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 Post subject: Saturdays Exploration At Historic Virginia City......
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:33 pm 
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Saturdays Exploration At Historic Virginia City......

This past Saturday was a huge milestone for our paranormal group and I must say everytime I visit Virginia City it is never a disappointment. Everything has a story and with history comes its ghosts. I am working very hard to bring our viewers investigations from all over the Comstock Lode. Sometimes as a paranormal investigator you just have to get out there and find new places. Not everything can be researched on the Internet you have to sometimes live it to understand it.

These three investigations were preliminary tours I have not investigated them completely yet. I will return to them soon though to build a case involving its haunting's and trust me they are golden in every way. Everytime I tour Virginia City I drink a new brew, eat a new dish and shop for something cool all in amidst investigating the unknown. How can anyone ask for more as a ghosthunter? You wine, dine and seek out the spirits when the west was wild.

My journey would take me to Donovan's Mill, Washoe Club and The Union Mill. It would also take me to other well known sites including tunnel #4 which we already investigated in October and some of the old foundations which surround it. I crawled through tunnels, climbed walls and even visited the old haunted hospital site. Being a paranormal investigator is not just about the unknown its also about forming memories that last a life time.

I will be returning to Virginia City a couple more times this month to take more photos and build case files. I also met some of the local business owners where our PGS cards can be found at. Everyone I have met has been so helpful and hospitable towards our society. Nobody judges my top hat, black nails or pro 420 shirts. This may be due to the fact that Virginia City was a place of lust, sin, life, death and even the unknown. Back in the day the miners lived there lives to the fullest they never knew if they would live or die from day to day. Back in the 1800's the locals drank merry, gambled and they sang. Not much has changed today the vibe and the feel are still much of the same. Dogs still roam the streets some of them are seen in the saloons and everyone of them I just about pet on the head.

Its a big month for us we have so much going on such as a trip to San Francisco and more work to do coming up out in Virginia City. Its a really good year for us and it just keeps getting more and more exciting. Our adventure would began at a place called Donovan's Mill a rather large historical site with much to see and explore.

Donovan's Mill

I have been stopping by the mill for awhile just didn't get around to actually exploring it. Imagine an old creepy mill with all kinds of buildings attached the highest being 5 stories high. The mill has allot of broken windows while the grass around it is extremely overgrown. There is a small cottage on site along with lots of debris scattered on the hillside.

When I went between the buildings I went up into this long tunnel following a conveyor belt. The boards were very loose and through the cracks I could see myself elevating higher with each step. I followed the belt where ore once was transferred for processing when it led me this giant open area. All that separated me from falling over was a few wood rails down a narrow passage.

It appeared the mill was split into two sections the first was the warehouse area the second was the industrial area. All of it I could see from above including wheels and machinery larger then life. Back in the 1800's this machinery was made out of iron it was massive and it was designed with the intent of separate minerals from the ore.

There was a stairwell that went down to the bottom of the mill however the dark passage made me think twice since I left my flashlight back at the truck. I noticed from what I could see a drop off of 30' so I decided to come back when I was better equipped.

I didn't really paranormal investigate the mill this was more of a safety exploration to get some external and internal photos as most of these old mills are being dismantled. The only oddity that did happen to me was an owl flew right out in front of me landed on a wood railing and we met eyes. I didn't know it was an owl at first all I could see is this giant wing span of about 4' as the owl flew to each posts eventually calming down to check me out.

When I went back on the hillside I found all sorts of cool remnants scattered amongst the brush. There was ore carts, stoves, metal cans, mining machinery parts etc including a little bunk house with a chute for ore to come down from the top then land onto the conveyor belts. There were also two large cyanide takes both were deplorable but they still are standing from back in the day when they used the cyanide to separate the gold from the ore.

My last few stops would be in one of the mining offices, visiting an old ore wagon and wood cabin. It appeared that the Donovan site has allot of history and so much more to see. But what I learned is where to go here and not to go these mines and old mills are dangerous. Allot of the locals explore them for the same reason I do which is to admire there history sometimes even its ghosts.

It was obvious that nobody had been in the mill for a long time cob webs were around ever turn and I cannot wait to return here. When I do return will get some night vision going, EMF readings and EVP's. Then we will close our case with the mill leaving only time to do as she will with it. I have to admit its a pretty spooky place I went inside by myself the hairs were standing up on my neck as only a little sun shined through the wooden cracks.

I would also make stops after the mill at two other milling sites near Tunnel #4 one of them being the east yellow jacket mill. The area is littered with mills some still stand such as Donovan's while others are just foundations of stone and piles of debris. Tammy told me when I was crawling through one of the tunnels she seen three rats scurrying near me running into the stone cracks.

At one time these stone foundations were much like Donovan's Mill they had machinery in them and a shell of sheet metal with wood beams to hold it all up. Most of these mills from my experience are more haunted then allot of locations that I tend to visit. Whether the miners haunt these sites or energy left of the past it is never a dull moment exploring these locations. After my excitement of exploring some mills along the V&T railroad tracks we decided it was time to head into the heart of Virginia City to the Washoe Club.

Washoe Club

Rumor has it the Washoe Club is one of the most haunted location not only in Virginia City but also in the country. I have had friends who have visited here anybody can tour there haunted museum. They also have great beer and in my opinion some of the prettiest ladies lol. Nobody will argue that one with me well maybe my girlfriend but hey what can I say haha.

I decided before visiting the Washoe Club I would do my thing which is to visit other locations for future investigations. I did a bit of urban exploring on foot and in my truck which included parking on the tracks putting some scare into Tammy lol. I have to mess with her at least once in awhile keep her on her toes. Not that the trains are running but still she didn't know that at the time and I wasn't going to tell her lol.

I did visit the haunted hospital they were closed but what I can tell all of you is that I have investigations planned at the hospital, church and even other well known sites throughout the city. We are going to bring our viewers it all believe me in 2012 you will be enlightened when this is all said and done.

One of my favorite things to do besides look for ghost in Virginia City is to tour the historic saloons and shops. Allot of the business owners are allowing me to post our cards so that others can get involved with PGS. It is an honor to be able to have this opportunity to get our name out there a little. Afterall look at all we achieved in this region since our relocation here.

During my exploration I found an old mining trail that takes you through a cemetery, mill and some overlooks. This weekend ill be taking my boys on the trail to start building a case file. That was the reasoning really behind my recent trip here was to build new case files for our site so that we could bring our viewers the urban exploration part of this all then the paranormal investigation part so that way you get the best of both worlds from our hard work.

Tammy and I partied a little we had dinner at the Delta Saloon which is known for its Suicide Table which is a cursed poker table and yes you can see it at no cost. They have many other artifacts from the 1800's its like a living museum. They also have a bomb ass spicy chicken sandwich and of course I order a pounder of beer mmmm beer.

I also bought a leather belt you see I was really excited touring the grounds of the old hospital when my pants fell to my knees no lie so yeah the belt was kind of necessary lol. We bought a new weapon in our arsenal as well for our investigations which can be used against beer and such in the woods if were in danger. I mean its amazing all the things you can buy at the shops. Some of the shops sell 60 million year old artifacts seriously just allot of exotic things.

As far as the Washoe Club goes we ordered some brews then I went back into the haunted museum. I kind of felt at home back here there was other paranormal groups just chilling and talking about ghost. I spent some time at the spiral staircase where it was pretty cool back in here. There was a big screen television that talked about some of the ghost and haunting's here as well.

I also noticed on the wall they had some photos of orbs caught here I didn't see any solid apparition pictures so that is going to be my aim when I spend the night here to investigate the club. They had behind glass all sorts of really intriguing items for example there was old Ouija boards and even the cast of a Bigfoot print. I also seen what appeared to be a couple haunted or cursed dolls. I did listen to some EVP's captured at the club and overlooked some of the finds here.

My final jaunt would be visiting the crypt which was at one time used to store bodies. When I entered I have to admit it was icy cold back here not due to spirits but maybe because its just a bricked room with no insulation built into the hillside that would explain why bodies at one time were stored here. I didn't even know people were sitting here alone in the dark till I see a dim light with what appeared to be four individuals sitting quietly waiting for something spooky to happen and here my loud ass comes in drinking Samuel Adams. If that didn't stir up the dead I didn't know what would but it appeared they had some piece of equipment that was registering sound waves for EVP's. I never see something like that its not a tool I use. I generally just use a digital recorder then listen to what my finds are when I get home. I did do a night vision film in the crypt however when I spent the night here what ill do is set up on stickam a live cam for our members and viewers. I can plug the laptop in then just run the cam off of that perhaps.

After exploring the museum and touring the crypt I admired some of the older things found such as an old piano and vault. All of these relics have history spirits attach themselves to these things this is why I feel this place is as haunted as it is. I went back out however to the bar goofed off with a manikin and even signed up to become a club member. You cannot go wrong being a member once a month you get to drink for free and even see a show so count me in lol. Nothing like drinking and partying at one of the oldest saloons in Virginia best part is its haunted.

I talked to the bartender for awhile about some of the activity there and I will be spending the night. Ill be locked in till sun up so I am looking forward to it. The downside to it all is that the upper floors are locked down however in the spring they are going to open those up as well so I may be actually performing a few investigations here this year. This not a disappointment when it comes to activity people get touched, see apparitions and many capture solid EVP's.

I had a great time here even played with a big ole dog its just a really great atmosphere of people. You have producers that visit here and many other paranormal investigators so its a positive move for our group to visit this location often as well as give our viewers a really awesome investigation.

After we had dinner and toured the club I was supposed to meet our newest investigator at the 4th Ward School the individual never showed up then he wonders why firestorm paranormal fired him from there team. I am not trying to be rude I just think its rude that I sat there in the cold waiting for this person who never showed up after we met with him a couple weeks ago and he committed to being a part of our team. People never seem to amaze me in my line of work I am willing to bet that they would show if they knew how often television producers contact me but then that would mean they are not truly committed to our cause which is truth, adventure and friendship.

With that in mind I can tell all of you were doing great things and were about to do even greater things. Sure I investigate allot of sites nobody knows about but the Washoe Club is a place that others who value this saloon with enjoy our team conducting an investigation here. Its going to be a blast and we will return! Our last stop of the evening would be up near 6 mile a canyon one of the oldest mined areas of the Comstock full of ghostly legends, strange tales and historical sites.

Union Mill and Mine

Originally I was going to investigate a cemetery however when you go offroading in Virginia City the dozens of dirt roads it can get a bit confusing. Allot of the old dirt roads lead to mills and mines. Some dirt roads lead to doom believe me I learned this over the weekend lol.

When I entered the dirt roads I never did find the cemetery I did however end up hitting heavy amounts of ice and snow. There is actually in the canyon allot of foliage so at one point I drove through a woodsy area. Since I could not see the road very well I ended up trying to leave the area to investigate something else and went down the wrong road.

When I went to back up I didn't straight it enough and the ice slammed me against a small evergreen tree. Hell two of my wheels were not even touching the ground but I managed to rock the truck back and forth eventually spinning the truck enough to pull on out of there. Little did Tammy and I know but that little tree put two big dents in two of my doors and cracked the plastic on the rear hatch. It also took off paint and scraped an entire groove down the drivers side. So it looks like ill be spending some time installing new doors on my truck in the near future the perks of offroading.

When I made it out of there Tammy was relieved I was near a steep edge so the only thing saving me was that tree so I guess there is a good side to all of this. If I went over I am sure id lived but id been pretty Pissed off lol. It was extremely cold in this canyon and all I could see were the dim lights of Virginia City off in the distance. Tammy gave me a huge hug when I got the truck out little did I know that when I stepped out of the truck my camera fell in some snow.

We decided to call it a night since we were returning to Virginia City at least two more times this month however when we left town I realized my cam was missing. I was at the gas station looking through my things couldn't find it anywhere. The truck was dented and had so much dirt on it you could tell we were in the back roads.

I had to drive all the way back into Virginia City searching the roads once again driving over the ice.....dealing with steep drop offs.......being careful not to get stuck again. Eventually I said screw it we were already parked at the lower Union Mill and Mine so I took a break and did a night hike around the ruins.

Out in front of me was a massive 50' wall about 20' high which I climbed up the snowy hillside just to stand on the wall. Then I found other ruins built up along the hillside which I explored for about 20 mins. I seen Tammy looking around and she was pretty small so I was way up on the hillside. Just as most mills all that is left of this one is stone foundations. Across the dirt road was a massive foundation as well that we climbed around on.

We ended up after this walking the road back to where we were stuck I found a piece of rubber fitting for one of my windows that was torn off and eventually we found the camera. The only thing noticeable of the camera was the strap sticking out of the snow thank goodness Tammy spotted it good eye good eye lol.

I did capture a pretty interesting ghost photo at the Union Mill site then again I did some research about this area and it turns out there is some pretty odd shit that goes on back here. I have heard of tales about ghost with glowing eyes, deaths back here in the 1800's and mining accidents. I also read its one of the oldest mining areas in the state so allot of the mills back in this canyon are made of stones not concrete with rebar.

Another strange thing that occurred is I heard the voice of a man yell at me while I was hiking around the ruins. Whether it was ghostly I really do not know but this canyon is not anywhere near any homes or human life. Its a canyon littered with graves, foundations and debris piles from the mining days. In one night I hiked around this mill on three occasions most of it was due to searching for my missing camera so it kind of gave me plenty of time to get a feel for what is all back in the canyon.

There was something else odd about all of this so ill explain it then you can decide if it sounds odd at least I think it is. When I was stuck Tammy left the vehicle thus her prints were all around the hillside in a very small contained area. The snow back here was nearly a foot deep there was not any human prints let alone any other vehicle prints in this part of the canyon. Again its a pretty treacherous offroading experience but if you want to get to some of the less known haunted places its worth the journey.

When we made our way back to the location on foot down the dirt road to where Tammy's prints were we found these massive boot prints in the snow. They were large ill leave it at that almost looked like a miners boot print. They were not there 20 minutes prior to our search so either someone was watching us in this canyon hiding or something paranormal made them. What was even more odd about the boot prints that whatever made them had one foot/leg anotherwards the set of tracks circling the area of where we hit the tree had to be a one legged person hopping around on one foot making these prints ODD. It was the oddest thing I have ever seen especially in the snow and considering how cold it was back here I doubt anybody was out here but us.

When I arrived home I did more research on the Union Mine found out there are other ruins and sites that were part of this operation. I had only seen the lower portion of the mill but I did find an upper portion which even has larger foundations and more to see. So I definitely plan on revisiting this site sometime this weekend during the day to see this location to its entirety. I am not sure who yelled at me or why we found the strange prints we did was it worth what happened to the truck in a sense yes no pain no game I guess.

Virginia City is never a disappointment the more I explore the more I want to see. Considering that 600 miles worth of tunnels run underground beneath the town it is a pretty scary scenario so if those tunnels are haunted so are these sites that once led to them. I read that most of the tunnels have enough water in them that is equal to the amount of water in all of Lake Tahoe. Then there is all the legends, spooky tales and tragic deaths that took place surrounding mills like these. The adventure and the history runs deep as their is never a dull moment in what was known as one of the richest gold and silver mining towns in all of America.

After our day of adventuring Tammy surprised me with a grape cigar it really hit the spot it was a pretty intense day for me. More then often I have to visit locations first to check out safety issues sometimes interview others on its history. Then there is the photographic experience we work hard at to bring to our viewers so you get to see some of these locations as per day versus night. It was a rewarding trip and I cannot wait to return to all three locations to further our investigations of them.
Lord Rick

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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