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 Post subject: Our Expedition & Investigation Of The Hobart Reservoir
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:53 pm 
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Our Expedition & Investigation Of The Hobart Reservoir and Red House....10/19/14

I have spent a few years doing allot of my research in the Carson Range which separates a portion of NV and California depending on where you hike into it at. It also dvides the high desert from the alpine forest so its a very unique series of mountains bewildered with the paranormal.
The more I hike and explore within the range the more I am left with more questions then answers. Its so hard to put it into words for my viewers because you would have to be journeying with me regularly to understand we find things here that go beyond just a few bumps in the night.
I had heard the Hobart is home to quite a few historic sites but also its very pretty in the Autumn which really makes it the perfect October project for our group. With sites like the Ghost Of The Sawmill and Red House you really cannot beat exploring such a region along with the beauty that comes with it.
What really has me attracted to the range is the fact that just a few miles below it are small towns even Cities like Carson that have no idea that just beyond the forest are things we cannot began to explain. Sometimes you go out on an expedition you find nothing Television reality always wants you to believe they found something and there investigators are the best. But the best investigators are the ones who have devoted an amazing amount of time and effort to truth seek.
It would be our last investigation of the month afterall I did allot of investigations ranging from bigfoot to ghosts in October so we wanted to top the month off with a final grand finale. Give our viewers something scenic, mysterious and historic by mixing ghosts/bigfoot combined. Sometimes we go out we look for these things we find something more then that other times we find nothing in this case the Hobart was full of oddities which really made this a stellar project to work on.
My goal was to start off in Carson City hike up over the Tahoe Rim and down to Hobart in the Toiyabe National Forest. It is quite a feat to take on considering the gate that leads halfway up there was closed thus adding a few more miles to our hike. I think by the time Jarrod my son and I were done hiking in this region we easily did about 13 miles however as a paranormal investigator I understand nothing is wasted those extra miles might reveal to us something unique that we normally would miss offroading.
Jarrod and I headed out before sundown actually if you want honesty when we started the hike it was still nightfall. Carson was all lit up the sun had not even come over the Virginia Range or the Pine Nut Mountains to the East it was dark it was cold and it was just us. I invited quite a few folks on this everyone bailed some just did not even bother showing. Everybody wants to see UFOs, Bigfoot and Ghosts but nobody is willing to get off there asses TRUTH!
Jarrod and I parked up near the edge of the forest we went around the gate started to ascend. That is when we ran into multiple deer most of them bucks and well despite the fact that a few of them had no ill will towards our presence one of them was really agitated with our presence and was about to charge us. The bucks were just walking along the road, foothills and along the tree lines. They were not even walking together more like feeding as the sun was about to come up and that seemed to be the main focus.
Rather then climb up this rugged road which took us deeper into an area that overlooks Washoe Valley and Lake we decided to just ascend climb a few mountains get up into some thicker woods then get to Hobart. Back in the day the valley below had its fair share of Bigfoot sightings then again towns below did not really exist and their was more woods that came further down into the valley today not so much so. This is a 2nd and 3rd generation forest but the trees cut down by lumbermen were very old they are long gone since the 1800's.
Jarrod and I climbed through allot of brush we made our ascension a good mile straight up it was not easy very steep allot of decomposed granite and well bears in this area this time of year are extremely hungry. So we had to tread carefully to work our way up to the top of the rim where we would climb on over into the Lake Tahoe Basin.
When I was climbing the mountains in some brush I did find a track it had toes it was not overly large but their are juvenile Sasquatch and like any creature they need nourishment. The best way to get it is to find a creek, plant life and other animals you can hunt which can be found here as well. There was actually a set of prints at least a good set other sets that continued to go up through the brush and the mountains were so far eroded I could not submit them as evidence. But whatever came through here was a strong hiker with a bit of a stride considering the size of them id say something was going off into the wilderness heading towards Kings Canyon an area we found allot of Bigfoot evidence at.
Eventually Jarrod and I reached some water tanks but behind them was an old foundation and the iron pipes that once fed water up to Virginia City. It was a cool find I mean your looking at a piping system dating back to the 1800's which at that time was advanced because it carried water from Hobart all the for 30 miles to Virginia City. So we had found a few pipes, rock walls etc behind the tanks all rusting away which was our first historical find of the expedition.
Finding the road was a pain you see once you enter the brush and the steep hillside its hard to see this road until you actually walk up on it 5' away. Then as you get deeper into the range you see allot of dirt roads and trails so you have to be careful which way you take and where you decide to go if you want to hit major sites.
Eventually when you reach the top you will come across a second gate this one is near a place called the Ghost Of The Sawmill. Basically its an old steam boiler left behind you may if your lucky like us find some old bricks and other remnants of the past. The foliage here is thick the variety of trees here is versatile so many of them had leaves changing colors.  Nearby was a creek its obvious the sawmill had been built strategically at this location for its nearby rushing waters.
We hung out at the sawmill for awhile you have to understand when it comes to historical sites which once had some energy its important to also do some entity work maybe see if they are haunted. We had lunch put on our costumes climbed the boiler even stuck our heads in the holes messing around it was fun but we had still a long ways to go.
Jarrod and I followed the road which took us through an amazing place on the other side of the range. This area was unique lots of forested hills,various peaks and the rocks here were stacked very unusual. You just had towers upon towers of rocks in all sorts of odd formations that looked like they could topple over anytime. Its very obvious that glaciers came through here some rocks were the size of trucks just laying on there sides and such.
We would hike along the Hobart Reservoir when we came up onto it but I decided to come back later as the sun started to go down to track find. We had a long ways to go before we would reach the Red House which was once a caretakers station for the flumes, dam and nearby reservoir. The house consist of three buildings and a 1924 roadster which rust away on the front of the property. There was the main house, tool shed perhaps small barn then you had your blacksmith shop it was nothing major but despite the fact that floods have hit it then they renovated it within the past 100 years I am surprised this place even exist to be honest with you.
Jarrod and I decided once we reached the north end of the reservoir we would follow Franktown Creek following it in the woods. We came up on a bridge and even a dam which we stood on. I am sure in the Spring we would not stand on it the waters that range here that time of year are treacherous. I know because in 1911 and 1955 the dam gave way in one of the incidents the flash flood caused by the dam breaking was so horrific it killed a two wives of attendants staying at Red House so I figured it would be a good place to investigate. Of course I did not find out about the deaths till after I arrived on the property and read a plaque then I was like whoa what did we stumble upon here. Sometimes ice caused the dam to break unfortunately in 1911 the property had to be renovated even moved further downstream to prevent anything like this happening again. Unfortunately some of the other buildings on site were lost for good including the two outhouses so this explains why during renovations a toilet was integrated inside.
Hiking through the woods along the creek was unique the ground was very muddy and we came across four deer all of them standing in a stance staring back at us. I was able to get maybe within 30' of the deer to take some nature photos before they quietly walked away at least this time they were not bucks therefore they showed no signs of aggression other then a 2 minute staring contest lol. No less when we go out on these hikes we do a good job also documenting nature so that we can kind of show our viewers the type of wildlife we come across and for preservation purposes as well.
Eventually heading up the road revealed some really nice peaks to our left we found a ravine with this raging waterfall that was a nice find but also not to far away from there was Red House. There was a picnic bench outside of the home therefore we had unpacked our lunches then relaxed for awhile. By no means was it an easy hike some people mountain bike, offroad or ride horses back here. But to take our legs from the bottom of the valley and go up over the sierras is a feat in itself trust me try it sometime let me know what you think lol.
We spent sometime at the Red House a couple came by to visit on there horses I must had spooked them wearing my Halloween attire they probably thought this guy is nuts and then they took off really fast lol. I was not able to get into the blacksmith shop but I did bring photos and videos in the other two structures. I have to say its a pretty creepy house you walk on into the kitchen then there are two back bedrooms. At time there was a wood stove perhaps fireplace here but its long gone. Behind the property is a stone wall and there is this hall that leads to a linen closet with a bathroom. The kitchen and the backroom both connect to some other room what it was used for I have no idea while there is another doorway that leads into the barn where we found remnants of an old coop.
The home had wood flooring throughout allot of ripped wallpaper and in the sink some rusty components. There was debris like an old metal rack for holding logs the ceiling in the barn was collapsing held up by wood beams you had to crawl under. The toilet had been smashed and most of the windows boarded. All the old wood doors, porch, ramp etc seemed to be original at least the wood was very old and you could tell it may have came with the original house. The paint outside was not that great rather then red it looked more brown since the property itself has been long since neglected that goes with any paint jobs. I guess that the house did not get its name because of its Red color but because it was managed by Harry "Red" McGovern.
I did a pretty good ghost investigation of the property my EMF did spike a few times of course like I said did not bother to cover the history to a later video since I just thought this was some caretakers house. I took plenty of EVP's and my son tried to hide in the dark and scare me its all good fun.

When we left after fueling up there was a long dirt road that led us to one of the main ones which takes you along Franktown Creek back to the reservoir. That road had a very large urine spot that was not there when we hiked in its very weird and whatever made it had to be huge because the ground was soaked. I even took a twig to dig and the soil was wet a few inches down which means maybe an animal of some kind was watching us or maybe Bigfoot himself. I have no idea where it came from or when it happened for all I know it may have happened while I was inside the home conducting research.
We knew we were not making it home in time before the sun went down and here we had a nice crock pot of chili cooking. But we also knew we had a hot meal waiting for us so we took our time with this project. I mean this region of the Hobart has peaks and scenery never seen before in this range. This is a part of the sierras that between here and Slide Mountain is just a vast expanse of very dense forest few ever get back into.
We would spend some more time at the dam I was having fun running across the narrow wall even found more of the old VC piping system nearby and a giant rusty valve to open and close the dam. Eventually we would work our way over to the reservoir.
The ground along the reservoir was marshy but allot of tall dead grass making it hard to find tracks. I was actually surprised to see a few flowers including a big pretty butterfly. So life even in the Fall here is teaming and well the leaves changing colors really made the trip all the more beautiful.
Nobody was up here just my son and I which increases the odds of finding anything paranormal period. I do not feel we were alone here I just had this feeling in my gut something or someone was watching I was not totally comfortable up here like some places. I know what this region is like just a few miles from here we photographed a UFO over my shoulder above Marlette Lake and had a bigfoot sighting so it is a very paranormal place at least the area.
By the time we made it to the ghost of the sawmill it was getting dark fast. You have to understand that the sun goes behind the western mountains which was now facing our backs so as we descended onto Washoe and Eagle Valleys it was already getting fairly dark out.
From the top of the rim I could see Reno, Washoe City and Carson City al lit up it was beautiful. Its one of the best views day or night of the city seriously. We did not leave the trail either so it sort of hugged the edge of the mountains of the range with some pretty nice vista overlooks.
There was a few times the trail went into this narrow canyon ravine type of area where the sides were very steep not a good place if there is a mountain lion above you so we had to tread carefully. I did not put to much thought into it but before we reached these overlooks I seen in the woods a set of eyes about 5' off the ground I thought it was a deer but the eyes were very big and whatever it was started to come towards us I had lost sight of it. All of sudden huge branches were breaking and something big was moving in towards us then it stopped.
We went for about another 100' to this open area I was filming my son was very quiet almost to quiet. Something on its hands and its legs ran by him according to him it had no eyes then all of sudden leaped right off the cliff. It landed to and was breaking branches on the way down. Jarrod would not talk to me the remainder of the hike he was scared which is very rare for him but he told me he refuses to come up here again he knows his wildlife because I taught him and well what he seen was nothing like we ever encountered.
Although not true once in WNY I was working a case at Fort Niagara in a winter storm when I seen the same black creature he described all the way from how it looked to how it moved. I cant tell you what it is it might be some creature, cryptid or even entity of some kind. I can tell you what this thing did not fear us as it followed us through the brush and woods for awhile then when it had gotten closer it booked. Maybe it seen I was armed or got a better look at me and felt mismatched I do not know.
We would eventually make it back to the gate the truck was a good sign it was a sign we were alive and made on a 12 plus mile expedition over the mountains. Very similar to the journey the Washoe would take to get down into the Tahoe Basin in the warmer months.
I guess for me all in all the trip was full of oddities it really was the expedition of the month the most major one we did in October. Yeah we did some haunts and some nice outdoor places. Id like to include when I add this to our site not just the videos, photos and EVP's from the expedition but our Halloween Party, Halloween and the 150th NV State Parade because it really all goes together with the expedition and events.
You will see so much not to many people can say they hiked from the desert to the forestry mountains. The views of Slide Mountain, Pine Nuts, Virginia Range, Cityscapes, Scenery, Nature and historic sites are just stellar so our viewers are going to enjoy this project. The only thing I did not see was Tahoe I guess because we were in this canyon up on the rim so we sort of were shielded by other peaks and were not able to look down into the basin but no less we were at the top of Tahoe and its just beautiful country up in those forest especially in this region where leaves change gold and red makes it the perfect Fall hike.
When the gates get unlocked this summer I am going to take the journey up into the sierras. I want to look around some more may have found another historic site up here but by the time nightfall was setting in the hike was simply just to far for us to get to it so its worth a second look even if Jarrod does not come second time around. I will say one thing though there is more then just Sasquatch roaming this range anything can be up here even at the edge of the state Capitol of Carson City Nevada!
Now all that is left is to have our cam serviced so we can prep for Novembers amazing trips to ghost towns and more! October really did in the cam between videos, rock climbing, elements etc I can only imagine some of the great cases we have coming up how great they are going to be coming up!
Lord Rick
PGS Founder

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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