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 Post subject: Our Paranormal Expedition To "Slide Mountain" On 8/17/14
PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:15 pm 
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Our Paranormal Expedition To "Slide Mountain" On 8/17/14

As a paranormal investigator the one thing I learned is that sometimes you do not have to look as hard for the strange as the strange ends up finding you. Often people ask or wonder why it is our group has the experiences we do perhaps its luck or maybe the fact that we still are going out doing it on up.
Research continues all in the name of the truth and we were about to conquer another mountain. But not just any mountain but a beast all in itself one that is Mount Roses sister overshadowing both of Reno and Lake Tahoe. I mean who can go wrong with a view such as that being at 10k.
Honestly I never knew what to expect as there really are no trails to the top this mountain also overshadows Carson City NV the state capital but the eastern edge is allot more treacherous then the Tahoe side. From a distance one can see where a good portion of the mountain collapsed and in 1983 disaster struck which will also post that information about it on our website in the future.
Despite the fact that the mountain continues to crumble from afar you can see many radio antennas,towers, ski lifts and even buildings as you get closer to this monster. Sometimes its a bit odd to stare at a mountain time to time then one day you just decide hey I am going to climb it.
Our Slide mountain trip began a long time ago as a fascination when I first moved to the region took my dog to Washoe Lake. At the time the mountain was covered in snow but once the snow goes away you can see a vast wilderness of forest, rock formations, canyons and other features that might go unnoticed by those who drive past it everyday.
I heard that mountain once had a dam where the mud slide occurred washing it out but I also heard that if you follow the creek it does lead to a lake. Unfortunately on this trip we never were able to find either so that told me one thing that its a very vast region of the Carson Range with Mount Rose staring at you in the face across from it which is a massively steep peak.
However Slide Mountain gets fewer visitors which in the case of looking for the strange this might be one of the better mountains to divide and conquer. Richard our new investigator who we call Ricky had his first trip with us I stopped on the mountains eastern edge so we could all get a look at the summit from afar knowing in just hours we also would be climbing it and so our adventure begins here.
Slide Mountain
It was an early Sunday morning we would park or start off at a place known as Tahoe Visit which is this massive meadow filled with creeks, wetlands, meadows and open lush land. The nature trail was nice because it went into the history of the area. There were plaques you could read about the early Washoe history all the way from the sheep herders who made this land their own. It also had information on plant and wildlife here it was rather nice as Slide Mountain Overshadowed it. We seen a few chipmunks, squirrels, butterflies and trout as well it was nice.
The area has had human inhabitation dating back to 10 thousand years ago so one can imagine that at one time a village sat below Slide Mountain. The mountain also looked different allot of it was not collapsing and their were no ski lifts on its northern side.
After we made our way through the rolling hills and lush meadows we ended up going through a camp ground. It kind of felt like an intrusion walking through peoples campsites but everyone asked me how we would get to the top and I figured just going through the camping area we were bound to find a way to the summit beyond it.
When we went into the wilderness it was nothing but woods the crown of Slide Mountain was over 1000' above us you could see rocks and cliffs but trying to figure out a way up was a much bigger challenge. We had really lucked out when I intersected with an old dirt service road that switched back the entire way to the top which makes sense since they have ski lifts up there.
The service road would take us right to the top of the mountain it was easy although still a good jaunt to the top. The first site we visited was the ski lifts they have these hubs also where skiers can in the winter sit inside at maybe to warm up or fix their gear on up before the downhill trek. The kids had a good time climbing the chairs Ricky was pushing buttons and I was just trying to take in the view.
I was not pleased when I reached the top because a massive haze and fog rolled into the area. I could not see the Virginia Range, Reno, Washoe City and Lake, Lake Tahoe, Reno or Carson City. The only thing we could see across the pass was Mt. Rose so allot of our scenic photos I took were of Reno's highest peak which is for advanced hikers compared to slide mountain it is a true monster.
We would have our fun the boys climbed some of the ladders on the buildings their were so many towers up here though. You had antennas, cell phone towers, buildings, ski lifts etc it was like a miniature community with nobody around kind of an eerie feeling. One of the towers you cannot even get near it can cause cancer and mess with your DNA so yes caution has to be used however if you can climb the rocks behind the buildings and antennas you can stand on one the higher summits that form Slide Mountain which we did which grace a cliff so you do have to be careful.
We would have our lunch and break here it was a long one Christian dozed off near a cliff, Jarrod sat up on his own rock, while Ricky and I sat up at one of the tallest areas of Slide Mountain to enjoy the beautiful day. Their was really no wind temperatures in the 70's it was a perfect day to be on that mountain minus the haze and the fog. I was able to see Tahoe but it had a layer off fog on top thus not one single boat or ferry that day out. Sometimes their are restrictions because Tahoe can become like a rough sea so if your lucky some days nobody is on the lake.
You could clearly see a massive storm front was coming in and for those that do not know it storms in the sierras are bad. I know I been caught in a few in the summer you can get a snow storm even if its brief their is no avoiding changes in weather when they creep up on you as fast as they do.
We also noticed that attached to a nearby antenna was this massive around piece that had been dented on top, springs bent and piece that covers it torn off. I thought this was a bit odd what would have the force to cause such a dent in the steel what could have hit it so hard to put a dent into this large metal round piece? I theorized so many things all the way from Bigfoot climbing the side of the tower beating on this attachment all the way from a meteor hitting the top of it causing the dent. It just did not make sense and I cant put it into words so you will just have to see the amazing video footage along with photo evidence.
At one time a century or so ago back before Washoe was logged and had a city the bigfoot like creatures would come down to the lake below to hunt for food and gather water. If you were one of these indigenous creatures and someone built antennas which give off various frequencies wouldn't you go and try to destroy them think about? Some of them hum others give off frequencies that we may not hear but a Sasquatch might. Anyhow that was the first oddity during the expedition something was pissed and something damaged that major round piece that sat 15' off the ground onto the side of the frame of the antenna.
While my back was turned Ricky said to me hey someone is signaling us with a mirror I did not even bother to look right away was in my bag getting food, cigars, finishing off my beer and just enjoying the remoteness. But boy was on in for a shock I seen what appeared to be a large oval craft rising above the fog over North Lake Tahoe eventually hovering to over 50' to 100' above the water and fog. It was golden brighter then the sun it almost hurt my eyes to look at it.
I quickly went into actually snapping 4 fairly good photos of the object we ran test its definitely a UFO or craft of some kind after we ran it through the rest. I then hit my HD cam on to start recording strangely the object became dimmer and dimmer. Ricky could see it even after it went dim but I watched the object or tried to and when I finally did see it this thing shot off into orbit at least 5 to 10 thousand MPH easily. Its almost as if it came out of the lake powered up then left for orbit.
I was bummed I did not get the UFO hovering over the fog how I knew it was spherical or oval is that when it sat above the fog it casts a shadow onto it so it was obvious the object had been hovering little did I know it was not over. After the larger object cleared the northern part of the lake all of sudden their was 3 to 4 dancing white lights. Actually I did not think I filmed these white objects but in fact were in luck my cam picked some of them up hovering over trees, dancing over the water and fog. They objects appeared to look like white mirrors that flashed but after careful study they were not flashing they were pulsating similar to the gold UFO only these were smaller and gave off very bright white light with each pulsation.
The smaller objects appeared to be hovering around and on a very woodsy peninsula it does not have any roads nor is it a well visited area. When I put together the UFO video ill be adding photos of the giant gold ship and annotations of some of the smaller UFOs I filmed around the peninsula. To be honest with you I am not even sure if maybe this large object blasted off into orbit and then split off into smaller objects.
Anyhow even though I did capture the large golden UFO I actually managed to capture other UFOs surrounding and the footage is quite intriguing you will be amazing seeing one of the white spherical objects just pulsating over a tree. Which in theory might explain the bigfoot connection to the area perhaps these craft hover over the woods and mountains dropping or picking up these bigfoot like creatures which might be why we never find any evidence of their existence but tracks.
Anyhow the light show we seen was phenomena I figured I did not pick anything up because we were on top of Slide Mountain and still miles away from the north shores of Tahoe. But we did it we managed to get some good evidence we had no idea we thought we would find some tracks, stool or maybe hear some vocalizations. That was not the case we literally seen a fleet of UFOs I have no explanation for the hovering objects or how one would appear on the eastern edge of the shoreline of the peninsula then seconds later would be on the western shore of it just very weird. While a couple lights hovered over water and fog one of them is just hovering over the tree line on the peninsula just sitting there so definitely strange.
Which has led me to possibly theorize that maybe their is some USO base at the bottom of Lake Tahoe. I mean lets face it Tahoe is North America's deepest lakes. Surrounding this lake are more bigfoot sightings and evidence then you could ever fathom trust me I KNOW. Then you have the lake monster legends including some divers or sonar specialist that claim their are massive caves deep underneath the lake itself. I am a firm believer of underground and underwater alien bases. These craft did not come from the sky they came from that lake. I know what I seen I have two other witnesses who stood on the peak with me and watched this gold UFO powering up over the water and seeing the smaller spherical craft on the north shores of Lake Tahoe. Even more so the peninsula that protrudes out into northern Lake Tahoe is completely woodsy and these craft were surrounding it.
My theory is that since boats were not allowed out on the water and the fog was so thick these objects may have taken advantage of that factor for whatever reason behind their agendas. If you were to stand on the north shore even drive along it you would not see these objects they were dead center almost in the middle of a foggy north Lake Tahoe barely hovering above the fog line. The woodsy peninsula also provided allot of cover for the smaller objects since it protrudes a mile or two out into the water its not an easy site to get out to especially if you were ground level you would never seen these objects. What would really get me is how the smaller white objects would pulsate a few times then that same object would all of sudden appear a half mile away after dimming out just 2 to 3 seconds later. I believe I truly do that our team had a really close encounter with a fleet of UFOs and the only reason why we seen it is because were standing 10k above northern Lake Tahoe so even though we could not see its blue waters we were able to see above the fog line.
I felt like I was in a Steven Spielberg movie this is not something you see everyday hell I have friends who have spent 30 years trying to see just one UFO and within a half hour I witnessed five different objects at one time I see three of them all in one area and that gold monstrous ship was BEYOND AMAZING! I did film some of the objects they are not that great considering it was fogging and 10 thousand feet up I was not able to zoom in on what I was filming because I could not see the objects in my lens so I thought they were blocking my cam technology but instead it was just because they were so hard to see that I was filming them blindly managing to pick up a few good clips of them radiating light and hovering.
After the phenomenal light show and witnessing these UFOs we needed to get out of there. The winds were picking up, dark clouds were pushing in along with more fog. The situation was becoming dangerous as lightening was striking all around us and we were on the brink of being drenched in heavy rains.We pulled out of the area quite quickly stopped at the ski lifts again to break from all the rock climbing off the summit eventually getting back down onto the road heading down to Tahoe Vista.
When we made our way through the camp ground we reached Tahoe Vista this time taking a very lush woodsy trail. I passed a couple gentlemen drinking brews while hiking its what we do here in the sierras. Most of the hikers smoke herb and drink brews I do it to. I have had people hate on me I wont mention names but they are obviously living in the prohibition times. We work hard to climb these mountains taking risk, scaling the edges of cliffs, getting cut up in the brush and spending hours doing our work in the wilderness. We have no luxuries other then an ice cold beer or smoking a bowl while enjoying the nature the area has to offer.
When we arrived back at the truck I had lost my hat while photographing nature my son found it though he has a good eye for that kind of thing. We were lucky we missed the rains and lightening so far but our journey was far from over.
I would take all of us up to the parking area or highest year around pass in all of the sierras where we would check out the Mount Rose summit trail. My goal here was to hike on the trail then cut down into a canyon to this hidden lake very few know about. Little did I know that this would be to hard and take to long to get to from the trail so I decided to take us an easier way.
At the rest rooms I met a pretty lady but I have a GF but she was a nice sight to see after climbing a mountain. She had a really pretty smile and that is all I needed for my day to be made not that the UFOs were not exciting enough do not get me wrong it was nice seeing a pretty lady for a change in the wilderness. Its not something you see all the time so I guess I was just being a guy lol. But I love the ladies and honestly I should have given her a card to our website because all the work that you see and that we do is word of mouth one sister might tell her brother and her brother might tell her dad then others might come forward privately with me about their UFO or Bigfoot experiences surrounding this region so it is relevant to always let others know who you are and what you do.
We would hit the Mount Rose trail there was also a plaque which talked about an observatory near the area or that use to be here along with many other informative boards about the history to the region. They also had maps and photos of local wildlife. It was a rather informative site but most people just stop here to use the restrooms or sit at the picnic benches.
I took the team down the road or down the pass which heads east behind Mt. Rose which was a bit rough since we had to hug the side of this ravine and I cut my arm open pretty bad on a guard rail so I had blood running down my arm.
We would finally reach this hill they had some old no trespassing signs left behind from sheep herders but its all public land as if you follow the hill into the woods it intersects with the Galena Creek Trail for many miles. The creek drains into Tamarack Lake which resides below Mt. Rose.
We would cut through the brush then hit the trail for awhile where we would push through brush to the lake shore. I was a bit disappointed that this lake had no trail around it actually the grass and marsh land made the lake a bit hard to navigate around. It also made it difficult to try to find any bigfoot tracks near the lake itself. Most lake shores are muddy or have a shoreline not Tamarack Lake WHAT shoreline?
We had to get out of here really quickly the rains came in my camera was completely wet in seconds otherwise the cool rain felt good on my skin soothing my cut arm and cooling me down from climbing Slide Mountain. Visibility had only worsened also I mean you could hardly see any of the other peaks in the region the haze, fog and storm clouds just enveloped the area which I believe is why we had this UFO encounter because it would help minimize any chance of them being seen unless you were high up on some nearby peak at the time which we were we had Slide Mountain completely to ourselves.
Anyhow we did not stay at Tamarack Lake to long but Ricky found an old out house hidden in the foliage signs that at one time ranchers use to be here and maybe used the lake as a source to water down their livestock. I would have loved to follow the primitive trail which leads in this canyon on the north side of Mt. Rose but time was running out evening was setting in and we did what we said we were going to do. We climbed Slide Mountain and we captured something phenomenal in our photos as well as on video. Our research that we do is bringing our group to new levels of discovery and phenomenal events.
On our way home all we could do is talk about the experience I mean we have two older kids and two adults that just witnessed something that defies explanation. I believe those craft were not of this world I seen the large ship shoot off to orbit and I see smaller craft appear/disappear in a blink of an eye then hover elsewhere pulsating just above the fog so that anybody on the ground would never be able to see them.
I have to see my experiences with Bigfoot and UFOs surrounding Lake Tahoe run very deep I have seen things here that have no explanation other then that they are paranormal. I am not sure ill ever witness another event like this and the steal casing around the antenna being dented as well as mangled one can picture a massive primate climbing up the side and just pounding its fist on it destroying what once was there own summit where these creatures may have once lived for thousands of years.
My only regret about this trip was the haze and fog really took away from the views when your 10k above Tahoe and Reno those are money shots. But most of the scenic photos we have our peaks, ridges and lakes covered in fog. Sure it looks eerie to those who will sift through our material but I believe that due to that factor is the reasoning behind the UFO phenomena. Only later on would I realize that after this event took place the US military would make the basis for a strong presence surrounding the lake such as black helicopters, surveillance planes and jets. I believe they are aware of this incident as well we could not have been the only one to witness this as I found out hiking on the Rubicon the military seems invested lately with Lake Tahoe since this had taken place.
I believe there is an underwater alien base and I also believe that when the fog hit these craft ascended from the water to conduct their research or test in hopes that they could remain hidden from the public eye. The golden ship was enormous and it left the area. The smaller objects seemed to be more adamant about hovering around the peninsula, shorelines and hovering over the tree tops. Maybe powering up their craft? Extracting Bigfoot? Surveying the area? or maybe just coming up for air from the depths of Tahoe? I wish I had all the answers but ill never forget our trip to Slide Mountain.
I have so many other wilderness areas along the Carson Range and Tahoe it never disappoints I am telling you out of all the years of doing my research this region gets a 10 for the strange believe me when I say that. Sometimes when you put yourself in these situations you expect to find one thing and end up coming across something completely different out of the norm. We thought we would find Bigfoot we never realize we would have a close encounter with front row seats to a UFO show! 
Lord Rick

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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