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 Post subject: **NEW** Updates On Our Site "Wonder City Nevada"
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:33 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
Posts: 944
Location: Las Vegas, NV
**NEW** Updates On Our Site "Wonder City Nevada" Wild Mustang Country

Although very little remains of Wonder City its mill reveres many of the mining sites found within the silver state. This ghost town is full of scenic views, peaks, mines, remnants of the past and wild mustangs. If you want a true example of what the wild west stood for this location would be it.

Although its not as paranormal as it is historical death did occur here in a series of bizarre accidents. The town was erected in 1906 and by 1919 it was completely abandoned. Its hard to believe so very little remains but this is the case with many of the ghost towns we go therefore we have to really explore in depth to make sure we do not miss the good stuff.

Wonder is part of our Cold Springs edition on our site that whole area has many interesting ruins including the Wonder Mill at the top of Wonder Peak. I have worked hard to compile all this information because my goal is to provide the public with a source of education that they can utilize all the rest that comes with it are perks.

Id like to share this addition with you we have many more cases and field research coming trust me its endless. You can check out this update directly at or if you wish to go into our investigation archives and read this locations epilogue you can do so in:

Gateway 4/Portal 25

Wonder City Prologue Page
Wonder City Team Stills Gallery
Wonder City Team Investigative Gallery
Wonder City Scenic Gallery
Wonder City Nature Gallery
Wonder City Dixie Valley Gallery
Wonder City Badger Flat Gallery
Wonder City Mining Gallery
Wonder City Wonder Mill Gallery
Wonder City Videos
Wonder City EVP's
Wonder City Expedition 1

This is a great addition on our site I absolutely love the ghost town of Wonder perhaps because its so remote you cant get that anywhere. This was a great city at one time it had it all saloons, hotels, pool, ice plant, boarding houses, drug store, sports lounge, cafes and much more now all GONE. The mine had quite a few deaths one of the miners was badly mangled when a cage crushed then dropped him hundreds of feet.

Its a great addition but just remember you do not get to see the work we do unless you physically go to our updates when they are announced. The entire update is great although pay mind to the scenic photos, mill gallery, history and the old time pictures on the prologue page. You can see that the town was large and today is just an empty vast expanse.

The next addition on our site will be the ghost town of Hercules like this location its also in the same mountain range just on the other side of it. Its not as big but I found some pretty cool sites within the town which is on the side of this mountain and within a narrow canyon.

Lord Rick
PGS Founder ... 1008715603

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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