pretty much it we didn't pick up on anything with the EMF although I did notice when nobody was looking it went red for a  few seconds. This place is so awesome to walk around in at night bet the security guard at the gate has some stories to tell even. I know most of the employees do and some of them have been spooked while working here after dark.

I just cannot believe that I was told a few days ago and asked if I would mind some other group doing séance's in October for some money I was like I don't care as long as I run the tours. Then right before the film I get told now that other groups are going to do the ghost tours along with me its like whatever just pissed me the hell off like this is a game.

Then they try to read me and tell me they know what I am thinking. Its like yeah I am thinking that Bonnie Springs wants to use me and not take me serious. I would have more luck giving tours at a gas station then trying to bring forth my ideas at Bonnie Springs. I know I sound bitter but I honestly felt things could have been handled better. I mean I told them they should do ghost tours at night then all of sudden they want to bring in all these ghost tour groups. I am a hands on paranormal investigator not a tour guide people want to get tours from those who are in the field not those who walk around dressed up like they are from the 1800's. Its like lets skip the small talk and get us some ghost.

We do not own a bus to take people out to some ghost town....we do not perform séances....we do not just care about money either as were not out to sham the public. If people read this I really do not care my members have a right to know how I was treated. I do what's right and over the many years of running www.paranormalghostsociety.org
  I know what they are doing is not right I just know it. I feel like they are making a joke out of this and it upsets me on so many levels. Its like either you want us to sponsor your ghost tours and work with me or not. I brought some ideas to the table was cut of out it. I offered to volunteer I was shafted. I spent a couple hours filming the documentary same thing never received a copy. I brought them a contract they wouldn't sign on it. Nothing is worst then dealing with a bunch of bullshitters!

Anyhow in two weeks I got a great investigation coming up....in two weeks after that I will be visiting the gateway to hell and then we have to get ready for the October Season.

Jennifer kind of seen the BS going on and told me a beer sounds good and I cannot agree more with her on it. Her BF gets a job with the lighting there meanwhile I get told that people will put my face to all of this. Nobody knows who I am without being able to give tours or if they do not put in the film credits to who we are. I was promised the video would go up on youtube and it didn't I seen some other ghost group with the producer walking around in a dark video but not any of the work I did. I also was promised allot of other things and I guess its my fault for not walking out after I noticed the production crew didn't show up and they wouldn't bend on anything with me when I brought them the release.

Anyhow...Happy Labor day remember not to drink and drive. Toke all you want but be responsible when drinking more accidents occur on this day almost then anytime of year on the road!  Until next time we will keep on track with our quest for the truth!

Lord Rick aka AngelOfThyNight
Author, Producer and Talk Show Host

Within the Opera House is a secret hatch that I found during the investigation. Everyone tried to get it open till they realized that it secured with screws. I did have a screw driver in my bag but the owner and producer at the time gave up on the idea of pushing on further. I am willing to bet its been years since anyone has been down underneath the Opera House and Id had love during the film to have pursued this further to see where it would have led.  If you listen to our audio page you can hear a clip of us talking about the hatch while filming.


This is the best EVP ABOVE or ghostly evidence I captured on this investigation. At about the 3 and 4 second market an unknown voice comes through close to the recorder whispering two words. You can hear the producer and myself joke around then after we laugh this EVP comes through. Generally we do not need to gather much evidence to prove a place is haunted. All we generally need is one solid EVP and this my friends is the gold!


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Although we do not require it we ask that each viewer donates leisurely or subscribes therefore we ask that you take the time to gift us even if its minimal. All proceeds go towards the cost to maintain our site, equipment, gear and other services. For years we have taken our donations and applied them towards many of the trips that you see visible on our site. We know that times are tough so we are not asking you to go broke donating to our cause therefore donate leisurely when you can. On an average PGS spends more then we ever receive from the volunteer work that we do. Our equipment does often break down due to the elements and more then often it needs dire replacement. Please use the donate button to gift The Paranormal & Ghost Society when its at your convenience or if you prefer to gift us yearly you can do so using the subscribe button. As a Gold or Platinum member YOU WILL recieve a copy of AngelOfThyNight Radio on disc which contains hours of stand up comedy, bloopers, entertainment and various paranormal topics. The more seasons we perform the more episodes you will recieve on disc. Since we are a nonprofit group there is no monetary gain even if you donate a dollar a month we thank you for your support and loyalty. I want our viewers to know the hardwork that comes with our explorations which go all the way from dangerous expeditions to being broken down in the desert. We have been a reputable Paranormal Group for over ten years and our work has been legendary. What promise will future years hold for us?  Find out and help support our cause united as one not because we are asking but because we need your friendship and love for what we do within our society to contineously improve our explorations and services. We THANK each and everyone one of you for your membership with us! 

If you have any questions you can email us at AngelOfThyNight@aol.com or if you prefer to donate using via postal mail contact us for our Po Box. If you wish  to donate using paypal you can can do so at  Their are no refunds so we ask that if you are a member of our society or you are gifting The Paranormal & Ghost Society that this is something you are serious about and want to do even if its a one red cent.  Once we recieve donations we apply them immediately towards the website cost, equipment and our budget immediately.  AngelOfThyNight and The Paranormal & Ghost Society is a volunteer service composed of our staff who continues to bring our viewers this free site and its services voluntarily. It is important for our viewers to play some involvement with our funding so that we can continue to do so for many more years to come.

"Over 10 Years Of Upstanding Paranormal Eloquence & Service"

Mib, conspiracy, time travel, spectres, Armageddon, prophets, prophecy, paranormal, ghosts, aliens, haunted houses, Cryptozoology, dimensions, apocalypse, Atlantis, curses, monsters, wild man, yeti, cemetery, stigmata, vampyre, vampires, angels, bizarre, metaphysics, Atlanta, Louisiana, Myrtle Beach, planet x, mothman, jersey devil, apparitions, werewolf, werewolves, devils, vortexes, Bermuda triangle, lycanthropes, mystery, ancient, spirits, cydonia, mythology, Charlotte, Atlanta ,Mobile, possession, possess, mailing list, parapsychology, poltergeist, evp, investigation, crop circles, Roswell, abduction, project blue book, living dinosaurs, religious miracles, NY, sightings, north Carolina, south, brown mountain, cleansing, shadowmen, beast, ogopogo, death, portals, spontaneous human combustion, zombies, Ouija boards, nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, art bell, George Nooray, Magick, Paganism, Wicca, Tennessee, Halloween, bigfoot, Sasquatch, ufo, grays, ufos, vortexes, alien, hybrids, Hauntings, demons, demonology, occult, Magick, mystics, lochness, chupacabras, equipment, Thermal, EMF, Cassadaga, energy, asteroid ,civil war, spooky, scary, adventure, ectoplasm, orbs, graveyards, demons, spirits, cults, buffalo, new York, ghost society, logo wear, equipment, books, videos, music, certification, Castles, Forts, fortean, phenomena, nonprofit ,business, investigations, SHC, EMF, ghost hunting, organization, conventions, hollow earth, paranormal & ghost Society, detector, posters, mailboxes, donate, Buffalo, X-files, Ectoplasm, Magick, spells, Wicca, paganism, holy, cross, Armageddon, NWO, Patriot, 911, September 11th, tours, Cryptid, ghost lights, dinosaurs, Florida, Fl, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, St. Augustine's, Debary, Miami, Tampa bay, Sarasota, Pensacola, NASA, Cape Canaveral, Space Coast, space shuttle, gulf breeze, key west, Sanford, port orange, Ormond beach, New Smyrna, Orlando, Disney world, Tallahassee, Stetson university, panama city, Alabama, Georgia, Savannah, New Orleans, Cocoa Beach, Ocala, plantations, Fort Lauderdale, Melbourne, Naples, Lake Wales, grim reaper, everglades, Seminoles, big cats, Fort Myers's. Petersburg, Lakeland, Gainesville, West Palm Beach, bike week, spring break, Deland, Deltona, Orange City, weird, strange, bizarre, mysterious, rituals, skunk ape, adventure, ships, Bermuda triangle, ghost pirates, ball lightening, Elves, Fairies, Faeries, Dwarves, Mystical, Mystify, Port Orange, Edgewater, Clear Water, FSU, Abandoned, Buildings, Stories, New Age, Occult, Paganism, Tours, Ghost walks, Cydonian, Pyramids, Ancient, Dead, Soul, Spiritual, Metaphysical, Aura, Tarot, Naples, Key West, Ever Glades, Kissimmee, Sanford, Orange City, Volusia County, WNY, Asylum, Entity, Entities, Comet, Space, Ponce Inlet, Dimensions, Mist, Fog, Horror, Radio, Television, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Magic, pubs, castles, churches, bars, tracks, exorcism, October, Books, Posters, Lake Helen, Fort Lauderdale, Psychic, Gargoyles, Crystal Skulls, Champ, Mutation, Miracles, Virgin Mary, Prehistoric, Historical, Being, Men In Black, Visitors, Mailing List, Mounds, Astronauts, Beam, Reptilian, Dolce, Specters, Bell Witch, Warlock, Shadowman, Palm Beach, Tallahassee, Holly Hill, Miami, Winter Park, Global Warming, Contrails, Chemtrails, Flagler, Homestead, Emerald Coast, Fort Myers, Fort Walton Beach, Naples, Punta Gorda, Birmingham, Decatur, Dothan, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Columbus, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Sumter, Athens, Raleigh Durham, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, Shreveport, Bossier City, Greenville, Onslow, Piedmont Triad, Hampton Roads, Huntington - Ashland Area, Huntsville Area, Idaho Falls - Pocatello Area, Indianapolis, Iowa City, Jackson, MI, Jackson, MS, Jackson, TN, Jacksonville, Jefferson County, Johnstown - Altoona, Johnstown, Jonesboro, Joplin, Joplin - Pittsburg, Juneau, Kansas City, Knoxville, La Crosse, Lafayette Area, Lafayette, IN, Lafayette, LA, Lake Charles, Lansing - East Lansing, Lansing Metro, Laredo, Las Cruces, Las Vegas, Lawton, Lehigh Valley, Lewiston - Auburn, Lexington, Lima, Lincoln, Little Rock, Little Rock - Pine Bluff Area, Long Island, Longview, Los Angeles, Louisville, Lubbock, Lynchburg Area, Madison, Madison Metro, Mankato Area, Marquette, Memphis, Merced, Meridian, Michiana, Milwaukee, Missoula, Mobile, Mobile Pensacola Area, Monroe, Monterey Bay Area, Montgomery, Myrtle Beach Area, Naples, Nashville, National, New Orleans, New York, North Central Ohio, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Northeastern South Carolina, Northern Alabama, North Jersey, North Platte Area, Northwest Alabama, Northwest Arkansas Area, Northwest Arkansas, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Onslow County, Opelika Auburn, Orange County, Orlando, Ottumwa - Kirksville, Owensboro, Palm Springs Area, Pensacola, Peoria - Pekin, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Piedmont Triad, Pine Bluff, Pittsburgh, Portland, OR, Portland, Portsmouth Rochester, Presque Isle Area, Providence, Pueblo, Punta Gorda, Quad Cities, Quincy - Hannibal - Keokuk, Raleigh Durham, Rapid City, Redding - Chico, Redding, Red River Valley, Reno, Richland - Kennewick Area, Richmond, Rio Grande Valley Area, Roanoke, Rochester, MN, Rochester, NY, Rock County, Rockford, Sacramento, Saginaw - Bay City - Midland, Salt Lake City, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Savannah Area, Scranton Wilkes Barre, Seattle, Sharon, Shenandoah Valley, Sherman - Denison, Shreveport - Bossier City, Shreveport, LA Area, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, South Bend, Southeastern North Carolina, Southern Colorado, Southern Maine, Southern Oregon, Southern Washington Area, Southern West Virginia, South Florida, Southwestern Indiana, Southwest Florida, Southwest Georgia, Spokane, Springfield Area, Springfield - Decatur - Danville, Springfield, MO, Springfield, State College, Steubenville - Weirton, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Sumter, Syracuse, Tallahassee Area, Tampa Bay, Terre Haute, Texarkana, Toledo - Findlay Metro, Toledo, Topeka Area, Tri - Cities, Tri - State Area: KY - IL - MO, Tucson - Sierra Vista, Tulare County, Tulsa, Tuscaloosa, Twin Cities, Twin Falls Area, Tyler Area, Tyler, Utica - Rome, Victoria, Waco, Washington, DC, Waterloo Cedar Falls, Watertown Area, Wausau - Rhinelander Area, West Central Ohio, West Central Wisconsin, Western Carolina - NW Georgia, Western North Carolina, West Palm Beach, West Texas, Wheeling - Steubenville Metro, Wheeling, Wichita Falls & Lawton, Wichita Falls, Wichita & Western Kansas, Williamsport, Yakima, Youngstown - Warren, Yuma, Zanesville, Altamonte Springs, Crescent City, Eustis, Hollywood, Leesburg, Jupiter, Neptune Beach, New Port Richey, Lake Wales, Lake Mary, Titusville, St Cloud, Santa Rosa, Palmetto, Vero Beach, St. Petersburg, Baton Rouge, Meridian, Jackson, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Gulfport, Seminole, Bordin Booger, Panama City, Goblyn, Ghouls, Loch Ness, Nessie, Bessie, Selkies, Mermaids, Sirens, Kraken, Dragons, Plesiosaur, Loveland Frog, Sprites, Seljord serpent, Exmoor Beast, Big Cats, Lake Normon, Lake Bala, Cressie, Alkali, Illiamna Lake Monster, Cressie, Nyami Nyami, Masbate, Ponik, Chessie, Selma, Tacoma Sea Serpent, Storsie, Cadborsaurus, Lake Utopia, Gloucester, Lake Tianchi Monster, Tessie, Mokele-Mbembe, Mongolian Death Worm, Impakta,Orang-Pendek,Owlman, Easter Island, Olifiau Monster of Flatwoods, Big Bird, Tatzelwurm, GOATMAN OF MARYLAND , BEAST OF BODMIN MOOR, Kaptar, Biabin-guli, Grendel, Ferla Mohir, Brenin Ilwyd, Ngoloko, Kikomba, Gin-sung, Yeti, Mirygdy ,Mecheny, Chinese Wildman, Nguoi Rung, SPRING HEELED JACK, Pressie, Hardin, White River, Parapsychology, Elves, Bennington Triangle, Marfa Lights, OBE, Astral, Enigma, Urban Exploration, Tunnels, Caves, Gaia, earth, healing, new age, runes, goddess, covens, Asatru, Asatruar, Druid, Druidism, Druidry, Druids, Odian, Odianism, Odians, Odin, Odinism, Odinist, Odinists, Santeria, Santerian, Santerians, Setian, Setianism, Setians, Strega, Stregheria, Wicca, Wiccans, Witch, Witchcraft, Witches, Pagan, Paganism, Neo-Pagan, Neo-Paganism,Neo-Pagans, poetry, cats, faerie, fairy, faeries, elements, occult, metaphysics, reiki, alchemy, shaman, Shaman, Shamanism, Celtic, Native American, Norse, tarot, divination, circle, fellowship, Samhain, Yule, Imbolic, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnassah, Mabon, crystals, nature, moon, mythology, sabbat, chants, dragons, tantra, singles, dating, willow, fire, Isis, gothic, renaissance, numerology, astrology, Rite, Rites, altar, Mysticism, brews, Deity, Talisman, Voodoo, charms, Bos, Diana, Hecate, Astarte, Kali, Fey, Pan, Loki, Totems, Spirit Guide, psychic, Angels, white, Sacred, Green, Aura, Elementals, mage, magic, Solstice, Equinox, Palm Reading, Charms, Deity, Invocations, Thermal Detector, Radiological, Ion, Video Cameras, Micro cassette Player, Centaurs, Cerebral Anoxia, Clairoleofactor, Clairvoyance, Cosmology, Cryptomnesia, Abductee, Aigypan, Alchemy, Animism, Automatic Writing, ESP, Daemon, Deja Vu, Dematerialization, Demonology, Discarnate Spirits, Disembodied, Doppelganger, Dowsing, EEG or Electro-encephalography, Empathy, Gaus, Banshee, Basilisk, Body Snatcher, Bunyip, CA, Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, Chico, Lake Tahoe, Jackson, California, Research, Myspace, Bands, Music, Electronics, Suvival Gear, Protection, Adult, Amazson, EBAY, MYSPACE, Gothic, Rock, New Age, Alternative, Punk, Amibent, Electronic, England, France, Paris, Australia, Trains, Mine, Radio, AngelOfThyNight, Dark, Cursed, Sin City, Canyon, Desert, Mojave, Adsense, Google, Best Buy, Flashlight, EMF, Energy, Cult, Church, Nightfall Radio, Tagged, Yahoo, Messenger, Prophet, God, Godlike, Dark Matter, Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada's, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Markleeville, Woodfords, Carson City, Carson Valley, Indian Hills, Sparks, Reno, Fernley, Dayton, Truckee, Fredericksberg, Ranchos, Genoa, Kingsbury,Fallon, Washoe, Pleasant Valley,Silver Springs, Silver City, Gold Hill, Virginia City, Moundhouse, Empire, Dresslerville, Smith Valley, Yerington, Wellington, Sacramento,Stockton, Sonora, Angels Camp, Placerville, Folsom Lake, Topaz Lake,Forest Hill, Alpine, Douglas County, Philips, Nebelhorn, Wadsworth, Patrick, Meyers, Columbia, Jamestown, Churchhill, Lyon County, El Dorado County, Amador County,Placer County and Storey County