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 Post subject: Our Bigfoot Expedition Of Sagehen Meadows & Stampede Reservo
PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:24 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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Our Bigfoot Expedition Of Sagehen Meadows & Stampede Reservoir 4/11/15

Every Spring I look forward to exploring the Sierras once the great thaw begins areas become more accessible. This time around I let Tammy get to chose a place that she thought may be a good bigfoot potential area and place that would give us beautiful views during our hike.
I had done some research a few years ago about the Stampede Reservoir being a Bigfoot hotspot afterall it is one of the biggest bodies of water in the county and is extremely remote. You can hike in or there are some jeep roads up to the reservoir if you know your way around the region.
It felt good to strap on the backpack and just make an adventure out of it. I always look forward to all the hikes that I do in the sierras because honestly they are full of oddities. There is not to many areas I have hiked at that do not have some kind of bigfoot evidence or sightings truth be told.
We always leave before sunup that way I can get a hot coffee and have time to drive to wherever I need to for these expeditions. We want to make sure we have plenty of time to commit to an area and hike around. I know some folks figure an hour or two of hiking is fine but for me these adventures can go into the miles if you really want to search for the creatures like bigfoot.
It was a cool morning believe me even in the Spring when you set off on a hike expect freezing temperatures till later in the day. Which makes things more difficult because you dress warmer and by the end of the day your over heating as you go from one extreme to the next extreme.
This area is north of Lake Tahoe and is part of the Tahoe National Forest which is unique in itself. But it is also an area I have not logged allot of time in and the last time I was here was when I spent miles offroading through wetlands to try to get up to Independence Lake but the wet melting snow washed out the roads. So I was not sure how wet the area would be or what kind of obstacles we would encounter.
The hike starts off in an overgrown lush forest with trees you have to maneuver around while you follow Sagehen Creek. Along the way are quite a few bird species including plenty of Red Sap Suckers which are unique to the area. In the morning allot of the bird species are out and some of them are really gorgeous species so its just something to look forward to.
The woods here are thick but its important when I hike in a place I keep an eye out for fresh morning tracks or anything out of the ordinary. Personally that way on my way out if I see something displaced ill recognize it while back tracking which also seems to happen time to time on these bigfoot trips.
There are areas you have to cross the creek such as using logs, wood beams or boards. Its very easy to slip and fall on in believe me. This is why I always worry when I am producing footage because if the cam gets wet the expedition is pretty much over so I always have to remain very steady in the wilderness when I am hiking with it.
Jarrod and I found a log in the woods sitting on top of it was a very large rock bigger almost then my head and very heavy. Not sure if Bigfoot was using it to tree bang or someone such as a hiker put it here to mark the trail nearby. Sometimes when you see this its a sign that this creature left it there from tree banging recently or communicating with others in the area. It weighed over 10lbs and it was just sitting there so I thought that was a bit strange.
As we came out into Sagehen Meadows I was a bit disappointed generally all the flowers are in bloom but we may have been a bit to early. Most of the meadows were brown, trees were still bare and only a few flowers were in bloom. There is this lily that grows here but it only blooms for one week out of the year and some other species of nature which can only be found here. I would assume that weather plays a big factor back here as this region although lower in elevation tends to see more snow then other regions of the high sierras.
In the meadow we also found a fairly massive concrete foundation which appeared to have a giant room connected to two smaller rooms perhaps one a bathroom the other a small bedroom. I have no idea what the foundation was of but as I told Tammy and Jarrod it still was a good spot to at least run some EVP and take some photos at.
The one thing I love about the Sagehen area is that not much has changed the rocks back here date back to the Jurassic and Triassic periods. Its a very old area which is why it was a great place to hike at. One could imagine a massive dinosaur just crossing this meadow and they did at one time. I also found many types of unique rocks here including a piece of obsidian which was really cool. If I was a wildman id carved that into an arrow and hunted lol.
We continued to follow the meadows creek where it came out to the dry lake beds of the Stampede. We could see blue water off in the distance. These dry lake beds were still a little bit muddy in some parts as the creek flowed through it. Generally there is no creek that flows through them but with it being dry that is its only water source right now and that is pretty scary considering that this body of water shrunk down five times its size.
The reservoir had to be a 100' lower once you approach it you start to see steep cliffs leading below the waterline and many of the plants that once grew along the shore underwater were now dead. We had to find a way to cross the creek it was rather difficult as the banks were muddy and the creek had carved through the reservoir dry lake beds a deep gash.
 I found a narrow spot and crossed it like Sasquatch with one step but Tammy waited because she thought where I crossed was to muddy unfortunately she tried to jump over the creek which was literally a 7' leap and she ended up pulling the muscles around her knee and calve muscles. Lucky for me I bring medical supplies so I patched her leg up but sometimes you cant help the big kid in you. It was funny because she backed up 15' then ran full speed and leaped like a leopard although she made it she hit the middle of the creek hard because when you leap across the fall into the creek is around 4 to 5 feet. I had to film the whole thing it was a classic team moment.
We finally made our way inland towards what was left of the Stampede where we would break at. This was a nice spot to bird watch allot of geese, hawks, eagles, pelicans and other bird life in the area. On both sides of us was water as we sat up on a sand bar. I decided to take this sand bar all the way out to the middle of this body of water. Little did I ever know that id be standing in the center of the Stampede it was a bit scary to tell you the truth as the sides just drop off into these giant water filled holes below. At the end of the peninsula you could see further out sand cranes and pelicans sadly in a few years with the reservoir drying up such birds will no longer migrate here.
At the end of the peninsula is a series of mountains behind a hill all covered in snow top to bottom. It was a nice scenic gem. I know how much our viewers enjoy scenic photography and videos so every expedition I try to find those money shots for everyone. I spent allot of time by myself chasing nature and admiring the view also burned one. I also found allot of massive crawfish exoskeletons scattered all over the dry lake beds and crab like claws everywhere. Some of those crawfish were huge like smaller lobster tails and well if you know me then you know I like eating them lol.
After break we would begin to follow this patch of woods which at one time would have been a peninsula that stretched out into the Stampede but now instead of following the wood line you could just walk around it and hike into an area that once was a cove now its just a massive deep 150' pit filled with a little bit of water where the Little Truckee River flows on into.
Along the beach I found a series of dry dead water plants and I walked through them all it was pretty cool. My family walked below as it appeared that due to the low water there now was dirt roads below that were made by offroaders where water use to be. Meanwhile here I am pushing through these dead spiky plants some of them taller then me hoping for anything of a find even a track or something.
We would make our way around this cove some of the edges dropped off like a sheer cliff into the water below. Its kind of scary to see the earth changes happening its very evident in the sierras if your really paying attention and with each year it gets worst. These reservoirs supply water to smaller towns in the mountains but also are used in fighting fires so without them who knows you can expect the sierras to be this summer at even a higher threat to forest fires.
Tammy found a large hip bone of some sort of animal it was ripped off you could tell a predator had gotten to it. Was it bigfoot? One may never know I did do some studying of the bones there were not claw or teeth marks which is very odd and is a sign that a creature like bigfoot may have easily took this animal down. Generally when a mountain lion or black bear takes its prey down you see all sorts of teeth marks on the bone not in this case so very odd.  Just as another half of mile away we found a piece of jaw bone with teeth all left behind.
We also came across a female and a male blue bird who hiked with us for almost a half of mile maybe more. They stayed about 25' ahead of us jumping rock to rock checking us out which allowed me to get a few good bird photos,. These birds were beautiful and definitely very curious as they continued to fly near us chirping and playing with one another.
Also behind us this military like two propeller chopper that dove straight for us you want to talk about an adrenaline rush stand below one of those and you will feel powerless as its coming towards you at great speeds behind your back. However the chopper was not there for us it begin to veer swiftly to the south over the wooded peninsula and back to the deeper part of the Stampede Reservoir. It was also carrying this massive water tank often used in fighting forest fires. Lets just say I felt the power baby lol made me want to hop in for a ride!
Generally the helicopters are not as modern or sophisticated as this one was so I snapped a few photos and filmed it for you guys. I am guessing it was either fighting the small fire up in Amador County or they were running practice drills. That helicopter approached us three separate times as it kept coming behind us then veering over the ridge to the broader part of the reservoir where there was still some deeper water left.  No less was it cool? Hell Yeah! I love the forestry always talk to US Rangers on my hikes and some of them are firm believers in Sasquatch! I must say the forestry owns some nice toys lets leave it at that lol.
Eventually we would make our way around a cove and meet up with the Little Truckee River. We started to traverse the river through some heavy brush and trees to find our own slice of heaven. Eventually we would find some nice shoreline to set up base camp where we could find gemstones, tracks and rock skip. Over the Stampede The river was flowing nice and I know this because a few weeks ago during an offroading expedition I crossed the Little Truckee when I tried to drive through mud, ice and snow up near Independence Lake. I never did make it there but I did get out to check the river only this time we were down stream from it and it was like the garden of Eden back here seriously!
In the distance I could hear gun shots I suppose that group of hunters I came across in the meadow earlier was bird hunting. Maybe they caught a prized bird not even sure if its allowed here. But at least the hunters were friendly not like the ones who jumped me up at Lake Lahontan in Silver Springs. Like I said California is a great place and most of the people are really cool. I find common interest with other outdoor adventurers always have!! But when people are hunting you still have to be careful even if they are far away.
We laid back on the warm stone counting clouds seeing images in them it was fun. I wandered off following the river then we had a nice picnic and good food. We found some interesting rocks including this orange one and at first we thought we found a meteor but it was just an odd looking rock. But we still had fun just to hear the river flowing and birds chirping gives you a sense of security. Technically I feel safer here then I do my own home the wilderness for me is a second home if that makes sense.
Just across the river was a beaver dam and butterflies were everywhere. I had some anticipation I might see bigfoot scooping some water with its hand to its mouth then again what cryptozoologist wouldn't imagine that? I took some video footage as all of you know I do for my friends and viewers. I want people to have the sense they are there with me so you will see us skipping rocks and messing around. I was almost tempted to go for a dip. Instead I ate coca cola gummies and burned one. Yes I take my pipe and sometimes ice cold beers on my hikes. My beer stayed on ice for hours so when I took it out to drink it I was really enjoying myself who wouldn't?
Before we left we took a family photo of us standing at the edge of the river it was nice for sure a great memory to treasure. This place is pristine maybe in another month it would be blooming and greener. But I learned that seasons within the sierra mountains vary as some locations seemed to be in full bloom while others still look like winter.
We were not on any trail or road simply just wilderness hiking and freedom to go wherever we wanted to go. Places like these have to be earned by pushing on with blood, sweat and tears.We work hard at what we do to bring these adventures and yeah it takes time to wait to see our finds. I never add anything on the site right away but when we put it out there it will be enjoyable as you will see areas very few ever get to see back around the Stampede.
Being that we had no trails I hiked us over this massive woodsy ridge and it was pretty steep but doable. Eventually it would ascend to a much more leveled out area once we reached the very top. This foothill was actually one of the massive wooded peninsulas that separates two coves for the Stampede reservoir. The first cove is where Sagehen Creek drains into the second being The Little Truckee River. Both tributaries are suffering or deltas and you can see from the top of the ridge the effects of the Californian drought. Very very sad my friends hiking is not the same as it was a few years ago around the sierras.
From the top of the ridge I was able to see a series of mountains covered in snow and could see them better from high above as opposed to when I stood at the bottom of the reservoir. The mountains were pretty but one could see how vast this land is and try to understand why it may be home to a wild man bigfoot type of creature.  Its so remote and when you see an entire range of mountains covered in heavy snow you know nobody has been back up in there for the season if at all. There are some areas of the sierras no human has been and I know because I have gone far off the path just to be somewhere not many get to stand on.
We would descend into the meadow actually what was a watery cove now dry lake beds. Then I took us through foliage and woods where we met up with the creek then a small trail which takes you back to the road where we were parked. Which also has a bridge that runs over Sagehen Creek its pretty serene and quaint back here.
When I begin to hike through the woods there are marshlands and it gets really dark back here especially as sunset was occurring. I like when the dark sets in that is your best chance to have a bigfoot encounter in my opinion but hey were all allowed our own theories in this field based on our finds. Things really were getting strange on this hike while heading back remember I keep an eye out on the terrain to see if their are fresh tracks.
What we first found was the spine of a smaller animal but only a view vertebrae were attached not sure where the rest of the carcass was or extremities like the skull. Not to far away from this site I found what appeared to be a hand print possibly fingers that made an impression in the mud. There is only two creatures with fingers in these parts one being humans the other being Sasquatch. Believe it or not these creatures do walk on all fours and well there hands are hairier but they do resemble that of a humans.
 It was odd to see just finger impressions in some fresh mud maybe a hiker slipped who knows but something mutilated the animal, made the finger impressions in the mud and the track I found not far from my jeep. The track had a couple toe impressions it was not in good shape but what made it had toes again human or bigfoot its one or the other. When you are a Bigfoot chaser you take what you can get some evidence is circumstantial. I hear things in the woods at times in this case I heard something big in the woods break a branch yet I never see a single animal. I seen allot of birds and I heard some as the sun was setting but for the most part it was so quiet it was eerie! I felt watched as we left the open expanse of a meadow and went into the woods.
Near the end of my journey I came across another muddy spot not far from the creek which look like someone's foot slid again with similar toe impressions. Perhaps something roams this area you hear allot of bigfoot reports come out of this region. Honestly I can see why if you venture back behind the reservoir the wilderness looks like it goes on forever and a day. Who knows what can be back here its a road less traveled!
Lastly let me just say I did an investigation and research into chemtrails the last mile of the hike. The sky was filled with them some seemed to stay up there for a very long time. I have heard from someone that the chemtrails that reside in our skies for long periods of time are weather modification experiments to halt global warming and create precipitation over the sierras. Not sure how true this is but its something I looked into, filmed and photographed for the website viewers to analyze. Last year around this time I witnessed similar events where chemtrails sat up in the skies for hours then when the begin to dissipate it becomes overcasts and even slightly rainy. Maybe there is more to chemtrails and contrails then we think when it comes to some of the aircraft in our skies. Some might be moisture and condensation that emanates from the engines/wings but some of them maybe purposely made if weather modification was occurring at the time.
Believe it or not I do not live far from here its a beautiful drive back through snow capped mountains, lush forest and along the shores of Lake Tahoe. I stopped that night to get burgers we deserved them we put in an entire days of hiking from sunup till sundown. That is what bigfoot chasers do the real ones at least. This was a solid expedition and it might be one of your favorites on our para adventure site of yours here in 2015 trust me.  I wish the area was greener it seems if I waited a few more weeks for it to warm up here more there would have been more flowers and greener trees. But this place looked like late winter to early spring which means the snow recently thawed back here.
I will not forget this place I always wanted to hike out to the Stampede so this was a dream come true. My new pain cream seemed to help to its not a cure but it helps. I had to wear my brace to but no less I keep going and going. Its only fair others join our team and put in the same amount of heart. The truth its out there something killed those animals, made the tracks and put there fingers in the mud by the marsh. Is bigfoot out there?
Lord Rick
PS Austin Nevada reports coming later this week!

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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