Date:  Sun Sep 22, 2002  6:47 pm
Subject:  I am Back Report On Sat-Suns Trip In The Woods....

All i must say is wow this has got to be one of our best investigations. I would like to thank Dr Vig and his wife, as well as Jim his wife and all the others who were hospitable to Jeff and i arrival up in the pa area to investigate. I really must say it was a fun camping trip to get out of town go hiking, exploring and eat dinner at a campfire ect. I am sure if possible Jeff and i and hopefully i can find others who will go or make it possible to go in the next couple weeks again. Not just because i love it up there but ill leave it at this that there is something up there NO DOUBT at all.  The area we went to is the Allegheny forest from what i read it can go for over 100 miles of streams, lake, creeks, rock formations, woods, hills, valleys and mountains with miles of trails ect. The area we went to was Kinzua reservoir just about 10 miles from the damn. From what i notice there is many roads some dirt roads you can take and just park and hike up in the woods pitch a tent and just camp but we found a nice open area where you can see the stars along the woods. Jeff and i set up a perimeter around the campground with fishing line and bells it seemed to work good although later in the evening i found it on the ground in some spots like something pushed it down and we had it fairly high. Our first little car and hike trip was up to the handicap campground its all torn down quite spook i'm sure there is some ghostly activity up there at night i can sense it all around me that's the thing. very creepy little road back there all the cabins being torn down, afterwards we went to an area of river that is driving during this time of year and you can walk across but its soft so we checked for bigfoot prints yeah we seen alot of prints from fishermen ect but one set of prints we did find did stick out. They were EXTREMELY larger then mine 4-6 inches embedded in the ground, barefoot because the toe markings and the span apart each one was over 6 feet and me being 6'2 couldn't product that if you sink in 6 inches to pull each foot out and do that span is impossible even for a guy of my might so those tracks i believe were real. We went back to home base ate some chicken and other treats then we headed out to an area off the road which is Indian burial ground going back in the woods at night was my first experience in awhile and we found the area of the vortex although not seeing nothing it didn't feel right there and our walking talkies did lose connection on 3 occasions where it was dead even standing 10 feet away pretty eerie to think about maybe entering into a alternate reality. We did head back and when we were about ready about 3-5 miles away i heard screams maybe human but they were long and had to be loud because of the echo we received back there was about 5 of them a few seconds apart. We managed to get back and find an area which may have been possibly haunted just something circling around us you could hear the movement. we got to the road and went a couple miles up it to a place with huge rock formations, a very foreboding stairwell near the look out of the lake, mountain and full moon. We found possible cave entrances in the rocks making our way up we found a huge rock high up and sat on it and all of sudden hear a whew sound over and over coming from the canyon below then next ya know the fog over the lake consumed us in 3 minutes tops we rushed through the forest but it got thicker an thicker and of course we got into the car and left to go to another site. We ended up going near a site where there is some locked up cave or missile silo and near an area where there is a nessie like lake monster being reported or seen you can hear the rushing water and its fairly quiet and of course behold getting out of our vehicle we hear a scream very high pitch very long like a baby but it wasn't it was something with a very big chest to make a sound like this and it was pretty close and there was a smell in the area i cannot explain like we were being watched after awhile we left the area got back to camp and i was told before hand that this area has many other strange things alot of ufos in the lake, above the lake, in the sky, you got many other strange happenings to like men who will go off hunting get lost in a pink fog or where things aren't what they seem and you get lost. I was also told that many other creatures have been seen a black doe, a panther possibly, now coyotes, and of course from what i am hearing from drvig is that there is something else besides bigfoot and although it seems terrifying i want to find this thing. Its suppose to be fast, walks on 2 legs and one night i guess it tore a deer apart limb from limb and supposingly is nothing human but something much worst then bigfoot up in them woods and i guess makes a whew bird like sound which we did hear on occasion so maybe that was it? But maybe it comes from the vortex or maybe the strange men who tell you to get out of there know something we do not. Anyhow later after warming up by the campfire we went to a place called jakes rock very interesting large boulders 12 feet up you can climb and lay on in the woods we went to the overlook walked around got back to the road and distinctly i heard a ROAR something like you would hear in my bigfoot wav recorded by other scientist in Cali. It was long loud and i could not duplicate then the fog rolled in down this road we hunt out and and then movement all around us then the fog left and the movement was gone. We went back up to camp again and of course everybody went to sleep i ended up throwing a banana and some chicken 100 feet out past the perimeter i heard something moving around and believe me it was big alot of loud snapping of bark, trees ect it seemed to startle when i ran with my flashlight towards the area i heard sounds or facing that way like it did not want to be seen. i know the creature is hungry i mean i don't sense harm from it but its curious definitely. When everybody went off to bed i built the fire to keep me warm and i heard about a mile off or 2 screams long high pitch ones it wasn't an own or anything i ever heard in my life it had a pattern but it was loud enough where the sound came my way it startled me but i figured MAYBE that it was warning me of something else in the area and of course to the right i heard this chirp and wheeeew type of noise everybody was asleep and really i think maybe bigfoot sensed this other thing putting 2 and 2 together it was in the distance i said ehhh till it was right up on me i ran a few times to see if it was following me then eventually i got in the car and locked it i did watch the camp and stayed up all night except for one hours worth of time  around 7am i got out and went myself hiking in the woods i went about 2 miles into the woods alone and came across many rock formations i felt watched it was very odd many trees were down ect i came to a valley with a large rock something very large was pacing around down there then it starting heading up on the hill i couldn't see it but it was on the move rustles of leaves, branches, i hid for 10 minutes then took off i just felt way to watched i made it back to the camp had some coffee and we headed back up to the dry stream area and found an area where a possible meteorite hit lots of iron, melted stone and glass pretty cool really i want to check it out again when i go back take some photos. Then we headed up on a trail where a mutilated animal was found in the past with missing legs an a head. But before hand we were out on a trail looking for stool which has come up unknown in the past and for more tracks along some fence off of a trail i looked to the right where it was a sandy-clay like area and i found a very fresh impression of a large foot it was about 15-16 inches in length and double wide my foot had a little arch to it or curve and there were toes whatever it was had to be definitely over 7 feet to make an impression of that size its not possibly human and no human would walk bare foot in a sharp area off the trail with lots of bark, needles, poison ivy ect. I did take a photograph at least 3 of this i forgot to bring a ruler and i forgot to compare my shoe next to it as you can see i'm still learning about how to collect evidence so yes folks i'm going back soon i have no choice i know something is there with a footprint of this size off the trail its not normal or human. Anyhow another strange thing happened near me a large tree fell about 100 feet away i ran as fast as i could with my camera and of course i heard something run off fast maybe a chipmunk maybe it was the big guy himself just keeping an eye on us. But we did go home eventually after being very exhausted, muddy lol, and having a 2 hour trip back home. We did see alot of mother nature which was nice many deer, toads, butterflies, and even a black bear in the area as well as a flying squirrel at night:) i really want to go back though not this coming week but maybe the week after i'm sure the leaves will be pretty but i'm sure also bigfoot will be out even more not many hikers out as it cools down. But i want a volunteer effort that way each of us can pitch in gas if someone else can drive this time since it does take a about 1/4 to get down there and a 1/2 to drive around to each paranormal hotspot ect i will develop some of the photos i got to figure out where i can put them since photos is full maybe my briefcase at yahoo till i can get a web page up and going to put them on. I will need a month or to develop i got so much other film to develop from other investigations its crazy and it takes time ect but it will be done. Jeff did however do alot of video footage he will post clips to the files section ill make room for him in a day or 2 so he can post and show everybody what its like of course anybody in my pagan groups will have to join to go see those. To my conclusions some of the screams we heard were not human #1 #2 something did have a fowl smell and was moving around a radius at all time and #3 tracks we found definitely were very large barefoot and spread apart as well as the single one found in the woods was definitely phenomenal. My conclusion is more remains to be seen and i honestly believe that bigfoot does exist and roams this area in mass amounts especially at night. I still am going to work on getting him on camera a picture or something and it will take time but i always reach my goals we probably will go out again soon Jeff and i and other members can talk about it now i must go and rest for the evening. I will try and plan another expedition out there and hopefully this time will do more hiking into the more horrifying areas into the woods and try and maybe make a plaster foot cast of the print things of that sort before it gets too cold.  


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From:  Jeff
Date:  Mon Sep 23, 2002  8:34 pm

 Right off the bat...a very special thank you goes to Denny and his wife Nik for being wonderful hosts in Pennsylvania :-) Up front...we heard "something" and we saw "something" but, not the elusive hairy biped itself.

 Since the "something's" are small in comparison to the land we walked into I will give you the "something's" before we get into reviewing the size of our question.

 Within a twenty four hour time span we heard the responses of "something" howling back at us during the night up on Rimrock. Rimrock basically is one mammoth stone going into the ground atop of one of the numerous mountains that make up the National Forest. With a full moon blazing and a dense fog rolling in from the lake it

provided a scene from some X-Files Episode with the moon's glow outlining us and the terrain all about. A top Rimrock one of our hosts called the elusive biped four times...receiving four responses approximately five minutes after our "call out" in equal comparison.<lol> how funny that we received no responses after my two attempts which bellowed at a deeper tone. Was that our first interlude with whom or what we were searching for? or was it just human fun entertaining the game?

 During daytime review of our hosts findings through the years we came across a dry river area that had tracks upon tracks going everywhere. The first thing I thought about was it resembled the scenery where the famed "Patterson" video was taken. During our review of the tracks everywhere we did come across a set that were larger than human comparison. The stride length even if running gave theory to "something" being well over seven feet tall? All I could think about was this elusive "whodat" running across this area in broad daylight while we humans just drove by on the bridge overhead missing our chance. This area actually is one of many riverbeds that go very low during the hot months and our littered with human tracks and typical wildlife tracks going everywhere. Like sand on the beach...running around in soft mud probably has therapuetic qualities ;-)

 Concluding our daytime walk abouts the following day revealed a solitary track in the shape of the letter "Y". It was wider than a human print with what appeared th be a small toenail at each foot point. Strange...bird? mammal? something? I just can only say I do not know because it resembled something of substance but, still did not resemble anything of "do we know what this is?"

 Now...let us get to the scale of our question. The Allegheny's stretch for miles. All the way from New York deep into Pennsylvania. Nature, in the most "raw" form. In order to even begin to understand what it would take to explore this region keep this equation in mind, a human can negotiate and see terrain within a mile circumference...multiply this by the number of others partaking in the endeavor divided by being tragically human will determine how long it will take you to complete the expedition. <have I lost you yet? Good ;-) > Simply put, you just can not walk right in and expect to reap piles of evidence. After all...look how long it took Jane Goodall to find the Gorillas. It is absolutely amazing from a distance and definitely consuming once your within the interior. With "no fly" zones and mountains one after another you begin to realize this is a haven for anyone or anything. Remeber the saying "Run to the hills". Just think of what it would take and how long it would take to get to a "UFO" that crashed into the interior of the forest if it did. <lol> Cuba was the original haven for the entire city could hide in these mountains but, we would have to have some type of Government and we will just dismiss that notion with prejudice <hehe>

 One thing Denny and I talked about which I am in agreement with. Denny ventured through this forest for quite a few years which yielded "sightings" of "something". Raw Nature will yield something for everyone but, after years of knowing what you know and revisiting your explanations over and over again eventually start to lose their grasp. Keep in mind this is not out of disallusion but, a case of "been there, done that." I am sure we all strive for the next new piece of information that fuels the interest. Our hosts had high hopes for sights and sounds of the paranormal...small as the two instances may appear I concluded that these were large scale because I just could not conclude a final logical answer of what I saw and heard. These coupled with how cordial our hosts were made it a very worth while trip that yielded my own history to talk about down the road whe ever someone visits this topic.

 Now a bit of perception on what Bigfoot may be doing up in them hills. Well...this is easy. He has no TV so humans must be extremely fun to watch as well as keeping your distance from knowing how unpredictable we are as a race. Honestly I am glad it is elusive as it can be because I definitely would with hold evidence of its existance in an effort to protect its purity. That is if it truly does exist. I would rather claim world renown for a liberating invention than be the emissary of being poked and pricked into anger and sadness for just trying to survive and keep out of the affairs of humans.

 In conclusion I am afraid I do not have anything to offer other than what I saw and heard myself as miniscule as the events were but, I will say you will only find what you think you are looking for if you put enough time into it. Of course...that would be a lifetime or a pretty darn good chunk of it. If you decide to...walk these hills with respect and you may come across your own tid bit but, tread with repute and you may take a wrong turn and slide down a rocky krag to your own ill mannered demise.

 My what a big world we live in and I recommend "Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" by Douglas Adams because...we all need a guide to the true matters of life no matter how hard you debate the topic.  We simply need to spend more time up there in those hills.