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 Post subject: My Exploration Of Area 51 Last Night...Groom Lake...ENJOY
PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:57 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
A long time dream of mine came true last night not for me so much but for our group to be able to go to dream down the Extraterrestrial Highway and visit sites that you have read about for so many years. I must say it was a very impressive trip and we had a full team. Its not something you can say you do all the time be like hey we went up to the gate of area 51 and smoked a bowl lol:) But it is something that even I will cherish for the rest of my life. Dream Land sits north of Las Vegas almost 150 miles north nothing but ghost towns, deserts, dirt roads and mountains. You want eerie well we brought you just that last night.

I have to say that we been a very fortunate group as some of our recent investigations been stellar. I felt my team did quite well with the exception that they do not understand the length that goes into such a trip between the 400 miles I almost put on the car.....the hiking....the amount of energy that goes into such an adventure like this.

After visiting the area I came to the conclusion that yes there are unexplained lights in the area and other paranormal happenings. It was a strange night but one filled with mishaps, humor, paranormal, and even extreme off roading in a Sebring Convertible. Will we go out this way again you bet we have at least two other trips planned in the future to explore other key locations surrounding Dreamland.

I had to verify it for myself and read the entire report you will be pretty amazed with our story and excursion. For those that did not show you missed out on an awesome trip. We did segments for our radio show coming up this Friday, had the pool tournament all on video, broke in our newest investigator and we visited quite a few sites which include Tempiute Mountain Ghost Town & Mine, Area 51 Groom Lake and Crystal Springs Casino.

We started on off with everybody meeting here early because of the fact that we would have to travel quite far. June was running late they been looking for Chris's cat which someone took. People just do not have any heart stealing other peoples companions and pets. Trust me I went through it in CA had two cats stolen from me Sneezer lucked out lol.

I packed quite a lot of drinks and food Ill be buying everybody drinks for Snow Mountain next week for those that want to come on the hike its on me whatever you want. I made sure this time I did not forget some snacks as well because I knew that at least if I was going to get abducted by little green men I would do it on a full tummy ha.

So anyhow we left the house a little later the sun did not take long to go behind the mountains. We stopped in Alamo to get more drinks stretch our legs. Its a tiny town in the mountains very eerie they also have a cemetery here. I just played tunes...chilled....was pulled over before getting into town by the Sheriff for speeding problem is he was in front of me and I know how radar guns work and he was getting the traffic oncoming and pulled me over as I went around him the turned on his lights. Despite I was going 2mph just under the speed limit so I was pretty upset could not wait to go toke up lol.

Anyhow as you know Sin Darkness and Her Bf Thomas were in fact the ones stalking my group and libeling my good name on that hate site. Since I expect groom lake to get a lot of hits I want my readers to know that for months they told me I had warrants, was wanted by the FBI etc...the Sheriff took about a half hour came back wrote me a small ticket their are no warrants but now I have a ticket from going down a desert straight away road so I am assuming the guy was just bored and wanted someone to pull on over it happens. Yeah hang with me and trouble finds us lmao.

We drove up to the huge intersection just miles away from Groom Lake and near here are 3 to 4 semi ghost towns. We did not see much of anything driving through them maybe during the day would have been more feasible but the Sheriff delayed us...etc etc you get the good and the bad with my excursions its who we are I wont lie I went almost 115 mph at times lol otherwise it would take us 3 hours to get up here you get the drift. I was enjoying picking on Fighting Irish in the backseat he was picking on me so I gave him a real safe ride on the Alien Highway where the cows roam free and anything can happen.

We arrived in the town of Rachel very well known place just bordering area 51. It has a lot of hype so you do have to visit it just for the Little A'Le'Inn we got out of the car took a few photos of signs and things. It was suspenseful when you think about it never visiting this area not knowing what to expect or even see.

We parked out front the restaurant was dead much like the town was dismal and dimly lit. We toked up in the car right in front of the sign and UFO hahaha it was great just something you should do. Get stoned...go on in eat a nice meal and laugh.

I wanted an alien burger why lie its something that is famous especially for UFO enthusiast visiting. The service was great the people were pretty friendly I know they probably are use to people visiting and taking photos of there UFO wall, alien merchandise etc and trust me we took a lot of photos in the diner....we were loud...rowdy...drinking brew....cracking radio show jokes etc it was a good time its like being a family you cant beat that. I also seen the ladies flirting with eachother Chris's eyes lit up like he just won the goddamn Nevada Megabucks haha.

We ate our burgers...Fighting Irish and I busted eachothers chops for about an hour because I told him I would be showing my ass sometime on this investigation messing with him. Then he was playing Pacman...and well I got some other videos of us that they will just have to wait and see sorry guys lmao we actually sat next to some alien dummies when eating our burgers and of course Karen could not find her jacket so she was stuck buying an area 51 sweat shirt and trust me it was in the 30's last night pretty chilly up in this region. I also heard one of the employees at the restaurant mention some gun shots being heard the night before I seen Chris's eyes light up when I asked him if he is ready to go out to the middle of nowhere haha.

After dinner I looked at Fighting Irish and he looked at me then we looked at the pool table and well he dared me he is like lets go lets do it. We challenged eachother on the show I cannot tell you who won but it will go on youtube the entire tournament lol. We had a good time and some guy even came to watch as it heated up. The girls were checking out souvenirs also etc I am sure that we brought plenty of excitement to Rachel to last a long time lmao.

Afterwards it was time to get serious brief my team on what would be happening which would be off roading, hiking, and climbing. It always is were not TAPS were paranormal investigators. This is what we live to do we wait for it to come around every week and so I give to you Tempiute Mountain Ghost Town & Mine.

Tempiute Mountain Ghost Town & Mine

We pulled off on this dirt road which was very hard to see that elevated quite quickly towards the mountains. Many plants grew on the road which was a sign nobody has been up here in awhile. Every star was out and I could see that the road ahead was not a nice one as we would be traveling on it a few miles. As we traveled deeper into the desert I noticed that in this part of Nevada the ecosystem was different their was actually trees growing in some areas and it had a pretty eerie feeling of seclusion perhaps.

I was very careful how I off roaded I know Karen was worried about the Sebring but we did not get stuck and I managed to avoid most of the rocks with the exception of some bottom scraping which tends to occur when you have a vehicle that low to the ground. But amazingly after a bit we put the top down on the car and it was just a great feeling. Driving around area 51 top down...desert and mountains on both sides and not knowing what we might see next.

I kept my eye out on the skies since this was more of UFO investigation not really looking for ghost. We stopped at about 4 different areas along the road to take photos of foundations etc. Karen was worried about me climbing high up on one of the walls and stepping on a roof. June was like umm Karen do you have to ask him if its safe your talking to a man that climbs mountains alone without telling anybody where he is at haha. This area had a strange wood burning smell I do believe what we smelled was some form of residual energy nobody was burning anything near the stone cabins. I also noticed in the desert a figure or something.

So I had fun exploring these old stone miner cabins they sat just off the road and eventually we could not take the road any further. I gave it a test seen the front tires getting ready to spin so I quickly put it in reverse and told the team we have to hike the rest of the way threw the canyon.

We gathered up our backpacks and gear. My stupid two way radio was out of juice and I honestly made it way to far ahead of the team. Which is good I began to realize I am more of a scout so if I get ahead a mile ahead its cool if something is going down I can pre warn my team. So I was hiking about 20 minutes ahead of the team and realized that I am in a canyon the moon was disappearing now over the mountains and if I was abducted by green men nobody would know so I sat on a rock chilled out.The canyon was steep on both ends with trees growing on the sides and desert fauna. The moon barely lit the path as it twisted and turned constantly through the mountains. Its amazing how silence is barricaded here I could not even see the teams lights or voices just total seclusion.

We all made it up this road it was steep it had giant rocks and pot holes. It was some good hiking and in the distance I seen the chute for Tempiute Mine and I had the pronunciation wrong the entire time I did videos so I apologize haha Chris climbed up the chute...I climbed onto the ladder and stood on the platform high up looking down at everybody it was a neat little site. You could see further up at the top of this cliff train tracks which branched off and led to this structure.

I ended up climbing the side of the bank for almost a hundred feet to the top where the tracks were grabbed a beam got about 6 slivers in my hand. I could no longer use the beams so I free hiked it up the slope.

The problem was that it was all loose rocks and gravel. All of sudden one gave out and down I went. I started going faster on my side...quickly as I was falling faster and faster I reached my arm out and grabbed a rock halting my descent. If I did not grab the rock I would have hit wood beams holding up the chute building up then would have slide off the side and over a small cliff. My legs were stinging bad I got scraped up from my chest down to my ankles on thousands of jaded rocks. I laid down for about a minute and looked straight up. Low and behold was a metal rusted rope. I reached up and used my arms to climb the steep bank making it to the top of the mine chute. Chris is like hey Rick come back down take my picture I am in chute hahahaha I was like ummm NO lol.

When I reached the top my team looked very small I could barely even see Junes light. I wanted to find them a better way up and of course Karen the whole night told me I must be a mountain goat in my previous life because I dance rock to rock when hiking without even thinking about it which is true I dont for awhile I turned off my flashlight and just enjoyed the bright moon out.

I am very agile and it takes awhile to get to be a hiker that can move like that again it takes practice that's why we do these investigations. She was pretty impressed with how fast I am able to work my way up mountains. Hell I even am surprised hahaha cause my goddamn shoes are falling apart:( but its okay its life. So anyhow here I am standing at the top of this cliff with a steep bank to my left and a cliff to my right. The tracks were rusted and one of the rails was hanging over the cliff.

I looked behind me and seen the entrance to the mine which was just this tiny 5 foot opening. The team met me at the mine as they took the road further up. I did a movie in front then we all entered. You could see what looked like an endless tunnel with rails. We were able to stand up inside in most areas but the first hundred feet were rough with debris, old rusted mining parts, wood, and rocks.

We followed the tracks we found a few areas that went off to the left or right that were explosive storage areas. The mine soon became a maze and once again I got way ahead of the team. When I seen that their was no threats or shafts or anything Karen caught up to me and she is like what should we do. I am like split the team up let them gather some of there own thoughts while we explore ahead. I seen a bat and so did Karen. Everybody just about had an experience here with them but not many.

I did not mine splitting up the team It was not like they could get lost every tunnel that went off to the right or left was a dead end like they stopped mining when they did not find Silver. One tunnel the tracks dead ended while another went over a hundred feet as I climbed over pipes and seen Karen's dim light from afar. I felt a lot of suspense in this mine soon tunnels began to go sharp right then sharp left etc.

Karen and I found a chamber full of loose stones with a small opening. I climbed up their which it split into a Y the one way went into a room with a giant 100 foot shaft above me and a rope. Yeah I grabbed the rope stones were hitting me in the face it seemed sturdy to a point but also very rotted and I was not in the mood to climb out of hell when I was already in it lol. I climbed back down the ladder and Karen was climbing up towards me this was the real deal. We smelled a very musty odor here and not to far away was a wall with calcium deposits and crystallization.

I had Karen climb into the other hole she slide down this huge pile of stones it was a very narrow squeeze between the rocks and ceiling. She followed me down the tunnel then I climbed over a ton of debris to a room sparkling like I found the treasures of Sinbad of the sea. The room was gorgeous twinkling like being in a planetarium none one of my investigators got to see it but me and I just smiled so much cause we were very deep in the mine now. Probably a mile underground almost.

We came back and had one more tunnel to explore pretty much it was a three way split with one of them contain the Y. When I climbed over the pile of stones Chris and June were coming so I tried to spook him peaking over the pile of rocks hahaha he didn't get spooked not bad I guess he knows me pretty well now. Karen and I were dirty we had climbed up sand piles, gravel, I climbed a ladder, and into a Silver Chamber so I knew we had to be almost to an end here.

We had no information on the mine I assume the shaft with the rope going up leads probably to the MT. Tempiute Peak. much like the Gettysburg mine in El Dorado has a shaft that comes out the peak too. Not to far from here we found some odd tracks within the mine what it was I do not know but nothing would go that deep in a mine the tracks were in soft sand.

Karen mentioned also something following her as she heard footsteps and asked me if June was nearby I was like ummm no they were not even in the same tunnel lol. Things were pretty eerie. I ended up after everybody was together climbing a giant pile of rocks and slipping in a hole. I took the tunnel to a giant room which split off in a Y both ends dead ended but it was obviously the final destination of the mine. I felt cold....I felt that I just walked in a place I was not supposed to be. I did not turn my back I took my photos and started to walk away. Then I felt something behind me standing there. I had a couple hundred feet to go climbing over wood...pipes...and a giant pile of rocks and out a hole to let my team know that we found the end of the mine finally.

At that time Karen ripped a huge hole in her pants on a nail...I ripped open my shoe....we were covered in dirt head to toe and both my batteries were dead. Our lights were low it was a hell of a trip. We spent a few hours in the Tempiute region which is also quote a good UFO lookout point for the area 51 area.

When we arrived out of the mine we managed to all leave together with a wave of bats flying past us one nearly clipped the edge of my hairs on my face I kid you not lol..... I am proud of our entire team for the photos we took...the hike we did etc we were able to compare notes. The mind did not seem haunted to much but if you want some scary looking photos wait till you see me add this onto the site. These tunnels look eternal even when some only go 50 feet.

This was a deep mine the real deal mine cart tracks, explosive areas, old mine parts etc Some areas looked like they went down but when you actually walked up to them they were just shafts they started and never finished. Some areas had wood post pounded into the low ceilings.

Our hike back was not to bad Chris and I really got far ahead then we waited for about 15 minutes. I ended up taking on off it was a mile to the car got back to it in a few minutes conserved my light...etc. When I arrived back at the car I loaded a bowl....gathered some doughnuts for the team I bought....rearranged my equipment...and had to turn the car around on a narrow stone road trust me it was a very tedious process. Once I turned the car around I sat back and sky watched. The team showed up about a half hour later which was fine I needed time to sky watch.

I caught a pretty good meteor shower last night so did Karen lots of meteors last night. I forgot my cigars so yeah I sat in the car eating chocolate doughnuts looking for UFOS hahahaha. I just smirked when my team got back to the car nobody said it would ever be easy everything is a challenge everything is a feat to defeat just remember that. When you go hiking to mines or ghost towns you have to cherish the history that these folks road horses and had stage coaches imagine what they had to endure and here we do it on foot. I looked down and found a bunch of different bullet shells laying on a rock.

We left the canyon passing the stone foundations...the road was steep going down...we were gliding on rocks...I went about 40 to 50 at times down it and Karen is like you are going to spin out I was like please you have not been with me to the NJ Pine Barrens. I have to be a good driver you will understand in my next report why serious. No room for errors when your deep in seclusion its get out or stay lol. So we escaped fairly well without getting stuck in a pot hole, loose gravel or desert....we hit a few rocks....and made our way off of Tempiute Mountain.

I heard Chris say he was really tired and I can understand it Tempiute Mountain was a very advanced location. He asked me how he did for his first investigation I thought he did pretty good he climbed a little and explored. The more you do the more you will want to see!

It was cold so we put the top up and made our way into the Area 51 Groom Lake Area when we arrived at the Extraterrestrial Highway.

Area 51 Groom Lake

What a dreary place we went back into Rachel so we could take the north gate road to the entrance which has signs and fencing. We took a few dirt roads that lead west towards the north side of Groom Lake...every single one we took led us back to the highway except ONE of them on a place called Groom Ave led us to some ranch gates I thought it looked suspicious as the entrance gate was locked and the exit gate was UNLOCKED. There also also signs and other things posted. I did not enter the gate but since this area is so close to Rachel we have to assume they are trying to cover up this road perhaps I mean why else would it be called Groom Ave kind of odd.

Anyhow while taking many of the dirt roads looking for the north gate road area their was dozens of rabbits crossing the road I ended up hitting and killing one accidentally. Their was just to many all over the place dashing....running...hopping in front of the car etc it was bad real bad. I know I killed him cause I went down a few dirt roads and they led me back to this area where the rabbit was laying. I know I am such a bad bad man but I feel sad nonetheless since I do care very much about animals.

Chris was cracking jokes about bunnies and it was hilarious I mean it was like Easter I did not know the desert had rabbits like these. We could see Rachel off in the distance and I gave up on the north gate because I had another road we had to traverse down which was more relevant then the back way into area 51.

The area I was in seemed to be vast Karen and I noticed a glowing orange object that landed in Mt. Tempuite from far away. I seen it she seen it we both said something. I also seen a few lights out near the North Gate area and again we went West and came out on to the road east so its easy to get turned around. But you can tell the roads are maintained no big stones...the sand is pushed up on the sides which means they plow it....and you can see what looks like giant bus tires. You see each day the white bus picks up the government soldiers and brings them to the site while their cars remained parked in Rachel. Its actually pretty cool when you think about it how this base has grown to be such a tourist attraction.

But in all due honesty it is what it is a place for the government to do test at whether its alien test, secret aircraft or whatever. What makes it popular is the fact that so many see oddities within the skies around here.

We stopped in Rachel I wanted to find the cemetery and walk around. I found the foundations of an rv park, drove around the little church, seen an area 51 tank with an alien on it and a few other sites. I even found a historic marker behind the town and trust me its not a big area very small dismal and low key.

It was a stop and go get out of the car take a peak get back in the car. We even passed some wild cattle one of them looked like it was going to charge the car when I was trying to take its photo lol. It was a lot of fun and I was getting anxious to visit the groom lake road area so we left Rachel it was really just a thing to say I been there more or less.

We drove about 15 to 20 miles away from Rachel south and found what is known as the black mailbox area now painted white. Its also a good UFO watching area I got out myself took a few photos got back in the car. I honestly did not know where I was going just had an idea of direction.

I took some road south and it split into a Y to the right but one road had an angle going southwest while one went west. I went west I knew if I kept on that road it would lead us to area 51's property border. I noticed nothing but desert on each side and mountains ahead of us. The road curved and at times I was having ALOT of problems seeing ahead of us because its so dark out there and at times the road dips up then down.

I already knew they would be aware of our presence am I ashamed of that fact no I have a right to be there afterall I am going to run for president. But its not even that its the fact that when I promote an area 51 site I found on the web its because they did a great job with maps...information etc. I already knew what was going to happen before we got there.

I wanted my team to not worry to much because after 12 miles of dirt road and nothing we finally hit the area 51 signs. Basically it says no photography past this point etc etc talks about fines and no trespassing because its a military installation. Well I pulled off the road and shined the car lights right on the sign. The guards sitting up on a hill shined there jeep lights down on top of us. I got out of the car walked up to the sign and had June make a video of me while Karen made a vide of me on the other camera. I then proceeded to pull out my pipe and I had photos taken on each side of the road with the pipe sticking out of my mouth. I know that they were watching the military has great night vision scopes and I hope them good ole boys enjoyed the show because if I am president I will want to visit this facility some day and admire the technology. I thought about baring my ass in the middle of the road but I didn't want to piss them good ole boys off to much but after they seen the flashes they knew we were just there to take a few photos.

We spent about 10 minutes at the entrance then around the bend I guess is the guard shack. Believe me there are cameras and sensors all over and yes the soldiers sit in there jeep and they do watch you as you take your photos but hey its cool with me. I did not panic I told my team their not going to shoot you but crossing that line would be a no no cause its obvious they are protecting something here. They even been blocking any view points of the facility now the closes viewing of area 51 is 21 miles away pretty sad huh?

I could not wait much longer I did a Uturn...went down the road just a little bit turned the car off and yeah I smoked a bowl. I smoked a bowl at area 51. I figured what the hell you have if your going to visit Groom Lake. Anyway's I started up the car and I did seen a weird red light or object hovering off in the desert which disappeared off in an open area surrounding the mountains. I have no explanation by the end of this trip I must have seen a few lights I cannot explain and so did Karen.

After I smoked some of my energy came on back plus my back wasn't feeling as bad. Nobody else toked with me I felt like the odd ball hahaha. As I started the car up and went down the road I seen a pair of headlights behind me and they were moving super fast. Yeah they were chasing me and I upped my speed on the dirt road about 30 more mph so that they could not catch me and told Karen if they catch up were NOT pulling over we are getting on the main road and going into town. I know how that crap goes pull me over down a secluded road ransack my doughnuts....break the equipment....throw all our belongings around HELL NO if they cornered me Id get the hell out of that vehicle and tell them straight up you got a problem with me running for president lol.

I mean it sort of upset me first it was a cop earlier who gets me for going a few over when I know I went under when he pulled on the shoulder and I passed him. Of course he fails to understand I own a 400 dollar radar detector lol. Then I got the military chasing us out of course after I took photos then probably smoked one in front of there cameras they probably were like who the hell are these people. Well now you know who I am and trust me I just wanted a decent photo of me toking next to your signs hope that is okay with you Uncle Sam. I think people need to loosen up man this country has become so selfish everything is a secret its like ummm this base was at one time home to the Native American tribes you took there land and built a run way on it lol.

Anyhow on my way out of leaving groom lake I seen two twin lights go behind one of the mountains perhaps bald peak or whatever the hell its called. It may have been two meteors side by side a rare occurrence but it was a beautiful site or it was a UFO I do not know.

One thing is for sure I could feel a difference between Rachel and the Groom Lake area. The Rachel area is just that a tourist trap on the way to Vegas or leaving Vegas. But the Groom Lake area now that is the real thing military troops at the entrance, signs, sensors, cameras, seclusion, and the desert felt a little threatening to me here. I felt something out here strong not like Rachel where our team ate some alien burgers, drank a beer and played a game of pool no groom lake has a different feeling. Rachel is just a distraction for what exist behind the mountains to the west.

I sped on off the government vehicle almost caught up to me I seen it turn off that road then looked like it made a Uturn sorry the Lord works in mysterious ways I know lol but again I already did my research...studied maps etc so I knew what needed to be done. I am sure them cammos get to see a lot of interesting or strange things working out there no doubt.

We then went off to the Crystal Springs Casino. It was quite the adventure off roading and everything. Can you imagine me I got a chocolate doughnut sticking out of my mouth just got stoned got the government chasing me I am just grinning in my mind thinking wow this is the real deal not some TAPS bs lol. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to The Paranormal & Ghost Society!

Crystal Springs Casino

At first I thought this was a garage or some abandoned building but when I went off into the desert a little more it was the remains of a casino apparently. Everybody stated in the car it was brisk out 37 degrees. I grabbed my recorder and I went to do a little exploring. This area was just a giant foundation with walls the rest was gutted terribly with no windows or roof.

The moon was beaming down I was standing there brisk 37 degree winds. I was rather intrigued the place had an eerie feeling as I turned every corner around the perimeter. I basically did this one to get myself moving since I had over a 100 miles to Las Vegas.

I think more or less this last place was an Urban Exploration just trying to practice some good was a pretty eerie place in the middle of the desert....everybody was sitting in the car I miss the old days with Jason when we would hit 6 places in a night and just explore our asses off.

I walked around the building and inside twice. I felt something here not sure what just a really creepy place the moon lit the walls up everything had a white luminescent coating to it. I seen things like a rusty ash tray, parts of the kitchen, tools, pieces of machines etc it was bad made me wonder how something could get like this lots of spray paint etc.

I made it brief I was chilly I went from a durag to a cowboy hat to a beanie and two thin coats. I can only imagine what its like when it snows in this region. I really want to play in the snow and everytime I wake up and make coffee in the mornings I see snow up at Mt Charleston haha I am aching I think fighting Irish needs to verse me in a snow ball war sorry bud I know you will read

I was in a lot of pain last night breathing problems....back muscle spasms etc I could not even sit right in the car. I was laughing to myself because everybody was passed out and I been doing this for years so a founder never sleeps except when my exgf use to drive me to locations in FL a couple times she use to let me nap a little. I wish life and investigations were simpler but the fact is they take time, energy, hard work, and patience.

Anything can happen anything can go wrong you can say it will take an hour and end up spending three trying to drive and hike out of the goddamn place lol. Its just fact and its part of what I have dealt with for many years.

In conclusion the ride home was not pleasant it was a long dark way back to civilization. No towns...just mountains and deserts. I seen everybody passed on out...I was eating fritos...and drinking green tea. I also received great news today my ex spited me back trying to get me in trouble with the state and well the state told me you can do all the dope you want as long as your kids are fed and go to school. So anyway they issued me a piss and hair test guess what? NOTHING FOUND hehehe:)~ she came to my house today said so Rick are you surprised I was like no the Lord works in mysterious ways and glory be thy name hehe for a great night of investigations and bloopers.

I do want to say something else being a leader is a lot of work and sometimes investigators do not understand that when we are out and about I am your leader. When we are drinking beers I am your friend. I worked hard last night to put this investigation together between the mapping, planning, off roading, do's and Don't's and even the drive. I now have a speeding ticket to deal with also lol. What others fail to understand is that being the leader means I am the bad guy and no matter how well I do or how safe everybody is in the end their is always somebody who is not happy whether its a member, investigator, or whatever.

You cannot control people places or things nor can you make a car go any faster home then your already pushing it to go. Just as there is no short cut to groom lake or quick jaunt in one of the deepest mines of Lincoln County.

But it was a crazy day all around cops, rabbits, area 51 officials chasing us, ghosts, UFOs, and even alien burgers lol. I wish people would go a little more easy on me I sacrifice myself just as much as my investigators must for me its part of being who we are. Were not ghosthunters...were not rock scientist....were a group of crazy paranormal investigators who are not in this for fame we do it because we enjoy to explore and go into the unknown! Its in our tonight I gotta take my knife and cut the slivers on out but hey it was one of the coolest investigations I have ever done. I mean I got to hang on a flying saucer in Rachel hahaha!:)

This is an area we will work with more I have plans to do some other places in this region in the next couple of months. I made my mark in history visiting Groom Lake its every UFOlogist goal to visit dreamland and Lord Rick brought it to you do not forget it! That is my story and I am sticking to it. Expect a revised report with other additions from this excursion. I just wanted to get something out there for everybody to read for Fridays radio show which will be discussing area 51 and my wild trip to dreamland. We made some videos...took a lot of photos...and we will have a lot of nice content from this excursion!
Lord Rick

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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