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 Post subject: My Adventure Up In Delamar Nevada.....10/29/10
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:47 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Three years ago little did I know I would ever be traversing into this well known ghost town but all that dreaming became a reality October 29th of 2010. Each year our group tries to do something memorable near Halloween and although this report is a little late it gives others more appreciation for the hard work that we do. Here we are a decade later still visiting ghost towns, caves, cemeteries, mines, abandonment's, historical sites, forts and even haunted houses.

I have learned that most of you are into these paranormal shows you see on TV. Sure they are entertaining but being an investigator of the unknown most of you know that not every investigation is going to trun up something strange. Those on shows that claim this are fraudulent sorry but I been working with this for years and I know my paranormal.

This trip would be special as I would take my kids out here the snakes are in hibernation....the weather is cooler....lots of good hiking in Delamar and sites to see. We would focus on three point of interest one being Delamar Cemetery, Delamar NV and Magnolia Mine.

We would stop for lunch and I finally broke my curse no tickets through the town of Alamo thank goodness that place gets me everytime. Lunch was great we also had plenty of food to last us a couple days. I somehow forgot our tire jack didn't realize it till I offroaded miles back into the mountains but hey I am typing this report so you know I made it out of there okay.

I could not believe the distance we had to travel to get here anybody who says ghostbusting is cheap is lying we fund all our own trips although if our members would donate it certainly would help. So here we are driving into the open desert a couple hours later we hit our dirt road turn off which took us along a range of high mountains where Joshua trees grew. We were in total seclusion passing various dirt roads with signs pointing to springs and other places.

The road into Delamar surprisingly was in good shape and very wide. We followed these old wood powerlines for quite a few miles. I was getting exciting as we inched closer to this town which is made of stone by the way for those who do not know. I call it stone city because at one time it was.

I caught a glimpse of something to the right of the road what looked like a fence....then as we turned down the road it turned out to be the local cemetery and so our adventure began here.

Delamar Cemetery

I could not believe how scattered the tombstones were here. The cemetery was very overgrown while some of the stones or family plots were surrounded by old wrought iron. We were having fun trying to find a way in the entrance was just a foot wide little path between a couple bars.

We were surrounded by mountains on all sides of us with the exception of miles of dirt road left behind us.

I noticed that the cemetery was damaged beyond repair. Some stones were just a pile of crumbling rocks....while wood fencing was rotted and torn to pieces surrounding family plots. Most of the stones were not even legible or like one it had the base but the stone with the epitaph was missing.

Across from the road was an old stone foundation where I stepped into the basement photographed some sort of beetle. I could see up the road as it started to get very rugged as it went up into the mountains for a good mile ahead. I knew that in order to get to the town I would have to go over these mountains or through them so I was enjoying my solitude within the cemetery.

It was early in the day I generally work more with UFOs during the day then at night. So my mind really was not set on ghost however I would come back later at night for some readings and EVPs.

What really is amazing is that its easy during the day to locate these places but at night this would be a needle in a haystack. When we returned here we passed the cemetery by 10 miles pretty eerie but that is just to give you an idea how big of an area this is. If you miss one dirt road you could drive in Southern NV for a hundred miles easily.

When we came back here at night it was much cooler although their was no wind at least not till we entered the cemetery it started to pick up. It was a very bone chilling wind so I could not wait to get on out of here and get warm for our trip home.

I remembered my little boy mentioning during the day seeing somebody in the cemetery with us. He may have been exaggerating or maybe he did see something ghostly. I didn't stay long at night to take many readings as we been hiking for miles previously but when I can do an investigation of the day and the night for our viewers it is a real treat because all of you get to see where it is we were and what it is we seen.

I will admit something did happen weird in the cemetery at night though. I thought I heard a woman scream and some voices whispering amongst one another quietly. I thought to myself either the wind is playing mind tricks or maybe out in the thick brush their is something of the unknown waiting....watching...through the looking glass.

I was not to keen on spending much time here as later in my report your going to read about some psycho I encountered who was still driving around the area. I had no plans on spending the night out by the cemetery just enjoying the stars...some good ghosthunting....and a little bit of history.

Delamar Nevada

The pass over the mountains would become very rugged. Tammy and I would take the car as far as we could go. The rocks were getting bigger so were the holes as we followed a drop off to our right and hugged the mountain to our left. Leaving behind us was another dirt road which led to the mine we would save that for the night time and focus on the ghost town primarily.

When I traveled a mile up the road their was an SUV and a few people walking around it. They turned out to be some folks either from Australia or the UK adventuring out here. So I asked the guy how far it was to the town site and he told me just up over the mountain.

We had parked forgot are other backpacks so it was rough everybody had to carry something whether it was the etc. The view down the mountainous road was gorgeous all i could see for miles was desert...mountains....hills...and blue skies.

We came around a bend where we found our first stone structure. It was at the base of this hill I remember putting on my mask for a photo gotta keep the Halloween Spirit. The boys played running around they were having fun thought the stone structure was cool. It was hand built with rocks and all that was missing off of it really was the windows...door and roof.

When we followed the road in it actually took us into a giant valley where we could see foundations and structures all over scattered. I knew we finally came to the end of the road and had a busy day of explorations ahead of us.

Our first stop down a hill would be the old mill site. Strangely the mill sat on tiers with each level having a long and high stone wall. The mill site is the most amazing part of Delamar it was just massive. Over a 300 to 500 foot area was nothing but mining equipment, wood beams, metal, foundations, walls etc all part of the Delamar Mill. This also included a giant series of wood beams which probably were part of the mills structure at one time.

The area was becoming rather cloudy with the sun peaking through it was about mid afternoon. I followed a path to the bottom of the mill leaving everybody on top for safety. I actually found the old railroad site and these odd sandstone hills.

I had to be careful as when I stepped down onto the soft rock my foot went through a hole and just a few feet from that was this black hole that appeared to be some underground cavern. I know that I had no plans on falling into any shafts or caverns so I had to be careful walking amongst the soft sandstone cliffs and hills.

I went down into a wash found a bunch of mining equipment like these giant ore bins and even a water tower. The climb was rugged and very steep up these sandstone hills. But when I arrived on top you could make out that at one time the railroad or perhaps a set of mine cart tracks ran along the top of these as wood ties were still left behind.

On top of the this mound I stood overlooking the entire town. I was out of breath because I ran at least 500 feet down below the mill to these high sandstone hills....climbing them and struggling to get to the top. But the view was gorgeous and I was able to plot our exploration from where we would set up base camp to where we would leave when nightfall set on in.

I could sit here for hours telling you about the town site but the photos are 100 times better then any description I can give. When I stood up on the old railway I seen an entire city made of stone. I also noticed higher up on the mountains the background possible mine entrances. Due to me having my kids I had no plans on investigating them as its been rumored those are shaft mines. Always use caution when in mining areas trust me one fall and its all over.

I remember walking up to a ledge seeing debris below in a narrow wash. I thought it would be safer if I just slid down the side then try to climb down a ledge. I slide down the side of a sandstone hill. It was sandstone still forming so it became weak as my shoes filled with sand and rock pieces.

As I slipped into the wash I realized nobody could see me I was 400 feet away as they stood on top of a brick wall built into a hill. I had a series of small washes so I climbed up the side of a bank where it led me to some foundations as if they were part of the mill. It may have been the old train station or part of this giant mill.

I was out of breath as I ran to check out old equipment....rail lines on a sandstone ridge and foundations near the mill I didn't realize that nightfall soon would be setting on in. I caught up with my family then decided to take a road running parallel with the mill sight. We took that road till it branched off like a Y. Both ways would take us into the heart of the ghost town of Delamar. I decided to take us to the right where some major stone structures stood. That would be near where we would break after 20 more minutes of exploration before we would start to make our way towards the other direction.

I noticed that their were many large stone structures but no roofs, windows or doors. Just piles of rock foundations crumbling as the sun setting glistened off the gray stone. I went further down the road which led me to a tall hill which overlooked the entire valley below us for at least 20 miles with the mountains peering at me in the foreground.

Their were smaller foundations on this hill perhaps residential cabins maybe with walls a foot or two high. I watched the children and Tammy check out a large structure 200 feet below me they were very excited to be here. I was just enjoying the view that same view has never changed even a century ago when this town once stood.

As I headed back I noticed off to my right another valley below with many stone cabin foundations crumbling. I did not realize it but this town site was this large as it was secluded nestled within the Delamar mountains on every end but fairly high up sort of like being on a giant plateau with the town built upon it with a massive valley below. I know this makes no sense best way I can describe it is indescribable and "I Wish You Were There" hell maybe I could make postcards make some money to finally pay for site dues and cost lol.

I caught up with everyone after taking some photos when we started to head back to the fork in the road where we would encounter an entire road with ruins on both sides of the roads for hundreds of feet. We would stop at what we believe was the old saloon and inn. This structure had higher walls and clearly a second story to it. The woods and stones were scattered all over the wine cellar perhaps part of the first story to where once where the floorboards existed.

We took a break here for a good hour ate dinner....drank......sat around talking about adventure. The boys played tag running around the saloon peaking at me through windows. I set off on my own for a little adventure as I went further down the road. To my right were ruins some much larger maybe bigger homes at one time stood here or business of some kind. The town site had a very European look to it all nestled up in a higher desert backdrop.

To my right were many foundations but they sat on a ledge and below that ledge 10 feet below their were a dozen more foundations. You could clearly see that the town had a series of old roads that at one time were streets. The town was built into tiers of the hills and ledges. This was similar to the mill site we seen earlier walls of stone 12 feet high built into a ledge.

I looked further up the road as it ascended uphill and seen one of the most intact structures famous within the town site. It actually at the time looked like a church with a steeple off in the distance that which it was not. But at the time with the way the sun hit it 500 feet atop of the hill I would not make it there till nightfall when I went back to base camp.

At this time the sun was going down behind the mountains dark was setting in fast. We now were more on track with a ghosthunt rather then a day hike through history. The winds picked up for awhile to an uncomfortable point where we hiked up the road which seemed never ending.

The road started to lead us into a canyon but a wide one with foundations on both sides of the road. I pulled ahead everyone my one son followed me close. As the ledge increased in height to our left their was a big structure just beyond it. This was my so called church but closer up turned out to be a giant stone mansion with no windows...doors or flooring.

I entered the door as their was piles of stones caused by the demise of the structure. It was hard to believe but I stood in the heart of the widow maker. I will talk about the widow maker when I do a history write up on this location.

Tammy and I climbed up into the living room area of the home which was probably the den where a fireplace once roared with the burning of desert brush. I researched this building found out it was called the April Fools Mine Office while others say it was part of the Ferguson Mine. Surrounding it was the complex such as the mine 50 feet up above on the mountain and a giant wall we found behind the building.

I had come to realize that 90 percent of the mining businesses that created major deadly dust within the town were all up on the side of this mountain. It was dark and I knew I would not get to see these mines but was okay with it considering its rumored to have some of the deepest shafts and tunnels in Eastern NV I had no problem not risking a fall to my death.

We spent sometime climbing around the office buildings was fun and I bet the road that goes over the pass might reveal some other sites of interest as well. There were many roads out here that went through or over the Delamar & Clover Mountains. Some of those roads would lead to another famous ghost town called Caliente.

Tammy and I felt we made good timing considering it took us a few hours to get here we had hiked around most of the entire town....had dinner out here and a comfortable time to get back home after day of exploration.

We took the main road from the outer edge of the town and took a junction to our right as opposed to the other junction a few hundred feet ahead we originally took. This junction would take us along a small hill where everyone walked in the road while i stayed up on the hill side. I came across many foundations pairing off for a couple hundred feet. It was easy to tell that these were small residential stone cabins perhaps where the miners lived maybe even there families. No doubt life was rough for them living in small stone cabins just 15 minutes away from the mines scattered above us on the mountainside.

The one thing that captured me here is the lack of paranormal activity. You usually hear something....maybe catch a shadow....see some lights etc but not Delamar. The entire ghost town was dead silent as we hiked for almost a mile down the road to our car. The road was rugged it was good we decided to park when we did or we may have become stuck out here. Sometimes you get more out of an investigation by hiking and we did we really seen allot more then most people who visit the area.

Before I left the area we had a few more stops such as a night visit of the cemetery.....mine we found earlier in the day......and a horse spring. So we were not yet spent as we would work into the night trying to uncover strangeness.

When we arrived back at the car we loaded everything on up then we had to descent off the mountain down a road with a series of large rocks. I generally try to avoid them but we also know it might only take one to set us back so Tammy got out spotted me for awhile and removed some of the more hostile rocks till we almost pulled right off into the valley.

I had then realized I left some equipment by the road perhaps busy with the kids at the time you know how it goes. I was not turning around so I ended up running up the dark mountain and right in the middle of the road there it was an entire pack of cameras...gear etc Boy I was never so glad to see my things. Although I was not away from them long there was that bit of an eerie feeling having to go back and get them.

All in all it was a nice exploration we found broken glass from century old bottles of many different colors in some of the foundations. It is hard to believe that this place once had a few thousands residents and went to having not a single soul kind of eerie here but haunted still remains to be seen.

When I made it back to the car we would set our eyes on a few new explorations one being a second visit to the cemetery only at night the other being to find us the easiest way to a very giant mine. The rest of the evening would just intensify it always does.

Magnolia Mine

As we left Delamar it was time to visit a mine we seen a mile away on the side of a mountain. We had two dirt roads to our right one of them was less rugged but still had to take it with caution as it was very narrow and had allot of dips in it.

We followed this road a mile in looking at the rock formations around us still we did not seen any debris pile so then I assumed that it was a little higher up the side of the mountain. I knew the mine sat at the corner of a junction where all 3 roads met so I just had to park somewhere near there and hike up the mountain looking for the small entrance into this large mine.

At night without much of a moon their is not much to see but shadows of rock every which way. I happened to find a little dirt road off to my left. I pulled off there and gathered our gear for our night hike. What turned out to be a small little hike turned into a much large project by the end of the night.

We started a hike up this rocky road which led us to nowhere but higher up the mountain. As we started to hike around this area I found a vertebrae it was fairly large perhaps an animal but nonetheless it looked very human. The size of it was smaller then my fist but only by a little and near it was another large bone of a shoulder blade/clavicle.

The bones looked very old almost as if something dug them up maybe from the grave yard or perhaps it is bones from an old miner buried near the entrance. I did not take the bones but I did photograph them for later viewing by our members and experts.

Tammy and I followed the mountain from right to left until we were about 100 feet above the car up on the side of this hill. We took a break then noticed a set of head lights coming down the road. I could hear what sounded like a radio playing and two men talking kind of loud.

The pickup truck they were in was very run down and they slowly passed by my car pulled off to the side of the road. Then as they went past it they stopped then moved forward again. Eventually the men made it past us their was some relief.

However the men in the truck were acting as if they were searching for something. A few times they went down the road they turned their truck around as if they were making a uturn and heading back for us. They would do this a few times only to eventually turn around pull up near my car and back into the side of the hill hitting rocks.

I knew something wasn't right with these people they had eventually put the truck in park walking up to the back of my car. I yelled out to the individual get the F*** away from my car the guy still kept walking up to it but he put his hands up. I said it about 3 to 4 more times told him he has no business snooping around my vehicle. It was a dark night no moon we were in a canyon on top of this hill or mountain if you call it with brush all around us. The inviduals i seemed to frighten on off as he walkked back to his truck and the men had left. The nice thing about the desert is that you can hide anywhere and anybody can have a rifle aimed at you anytime.

The guy before he got back into his truck asked me what I am doing here I told him stargazing and he was like well we seen this vehicle back here was wondering what was going on. Even though his headlights hit us earlier on the hill it was obvious these folks did not see us so with a little intimidation they left.

I asked myself who walks up to a dark parked car with tinted windows in the middle of the night. Anybody who is local to the area knows that the Delamar area is a place for hiking.....camping and extreme adventurist. Seeing cars up here and campers is not uncommon. It was oobvious that these two were up to no good I had to react and yell down into the canyon in darkness. I am sure these guys had a huge wake up call to hear some angry guy hiding in the hills watching them.

As the men drove on off they did it very slow stopping every once in awhile. We had no idea if they put something sharp behind the wheels of our car or if they would wait for us at the junction. It was obvious based on the direction they came that they probably did not have much gas remaining so they would have to leave the area and get to town.

There are roads back here that lead to of Utah....etc its very vast out by Delamar some offroading sometimes as much as 50 to 80 miles in length. If you get stuck deep back here that could mean your life as you know it hence the vertebrae i found made it all the more believable.

After hiking for awhile we started to see dugouts where mining on the side of the hill began but never was finished. I knew we had to be getting close but the climb was on a rough angle with allot of brush to walk around including some cactuses.

We climbed over a smaller hill it seemed endless till I seen with my flashlight a wooden ore shoot and below that was the giant debris pile we spotted earlier during the day. Behind the ore shoot was a dwarf sized entrance made out of wood into this mine. Tammy was still about 100 feet behind me so I just took a break as she came further down the hill.

I was so happy because we been hiking around this mountain for a good hour climbing up then down.....then over other hills and it was time to enter into something we could explore. When we entered the mine there was a bat hanging above our heads. To bad i didn't pick him up they are pretty cool creatures.

As we followed the narrow tunnel further down their was a chute off to our left....and a few smaller passages to our left and right sides always dead ending. It appeared they tried to expand the mine in different directions but failed.

The mine was very lengthy and deep. We had to be deep inside the mountain we just were climbing on. Their was a junction which branched off to the right. We decided to continue staying straight. We also found some old rails that went to the right. This mine at one time had mine cart tracks which probably brought out the ore to the chute in front of it for processing.

Tammy and I would come up to a dead end where we found an old wooden service elevator to the next level. Their was also a crevice to our right with wood beams placed in between the gap. It looked like an 8 foot fall onto a ledge then in front of that a massive black hole more then likely leading to the bottom of wherever the service elevator led. This diagonal shaft was unique but never go into a place you cannot get out of it and this was a one way trip.

We started to head on back took the junction tunnel we found there we would find a giant 1 gallon jug of piss not sure I want to know. But it was not water in that jug you could just tell. This tunnel would only lead us to a dead end. We had a long ways to go to get out of the mine.

The walk back through the tunnel was hasteful we did not stop to waste anytime. I did at this point feel something was in the mine with us. Generally most places I go you feel nothing but as i started to leave I felt like something was smothering me or that we overstayed our welcome here.

It felt good to be outside it was a little warm inside the mine. I was just glad this was not the cyanide mine and just another one of Delamars gold mines which produced half of the states gold. There were other mines in the area I would have loved to see but out of them all I am willing to bet this one was the safest.

We did investigate the ore chute a little. I noticed a shaft in the center of the chute or some hole did not get to close to find out where it went or how deep it was. There was allot of debris and wood surrounding us. We slowly made our way down the side of the debris pile of crushed rock and back out onto the road.

The road is so much different when you walk on it you think did I drive over these rocks or was the road this narrow. You literally cannot believe you took this road to begin with but you did and there you are in the middle of the night looking for the paranormal.

When we arrived back at the car we had no issues getting out of the area it was getting dark and cold though. We still had to visit the cemetery which we did after missing our turn off for almost 10 miles. We came across an abandoned vehicle that was up on a jack with the tire off. It was a truck with a flat so you see the terrain out here can have its toll on any vehicle nothing to mess with and well being the jack was not in my car a flat had to be avoided at all cost.

We had missed the cemetery at first but found a pull off which led us to a series of dirt roads with a sign that labeled it grassy springs. We pulled on up to a series of fenced in areas which were overgrown but at one time were full of lush grass for grazing animals. I did not find any springs but we would enter the series of pastures looking for any structures such as stables to explore.

The fencing in this area was made with tree branches sticking out of the ground holding barbed wire up. While other sections off areas had rusted metal bars and gates. There also was some fencing made out of wood. We did not spend much time here as all their was to see is remnants of a horse watering and grazing area.

We found a few mangled horse troughs and Tammy found someone's prescription glasses just laying on the ground still half folded as if they fell from someone's pocket. The entire area was torn up as piles of wood slats were off to the corner....and a gate sat unhinged as it greeted us to another sector.

This spring and horse watering area reminded me of allot like our trip to Gold Butte. It truly is amazing how similar life was in the wild west. People no matter where they immigrated to built their societies based on farming....the railroad...mining......and utilized what was around them. In one case they built the horse cornel out of wood found around the region while the houses in Delamar was built out of native stone.

When you walk up to sites such as this they are fascinating but can be eerie to knowing that at one time this place looked allot different then how you see it now. I always wished that I could see a before and after photo of most places I journey at but then think what will my world look like in a century? Perhaps the same a pile of debris and rubble.

The night was brisk Tammy and I were drinking a cold beer it hit the spot and we wrapped up the cemetery along with the night. My kids were actually happy this time we did not get stranded or lost.

I was pretty happy to pull back onto the highway of course instead of going back to Vegas I really wish it was over to Utah or the grand canyon. But after stopping at an eerie gas station past midnight up near Alamo....and sharing a few funny tales we all made it home in once piece.

It was a long 3 hour drive home nothing to see between this town and Vegas just dark shadows of vast mountains and desert. Thank goodness for those 5 hour energy shots it is all I have to say. Eventually when i get sometime on my hands I will get this onto our site and its going to look bomb.

After a three year wait Delamar became a place that we fully enjoyed a longing worth waiting for. I am sure much more remains to be seen as I found many roads and paths which led to mines and foundations. Is this ghost town haunted? Not sure but being somewhere at the right time and place has everything to do with how your investigation will unfold.
Lord Rick
Founder, Author & Talk Show Host

Ps Report is only a draft copy more may be added later or revised

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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