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 Post subject: **NEW** Updates On Our Site "Snag Lake" Lakes Basin Californ
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:48 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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**NEW** Updates On Our Site "Snag Lake" Lakes Basin California...........

This is a really beautiful secluded little area and its an introduction lake to the Lakes Basin region. The Lakes Basin area is not only known for its bigfoot sightings but its home to over 50 lakes. This lake only graces the tip of the iceberg their is allot more to see and I will go back. I want to camp, hike at other lakes, explore, rock climb and squatch so ill be back. I could not do much since the area was under snow and it was still winter. But we have allot of future projects here and I definitely want to see more we also hope you do too.
You can check out this update directly on our website at or if you wish to enter the investigation archives on the main page of our site just go to then enter then find the archives banner there are a few. This is what has been added and where the epilogue/case can be found at:
Gateway 4/Portal 25
Snag Lake California Prologue Page
Snag Lake California Team Gallery
Snag Lake California Scenic Gallery
Snag Lake California Tahoe Forest
Snag Lake California Nature Gallery
Snag Lake California Videos
Snag Lake California Expedition 1

It is a small addition to our site but it sets the tone for bigger projects in the region. I wanted to go to Gold Lake could not get there which is not only scenic but also historic. I settled for Snag found it by accident hiking around so I went with it and it turned out to be a nice little place. Hiked around the shore and found that the woods here are so dense anything could be watching you from a few feet away.
As most of you are aware we do all sorts of projects the next one I am putting on our site is huge. Its Sierra Cities sister semi ghost town known as Sierraville. It has killer barns, cemetery, structures and is in one of the biggest alpine counties in North America so trust me its grand. When I get it up hard to say the past day or so I put out three additions on our site with allot of hard work but Sierraville is large so it may take five days to have it fully up so keep a watch for it more good things are coming your way.
This week was a bad one for me jeep broke down its fixable though but very hard to get to the part that is if that is the issue I been working on it and troubleshooting it because I have a major expedition coming up soon before the lake consumes this ghost town were going to. Then a vehicle nearly hit me someone was not paying attention almost ran me over and kept going. If I did not hit my mountain bike brakes a half second later id be dead in a morgue that is the truth they were speeding. Then yesterday my stove burner shot out a bolt of electricity in my face that does not even go with nearly being zapped by my jeeps battery which could have put me in cardiac arrest so I need to just take a time out so paranormal business will resume next week. Just remember never to take anyone for granted I wont be here forever and either will you life is short trust me I walk the fine line of life and death daily so it seems!!!
Have a nice night smoking a cigar and time to unwind this weekend. Pretty soon were going to be putting on so many other great places its exciting including Austin which is one of the best preserved semi ghost towns in the country I cant wait but for now you guys were spoiled this week 3 great places Sierra City, Kentucky Mill and this morning Snag Lake! Ill be trying to finish up on the Jeep otherwise I am going to play Dying Light its a kick ass zombie game for my PS4 and it comes soon so if I am not online you will find me gaming for sure lol. Peace
Lord Rick
PGS Founder ... 1008715603

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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