I am deeply saddened that I have to father those who act very childish and unprofessional in the paranormal community. Its one thing to have fun I get it but its another thing to be ignorant, closeminded and to dismiss all evidence. But I am setting the record straight I should have done it days ago but when I am not married to my research I do spend time with my family. I cannot believe that their are so many stupid people out there who question my expertise when these people live there lives through television and factitious paranormal shows. Not me I live, breath and would die for the paranormal so we invite you to listen to this podcast tonight a special edition of AngelOfThyNight Radio "Kings Canyon Setting The Record Straight" I think I like the whole fireplace cigar area I broadcasted this at. My camera is being taken in for servicing it tends to lose focus not good considering how expensive it was. So I said what I said and mean what I say!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59oQx_Y ... e=youtu.beLord Rick
This is mainly in regards of this forum who decided to take an uprising against me for no reason other then to communicate lower then a tree monkey with absolutely no human intelligence whatsoever....
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo ... pic=269022