The cemetery opened in 1849 and was that of a parish one. However some burials did start back in the 1830s thus making it one of older cemeteries in the Lackawanna NY area. In 1853 the cemetary was expanded by 40 acres. Alot of the graves have irish immigrants of those who built the Erie canal, railroads, steel mills, grain elevators in the buffalo area. Some well known disasters happened where many were sent here such as 700 victims from the flu epidemic back in 1918 or the men from 1880 wallpaper factory fire. Father Baker who started homes of charity, Baker Victory, OVL hospital, and  Our Lady of Victory Basilica which gets around 10000 visitors roughly a year, plus many other services died and was buried here. Holy Cross then became a Diocesan Cemetery back in 1938. Holy Cross is around 200 acres with over 130000 laid to rest. Father baker was later named into saint hood and was mo! ved from holy cross into the Basilica. The strange thing about it was his body showed no signs of decay over the years. As far as it being haunted it may be very well yes its old, has had a saint buried there, and still has many something strange in the air about it.
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