I have decided to make the group meet for next week Wednesday since this week my son has open house and I want to meet with his teachers. Besides being busy running the entire show online I sometimes get busy offline to with so many things and this is one of them. If you are a part of our radio show, guest, member of our forums, myspace or facebook friends list then yes you are invited to show at the Las Vegas Rio's Voodoo Lounge.
Sometimes we have some pretty cool people show on up its free to get in and sits 52 stories above Vegas. I been now going a couple years I like it here always have and you will to. The meet starts at 7pm on Sept. 22nd come on out and have a good time.
Their are only a few meets left prior to our relocation so come on have some fun. Thanks and hope to see all your faces.
Lord Rick
http://www.paranormalghostsociety.org/l ... eetups.htm