Date: Sun Oct 6, 2002 9:03 pm
Subject: I Am Back From The Allegany Forest

I must say i had another wonderful time investigating and camping up in the Allegheny area. The only bad thing that happened to me is i stumbled and somehow lost my sun glasses when trying to check out a possible downed plane and hour before departing to go home. Anyhow i want to thank those that did show of course dr Vig and his wife, randy and his wife as well as Jim and his ole lady and some of the pagans from the group that did who. It did turn out to be a interesting night and day. When we first got into Allegheny it was raining and pretty cold but it did clear up after about 2 hours which was a blessing for investigating. I really wish more pagans did show or spend a little more time hiking with me i hope everybody had fun. What first was weird is i went back to that spot with Teresa and her friends where i hiked alone 2 weeks ago the area DOES NOT look the same so i wonder if the area changes consistently due to the vortexes. Then Jeff, Joyce, dr Vig and i headed off to the dry river beds again i measured strides, depth, width, length of a few prints yes this time i remembered nothing worth plastering though however one foot print was very large and distorted as well as deep. The fresh ones that deep made me wonder since i only sank in a half of inch so whatever it was had to be heavy and im sure they cross there to drink the water from the drying creek. Then i see some tracks with very long claw or toe nail marks and toes which i thought was weird. I went back up to the rim rock area to make a plaster mold of my gigantic track and when i got back to the area in the woods not only was the track gone but the type of sandy dirt had all been removed odd? i would say so who is going to haul 2 piles of sand in the middle of woods away. Afterwards we went back to camp i cooked some shiskabobs drank some honey mead lol and Jeff cooked ribs for everybody which by then it was starting to get darker. Silverwreni went along the reservoir and sat on a mound they came back to tell me they seen a black very tall creature standing in the gravel road that runs off in the woods they said he had long arms and looked at then was gone. I asked them to show me the spot and the grass in that area seemed to be pushed down heavily like something ran over it and took off. Was it Sasquatch i wont know i didn't get to see it but it was only 2 hundred feet from camp. Later on that night we all took a long long walk down the dark gravel road which leads to a service station oddly enough it was to quiet i am not a telepathic person but i felt something ufo like was in that area i just got sick to my stomach i don't know with no moon out its very possible. We did seen strange lights in the woods Jeff said he is sure that its the road below but i seen single white lights in the woods moving in circles and its possible that they are ufos coming off the lake but its hard to tell. Sitting there at camp i seen at least 10 meteors in the sky, a couple object that did not look like planes like one was rocking side to side didn't look like a plane a very bright orange, also seen alot of stars making it a beautiful night to just stargaze. We don't get to see as many stars near buffalo so it was a treat. Dr Vig Jeff and i walked near the reservoir something was making noises down a hill we would shine the light a branch would snap shut if off and it would almost like being observed at a distance. with all the food we were cooking its bound to attract animals or even the big guy himself. Later on at night things got a little weird everybody left to go home :( except dr Vig, Jeff and i of course we are rebels i heard something roar or scream sounded pretty similar to my bigfoot sounds then i heard a whole pack of coyotes barking howling back at it so something started them definitely what i don't know but both sounds came from a short distance apart near our campground. It was interesting to hear the respond to one another. We then took off to jakes rock with my bigfoot cd we found a nice 13 foot high rock id say safe from animals or even a angry Sasquatch who may want to mate lol. I played them but didn't get much results but a few branches breaking and sounded like walking. However doing my bigfoot call i did a few and trust me i'm sure it scared any other hikers in the area sleeping lol but out of about 4 i did i probably got 2 equal screams back one deep one with a higher pitch. It sounded on the next hill or mountain over i know humans can joke around and call back but most will repeat what i do i had to do my screams in a variety of areas just to get maybe 2 responses back and it wasn't a owl it was a deep scream. Then after sitting in the dark on this rock in thick pea soup fog which rolled in all around us we left back to camp. I for the first time slept near a fire without a tent or trailer as i have when i was a boy lol yeah years ago ha it was pleasant i was watching the stars something seemed to be scanning the camp just walking around i don't think it took any of my bait and i think what it is is the fact this is a smart creature he knows we want to see him ect my trip line seems to work good though maybe to keep whatever is watching away when asleep.. Dr Vig and i went to the dam at night and at first i thought i seen a UFO in the clouds when actually it was a flag reflecting off a spotlight into a clouds lol i was so disappointed but hey never give up i say. Well anyhow upon waking up i ran out of my sleeping bag started a fire which didn't start easy lol and we plotted out a trip to a variety of areas to go. One area we went to is pretty interesting now i'm not sure what it is but i honestly think that if this is a high bigfoot and vortex area there will be some government involvement. We went up to a odd building its round, cemented, has a locked trap door upon banging it sounds like 100 feet down like there is a cave down below. Why would something like this be up there is it an old missile silo? is it a sealed entrance to the hollow earth? upon putting my ear on the hatch i could have sworn to heard a voice or foot stepson running down below. Not far from there we checked out a odd area in the forest its a little bigger then my house all fenced in with water coming out of a stone and its all fenced in and yes we got in i kind of gave the gate a hard pull lol and Jeff did some filming the water dr Vig told me does not freeze in the winter and feels sticky maybe there is something leaking out of the stones? After checking that out we went to jakes rocks again that was more like scenic viewing climbing rocks, taking pictures of stone columns and boulders all over however there is many little caves where a Sasquatch can sleep in or rest from the elements i need to go further down some steep hills get down there and check possible deeper caves i am sure that if anything this creature does rest in caves during the day. Then afterwards we went back to camp had lunch which was nice to sit and rest it was gorgeous out a little breezy but nice i was set to go to the tower off in the woods so i hiked up there Jeff, Jim and his wife hiked to the service station. I don't know but hiking alone seems to be when i experience things i'm not sure why but something growled me i could not see up near the radio tower in the woods it was unusual maybe it was a tree, bear or bigfoot himself but i sure couldn't see it. An odd thing is a plane crashed in them woods last Thursday well upon coming to the radio tower there is a alcove with cliffs and thick trees i seen a white object with blue and white stripes it was hard to see due to the trees it looked just like a plane sort of like a Cessna on its nose with no wings this i swear. when i got home i called the state police they said the plane that crashed was found the other day ago but i think that what i seen was something else they acted like there was other missing planes they didn't even want to listen to me so maybe its a plane that crashed years ago that i seen or maybe just a part off a plane i'm not sure but found it unusual to see something white like that hanging off some cliffs. Then upon coming back walking along some cliffs i went to the area the girls spotted the bigfoot i found approximately 8 mutilated bodies of animals some were possums, one i think coyote, and another looked like a giant rat maybe a muskrat. Most of the animals were defurred put in a neat pile, the skulls were cracked open very clean and white, the spines were ripped out, tales ripped off and legs all over the road. The ribs on the mutilated animals looked darker then the rest of the body like they were burnt. strangely enough these mutilated animals were not there Saturday during the day and now they were here today before i departed home. Whatever did this dumped these animals off since there was a variety of animals and yes folks they were mutilated not eaten now i know there is hunters and poachers but these animals were scattered and messed up some 10 feet apart from each other. Some other things about this trip i noticed is i'm finding a black stool in the woods medium size it looks human but not quite and its not bear like either i find it everywhere on the paths off the paths you name it. I also viewed a video from dr Vig i was very pleased with the footage since it shows what's really going on in this area such as 15-16 inch bare foot prints, a foot print with 3 claw marks and 15 inches big looks more like a raptor print, and that dead creature whatever it was, as well as the black unmarked choppers up in the woods ect. There is definitely much going on in the area besides it being a great place to camp and find strange things there is many other nice things like drift woods, nice rocks, pretty wildlife such as deer, praying mantises, caterpillars, herbs and wild flowers and much more. All in all we had alot of fun but i am tired had alot of adventuring laughs and ill definitely be making more trips in the future for years i'm sure to come. I did take alot of photos of the mutilations, some prints with measurements and of the area:) all in all i am starting to get a good feel for these woods.


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From: "Jeff"
Date: Mon Oct 7, 2002 12:46 am

Cryptid: Any unknown living animal, including any species of the sea, fresh water habitats, land or air that are not currently recognized in the international zoological catalogues.

This category may also include species from the fossil records such as dinosaurs, reptiles, fish, mammals, and even birds that were thought long extinct, but which may in fact still survive in remote geographical locations around the world; and last, but not the least, unidentified primates and unknown species of human beings that have successfully hidden themselves away in remote wild places around the world.

This definition has become the yield with me in our second expedition to the Allegheny National Forest in Warren, PA.

To recap some specific events from the first expedition we set out to locate the "Y" shaped track we had found. Unfortunately it is no longer there. This is even peculiar to me because the track was found in a thick pile of sandy dirt. Both piles of this earthy mixture are gone without a trace. Hmmmm...was something or someone on to us? It is really hard to tell but, I find it to be extremely questionable.

A little more on the "Y" shaped track. The track had the length of approximately sixteen inches and had one small claw or nail per point of the shape. Now...this type of pattern is traditional of birds as well as raptor like reptiles. The one that comes to mind instantly is the Velaciraptor. The ferocious prehistoric reptile raptor that never flew stood at an average of about six to seven feet and was extremely cunning. The raptor's "pack like" hunting strategy was explicitly illustrated in the first Jurassic Park movie.

Could it be? or could it be some variation of the species? Like I said from the first expedition...this forest is vast and thick...a haven for anything of this world or the unknown country.

Concluding with Cryptids we had came across the remains of several animals. Their size and structure would appear to be racoon, fox, rat or woodchuck. The remains were picked clean for the most part and in a extended period of decay. The strange part about these remains is they were all found on the Kinzua Dam side of the Upper Reservoir on a service road. The remains were located at the entrance to a logging trail connected to the service road. These remains also appeared to have been burnt. Except for the one that appeared to resemble a large rat the other remains seemed to have been scorched.

Lights In The Woods...the previous night we had ventured down this service road to a point where we began to observe what appeared to be "lights in the woods". They were faint and hard to discern their cause. Fancies of "Greys" running about the wood line began to torture Rick's mind indeed. Alien abduction and the precurse of "anal
probing" can draw up your own conclusions of sadistic experiments and studies by other life forms in the most wild of conclusions to maniacal behavior or the pursuit of Science. Personally if I had the opportunity I would asked them for a "joy ride" across the globe at inhuman speeds. Of course my mischievous ways might possibly lead to going through the drive through at Tim Horton's.

Now wouldn't that be cool?!

It turns out the next days sunlight proved it was only the night skyline and the Kinzua Dam reflecting light. <hehe> good logical conclusion but, I was even getting squirrely the previous night.

In our continued persuit of the big fella himself we squatted atop a high rock in the kraggy "Jake's Rock's" area. Here we played very erie recordings of supposed Bigfoot Howls. They were erie because I was even getting a bit "shaken and stirred" while the ominous fog rolled in upon us again. Even when you have a powerful flashlight
the fog "will" always win that debate during the night time hours. In our own efforts to call the furry one we were only able to receive back a few responses. Once again...was it our quarry or just other campers playing the game? Even better, was it campers thinking we were the elusive giant?

So many sounds abound through this forest such as the unsettling baying of coyotes. If you have never heard coyotes it can stop you in your tracks quickly and get the mind racing with unknown expectations. As a general note: coyotes howl in a "flutter" type vocal sequence. Even a more piece of strangeness is hearing no sound
at all throughout this whole forest. Yes indeed it was quite. Quite like no one was home or every creature knew something was on the move.

When venturing into the unknown country your mind will quickly fill the gaps as it desperately craves stimuli. Seeing strange lights, unidentifiable sounds, peculiar shifts in the wind, potent smells, "did I leave the stove on at home?" The best way I can describe this feeling is it is just like if you were floating many miles out at just do not know what is down there out of sight. Same principle here. The night we saw the light in the woods you had the impression the woods went on for miles when in fact they only went to about three hundred feet. By the that last step. It's a doozie. If your lucky the ground will break your fall
but, a passing tractor trailer will finish the question.

Through the areas we ventured into we came across items that just seem out of place in nature. Items such as a thirty foot diameter
stone cover on top of a mountain containing a locked hatch that echoed for what seemed thousands of feet when we stomped on it. Just sitting and listening you could here a good flow of water running. Could this structure with its apparent useless "stone type five by three by four foot shed? This little structure on the circular
covering had nothing inside of it when we hoisted the top for a look see. Another item a long the way was a fenced in area around what seemed to be a natural spring. Why would you fence in an area like this? What is the purpose of this small area that a fence is needed to keep others out? I have no explanation other than these two items may be connected to the entire architecture of the Dam.

A special note about negotiating unknown countries...the best time chances you may see something is when you are by yourself. This is when you have the least amount of distractions and your senses wander and become heightened. Since safety is a paramount factor, especially while trudging around mountains it really is important to keep your group together but, the continual interjected focus on your colleagues diminishes the ability for your senses to wander freely lessening an
opportunity to see something. You will most likely agree that Bigfoot or a cougar make equal adversaries against you.

Cougars...<hehe> I just get this random vision of an IRS Auditor being mauled by a cougar. If there are any IRS Auditors on this was your choice to have the career you have now and yes it is one on this blue and green marble likes you.

Yes it is a harsh world and I can understand why the unknown hides but, I conclude the desire for the pursuit is based on the continuing effort to answer the questions of evolution.  Did you know evolution still is only theory and not fact? Just think...we have entered a new era where Science is now debunking Science.

I call this my "Ellen Theory".