The Paranormal & Ghost Society Private BBS Hosted By Lord Rick At

Sign The Presidential Petition Lord Rick 2012.....Thanks
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Author:  AngelOfThyNight [ Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Sign The Presidential Petition Lord Rick 2012.....Thanks

Great NEWS Everybody,

The petition is now up and ready for signing look it over and sign it. Keep in mind you can only sign it once as much as Id like to get to my goal we must be fair:) keep in mind this is not a vote for president this is you electing me to be a candidate for president for 2012.

I designed the petition myself, banners, and policies I plan on bringing into play if I were to be elected for 2012. I do think I have a shot at this as long as each of you strive for a better future and believe in me. Your belief in me will spread to millions.

Attached you will find a text file with some tools to help you help us such as our petition widget, banners, link etc Please download it and put it everywhere websites, myspace, facebook, homepages, business pages, search engines etc get it out there PLEASE!

Everything I am doing is for you just remember this unless you want to pay high gas prices your entire life and live in a society where your arrested for every little thing. All my visions all my motivation comes not from me but for my kids, friends and the people I care for.

Sign the petition it takes a few minutes at ... -President and be a part of something bigger then you ever realized which is history.

Also check out our presidential page at ... mpaign.htm for the overview etc etc We want to make this work starting with one person at a time! I promised a petition and here you go. The other site purposely discriminated against me therefore it looks like they wont be a part of history will they? haha But anyhow its all right their do not sign it because you know me sign it because you want a better change!

If you would like a widget code for your myspace to post this petition let me know and if you have any questions feel free to contact me privately. Thanks

Lord Rick

PS The first one to signs gets promoted on UEParadise our latest most unique PHP series of forums and community!!

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