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 Post subject: A 2014 Year In Review From Our Past To Our Future
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:08 pm 
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A 2014 Year In Review From Our Past To Our Future: By Lord Rick PGS Founder

A year in review 2014 is now gone and we bring in 2015 what will it bring? Each year I dream going further then the last in my journeys into the unknown and to the things I have encountered. Every year I also try to put my thoughts and feelings as we look back into our past and what is to come of the future.
Being a paranormal investigator takes allot of heart and sacrifice. Lets face it people come and go they are a bit freaked out by these things. Its not easy to make friends everytime in 2014 I went out adventuring we had some element of danger whether it was driving near cliffs or nearly being possibly murdered hiking by a group of poachers. Nobody pays us to do what we do therefore it is important to live life a little to in between all the seriousness of our hard earned research in the field.
It was a year of adversity for us but also accomplishments far beyond anything we have ever experiences whether that was close encounters with UFOs or being 50' away from the giants within our forest. It was a year of ghost towns, creep tunnels, mines and definitely ancient places in the high sierras above Lake Tahoe.
Fighting to get recognized is hard were more then a paranormal group therefore our research is vital to the school systems to recognize our research as an educational tool especially this year especially for high schools across the nation.
I look back at 2014 and think about how great our community is on Google+ ... 1008715603 when we opened the community this year I had no idea if anybody would join but today were almost at 2000 members and many contribute which is one of the most positive things that has ever happened this year. Our communities however only play a small part of who we are or what we do. Our research, adventures, journeys and chasing the own known plays a huge part of who we really are so its been a busy past year for us.  We have great staff and some of my friends thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me and having our backs. Where I come from friendship will go allot further trust me as you can see with your own eyes just by being involved with us on Google+
I look back thinking here we opened our doors in 2001 and years later we are still here doing it up. I am far from throwing in the towel I hope this year we have more amazing encounters such things will change your life forever. I always dare to dream to make my mark in history all of us do to some extent but to go beyond where any man has gone before or to do something remarkably rare! So we hope we can continue to bring you the unexplained as thorough and as real as we can be.
The world one day will be changed forever and it could end tomorrow nobody knows. But as I said in recent times and ill say it again alien life visiting this planet is abundant and we must consider in 2015 on building alliances in case there is an invasion because trust me you will need them. UFOs did increase in 2014 the masses are sighting fleets of them and even out here in Northern Nevada such strange objects are becoming a regular ongoing occurrence.
Even though we had much success with so many places we investigated we also had a year of hardships. In April we had to move out of our beautiful home out in the country because the owners wanted it back and my kids had to change schools with a few weeks left which sucked. Even during and after the move I still did not give up we continued our journeys because the work we do here is relevant its designed to mentor and educate the world. Will I ever get rid of the satire or parody or bloopers? NO some groups take life way to serious have fun doing your work and the paranormal will fall into place for you trust me I know.
We had a few investigators who quit before they started while some just did not make the cut. Its hard to find those committed to this its not easy what we do. We climb mountains, commit to night hikes, offroad for miles, crawl in mud, cliff climb, camp, drive many miles to travel and we deal with some pretty far out experiences. It is sad that we went through the year understaffed imagine how many great sites people shorted themselves by not showing or going? Imagine if they stuck it through where they would be now and what they would have known? Knowledge is NOT something we must ever take for granted my friends.
In 2015 we would like to add on a couple new team members. I know some of you want to come visit out here which is fine to even if you can only do some short term projects with us the main thing is to work together and do the best you can. But also to be loyal, committed and be ready anytime for a ride into space. That is how you have to look at it especially here in the wild west our lifestyle/culture is different. We like our bud, cigars, top and cowboy hats. Just as we like pretty sunsets, good food, great outdoors and exploring the wild west. To top it off we like a good brew or whiskey.
I experienced so many things this year there is no way I can write about all my experiences. But hiking in the sierras in deep snow was one to add to the bucket list and we found a bigfoot track. How about crossing the might Carson River on foot or the time I walked with Wild Horses in the Virginia City Wilderness? That does not include the strange encampment I found or the amazing UFO video footage I took that made some news sites. After that we continued to film many objects each one better then the last. There is a couple of them I will release dating back from last year but at times the website is time consuming it eats into my life allot. Lets not forget we did the submerged city because in the past 3 years drought is at its worst in California and NV in past three years. Lakes are dying up therefore last year allot of gold rush towns and ruins been exposed.
Being that I do allot of the work such as EVP's, Producing, Offroading, Driving, Research, Safety Coordination, Mentoring and adding cases to our forever growing website leaves me with a dilemma. I do not have as much time to chat with all my friends or post as many paranormal articles because I operate the site that way everything that gets added is credible, reputable, honorable, fun and most of all its put together now so you can be a part of those journeys. Their is always something to be gained and last year was a year of new friendships. I think most of you agree we can strengthen them in 2015 just as para-unity.
In 2014 we faced a bully group we created a large anti-bullying movement now so many of you are aware that this is going in the paranormal world. I do not have to mention any names because most of you know who they are and the sick things they did to us. Not just us but made so many good paranormal groups quit out of fear or because it emotionally hurt them deep down inside. Therefore you cant expect that my stance against any bullies or those ones will never change even in 2015 I will fight for what is right. TRUTH!
I look back thinking about all the great expeditions and investigations we did so let me just name some of them. We have Sunny Acres Orphanage, Burnside Lake Expedition Two Monster Campout, Kings Canyon, Mormon Island, Elephants Back Expedition, Maggie's Peak Expedition, Ponderosa Saloon, Thompson Smelter, 4th Ward School, Donner Lake Railroad Tunnels, Grantsville, St. George Hotel, Masonic Caves and so many more. We even have a Sierra Triangle Addition on our site and the Carson Hills where a mysterious ghost plane we did a case on where we were the witnesses.
Its been a great 2014 it had its moments of sadness like losing my friend Brett Watson I took that pretty hard because we both ran out of time to continue working together to take a stance against bullying. I also heard of an urban explorer who passed away did not know him well but I was shocked to hear the news. It was a hard years with Tammy not having her Grandmother around to transition into a new place which is btw full of wildlife. I enjoy the views and types of wildlife I get to see hell the other day ago I seen a whole heard of deer running around out this way.
If its one thing I taught any of you its how to live I do not hide that I smoke cannabis I have medical problems. I have PTSD and a blown knee, bone fragments in my neck and a bad spine. I have to now have many procedures which involve needles in my spine and sometimes triple needles in my neck. But I make no excuses believe me ill be up at sun up waiting for the next journey. None of us can give up we must keep pushing forward and moving on that is what the new year is really about.
In 2015 there will be allot of trips planned hopefully some out near Jamestown California then we have some various caves will be doing since the whole underworld thing really is an interest of so many of our viewers. I hope to also do some historic sites along the Pacific Ocean and we already have tons of expeditions planned in the Sierras. Each year our camp outs will change also and we do have a Bigfoot case up in the California foothills will be doing also. I hope to expand our cases like Kings Canyon while closing out some like the old Stewart Indian School this year as goals. I also have some pretty amazing ghost towns we have our eyes on Austin along with some more hidden places in that region that deserve some adventure. We also have Lassen Volcanic National Park and possibly even Mount Shasta finding some underground aliens.  Really there is no limit to what we can do in years to come I expect to continue to bring all of you new locations and keep doing what I am doing.
I look at this year as another great year if not better there is just so much to see and do. Northern NV, Central and Northern California are vast. As long as people do not burn it down as in 2014 the King Fire was bigger then Detroit and it destroyed a few of my hikes I had planned in 2015 so that does sadden me. There are so many ranges, peaks, wilderness areas, national forest, lakes and remote locations it almost seems eternal here. I want to bring all of you folks those kind of places whether its leaving the trail, climbing rocks or crawling into some cave were going to continue to bring it.
I do not think I could ever stop my quest for the truth PGS is so much more then a group that chases ghost. Were about history, preservation, helping others, learning, teaching, science and keeping it real. It has not changed the only thing that has is each year our site gets better and better so do how we add our cases which I get better at to with each year lol. So they are more user friendly, organized and you get to see a variety of content. Our youtube also offers now all HD quality films sometimes you get hours of videos from the locations we investigate as we want you to embrace the journey.
2014 was a strange year the UFOs, Ghosts, Monsters, Bigfoot and even possibly ancient aliens was just some of the things we dealt with. It does not tell you about how we became surrounded by Bigfoot who were being territorial or how a ghosts followed us home from the school only to slam doors and cupboards for fun or how filming these UFOs has changed my life. There is a much greater picture and story one not many could understand or see because I carry many heavy burdens and for us the mission is not yet over. We have so much more in us so we hope to expand our team and Rock n Roll in 2015 as well.
I look back at the dangers we faced in 2014 and I am thankful to spend time with good friends. I am happy to cook for my family or run that 8 hour episode I hosted of AngelOfThyNight Radio. It is those paranormal and non paranormal memories that will carry on the rest of your lives including into this new year. 
How about our paranormal facebook page at: I created that page a few years back then this year it just boomed with likes and support even from other paranormal review pages who shared us for having a great page.
Our society its going places it does not matter if the media suppress us or bullies try to do so or other sites are jealous of our work therefore refuse to have us on there shows. I will not stop going and the evidence we collect is fully 110 percent done with respect, dignity, honor and most of all truth. You may not like it or approve you do not have to but you need to know this year were not going anywhere or the next or the next and so forth. I am here to stay to do what I love most even if that is diving into a lush meadow full of wild flowers or chasing butterflies or my son and I sharing a snack on some peak in the sierras.
Ill continue to take the path we are on it works and we continue to make great leaps in this field including my son Jarrod Rowe who this year has exceeded most paranormal investigators in the world. He should be getting an award for his hard work he just turned 13 and his love for bigfoot is equal to my own if not greater that is the truth. He has learned many of my secrets this past year but also has witnessed these mind blowing events so he knows what to expect in the future while sadly some in 2014 decided to stay in the dark.
The world is a changing place its a hostile planet food, famine, death, disease, murder, protest, rape, serial killings, war and greed are taking over this planet. Just as climate change its happening I know trust me some winter days its 65 degrees while others its below freezing all day yet we have no precipitation therefore reservoirs, lakes, streams and even rivers are running dry. You still have flight 370 missing lets not forget the weather in parts of the world is so terrible thousands are being killed from mother nature. You have the spread of Ebola and our government now wanting to create a police state. Times are changing but just remember legally or illegally you always chose freedom over being anybody's bitch. Just like at Lake Lohontan this year I did not turn around I had a right to hike there so therefore I did guns pointed at me or not everything in life requires risk but standing up for what is right makes us all the more human.
So with those thoughts I will leave you with to bring in the New Year and recap the old one. I do hope everyone has peace, blessings, good health and that 2015 brings them more then the last. I had a very exciting New Years so far. Last night I went to an amazing dinner in a ball room met other friends then after they hosted a party we even won cash which paid for Tammy's new phone. I drank a Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Drink to bring in 2015 and ate some of the best prime rib in the region.
 Later today I rented Dawn Of The Apes for the kid then a horror for the GF and I later. Meanwhile ill be broiling a nice steak dinner today to bring in 2015 yeah I know Vegans are probably like damn you Lord Rick meat two days in a row. No worries I am a fan of organic foods also I eat tons of vegetables and even fruit lol.
But I thought id share my New Years with you it was disco themed you had people in bell bottoms and disco outfits good times lots of different ages. I even gave my paranormal card to a few folks because that is how we get out there its by word of mouth and well when you grocery shop people come up to you they are like great video taken on top of Slide Mountain so we love our fans, friends and all the support we have gathered these past 12 months. 
We will start of January with some fire I have two weekend getaway trips planned one is returning to a ghost town I was at in December because its being ruined by another mining operation. So were sort of pushing tin at the moment. As far as the other weekend its going to be far out in the middle of Nevada then in February we have more ghost towns lined up maybe even a trip up to the ocean which has some old haunted lighthouses and other really great places that we can add to our case files. Speaking of case files we have over 1100 of them and one day perhaps ill double that number because the more I bring the more all of you can learn.
Anyhow a New Year is here my brothers and my sisters please within your hearts do all you can do help show your support. If you can donate towards our research do so by contributing post, log investigation hours with us by doing field work, share our communities, website etc. If you want to give a little bit of funding for our trips, batteries for our lights etc that will help us with safety I also need a new Oxygen level meter for safety when I do underground expeditions. But all year around our site dues they are high our trips come out of our pocket and so when someone can be true to our cause you can do so by donating to our payapl at :) we need your support just remember scientific research cost allot of money so does the website, traveling, replacing old equipment etc etc never hesitate to donate even if its 1 or 10 bucks a month just a little something goes a long ways even if its for batteries. :D
Otherwise in relation to everything I have said please hold onto your seats as in 2015 its going to be one hell of a wild ride we have many special surprises planned and look forward to sharing our work with the world. Thinks........ Now if I can get the previous cases finished and added that would be great but just keep in mind there is only 1 of me so ill keep pushing on you guys keep cheering us on and will make it promise.
On a final note my cam is being sent in this weekend for up to two weeks for some servicing so ill try to take the time given to me to bring you some of our last investigations we did last year ago playing catch up that is if my doctors do not take up all my time sheesh in 2014 I logged more doctor time then anybody your going to meet but I am alive and well also I am proud of my bigfoot beard as well as beer belly screw it lol. Think big but think bigger then beyond and remember our motto "Truth, Adventure & Friendship".!
I am not sure I have any resolutions but to have no regrets to do what I do best which is be me. I hope to give you guys more cooking videos I also hope to get eye surgery in the future so I do not have to wear glasses at all well the sunglasses never go but my regular ones need to. I also am hoping this year to go to Hawaii but either way I do have a couple cool trips planned afar in 2015 so this year could hold anything all the way from a ride to space to going into the Hollow Earth you never know with The Paranormal & Ghost Society!
Godspeed, Peace Be With You and Happy New Year in 2015,
Lord Rick aka AngelOfThyNight
PGS Founder
Author, Producer, Talk Show Host & Paranormal Investigator

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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