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 Post subject: Our December 22nd "Doomsday" Bonanza Of Investigation Report
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:28 am 
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Our December 22nd "Doomsday" Bonanza Of Investigation Reports!

Stead and the Reno regions are areas are group really had yet to work with since our relocation a couple years ago. Although its a much larger city it has allot of history and haunts of its own without even having to go travel very far into the wilderness.

Every year around the holidays we put together a bonanza of investigations and have been for years. No matter the weather no matter the cold we go out to make our marks in paranormal history yearly. These investigations were well thought out ahead of time it was not a matter of if it was a matter of when they would transpire which includes the Our Mother Of Sorrows Catholic Cemetery, Reno Hilltop Cemetery, Grand Army Of The Republic Cemetery, The Bentley House and the grand finale at the Stead Naval Compound.

These would be doubled up as we would do a day documentary of each location then come back later at night that way we could enjoy our holiday party at Kit and Ted's home. In actuality this would also be our first full team investigation this year as we had six of us in total investigating which really adds a bit of pizzazz to what we do here at PGS.

We would head out early for these series of investigation which was hard on me as I just hosted a major 8 hour radio show so I didn't get to bed till a few hours till I had to go. I will say it was a great show my only problem was is that stickam would lose connection then most of my viewers wouldn't come back so they didn't get to see me light myself on fire stunt or listen to the later night paranormal blotter about 2012's creepiest investigations we did.

To make it even more difficult is we were getting hit with a blizzard that morning Kit called to warn me that chains were required in certain areas including where she lives. I still told her not to worry I am coming I use to investigate in Buffalo NY so freak snow storms and white outs never stopped me before. I am patient and can either wait it out or even still do the investigation depending on the circumstances since we always have been an all weather group. Although it was Dec. 22nd it may have seemed like the end times sort of weather indeed it was not doomsday just typical winter Northern Nevada weather.

It would not be easy to get up to Kit she lives over 60 miles away we went to pick up Karen and Sabrina first. Then stopped at the store we had some things we would all be bringing to the holiday party. Kit was making Chili Tammy told me it was some of the best she ever ate. It was nice that everyone got involved for this event and came together. This is exactly what I like to see and overtime our viewers should progression amongst new investigators signing up onto our team especially in 2013.

When we arrived at Kit and Ted's we would all enjoy some hot coffee before we would head on out to visit our three cemeteries. It was still snowing out and so white you couldn't see not a single mountain in site as we would do day investigations of all three locations.

Our Mother Of Sorrows Cemetery
(Investigation 1 Day)

We pulled right up into the center of the cemetery. Kit was wearing a special boot for her fractured foot I am sure she was feeling the snow their is not much insulation of the toes on those things but she sure enough went right on out searching various gravesites so kudos to her.

I focused my day exploration on the historical and child's sections of the cemetery. The snow draped over many of the graves one grave stuck on out Serafina Fanti. Her B&W photo was up on the monument along with perhaps her other family members which surrounded her stone in particular. I could feel strong energy not just as a focal point within the cemetery but the significance of this plot. Many of the gravesites here were spread out very far apart so you had to walk around allot to check out the cemetery to its entirety.

Tammy wandered on off to a large state of Jesus with memorials encased below it made of marble. I did not take any readings it was mainly just a visit to video record and photograph. Although at times I would do a quick EVP session the blowing winds and snow made it kind of hard in doing so. I figured id rather save everything I had for the night portion of the trip.

The cemetery was very unique as the back side is surrounded by hills while throughout the cemetery are very large older trees. Its an ideal location to investigate for ghost being Catholic Cemeteries over the years have gotten us some really great apparitions.

We would take a team shot at the entrance which has a giant statue surrounded by wrought iron. I was very excited to come back later at night to work with Serafina and I knew if I worked with her a little I might be able to get her to show up. Kit also was focused on her gravesite as well so her and I were on the same page.

We would then off to our next destination a proposed haunted site called Hilltop Cemetery.

Hilltop Cemetery
(Investigation 1 Day)

The neighborhood was older and run down a little when we tried to find a location to park. I also noticed a few other nearby cemeteries which we will eventually investigate in 2013. Just driving around this place sort of gave you a feeling of despair as the sagebrush grew very high amongst the old tombstones.

Part of the fence was completely gone where you could just walk on in which may be a contributing factor of its vandalism. In all reality PGS may do a cemetery cleanup come spring here and try to get the city of Reno to restore this graveyard. Its a very sickening site I will leave it at that!

We entered the cemetery the snow was much deeper here and everybody sort of seemed to go off in there own directions. It is not a large place perhaps an acre or two if that but many of the stone are not even full gravestones. In a simple term most of them are either tipped over or missing only leaving the pedestals behind with the last name on them.

The cemetery has a couple tall monuments one that is about 20's in height while entire family plots are just bare. I also noticed spray paint on some of the gravestones. Not sure why this city has let this happen these were people human beings many of which should be honored especially when some were the first settlers into the Reno valley.

I had noticed many of the burials here were from the 1800's it was unusual to see any internments past the 1900 date. Some of the graves were covered in high brush while off in the distance you could see a few blocks away old downtown Reno.

Personally myself I am hesitant on investigating places in Reno believe it or not the crime rate here is high. The amount of rape, shootings and car break ins is unusually high for such a beautiful city. But when you visit sites like this it shows this cemetery was deplorable nearly every stone here suffered some form of abuse. Hell there were areas the ground was sunk in where you could tell below you was a burial yet the gravestone was completely gone.

We would eventually all meet up at the main monument in the center of the cemetery. Kit and Ted were taking pictures some of there pictures during the day came in different hues. I am not sure why that is there is no explanation as to why a photo would come out all blue, pink or red. It is possible it was a camera malfunction or maybe the dead here enjoy to mess with them hard telling.

Just across the road we would visit our last cemetery of the day called the Grand Army Of The Republic. I was looking forward to returning here at night I knew for sure we would get something and we sure did.

Grand Army Of The Republic
(Investigation 1 Day)

I entered through the wrought iron gates and then the main entrance had a metal overhang which said Grand Army Of The Republic. This was probably the most historic cemetery amongst the may in this region. Despite the fact that many of the men buried here served in the Civil War from 1861 to 1866 many of there deaths did not come till after 1900 based on my research.

At one time prior to 1963 this cemetery suffered as much vandalism as the burial ground at the nearby Hilltop Cemetery only difference is that the soldier graves here had all been restored. I only found a few stones that suffered some abuse but generally all the soldiers stones here were legible and in tact.

Tammy and I were the only ones during the daytime to investigate this place. I did not see Karen nor Sabrina enter here. I did however read the historic plaque and took some time out of my day to care. If I didn't care I would not be operating the group we have today but because we care we are not just a paranormal group were a historic organization as well that cares highly about the preservation of such sites.

There was a soldiers monument I found here and a flagpole within the cemetery. There were also some marble monuments but most of the stones here only two a couple feet high and were white in color. I found one gravesite that was made out of rocks piled in a circle. There was even a few plots surrounded by white picket fencing.

It was a pleasant place not very large just a very narrow rectangle with an outer and inner fence. Many of the graves were close typically found in soldier graveyards. In a way there is a certain sadness that comes over you here. Its not the fact that these men died in war its the fact that they died period you can feel it here.

We would then leave here as nightfall was falling into play fairly quickly. I would personally be taking some personal time on out from our holiday gathering to investigate the Bentley Home. I feel it is haunted actually I know it is when you been doing this as long as I have you either feel it or you don't something is here.

Kit and Ted stopped at the pizza parlor to order four pizzas for dinner. That was awesome of them because man was I starving. I do not mind eating Xmas candy on investigations hell I eat junk food like Dean gorges upon in the series Supernatural but pizza rules over all lol.

Bentley Home
(Investigation One)

It took me about an hour of my time to do EVP sessions within the home. I did not take any other readings besides photographs. I would like eventually to do some EMF here in the future especially in the girls room and the one back bedroom where I felt as if something was watching me.

My first experience here I felt a lady I also heard all sorts of odd noises especially when I started talking about the activity within her home. I realize the house was part of the military housing surrounding ;some of the smaller military compounds in the Stead region and generally such housing does tend to have a resident ghost or two.

I took the time to interview her children they told me some pretty odd stories but I believe them. I have seen ghost do some crazy things all the way from throwing objects at me to yelling at me. So for footsteps or objects to move around is not really that strange.

I did take a few outside photos generally most ghost will hang on the property not always inside especially if there is allot of human activity. Then I went throughout the house communicating with the deceased and setting up what I call trap EVP which works beautifully in homes such as these.

I did go into the rooms myself and felt a presence here it was not strong but it was with me. Especially at the time in the backroom where Kit actually moved out of due to the activity. I felt something hanging in that room perhaps due to the cross hanging up or up near the air vent but when I went in there I walked in on something.

I can only put out the evidence that has been collected which will be in review for a week or two as I examine everything. Kit told me just days after the investigation the children seen the ghost of a man who was a full blown apparition. He just stared at them and it did not scare them which is starting to sound like perhaps my visit has helped them be more comfortable to showing themselves.

I felt a female so does Kit and the kids seen a male so perhaps there is a military couple who eventually passed away and now haunt the home. I would like to work with the home one more time to do a follow up visit when there are less people within the home such as taking temp read outs and EMF on my next investigation here.

Hilltop Cemetery
(Investigation 2 Nightfall)

I could not wait to come back here at night. Our entire team was excited about revisiting here as well. I would split the team up very evenly with Ted, Tammy and Sabrina on team 1 and team 2 would be Kit, Karen and I. That wait we had a male in both group and a team leader in both of the groups.

I am not sure what the other team experienced but what I can tell you is the team I led really did a great job. We manage to visit every family plot and gravesite. I also showed Kit some of the vandalized graves with spray paint I found during the day.

The glows of Christmas surrounded the cemetery along with downtown Reno dimly lit as the snow was falling I decided to chose two gravesites to work with it was very amazing when Kit and I started to talk with the unseen how the temperature dropped at least 12 degrees. Not that it is major but it is enough to say that when spoken to there is no doubt that the temperature surrounding each broken stone did decrease in a matter of seconds.

The snow was really coming down here most of the graves were barely even legible by nightfall. I did not see ghost although others have here I can say two gravesites turned out to be very active. Not sure what the EVP sessions will reveal but from my observation Kit did a great job interacting with the unseen which is very important when you are working with a recorder.

The next time we may visit here would be to do some volunteer work although id like to photograph and video record this place in the warmer season. I have no doubts the ghost here are angry about the conditions of there stones. We spent a good hour here at night investigating and even sitting down at some of the gravesites something to many forget to do here.

My belief on this place is that the ghost may haunt this place because of there graves condition. They want to be honored not forgotten and we hope that our visit may have revitalized the ghost to realize they are not. The real key with a place like this is communication would love to take a gaussmeter here to see if I can backup this validation. Anotherwards speaking to them then getting readouts usually verifies this.

I would then walk on over to the Grand Army Of The Republic Cemetery where Ted met up with me during my EVP session.

Grand Army Of The Republic Cemetery
(Investigation 2 Nightfall)

I mainly worked with EVP here Ted and I walked around the entire cemetery. I spent sometime taking photos under a tree where I focused allot of the investigation on.

I walked the entire length of the cemetery about three times back and forth. Just as Ted stated I understand what he meant when he said sad. There is allot of sadness here lets face it older cemeteries especially historical ones like this really do not get many visitors.

I may have seen a holiday wreath or two but the other hundred of the graves seemed to have been forgotten. The Holidays are a sad time especially around December you can see who cares and who does not.

I did sit next to one of the soldier graves and I drank out of my cantor. Its a good way to honor the dead that is why they call liquor spirits lol. Although it was snowing mildly here it was much colder within this burial ground then the Hilltop Cemetery across the street.

Everyone else was in the truck waiting for Ted and I we did our walk through then decided to move on to our last cemetery of the evening our Mother Of Sorrows Cemetery.

Our Mother Of Sorrows Cemetery
(Investigation 2 Nightfall)

Ted got us in as close as he could we would then have to hike down the hill and into the cemetery. Kit and Ted stayed behind to charge there cameras. I would lead the rest of our team to three areas in the cemetery that we would focus the investigation on.

It was still flurrying snow here in N. Nevada one town the next let alone region can get different snowfalls. Just a few miles away the snow still was coming down here fairly consistent. Kit gave me some holiday candy, brooch and some manmade flowers. I would use this on Serafina's gravesite and the children's section to produce better apparition photography.

We spent at least 15 Mins. at Serafina's grave where I put down the brooch. Seconds later after sternly calling her name Karen began to get temperature readouts. We watched in less then a minute the temperature drop around 16 degrees 1 degree per two seconds as I continued to call her name over an over. I believe that we had gotten the results we had hoped for here.

I did put some candy on one of the children graves then began to do some EVP sessions. We really could not stay here long there were to many cops driving by. I didn't mind even if a cop did stop us we are a licensed business here and very well known in this area. Just about 1 out of every 2 people I have met or came across knows PGS and I hope they do since we have made our home here in N.Nevada.

I eventually went on over to the hillside to visit the statue of Jesus which sits on a massive foundation with memorials below of those who passed away. I did sit down my gear then I scaled the foundation which overlooks the entire cemetery below.

I did not feel anything strange here although their was a stone wall with a series of steps up to the hill and statue that were a bit eerie as well as overly dark. I generally do not use allot of light in cemeteries at night I want good night photography at best you cant do that if there is to much lighting. The Jesus statue was lit up so I didn't do any ghost photography here besides the fact that I was capture snow orbs as the wind gusts blowing the snow everywhere.

We would wrap up here and it was a great investigation. I just had gotten behind Ted's van when they took on off. I guess they didn't see me but Kit had to use the bathroom. So we waited for a pickup down the road. That is when Tammy realized she had lost her phone that sucked pretty bad not so much for the fact that it is insured but her sim card with her personal pictures are on there.

She had realized she lost it at the Hilltop Cemetery which btw I returned to during the day couple days after Christmas. The phone was nowhere to be found we even checked some bushes where Tammy peed hahaha near some apartment complex. I give her credit for not going in the cemetery but us guys we just find a tree business as usual.

So someone took her phone the same scum probably who vandalizes those stones at the Hilltop Cemetery We were glad to see Kit and Ted it was cold and a cop drove by us a few times really slow checking us out. I didn't feel like getting put against a car dressed like bad Santa lol. But we spent a long time looking throughout the van and couldn't find her phone so we figured it was up at Hilltop our last major spot.

We would head back to the house to prep for the grand finale where I could charge the gear and put together two backpacks for our night exploration at the Naval Compound.

Stead Naval Facility
(Investigation 2 Nightfall)

Our second investigation here was infiltration as Kit and I on our first trip explored the outside of the compound. Which consist of 7 to 10 buildings which were well used over a half of century ago by the Navy. I know that the buildings varied in uses all the way from a battalion to a hospital. There was also a chapel, administration building and training center. I am sure some of the other buildings that are inaccessible had other uses as well.

This compound today is surrounded by other training centers including other federal branches like the Army and Airforce that have made use of the Stead Airport which resides near this center. So its obvious why Kits house was at one time housing for newly training soldiers and military since there are many centers located here which were more active a half of century ago.

We would walk on in the only vehicles on the streets were snow plows. The airport was completely dark as night. It was still snowing however we would be inside for this investigation. We would only be able to investigate two of the buildings as in one of them there were kids hosting a party in one of them. Very typical of abandoned buildings which are used for underage drinking and sex.

Most of the buildings are tightly boarded up except for three or four of them. One of the largest buildings on site we would investigate which turned out to be a hospital and chapel. This was in my opinion the best building of all to investigate period considering most hospitals are haunted but also due to its size it would take up a couple hours to set up a good investigation here.

I have done allot of buildings in my career I go to the places most will not as someday places like this will be long forgotten and decimated. I was the first one to enter the building near the administration desk the building split up in three different directions then smaller halls branches off of those. It was easy to get lost and Ted asked if anybody was hiding that they better come out now. There was no response!

Sabrina was back at Kits house sleeping on her couch. So there was only five of us when I went to sweep the building and its wings I came back Karen ran away back to Kits house. So I was minus a flashlight and our temperature equipment to measure changes in the atmosphere. Kit had to accompany her back home so it came down to Tammy, Ted and I to put out a good investigation of the facility which we will return to a third time next year to finish off the places we didn't get to see or that were missed.

I took off to my right entering a room that led to another long hall. I was doing some filming and photography when I looked over my glasses. I was wearing my sun glasses I do for allot of investigations its a LR type of thing. The darkness is my friend however what I seen would have scared the bejesus out of anybody who is not trained in this shit. I seen the ghost of a man sitting on the floor hiding behind a door get up look at me then start running away from me. I could not even believe what I said it didn't take any genius with gear to figure out that we were not alone at the hospital. Ted also had his own ghost sighting hell it probably was the same ghostly man I seen. Ted's ghost was about his height and a bit transparent he seen it closer to the Chapel as I seen mine in the hospital wing.

This was our grand finale of the night and I saved the best for last. Think about it 2am in an old military hospital near Christmas. While everyone has sugarplums and candy dancing over there heads we have ghost dancing in ours.

It was obvious the inside of the hospital had suffered from vandals. We found an old generator on the floor along with damaged walls, spray paint, empty beer bottles and everything had dust on it. There was at least three kitchens we found perhaps one was a break room, a very large room maybe a waiting or physical therapy room. There was also an X-ray room where Tammy scared me behind the glass making faces through the small window. I turned as white as a ghost when I raised my light and seen tongue sticking out at me. Ill admit she got me off guard but its okay Ill get her next year I always do lol.

There was this one room that had two closets one of them had a black room that was very narrow and long. The other room may have been for hearing test based on the way it was sound proof. There were many rooms each one had a sink one of them had native American children's wallpaper stripping. Some rooms were equipped with small bathrooms.

There was a small chapel maybe it was not but we found about 30 church pews in both rooms either they were stored here or at one time served the Naval trainees as a way to attend service here. There was a few closets one had a few dozen cubby holes while one looked as if a fire was started inside. I set up motion detectors in one of the closets and another one had these hand straps hanging from the beams like someone tried to hang themselves here.

We also found a few coffee tables, bed backboards and bookshelves. It was obvious a few staff lived on site as some of the rooms were not for patients but for residents. We found graffiti that said Goonies made to look like blood and condom wrappers in one of the rooms. The halls were white and light blue typical of hospital corridors found in any medical building in the states dating back to even a century ago.

The entire building was allot of fun to explore and every turn had mystery or history. We even found the maintenance room, nurses quarters and pressure gauges. All in all this was one of the best haunting investigations we did in 2012 we seen ghosts and as far as urban exploration goes this place gets an A+. We had the entire facility to ourselves.

Before the end of the investigation we decided to visit another building. This was the Naval Training Center more or less it was an office building. Although it was a much smaller building it was another fun place to explore. The first room we entered was a waiting or classroom. There was a sleeping bag it was obvious the homeless use to reside here and may still do.

There was another room with a round table and training books everywhere. Behind that room was a files room with files of all the trainees still on hand. You would think the Navy would have removed them I think they should be removed. Although I will not use someone's personal information there are others who might or have from this. Ted searched the filing cabinets it was a nice piece of history to come across no matter.

We found a bunch of soft office chairs in many of the rooms. There was a long hall connected by about 8 other rooms each one probably was a class room for Navy Trainees. Allot of the rooms were packed with bookshelves, chairs, tables and lamps. The furniture here never was removed it all still is here covered in dust and dislocated.

One of the rooms had a headless pigeon while another room was full of used condoms. Somebody had been doing some hanky panky here. I have to admit I am not so innocent either I have had sex in places like this before just for the freaking rush but it was obvious someone had a mini me pecker their were no magnum condoms here lol.

There were paintings still on the walls including an old Naval Cadet recruitment poster this thing was old it was historical in every aspect. I took a photo for you guys to see it on our site when the updates come out its just a part of the building.

We also found a party room ya know the type with a table, beer bottles, ashes and signs someone had been smoking crack in here? You see it all when you explore abandoned buildings that is why this group is not for everybody or the weak of heart. Sure we might see ghost time to time but what people do to these places is more horrifying then anything paranormal.

There was also a sea cadets equipment closet made out of metal in the main hall. Tammy came out of one of the rooms gagging it stunk it was obvious someone used it as a bathroom again its common with places like this.

We found another large room with a bunch of chairs which we sat in they were actually clean. We found an old typewriter, desk and even an attic here. This building was not as active but it was a piece of history.

Our last stop would be the outside of the cafeteria there was a way in someone boarded it up. I could have found another way in but it was getting late and I had to get the ladies home. I figured I did not want to do to much because I wanted to take Kit here so ill save our third investigation for other sites we did not explore and are explorable.

I wanted to thank Ted he did a great job helping out it was nice that it was not just Tammy and I trampling around some abandonment's for a change. Generally its just us and everytime we do we take allot of risk not from ghost but the threat of unruly people.

We walked from the facility all the way back to Kits house it was a nice quiet night snow was falling and I was just admiring the Xmas lights. I am not a complainer I am happy just knowing we are safe and we pulled off another great investigation.

This really puts us on top as one of the top groups in the country when you think about it over 1000 investigations is not to shabby and were ready to do hundreds more in the next few years. So in reality our viewers, fans and friends have allot to really look forward to. There is nothing we will not do and nowhere we will not explore.

When we arrived back at the house I spent sometime with Kit filling her in on the investigation. She was really pissed she had to go home and missed it. This was her project not mine she found the location and took me there last month ago to see if it was something id consider and of course I said yes. There is not many groups who do the abandon stuff in this country we do we always have even from our opening day back in 2001 when we did Central Terminal in Buffalo NY.

Kit sent home some Xmas candy for my kids she is so sweet. I am glad to have Ted and Kit as my friends I enjoy having them come out with the group and they are learning to be good investigators. I teach and train all my investigators just as I have Tammy and now look at her. She does it all including climbing into windows and going off in abandon buildings alone. She is very brave and that is how you have to be to obtain the good paranormal evidence.

No investigation we do comes easy we work hard and very thorough at every location. We work in the snow, rain and wind. Sometimes we run all day into the next morning it is what it is. Anybody who joins our team should plan on doing as much research and work fairly often. Its not a job its a service what our society brings to the public.

Its a service that requires everybody to stick together and work together as a team. Some will last through the ups and downs. Some will not work out in the future as some will break to many protocols on an investigation that its just not enough to have them back as it poses risk to our other team members.

Some of you have a future with this organization were always getting contacted by producers and we get more website traffic then a majority of groups. We have some so envious and jealous that they hate on me. A past investigator tried to have me arrested for cutting her off our team because I wouldn't tolerate her not showing to investigations and meets. We all do our fair share of work nobody is above or below not even me my job is to make sure everybody has fun, learns and stays on track.

These updates will be available in the beginning of the next year. I have allot of photos, evps and evidence to sift through. I also have allot of research to do prior to them being put onto our site publicly. I do see third investigations of Our Mother Of Sorrows Catholic Cemetery, Reno Hilltop Cemetery, Grand Army Of The Republic Cemetery, The Bentley House and the grand finale at the Stead Naval Center. There are also talks of doing a children's only investigation at one of the cemeteries to help promote parapsychology amongst youth and for our Junior investigators. Out team has two juniors Ellie and Jarrod both who in my opinion excel most adults. I am one of the very few groups who offers this and its been a success.

We will amp it up in 2013 what I can tell you is one of our biggest projects next year is we found an underground alien base that we will be infiltrating. Not even the military has been here or would go inside its not only dangerous but its so secret that I cannot disclose the details until we go LIVE with it once the evidence comes on our site. This year was good to us we did some of the greatest Bigfoot expeditions found some of the best evidence in the country proving that this creature does exist in the sierra mountain range.

Next year in January we have a ghost town planned and more work we will be doing in Virginia City. Do you know the irony of the investigations December 22nd 2012? While I was working out in Reno that day my wholesale company sent me a Gaussmeter. When I arrived home that morning I was like grrr because I really could have used it I had done 8 solid investigations.

What is next well New Years Eve were having a family party Kit and Ted are coming over. Next month will be a special meet up. Its the meet where will be discussing some of our projects, goals and investigations of 2013. I can tell you right now that I did get some really good stuff at the cemeteries in Reno so in my opinion along with the Bentley House and Naval Compound the Cemeteries were equally haunted.

If you are interested in being on our team especially for some of my east coast friends who been members for years your future is with this organization. We welcome team members to relocate here as were a very active group all the way from camping expeditions to ghost towns to exploring historic sites. We also will have some very old historic sites giving us permission to investigate especially in the Virginia City area. I am overall excited about follow up investigations as much as checking out some of these new locations we have in mind. We work with every topic cryptids, ghost, aliens, UFOs and so much more. Our goal is always to take it up a notch each and every year adding new features to the site along with a unique series of adventures unlike any other group.

In closing id like to say we got a great group and finally some really good participation going on. Our motto Truth, Friendship and Adventure has been proactive for 12 years and we hope to follow it another 12. It was a great close to 2012 between are amazing radio show done all the way from the doomsday weekend as me dressed as bad Lord Rick Clause. Speaking of some comical humor please check out my newest comedy video for an end of the year laugh I also want to thank everyone who has supported and followed us. It just gets better and better year to year! So we thank you for being part of our paranormal family and look forward to a prosperous future not just as a paranormal group. But we are an Adventure, Historical, research, Urbex, Nature and Friendship group. There is nobody like The Paranormal & Ghost Society in the country let alone the world and we are glad to have those who are part of it.

Allot of you watch these paranormal shows but you will find out that those are just entertainment. What we do here is real and hard work. Nobody caters to us with food, money or fancy equipment. We go out into the unknown knowing not what to expect. However on television its all faked for ratings and money what we produce are real cases into the paranormal. Nobody pays us to do what we do we do this out of pure passion in our hearts for the unknown. The more unknown we come across the more fascinating it becomes to do what we do. I was on the set of show on SYFY's network and it was so dull I left the set just to go investigating myself. Hell this year SYFY wanted to buy my ghost video I declined. We work to hard just to give our talents away however for our viewers, friends and members we are more then happy to share our work with the world!

Lord Rick
Author, Paranormal Investigator and Talk Show Host

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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