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Subject: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Last Night's Eerie Paranormal/Urbex Investigation Report .....
Date: 8/7/2011 11:17:10 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time

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Wadsworth Historic School

Exploration 2

I was so psyched to revisit this place on my birthday I visited here but really didn't do anything other then walk the ground and build up an impression of the site. The school is abandoned it is listed as historic and its pretty deplorable. This was more of an urbex then a paranormal thing for our group but we did take temperature readings, evps and attempted EMF readings despite our detector has a loose internal wire in the probe area of the gadget.

We enjoyed a ride through town it was so calm here it was almost spooky. You could hear some dogs barking we parked right almost on the bank of the Truckee River. It is a pretty scenic desert area during the day they have this old railroad bridge that goes right over the river itself.

We walked up to the front of the school keep in mind it has two stories, boiler room, attack and tower. The floors are very high up with 20 foot ceilings with very long windows. Its an amazing building something you generally would see on the east coast. I was surprised to have seen something like this in NV. Nonetheless we could hear pigeons or possibly a rodent scratching the wood surrounding the front entrance. I remembered that my first exploration in broad daylight I experienced hearing the same sorts of sounds then when I heard a pigeon I remember that this school is a nesting ground for them trust me read further below lol.

Going down into the basement was not a fun experience we encountered two very large black widows I had to cut through spider webs to make our way down into here. We first went down into the boiler room which was just that a room with a furnace and a coal chute. Thus this would heat the radiators found in some of the classrooms.

There were some clothes we found perhaps it was an old janitorial outfit possibly and it was also very damp down here. I took some videos and photos but was disappointed that there was no stairwell going up into the school. I was also a little let down at the size of the boiler room it was very small.

Even though there are metal covers surrounding the schools foundation there really isn't a basement underneath the school. Instead other then the boiler room the underneath of the school is just that dirt and rocks.

I was the first one to enter the school and I immediately starting filming night vision footage as the down stairs had two bathrooms and about five class rooms. The main hall had archways and the entire inside of the school was a spring green.

The chalk boards in each classroom were almost on every wall and each room was at least 30' x 30' quite large for such a historic school. One room had a few flag poles quite odd just wondering why all the poles were removed. Another room probably served as the office and nurses office. We found an old medical fridge and some old medical equipment. While another room had carpeting and the other classroom had a stove.

All the furniture here had a coat of dust I found it strange as their were many old office chairs from the 1960's. There was a box of old light fixtures and allot of glass shards from vandals. We also found dog paw prints inside one of the restrooms. I am not sure why there were piles of furniture maybe this school at one time was made into an old apartment complex.

I noticed some oddities within the school like one classroom had older light fixtures while another one had a newer model. It was apparent that at one time or another some renovations may have taken place. There was of course allot of graffiti including some writing on chalk boards. Hell some chalk boards were ripped off the walls while wires hung down from some of the ceilings.

One room had a hot water tank it wasn't very old while most rooms had the old radiators that would heat on up as the furnace burned its coal. There was nothing strange happening downstairs but I will say this. When I first entered the school I spent a few minutes by myself wandering around. I thought I heard some movement almost thought a person was inside with us however this was not the case.

The room with the sinks and medical equipment had some very patchy cold spots. Even Catherine stated that the temperature in this room was much lower then any of the other classrooms downstairs.

I ran an audio recorder the entire investigation here my goal was to get EVP's our EMF was not working right so we put it eventually away. I felt the school was relatively quiet the downstairs windows were boarded so there wasn't any light except from our own flashlights.

There was a storage closet or pantry possibly where maybe the kids lunches may have been put away here or school supplies. The shelves were dusty and there was a hole leading up into the ceiling. This was the only place for storage other then the jacket hooks that lined the main hallway on the first floor.

We then headed on upstairs there was a hole in the wall we had to crawl through it can you believe that the two stairwells leading to the upstairs do not connect from the inside? You physically would have to on a cold winter day exit the school then enter it through another door outside on the grounds to get into the first floor. We had to be careful one of the stairwells had a hole in the bottom of it so we had to skip this step while ascending for safety.

We had to be careful on the stairs it was covered in pigeon shit all the way from top to the bottom inches thick. Catherine I believe put her hands in it crawling through the hole and sadly Tammy didn't bring her backpack which had our air mask. My suggestion was to hold your breath don't smell it and chill near some of the open windows upstairs where fresh air kept blowing on in.

When I arrived upstairs we all heard voices I thought I heard a female but the ladies said they heard men talking. It could have been people talking from a local residence nearby or someone walking around at night or even driving by. It sounded so close though and I heard conversing like it was right there with us.

There was a stairwell leading to an open upstairs window the fire escape probably once was here but there were no longer stairs or a ladder. This open window meant a straight fall to the ground other then that all the class rooms upstairs were empty.

In the main foyer were two steps of stairwells leading down and outside to the front of the schools property. Also in the foyer their were plastic bags filled with pigeon shit as if someone tried to attempt to clean up the school house. The bags of scat were piled over a foot high all in a corner. Meanwhile there was some areas in the upper floors that had piles a few inches thick. I am not sure the upstairs there was one area the floors were visible.

In one of the classrooms I found a ladder leading up into the attic. The ladder was very close to the wall and it was a series of wood beams. When I peaked my head into the attic I thought maybe I am wrong that I seen a rat scurry off right in front of me a few feet away. Imagine my head was level with the attics floor and on every side of me was open attic. I found two very poor ladders going up into the bell tower I did not attempt to walk the attack floors as the top planks were all missing or the attic appeared never to be fully finishes. I would have went up into the bell tower if I was alone but my team was worried about me attempting it so instead I nabbed a few photos then came down off the ladder leading from the attic back into the class room.

On a positive note I took some photos as I hung on for life 20 feet dangling while Catherine did some filming of me up on the ladder. Tammy also filmed me downstairs giving our viewers a tour of the classrooms. I really think that our viewers are going to enjoy seeing this on our website its a fine ass historic school but it is deplorable just being honest. The girls did a great job filming I think both of them in the future may make some good producers for our group.

We all agreed as a team that the school even though as spooky as it looks during the day and the night it doesn't appear to be haunted. Like any forgotten building there are signs of vandalism here and partying. There was upstairs an ice cold doctor pepper can filled with soda. It was by an open window so that may have explained why the can was cold. Our whole goal on any investigation is to reasonably decide what is real and not real. To decide what is paranormal and not paranormal. We try to debunk everything and when we cannot then we know were dealing with something of the unknown.

I am not sure the school was stripped for example some bathrooms stalls had no toilets while we only found one school desk here. Its a poverty stricken area so the locals are very familiar with this site. If anyone has some stories of there own we would love to hear about them as I value the Wadsworth School its a symbol of early education in the United States.

It felt good to get out of the school get some fresh air I do not know about you but I am good with walking through the forest of pigeon shit galore. Someday this building may be gone then again its a solid building made out of brick, stone and wood. They do not make buildings like these anymore they could stand for two centuries if left alone.

The grounds here over grown but we walked around the school and I took a nice night photo of the school for the website. I am not sure ill ever return here but we did what we said we were going to do which was explore it and do an actual paranormal investigation of its dark halls. As an explorer it was a dream come true and it was time to make a 50 mile jaunt to our final destination of the night "Dayton's Rock Point Mill"

The school was a nice find and nice site it was the kind of shit you see in horror movies big spiders...cobwebs....dusty shelves etc. I wished there was more activity here but it just goes to show you that you cannot judge a book by its cover.

Subject: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Report for 8/6/2011
Date: 8/23/2011 9:21:49 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time


Wadsworth Historic School- When Rick did the first drive by of this school I giggled and clapped like a school girl. This is one of the most foreboding looking buildings I have come across in my life and I couldn't wait to get in there!

So the first entry point are these double metal doors all like pried open and ragged looking covered in spider webs and their owners. So Rick goes first and first thing he says is that there is a giant black widow right inside the door. Lovely. So I make it past the first spider only to have Rick point out another even larger spider up ahead that he so kindly moved out of the path. Tammy, who was behind Rick and whom I was following, thankfully had the same thought I did and stomped that bastard! Shortly after that we discovered that the basement was a dead end and headed back out to find another entrance.

The first thing I noticed, after the toilet full of garbage in the stall that I had just crawled into, was how hot it was in that building! I was keeping an eye on the temp and the coolest room in that downstairs was almost 82 degrees. We checked all of the rooms out more than once but aside form some old furniture there was nothing of interest in those rooms. It totally felt like a building you would go in if you were playing Fallout!

Then Rick found the hole in the wall that lead to the stairs. I looked in that hole... there was a lot of poo in that hole. I sucked it up and climbed through the hole. And wound up with my hand up to my wrist... in poo. So I whip open my "In case of..." bag and bust out the hand sanitizer! Score one for the new chick! So as I am drowning my right hand in sanitizer I am also climbing the stairs of poo to get to the top only to see..........MORE POO! There is poo everywhere! Piles under the banisters where the birds wou ld sit, inches covered the floor and it was piled in brittle black plastic bags in the corner! There was a short time when Rick was going for the "it's gravel" approach because yes, dried pigeon shit looks kind of like gravel. But no Rick, no...it was poo.

I went in every room of that school and while it was quite an adventure, it was not a paranormal adventure.


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