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 Post subject: **NEW** Updates On Our Site "Austin Graveyards"
PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:56 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
Posts: 944
Location: Las Vegas, NV
**NEW** Updates On Our Site "Austin Graveyards" The Final Frontier........

The cemeteries you are about to see are said to be some of the finest in the silver state. Their are five sections to these burial ground that includes the I.O.O.F., Masonic, Catholic Calvary, Citizens and finally the American Indians. The cemetery physically resides below Austin and above Clifton two very large boom towns in the 1800's.
More so then being haunted the cemetery tells a story about the lives these people lived. Living in Austin sometimes met a certain doom. You are literally in the center of Nevada which boast some of the harshest climates in the world. There is nobody to hear you scream it certainly was the final frontier for most pioneers.
I loved this cemetery many of the graves are so beautifully engraves and the angel statues are some of the finest in the country. With great dramatic views of the Reese River Valley, Stokes Castle on the hill and historic interments around every turn this place is meant to be cherished. Now you can cherish it through our site
Like I said in my last update you cant have Austin with its cemeteries so I am always thorough when I do these ghost town projects. The cemetery plays at least half of the roll because it was these pioneers that made this boom town what it is today such as building walls, structures and adding to the regions history.
You can check out the update directly at the following link or if you wish to take a different approach you can view the investigation archives for its epilogue which some folks like to do so they can visit some of our other projects at:
Gateway 4/Portal 25
Austin Cemeteries Prologue Page
Austin Cemeteries Team Stills
Austin Cemeteries Team Adventure
Austin Cemeteries B&Ws
Austin Cemeteries Broken Not Forgotten
Austin Cemeteries Masonic
Austin Cemeteries I.O.O.F.
Austin Cemeteries Calvary
Austin Cemeteries Citizens
Austin Cemeteries American Indian
Austin Cemeteries Scenic
Austin Cemeteries Videos
Austin Cemeteries EVPs
Austin Cemeteries Investigation 1 Report and Evidence
Paracomedy 2015: New Bloopers Added
The next addition to arrive on our site will be the Hess Ranch. Your about to see one of the oldest ranches in the region which was necessary to provide food for Austin. Its a nice ranch although closed down it should give you a look into early ranching into the area that is one of the reason why we did it. So state tuned for that announcement coming soon as soon as I finish polishing it up.
Have a great day!
Lord Rick
PGS Founder

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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