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 Post subject: My Exploration Of Lone Mountain Today....
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:19 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
Posts: 944
Location: Las Vegas, NV
I am not sure where I come up with these ideas but I felt the urge last night to want to go exploring something that is a landmark in the Las Vegas area so I chose Lone Mountain. I use to laugh when driving near it was always saying what is the deal with that little mountain all by itself. It is not so little when you climb it though or when you are at the base thinking wow.

All these locations we are doing will benefit our site in the future so the content is important as much as its relevance to the area. I did some research on some locations and thought if General Fremont could climb this mountain why not Lord Rick. I seen a map of the area the other day noticed the mountain had a few medium hiking trails on the north end but then read on another site you need ropes and climbing equipment. So I was like which is it because when you pull up to a giant mountain the first thing you want to do is get to the top no matter how you do it lol.

So this morning woke up sneezer was staring at me I was like sorry boy cant bring you on this one lol. I packed up some drinks.....gathered a few things....took the boys off to school and off I went for Lone Mountain. The sun would get hot very quick their was a few scattered clouds though so I wanted to use some of the shade to my advantage.

I was pretty eager to get some good photos of this location but its not just the strange that matters its the fact of trying to bring beauty in the form of photography. I would have to work extremely hard had no idea what I got myself into but I ended up spending hours at this location.

I parked at Lone Mountain Discovery Park...its strange how many of the houses reach the base of this mountain. Of course living on the back side might be more beneficial and cooler. But I thought it was cool how the park sits in front of the mountain.

So I left the car to traverse on my adventure was not even sure where the road might lead or how I would climb this. Lone Mountain has many cliffs, steep inclines, small ledges and if you do not take the trail you better be a professional rock climber at least that is what I assessed when I stood in front of it thinking to myself in my head all the different ways I could climb the cliffs. I was processing over 50 thoughts a second thinking to that ledge pull myself up....climb up a crevice then cut up to the peak etc

It was fun trying to figure out this as I was walking through the park. People were playing tennis...I left the back gate of the park started my hike up a gravel road. I took this road which started to cut into the mountain in a canyon sort of. Eventually when the road ended there was a trail with just a bunch of rocks, dead cactuses and plants. I could see a few private places on the mountain where people had thrown beer bottles, spray painted the walls of the rock, and partied. Hell maybe sometime Ill come back here to party be a nice view of the lights at night.

A lot of little pebbles around which is bad because I was wearing deck shoes with holes in the bottom and so tread. Its all I got so my concern was losing traction and falling to my death. So I had to make sure I used my upper body strength to hold on at all cost.

The thing is that I arrived here and wanted to go go go before the sun became to hot. I did not have time to walk around the entire mountain to find a walking path or easy way up. I just had to go straight up and hope for the best. Back in the day when I use to explore the Kinzua area in PA I could grab trees going up mountains and slide down a mountain on leaves which I call ass sledding you can go easily 1000 feet on your ass. But out in the desert its all about stamina, skill, strength, caution, and sometimes even equipment. If you do not like heights do not look down and if you want to be a great climber you have to push on do not think just do it so I thought it out well the further I walked away from the car and stuck to it.

I hiked a quarter way up found a collapsed cave you could tell at one time it went further back. I went inside of it. I noticed way up towards the peak another hold that looked like it went back. Some of these areas are almost impossible to reach.

After this I had to climb up some more but on all fours I banged my camera it was NOT working. I was getting mad as the shutter would not close the zoom was stuck I banged my camera a few times and pow the damn thing starting working again hahaha good thing the camera is covered under warranty for the next 3 years. One part of it was still sticking a little but by the time I took more photos it started working proper. PGS camera repair service send your cameras to the Lord he shall fix them lol.

The terrain started to get rough fast that steep dirt trail was turning into ridges, rocks, and small little climbing paths. To my right I had a part of Lone Mountain...straight ahead it became steeper and to my left a giant canyon with more of Lone Mountain on the other side.

As I almost arrived half way I found another cavern I climbed about 8 feet up holding on to peak my head over to the ledge. Snapped a photo it looked like it also was collapsed inside. I dared not to climb onto the ledge because getting down 10 feet would mean jumping on a steep slope which then might roll me over a cliff.

All I could do at this point is keep climbing up not knowing the consequences I continued and put all that I learned to a test this morning. I started to climb rocks one after another up the side of the mountain. I had a very steep wall and cliff to my right I was so close I did not know how high the peak was or how far I even had to go just had to keep climbing.

When I almost was about at the halfway point I cut to my right and noticed a gigantic crevice. It was obvious that I would need ropes to get up to the top. I stood in front of this cut into the mountain it was steep almost an up and down incline. I started grabbing edges of rocks keeping my feet sideways and ended up in a little area almost surrounded by rocks.

In front of me was a crevice but it was very wide making it almost impossible to climb you definitely would need rope and gear for this. I stood in front of the crevice looking straight up. I noticed a cave almost a 100 feet up on an over hang. You could see the rock overhanging above the cave and a hold leading into the mountain.

I had to be real careful behind me was what you call a deadly roll so I dared not climb back down instead I slowly worked my away along this ledge soon what was behind me was nothing but a drop off just a straight sheer drop off. I almost lost footing I had to learn how to climb these rocks they were different most of them were very sharp hard to grip....while some rock within the mountain had little edges protruding for me to put my foot sideways on for stability.

I slowly was working my way up the peak climbing the side of the mountain. For the entire other half of the mountain it would require full use of my hands every rock...every ledge...and a few times I looked behind thought wow if I let go there would only be one place for me to go which would be rolling like a ball in a steep descent will a final flight over the cliff that was a hundred feet behind me.

I was doing quite well grabbing ledges, jagged rocks, going up such steep inclines holding on for dear life. At times I would have to cut left...then go up...then cut all the way right cause some rocks were smooth some had nothing to grab onto. Sometimes I would take 10 steps then find a small rock along the edge to sit on moderatoring my progress.

I could not really see the peak but I could see one of Lone Mountains smaller peaks where I could stand on top for a bit to rest. I sat down for a bit drank my Gatorade popped 800mg my knee was not fending well on two occasions pain shot through it on one it gave out but I was grabbing on to one of the rock walls 3 limbs is better then none right? lol

The worst thing is that the sweat was dripping onto my glasses and into my eyes. I could not see that well I noticed later on when I took my sun glasses on off I had the lens coated with sweat. The sun was getting stronger I had to make it to the top or I would cook.

I reached a lower peak now the hard part would be another 50 to 100 feet cutting to my right going up a very steep slope. I would have more rocks to climb but towards the top there was a lot of loose rock I had to be more cautious.

When I reached almost the top I seen houses over the other end I knew I was at the top. It was an amazing feeling. My knee was bleeding and my hand got cut up because the rocks out here in the desert take on a lot of erosion so they often become very sharp like glass.

I stood on the peak perhaps in shock cause I looked over the west end and east end standing on this narrow peak thinking wow look at the drop off. I also worried about getting down because its easy to pull yourself up and to keep pushing till you have level ground....but going down if you get to much momentum or lose footing you can roll to your death going over cliff after cliff meaning death or a lot of broken bones.

At the peak was a female I thought to myself I am in heaven I thought maybe I died there for a second cause this woman could not hear me I coughed on purpose see if she would notice. I probably would have scared her cause the peak of Lone Mountain is not large at all its just a small narrow path with cliffs on either side and drop offs.

She kept walking then I knew the way down had to be a lot easier then up if I went in that direction. I know it would have startled her cause there is ONE trail that leads to the peak she would have probably thought wtf is this guy doing here behind me standing on the peak. I did not have repelling gear or ropes just my backpack and camera. I did notice hammered into one of the stones a giant stake the area where people use ropes is the area I came up from lol. So you can tell rock climbers have been here before but to be able to bring it to our members and others browsing our site is really great.

I took out my root beer chugged it down I was thirsty my Gatorade was out. In the desert you loose fluids as fast as you drink them this I am finding out with certain trips I take. At the top of Lone Mountain on a lower peak I noticed an American Flag blowing in the wind. All around me were drop offs I made a few movies at the peak to give you a Las Vegas tour it will go on youtube since we seem to be getting a lot of good positive feedback from our viewers there.

I took some photos from every end of the peak including some video when some man came up behind me an older guy. You could tell he was pretty tired he sat at the peak with me for a half hour never said a word. It looked like you could drive up the trail head and just take that the trail down to the lower peaks. I give the older guy credit even though there is a trail on the north end of the peak it is still steep and at some points has loose gravel and rocks to hop down onto.

Then another guy appeared we gave eachother the peace symbol he took one photo stayed for 5 minutes and went back down the trail. I was enjoying the view of Las Vegas was actually above the Stratosphere which is around 1,200 feet almost. The valley was full of smog and I had houses...parks....on every side. People and cars looked like ants so I knew I was high up. I had to be real careful on the peak walking in circles making videos. My car was VERY far away and the size of the size of a piece of rice maybe even smaller then that I knew I was far away and high up.

After I sparked one up to celebrate I decided it was time to head back. I noticed on the peak a lot of butterflies around me something you rarely see down in the Valley and I got bit by some red insect. It looked like a tick it hit my shoulder and stung me. I also seen a few yellow jacks flying around. The peak was perhaps very different then being at the bottom of the mountain. You could see Nellis Airforce Base, Spring Mountain Range, Red Rock Canyon, Discovery Park, The I-215, Thousands Of Houses again totally breathtaking view. You will see Las Vegas in a whole other light its like being in a world of your own.

I started my hike down this time no cliffs to climb down or ledges. Just a straight up advanced trail that twisted and turned the entire time down. I climbed down a few rocks it seemed part of the trail was naturally built into the mountain with rock. So I got to experience the mountain from two different perspectives and ends. I noticed on my upper right chest area a mark where I got stung or bit.

The sun was getting hotter as I slowly worked my way down the mountain. Once only once my shoes gave away and I slid almost lost it but regained control. Its like skiing on gravel with your shoes. But in the past up in CA I did not fend as well as today so I got footing real quick.

When I got almost down to the bottom their was still steep drop offs so I could not cut down either side. I found a bench sat down then afterwards opened a lime soda which btw was flat and got worst as I drank it in the hot sun. I was doing pretty well considering I was stoned I had a huge Shi$ eating grin on me. I was very proud of my exploration thinking to myself damn the things I get myself involved with.

I finally walked down a road that ran along the mountain it was a dirt one only for four wheelers maybe cars if you can get back here. I entered the park had warm drinking water from a fountain that shot its water about a HALF of an inch lol yeah FUN.

As I got the park I felt relief and I looked back following the mountain to take one last photo of the area that I climbed. You will not believe your eyes when I put out the photos it looks impossible but its not it can be done. I notice a lot of the canyons and mountains here look impossible but almost all of them can be climbed even the ones that look steep like Lone Mountain. I was not sure it was almost like a puzzle and in order to climb it you had to piece it all together.

The park had not a soul in it and I went to the discovery area to read all the different plaques about Las Vegas or rather points of interest...Valley Of Fire was Was the Red Rock area...the first casino..and one about the first white man in the valley. It was just a circular tour I read them all briefly not sure how much I absorbed of that information lol.

It was very hot I had no fluids arrived home....then had to run back out to pick up a birthday present for my son tomorrow along with a chocolate cake. I was walking around the store covered in red dust and dirt from brushing up against mountain walls and rocks.

By time I arrived almost back home I was so tired I stopped at BK drank 3 extra large orange fantas ate the biggest burger you could get and was thinking maybe all these lovely ladies will think I am a construction worker not an explorer or paranormal investigator lol. Can you imagine meeting some lady at BK and being like hey did you know that today I almost fell to my death, climbed a mountain, got stoned at the park, and drank soda smiling on the way down think about it not good trust me.

This exploration will debut on our site along with the videos I wanted to give all of you a special view from above Las Vegas. My camera is not fending to well but it will be okay for tomorrow nights paranormal investigation. I will be going alone unless I can start finding other people to help me out with it.

It is pretty ironic cause here in Vegas it hardly rains and after I left Lone Mountain its not dark clouds and its raining hard. I am sure if I was on top things would have gotten slippery but the shade would have been nice. I also think photos show up better with darker clouds.

I can see Lone Mountain from where I am staying right out in the driveway so I grabbed a photo with the storm clouds over it just to give you an idea. Its pretty strange to walk out your front door and then one morning be like hey kids have a great day at school daddy is going to stand on that mountain in a little awhile lol.

So that is my exploration I do feel that there are caves that reside in the mountain I seen many signs of this. Its a really great landmark worth every pain and even a few risk for the wonderful photos and video taken. Now its thunder storming out and I will work by having the Valley Of Fire onto our site in the next few hours still reviewing EVP taken up in that region Ill do that while working a nice London Broil for dinner tonight see that's why I live knowing I got a juicy steak waiting to be cooked ha. Anyhow this is my story this is my exploration of Lone Mountain. Flawless and Priceless! peace
Lord Rick

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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