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 Post subject: Paranormal & Ghost Society NEWS......Note:)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:16 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
Posts: 944
Location: Las Vegas, NV
I thought I would just lay out the news of what is happening with the group you can read it and decide to get involved or sit on your asses your choice. But first thing is first today on a good note I will be residing at this house long term they told me today the good news. I will be able to reside here pay discounted rent and help them babysit the little boy at times. Which means you guys will get the sends to my paranormal groups, see the investigations, and my dream of investigating all of Las Vegas is now underway wife to bitch at me constantly or father in law to threaten me not to do my work...these people I live with are cool with what I do so the pressure is off cool huh?

I wanted to tell you guys this news because in order for me to run a great paranormal organization I have to have a place I can do my work out of. This house is good for me because its a healthy atmosphere...its quiet...and the people treat me like a person. When I get my job Ill still have enough time to do my sends, investigations and work on video productions. I got a few producers interested in me at the moment and my recent movie ill be receiving on disc which will probably go to a major network by the end of the month.

I got a nice view of the mountains here and all of Las Vegas since I sit at a higher elevation. The kids will be able to trick or treat here also its an area with big houses and I help them decorate a little for Halloween. I also have an investigator who can drive so even though my car isnt good at least she can help me on the driving end.

This weekend we got an investigation in the morning of a haunted mine its more then that its actually a gateway to hell some people have said. I don't know but YEARS ago I visited the location and its going to make a wonderful film. My friend has night vision so we may self produce it since the producers I talk to lately are not doing what I am looking for.

We have a meet up this month I think the 22nd....and not sure about having a party so just attend the meet up for October. I got my kids enrolled in a new school they seem to like it and soon ill have my benefits which will help since lately food and all that has been very short.

Things are moving very quickly and there will be an investigation every single weekend this month starting Saturday cool huh? As far as TAPS goes they can go Fu$$ themselves how many places are these ass clowns going to visit that I been to believe me when I say this a lot of producers are rooting for us a lot of them tell me the same thing TAPS sucks I go to a place first then they think they can make money off of it I think Ill design some new buttons that says ass clowns find your own goddamn place their like sponges people become chapters thinking they are going to be on tv and get a piece of the money and instead there just butt slaves to there expansion nothing more. Sorry but I am very intelligent some of you wake up get over the tv show the whole reason why that group I did the bookstore with didn't work out is because they told me they wanted to please TAPS and had to abide by there protocols FU$$ YOU this is Lord Rick of The Paranormal & Ghost Society read that:)

I am not a prude what I got going on is better my system is designed to get others involved with our films, radio show, productions, investigations etc all of you get a part of it because I allow you to I don't create a group then say hey be my chapter make me money make me more famous NO this is about a group of tight friends going out there and bringing the truth...working together towards the same goals. My friend who I live with he broke his ankle playing soccer with my kids and even he wants to help me with Saturdays underground tour.

Anyhow our PHP boards are looking good UEParadise is sharp real sharp we get sometimes almost 100 guest viewing the forum at the same time which is phenomenal because it means people are visiting it even some big name groups do not have that kind of activity but were getting thousands upon thousands of hits all over our groups, our site, our new php boards etc ... /index.php Were going to do does not matter that my spouse and her family through me on the streets two weeks ago I MUST stick to what is important our goals of my society has been a many years project which is coming to full bloom. We have investigators....we have a movie production Saturday if I hire on the producer not sure but I have had offers for the film.

I got some cool investigations coming up and I also found a place now I can live. In the last 6 months its been the most promising place and there not asking for a lot just a little rent each month and help with there little boy which is cool by me because he is a great kid. My kids love the dogs here...and big backyard....and while there at school I can do my work etc things are coming together quick now if I can find me a lady that would be great lol:) Howard Stern did it why cant I right?:) lol

Anyhow I plan on saving my money the next few months then what Ill do is head back out to California in Feb or March its hard to say but with my part time job ill be finding all of it will go to Ca. You as friends and members can donate to the group coming in another few months I will owe site dues its not cheap. Also Ill be taking donations for equipment show you care by a shirt or mug off our site, get a poster, get some equipment. But also donate some funds for gas...towards the site dues....or even some equipment like batteries, emf detectors etc they are important.

What is going to happen now is I already started today I am back on doing site updates working on some recent investigations there looking good real good and will have them up soon since it is October and all. Soon ill have updates like Dead Poets Books etc onto our site still got ALOT of EVP to review from them trips.

Will be returning to the Valley Of Fire next month if you want in...MT Charleston next month and I plan on climbing 3 mountains in Vegas...SUNRISE MOUNTAIN, SNOW MOUNTAIN and an unnamed mountain not sure if I will climb the cliffs my shoes are no good trust me lol so its going to take a little work to climb them safely but they will be wonderful UE's to our site.

I am hoping before then to get my medical I might need knee surgery my knee is doing bad I can hardly walk lately if I cant get the medical help ill still climb the mountains and hope my white ass does not fall lol that is why I work my arms out a lot that way it takes the strain off my knee.

I want some of you to start getting more serious start joining our investigations I already have in California investigators lined up for Lord Ricks return and trust me its not far off as I got some catacombs up in Ca I want to do. I need to make a statement in Las Vegas so if you are in this city join our team, show to the meets, help me produce what needs to be produced. Ill be contacting Warner Brothers later today also.

The last couple of days have been the best in months took the kids to a water park, played soccer, had a bbq, I even got to help my friend with his work. He works with the fusing of bones its pretty interesting got to help him drill a fake foot bone today so he can use it at a demonstration in front of other doctors its really interesting medical procedure he was teaching me about the science of it all today and I learned ALOT.

As far as my son goes my spouse kept the youngest sort of sad really I never separated these boys because as some of you know my main thing in life is to take care of my kids and be with them as much as possible. But the two of them are with me and they love it here and they still get mad cause they got daily chores and homework but they gave me big hugs when I told them the good news that we finally have a place to call home.

I would like some of you though if you are in Vegas to get involved even if your out of state join our PHP to our ghostly groups on yahoo we have....donate....come along on adventures...come out to meets etc from now on daily ill post paranormal articles my updates daily on our site...we got another upcoming radio show which is almost about to be under contract I am hoping which means will be upgrading the show its that good people love my shows were getting thousands of hits no more hundreds a lot of people want Lord Rick live and raw.

We got good things going on and Ill continue that forward path and why? Cause I made a promise and a promise I refuse to break. It does not matter who beats me down I will succeed and I will make this the largest paranormal group in the world the hell with TAPS I am the Lord lol not them:)

If you are new check out our site...especially the investigation archives if you notice the past year our archives have gotten better the history...the EVP additions we have recently....the buttons...everything because as a founder its my job to progress to outdo what I did the year before.

I will work on getting my books published in a couple weeks they are written I did publish them but I pulled them because I didn't like the percentage they were cutting me serious people want everything for free they have to realize I got children....medically I got a lot of problems and so in order to fund my organization we need those books out as much as we need others who like our society who can assist us.

I think this pretty much says where I stand no more jumping place to place we stay here 6 months minimum Ill put out some kick ass ghost towns and work around Vegas will produce some films and then its going back to CA all of it in the plans.

and that is the news! As the old saying goes the show must go on and if you wish to listen to previous episodes well... here ya go all of them archived at ... tradio.htm enjoy and Laugh your ass off! Welcome to a dawn of a new age my friends Saturday where The Paranormal & Ghost Society began is where it all starts again Hollow Earth coming to you!

Lord Rick
Talk Show Host, Founder & Author

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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