Bethel cemetery was a very special investigation for me since it was the first one I encountered that resembled a NY style cemetery here in Deland. Perhaps it is the giant trees which twist and turn unlike most cemeteries here this one does not have any palms I was actually so excited to have just a moment back in time seeing what I believe were maple and oak trees. The cemetery is not very large roughly 100 stones rumors also of many unmarked burials reside here.  The condition is very poor many stones are worn, tilted, broke and even the fence that surrounds it suffers a ripple effect. The cemetery sits in a more rural area however a street light causes the cemetery to green and red so it really is hard to focus unless you are in the back of it which is full of giant banana spider webs connecting to various trees.

The cemetery is very family orientated it seems like there are at least 32 family plots here the biggest being the Marsh Family. One of the first burials here I believe was Mary Marsh which later became Alexander after marriage. She was buried here in 1883. I also believe she was the daughter of Ruben Marsh which was the first confederate civil war soldier which was laid to rest here in 1908. Another confederate soldier buried here was  William A Finney both stones are similar and a flag sits near them both as reminders of the war. But its not just the confederate soldiers that interest me its the fact that there are at least 5 soldiers from WWI and WWII. But walking around the cemetery you will see stones with various engravings such as "Together Forever", "Let not your heart be troubled", and "She had a Zest for life" for example.

Is Bethel haunted? Well there is a lot of mixed feelings here I had on my first investigation feelings like being watched, coldness like something was behind me, a rod of energy zipping past me, and other little things which tend to have caught my attention. I believe that much more remains to be seen here and I am pretty sure that the cemetery is very well watched by our soldiers of the past.

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