Holland Road also known as Pigman's Road caught my interest when many folks would write me telling me I should check into it and see what I think about it. Also I would read many stories and urban legends about this place so definitely it caught my eye. The road runs for about a mile and is surrounded by at least 2 miles of thick woods with rolling hills. If you are lucky you might be able to see 20 feet back into the woods so its a fairly secluded area. There is at least 4 tunnels all fairly near each other. Two tunnels go under train tracks while the other 2 are for Big Sister Creek which go into the hill side. The area is very eerie and dangerous and let that be known for the people who go up there alone at night or go up there to drink.

There are many stories told about the road. One of them is about a man called the Pigman; this man would place the heads of pigs and put them on wooden stakes in his front yard to keep the trespassers away. Apparently some boys got a little curious and the Pigman chopped there heads off put them on stakes and hung the 3 bodies from the smaller train bridge from one of the beams. The town and locals found out about this and killed him. The foundation is supposed to be somewhere near the road today however so far we have not found it due to how dark it is out there.

The whole area is very strange it is rumored there is a cult who worships the Pigman and of course you can tell many go up there to drink and dump perhaps junk, bodies, other things??? Some people have claimed to be chase by a half pig half man like beast when walking on the road perhaps something more demonic more or less? Some of the old tunnels are spray painted and very few cars come down the road. Some of the cars will beep there horns and people will shout things our there windows. 

It is said that a train wreck occurred here this I heard from a few people. The wreck killed over 40 people right near the longer train tunnel. Therefore we have to speculate that the area has some sort of residual residue. I find that most of the time when an area has many different stories that their is some truth of something unexplained occurring here.

 I find the area dangerous none the less simply because the road is single lane, cars speed down the curves, and if you are caught walking in the tunnel and a car is speeding you have nowhere to go since the tunnels are very narrow. Most cars you will not see or hear till they come fast around the corner. But the area gave me mixed vibes you could feel that something was not right and there seems to be much negativity here I just cannot pinpoint one area since the whole road is very discomforting. Below I have added a story by the author Mason Winfield a little something he wrote about the train wreck that occurred here. It seemed to be quite a horrifying experience reading about how over 40 plus people were steamed alive in the tragedy.

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The Angola Train Disaster of 1867 
              Tragedy struck Angola on December 18, 1867, when the worst 
   railroad accident in the history of Erie County occurred on the Lake 
   Shore Railroad. The train, made up of three first-class coaches, a 
   smoking car, and two baggage cars, was eastbound and due in Buffalo 
   at 1:30 P.M. Several hundred yards beyond the Angola depot as the 
   train was approaching the bridge over Big Sister Creek, the rear coach 
   loosened an axle, worked it- self from the rails, and pulled off the 
   coach just in front of it. The rear car broke loose and went plunging 
   down the bank to the creek below. 
            The second car almost reached the far end of the wooden span when 
   its coupling was torn loose, and it also went rolling down the bank 
   resting on its side. In this car were two pot-bellied coal stoves used 
   for heating, and both of them were thrown among the victims. Almost 
   immediately the wreckage caught fire. By the time water could be brought 
   from a nearby farm house it was too late. Fifty persons died in the 
   fire of this coach; three managed to crawl out. 
           The first coach, which had broken in two, also caught fire; but 
   the flames were extinguished before they caused much suffering. There 
   were forty casualties here and one death. Doctors, many from Buffalo, 
   plus large supplies of medicines were rushed to the scene of the 
   "Angola Horror" to do all that was possible to relieve the suffering. 

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In midwinter 1867 a train with four passenger cars was heading east for Buffalo on the tracks that went roughly alongside the old Lakeshore Road. It was behind schedule and running hard. About a third of a mile past the Angola station (by a bridge over something called "Big Sister Creek") a freaky wheel came to a crack in the track, and the last two cars went crazy. One of them thrashed around and was outwardly destroyed, but it killed only one person, someone who was pitched half-out a gash in the roof which then suddenly closed up due to pressure on another part of the car.

The other car - heated by woodstoves at either end - seems to have hung off the tracks and sandwiched its contents between the now detached stoves, a horrible pressure-cooker. Its forty-plus passengers were steamed like lobsters. The sketches of the town morgue with its unrecognizable bodies are truly ghastly.

By Mason Winfield