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 Post subject: Any Thoughts On The China UFO....Now Hear My Thoughts:)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:00 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
If I did not talk about one of the biggest stories of the week a flying ship of some kind seen over an airport in China. This was a mass sighting seen by perhaps thousands and now that the videos hit us on the web we all get to speculate our thoughts collectively together.

Even if you try to relax most of us who believe just want the truth to come out. The fact is this aliens been visiting earth for thousands of years and somehow they are here again. With mass sightings such as the one in China you will see the end of an age and birth of another. If aliens exist then all other things exist to...Sasquatch, Lochness Monster and hell even the goddamn truth fairy.

But seriously when I seen the photos my thoughts were the object eminated allot of light and perhaps underneath mostly due to reentry into our atmosphere hence the amber colors. My other thoughts were maybe their is a bigger conspiracy nope not aliens but perhaps a government who has learned to test and experiment new air craft perhaps to see what kind of reaction this would cause around the world. That is control you see because fear makes people do things. Some will form alien cults eventually riots....then civil wars.....the end of some religions and the birth of a new era.

I watched a show on area 51 on how some came forth saying our very own military has a warehouse or many hangars with many craft that look like small flying ships some saucer shaped. I believe in aliens I know that I came real close and ill get allot closer in my future. These beings are a wealth of knowledge but how will the world react and will their be mass sightings elsewhere just ask yourselves that.

On our next radio show in two weeks I will cover this story LIVE. It has been an odd week for me. Did you know that when I went out to Alamo a dog appeared out of nowhere I hit it and next you know it jumped up at the drivers window showing its teeth at me growling. I laughed in a way because the same thing occurred two months ago same exact way a dog attacked my vehicle on the drivers side not once but twice.

So there you have it Alamo is cursed and its better to let the aliens probe you then to submit to uncle Sam winks:) now here is the video and article coverage.... ... t/93wjmvid and tell The Paranormal & Ghost Society what you think! Thanks for all those willing to give their opinions on the footage and coverage. Just remember 2012 is drawing near if alien life becomes known to the world it will rewrite history as we know it so final question is what is this? Looking forward to seeing and reading the replies.
Lord Rick

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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