Date:  Sat Aug 31, 2002  4:02 am
Subject:  Tonight's Report On Our Investigation.....

Well i must say it was one of them nights. We arrived at the ship and its a beauty however in all disappointment it was not the same ship that was parked there a year ago. This ship though was the Aquarama and it was completely sealed off we seen a tug boat next to it with the light on so we assume the tug boat goes around to the other side to get in. This ship is a monolith i mean the length of it and size is unbelievable for a lake ship. I took a few photos. We may still go back there but what we may need is Jeff and i came to conclusion about is a fastening belt with the repelling metal loops. There is metal ropes extended out from the ships hull onto the pier if we can fasten ourselves we can climb and pull ourselves up diagonally i tried and was able to hang up side down on the metal ropes they lead right to the one lower deck on the ship so yes if we go back that's how we can get on. We will get on that i do know there is always a way:) as far the rest of our investigation we ended up finishing up the holy cross cemetery and the one across the street from it. All in all it was interested the one cemetery i seen ALOT of orbs bright reds, blues, yellows they would sometimes blink then disappear. We went back into holy cross after last weeks charade of people trying to break in and us not getting many Pics well this time we went back tonight to get plenty of photos so everybody can see what we experienced:) i do admit it was an odd experience i would whistle then hear something in the distance, at one time i seen an orb shoot down from a tree, Then at one point i felt a cold spot visit us when sitting down at the other cemetery. One thing i learned in this field the quieter the cemetery the better the photos. I did notice as we were walking we would hear branches break behind us i think anything there would probably keep its distance. We also had alot of fun trying to get up a steep hill near some abandoned tracks we went up one side ended up in someone's backyard went back down lol and went up a steeper slope which i slid on my stomach and could not make it up lol but yet i can do a 8 foot long jump and climb steal ropes lol. The funniest thing that happened tonight though was Jeff seen 2 deer in the cemetery at first i thought he spotted something of the paranormal but it turned out to be mother nature:) so in closing we probably will not return to this cemetery till next year but when we get the website up will share the photos.

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From:  "Jeff"
Date:  Sat Aug 31, 2002  12:17 pm

Just as Rick deposed...the bulkhead door was shut -_- We are not going to let that stop us though.  All in all it was a night with a lot of walking. Since we could not gain on the Bayliner we took up the time at Holy Cross cemetery as well as the one down the road a bit across from the old K-Mart.  <lol> I thought I was seeing things until I noticed that it was a deer walking by us about 100 feet away. <hehe> highlight is what would an investigation be with out some comedy right? <lmao> Well...some folks just are not sure footed...enough to say "3 times a charm"? <hehe> of course watching Rick trying to negotiate the side of this hill brought back memories of when you were laughing so hard about something you just could not move and the goofy looks on your faces made you laugh to the point of crying? Well...I just watch Rick go up the hill...stop...and the moment he stopped I knew he was coming back down again...even to the point where he slid right past me with this goofy look on his face and I suppose I could have just reached out and stop him but, I was laughing way to hard to even move. <i'm swelling tears laughing about it now>

It perspective though...that is the best part for me. You need something to smile about down the road when your talking and you can say to your friend "remember when....."