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 Post subject: Our Amazing Bigfoot Campout Field Report Of Burnside Lake
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:41 pm 
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Our Amazing Bigfoot Campout Field Report Of Burnside Lake Sept. 13th - 15th, 2014

Burnside Lake was a 3 year project in the making as I learned about it a few years back when I heard someone had died up here. But that was not my reasoning for taking the time to do proper research back in this place afterall the lake resides so deep in the sierras that getting back to it really makes you feel small in comparison to the vastness of the region.

Every year I host a bigfoot camp this is where you can camp, hike, fish and spend a few days working with me for this elusive cryptid. You start to find out that this creature is not as elusive if you know where to go and how to get their attention. The region is all primitive there are no trails when you go off into the wilderness you know its nothing but you versus the rocks, foliage and forest.

The preparations that go into such a trip and cost obviously shows our viewers why my heart is set on the truth. Because we do not go out into the bush seeking fame or fortune we go out seeking adventure but to also uncover the stranger things in life that reside in the most remote places on planet Earth.

Ill tell you what though I own a pretty large jeep even with all the food, kids, dogs, fishing supplies, gear, backpacks, tents etc I had no room for anyone else. However if anyone wants to camp alone with me that can be arranged in the future to but out bigfoot camp is the number 1 event we host all year so allot goes into it.

I had no idea what I might find here since my first expedition of the region was back in Nov. 2013 it was a mild winter so I was back here collecting firewood and doing some hiking. During that time I found in the woods in a patch of snow a large bigfoot like creatures track it was large and had nice toe impressions.

So I thought to myself this warrants a return trip but one where I could spend sometime here hiking, rock climbing, combing the woods and even doing some night work in hopes of finding this elusive beast known as Sasquatch.

Tammy and I would have so much to do stopping for ice, coffee's for the road, lamp oil, bait for fishing and all the little extras like paper plates so we could burn them make less trash in the forest. Plus you have to consider what goes into our meals when I am in the woods I eat like a king no less. Its different if your on the go hiking but we would make Burnside our home for a few days which really advanced my Bigfoot research in regards to this special place very few know about. So our adventure would begin here and we would ride off to the mighty high sierras of the Carson Pass.

Expedition 2
Day 1

It was early morning we were off to a good start normally previous years I use to set up camp later towards the evening but this time around we left on a Saturday so we could set up everything in the A.M. The pass is beautiful filled with lush large mountains then their is a turn off to the left which goes up this 7 mile rugged road to the lake. Its rather woodsy people all the time come out here to gather wood its legal in the wood cutting sections.

Eventually when you get to the end of the road it goes down into this lake basin which all the way around the lake is full of peaks, cliffs, rock formations and very thick woods. Although the east side of the lake has fewer trees and rocks so we decided to pitch camp right on the lake.

This would not only give us front row access to the lake and scenery but would allow us to do some fishing when we felt like it. I could open the window to my tent and see the lake just 8 feet away. We event set the hammocks up on the lake where I read about aliens in Nevada while enjoying the nice breeze it was truly paradise.

When we arrived we had to set up camp its allot of work chair, food, tents etc etc. My older son and I left in the jeep for awhile to gather firewood. Surprisingly as much as I gathered another nearby camper decided to give me some of his wood and was really sincere about it since he was leaving Sunday.

I was surprised at the amount of people who were up here partying you had people on kayaks and wake boards. There were dogs swimming and even people just getting stoned by a fire. I ran into those guys we talked for awhile they were toking up playing football and the guy opens up his arms to me says hey man this is paradise. How could I not agree with him especially after I told him I do not know where I am going but I am going to keep heading into the woods and see where it takes us he was like right on man!

There was also a sports car it was stuck in the sand they wanted me to tow them out but I just do not have the right tires plus the clowns lied to me. You see there is this one area of Burnside Lake that has a nice fire pit and a huge area of shady beach front its nice. The guys were there fishing and I told them if your not going to camp here we would like to they said oh no were camping. Yet I seen no tent or sleeping bags so right then I knew they were just being greedy which is basically typical of most human beings.

Those guys were stranded there all day long I snickered a bit but eventually when a group of folks pushed them out they left then the spot was wide open and I was already settled in a new area of the lake. You have to understand that Burnside Lake is very primitive it resides deep in the Humboldt Toiyabe National Forest. So when you arrive here you camp wherever you want whether its on the lake, hill, between rock formations or off the road on in. There is no restrooms, drinking fountains, general stores or amenities you are literally out in the middle of no mans land.

After getting the wood my son and Tammy along with me prior to gathering it dug out the fire pit. We had a nice one very deep and good for burning large pieces of wood. My son did most of the work because we had ashes and mud all the way up to the top of the stone circle so it had to be dug out. I had no shovel so we used the dogs metal bowl so it took awhile but we had gotten it looking nice. The threat of fire is extremely high in the sierras the problem is campers are lazy they do not want to douse their fires or build better fire rings. We rebuilt our fire ring and it did well sustaining a safe fire considering how dry some of the foliage is in the area.

Camp was settled Jarrod and I set our eyes on this massive peak which overlooks the lake besides Hawkins Peak being over 10k their are many smaller ones which remain primitive or less visited. You can drive to the top of Hawkins on a jeep road but where we were hiking too their are no roads its pure rugged wilderness.

I seen a peak off in the distance it was rugged hard to get to but I felt if we made the trek we would come back with something good and we did. Not to mention that during the day time while setting up camp I heard some unknown vocalizations coming from that peak so being a cryptozoologist and paranormal investigator I am surely obligated to explore as well as investigate them. So we decided last minute to change our intinerary instead summating Burnside Peak instead of Hawkins as our percentage of finding Bigfoot would increase many more times by taking a more primitive route.

Jarrod and I headed south along the lake that is when we passed those cool campers which I talked to for awhile. I like meeting folks in the sierras nobody ever judges me for being goth everyone is just out in the woods partying, hiking and having a great time which is how it should be.

As we came around the south shore of the lake we went deep into the woods no compass, no maps and no special gear. Just our backpacks and my good intuition of knowing where to go. Our goal would be to push through the woods find the ridge line then climb to the top of this peak. I named it Burnside Peak since it does reside above the lake.

Little did we know what we were getting ourselves into when we went into the forest it was up and down hill pushing through lush foliage. Their was also thousands of large granite rocks left here from the last ice age so our journey into the wilderness was quite rugged.

Jarrod and I came out to this open meadow everything was dead no flowers, butterflies or even green grass. Before we entered the meadow I was sitting down when I seen this black bipedal creature zip from one small tree and dart behind a much larger one. I scratched my head we did come to take a look nobody or anything was present here not even any tracks that was my first weird experience on the expedition.

To our left within the meadow we seen an amazing back drop off steep cliffs. While in the meadow we jumped down into some dry creek beds following them southward towards the bottom of the mountain. The creek was very dry but I do vaguely remember there being some small pools of water where tadpoles swam in.

Eventually we climbed out of the deep creek bed and back into the woods this time heading uphill. I have to say the mountain was very steep probably a level 4 primitive climb/hike. Its hard when your hiking uphill when all you see ahead of you are large fallen trees, granite rocks and loose decomposed granite. Even looking through the woods we could see no end to the trees. If we cut it to far to the right their were cliffs if we went to far to the left we might entirely miss summating the peak all together so it was a bit of a challenge.

One thing did not make sense in the woods though which was we heard something very big crashing through the woods coming towards us. We never seen what it was but it was very large and made allot of noise. Maybe it was bigfoot checking us out who knows but something made the track up here in Nov. of 2013 so whatever it was may still be hiding or living within this very region.

The hardest part about this hike was the fact that between the openings within the woods the sun was beaming down on us. I was soak and wet from the heat alone even though it was only about 83 degrees up here it still felt much hotter then it should have felt. Most of the climb was uphill no breaks just climb and more climbing.

Their were at times granite slabs we could run up that were steep while other times we had to climb downed trees. I took us to the left to follow the ridge to the top that is where it led us to the crown of the peak which is just this massive pile of rocks for a over a hundred feet the size of mini vans. But at least we made it to the bottom of the cliff with only about 150' more of climbing.

Since we could not climb up the front of the peak or crown rather we went around it then began to rock climb. I have to say if you do not have a good grip on them rocks or for some reason you go the wrong way up its over. One wrong fall or losing balance banging your head its all over. My son is a good climber he is flawless when it comes to safety and which giant rocks to climb. At times we had to leap over crevices other times climb straight up 10' rock faces but eventually when we made it to the top we realized we were standing on this large volcanic dome.

The rock at the very top of the summit was very black but also throughout it was allot of glass like shards so it sort of hurt to sit down and break at. But I finally was on top of the cliffs and tree line which overshadows Burnside Lake. I let out a Bigfoot call and could see Tammy a couple miles off in the distance standing on the shore waving to us. She took our photos we took there's it was fun and the stoner guys also yelped back to me. I told them earlier when talking that id probably just wander the woods or climb one of the taller peaks that is in the area little did I know that we would find this awesome dome considering that the crown is only visible high above the lake and we had to traverse the woods to find it. It was not an easy feat to climb the crown nor was it to find the dome which is one of the highest points above the entire lake and hardest primitive areas to reach.

Jarrod and I were amazed with the view you could see on the other side of the lake a massive canyon which ran perpendicular to another canyon with this massive opening to Markleeville/Grover Hot Springs nestled all within the sierras from afar. The massive canyon which ran to the north of us also ran into another canyon that went northeast and northwest.

The northern Canyon which ran behind Burnside Lake had many peaks I never seen before just volcanic spires that you could summit. There would be no way to work our way down into this canyon to reach the pyramid shaped peak across the other side not without it running later into the night so we had to head back soon.

The canyon to the northeast took you up into the foothills of Hawkins Peak which is a mountain I have had my eye on the problem is its not as primitive and the last 1200' of the climb has no foliage which means you have no shade. But from this peak I could see a jeep road to the top so who knows maybe one of these days will ride up near the top then hike the rest of the way to the top to complete this region.

While the canyon to the Northwest ran along the Mokelumne Wilderness and its cliffs had to be 1000'k at least. Behind those cliffs was a gorgeous site that is Mount Raymond which is an area two years ago we had a primitive bigfoot camp at and boy was it one of the best memories of my life. I mean the amount of lakes, volcanic peaks and beautiful meadows back beyond that canyon will blow your mind.

Its kind of odd standing on a peak especially when you turn 360 degrees and you see sites that I once camped at or found bigfoot evidence at. I mean I could see Red Peak which we climbed, Mount Raymond and even the canyon we climbed up in Grover Hot Springs where something jumped over the trail prior to finding this massive track in the woods. I sit back reflect with a toke or two maybe a brew and think wow look at much mileage I have encompassed on my journeys these past few years wondering to myself where will I go next?

On our way down the mountain it was much easier we practically leaped the rocks on the crown and eventually pushed our way to the bottom of the mountain. We found an old forestry or mining road sadly its overgrown by evergreens some as tall as me the perfect Xmas trees right? The problem was for nearly a quarter of a mile they became so thick on this old road we had to abort and get back into the woods again. Because we were pushing through dozens of trees all growing so close that the pine needles were pinching us.

Once we went back into the woods and we found a bunch of large granite rocks in between them was an old hermits encampment. Their was a broken dresser, kids chair, steak knives, old car parts, rusty lug nuts, pots and even pans. Their was also two grills both so rusty that they had no bottoms to them. The person had a sign laying on a rock and just a bunch of trinkets at least whoever was living here. We think it was someone who resorted to living in the wild and yes besides bigfoot their are wildmen in the woods who have gone completely off the deep end.

I kind of felt a bit worried back here watched like we stumbled upon something we should not have found. Its obvious that the person who made this encampment collected things that local campers left behind including an old temperature gauge from an older car probably from the 70's.

Not to far away from the encampment or at least behind it was a tree swing with ropes and an actual wooden board. Jarrod and I went for a swing he did not get as high as me but I have to say it was an awesome experience. You can swing facing the woods or you could swing facing the beautiful meadow which is overshadowed by these amazing cliffs. The problem is since the creeks that run throughout the meadow are dry so is the meadow it is brown with no life whatsoever not even a deer grazing.

It was a bit odd that their was a swing not far from Hermits Camp this coincides with the children's chair. My guess would be an adult and a child may have hid out here. Perhaps someone went homeless or went into hiding its hard to tell. The swing was much newer then the hermit camp but then seeing the old 60's or 70's kids chair it sure makes you wonder. The creek near the camp and swing was barely trickling I would assume that the person who built the camp built it near the creek so they had access to water and the deer that once grazed this meadow. But as my son said everything is rusted, forgotten and old so more then likely whoever was here is long gone.

Eventually Jarrod and I crossed the meadow then headed to the north and after a few hundred feet of woods we ran right into the south shore of Burnside Lake where we would follow it over this inlet and dry creek. It kind of is sad to see creeks run dry but the last two winters been so mild that lakes are very low right now and the fishing in the sierras is at a low.

When we arrived back at camp I did do some fishing but it became really windy so the trout were not feeding because there was no bugs over the water. Not to far away from us there was a huge party going on and further down the dirt road back by some large rocks another party begin. We had two parties going on I mean trucks were coming in left and right asking where the party is I was like so much for peace and quiet.

The sun was going down I seen some bats coming out took some beautiful photos of sunset over the lake and honestly I really just took it all in. I mean we had our fire pit a few feet from the lake, tents, hammocks and BBQ grill. It was a nice spot with shady big trees even some lake shore for the dogs to take a dip in. Sunset exciting me as darkness set in so did all the stars within the Milky Way.

As it became darker I had listen to techno, drunk people and this loud mouthy woman late into the night. The one party had no campers by 5am they cleared the area but the other camp had tons of tents with rowdy people late into the night. On top of it 5 guys walked past our camp with lit torches yeah that sounds real safe when the fire alerts are at its highest this time of year then they went to the north end of the lake standing in a circle so who knows what they were up to but it kind of freaked out the GF just a little.

I fired up the grill we had garlic herb chicken, corn and beautiful gourmet onion cheeseburgers. I like to eat food from the grill I had a brew sat back smoked a cigar and just sat around the fire sharing tales. We also had some nice desserts for after the meal. The kids went to sleep early they said it was cold I thought the breeze on and off was nippy but when it stopped it was a warm night of course do not get me wrong it does drop to the 40's this time of year.

When I woke up in the morning I was glad to see both parties were leaving this left just us up at Burnside Lake alone to camp, fish, explore and could possibly open up some bigfoot opportunities. I really looked forward to day 2 to have the entire lake and wilderness to ourselves allowed us to be kings of the forest.

Day 2

Like always I make coffee we had a good breakfast too because I knew that this next day would be filled with new adventures. Its kind of odd but someone must had been at my camp or the wind may have blown it but their was a joint by my camp fire. I smoked it what the hell why waste mother nature right? lol it was a good morning wake n bake surprise great way to start off the day.

Prior to setting off for hiking we had a game of horse shoes trust me never buy a plastic set the wind was blowing my horse shoes 5' off course and I lost bad lol. But it was a nice time played right along the lake shore it does not get any better then that freaking paradise man!

I packed me some chocolate milk, essentials, brews and even readied my dog. We had plans this time to climb the cliffs across Burnside Lake on the western shore. The rocks almost were as high as the ridge line which surrounds this lake basin but not quite.

No less would the hike be entertaining as we would have to climb through a thick forest and eventually rock climb around the cliffs to get to the top. Its funny because Tammy seen us on top of the rocks and kudos to Rascal my dog because he acts like mountain goat. I seen him go straight up this rock that I had to hold onto real tight or otherwise risk getting hurt.

The rock formations were unbelievable back here but again it requires allot of upper body strength as well as lower body to lock in your feet hold on tight then climb to each tier. My dog scared me a bit when we reached the top he was pacing back n forth the entire time along the cliffs. Once you get on top of these rock formations its cliffs all the way around and although not every high a 100' fall can kill you so we made sure we sat right in the middle of the plateau.

This was a nice hike I had both my kids with me and the dog everybody was quite happy with the nice view of the lake as we were just above the tree line looking to the NE at the lake. So besides taking awesome team tripod shots on our first day I also took some our second day here. There was not allot of bigfoot activity here then again this area was not as primitive as the peak, meadow and canyon Jarrod and I found on foot on Day 1.

When we came back to camp I spent most of the day relaxing. I mean it was a beautiful 80 degree day with little wind nice day just to sit in a hammock eat some hot tamales candy or smoke a cigar read a book. I honestly spend most of Sunday with my family. Later that night I cooked these killer BBQ pork steaks right over the open fire on a grate I brought so that is as natural as it gets along with a nice potato salad yum!

Later that evening I did do some fishing as the sun went down the fish were on a feeding frenzy. I mean I lost an entire container of night crawlers within an hour. I had a few fish I lost but I think some of them were just to small to hook as my bobber was all over the place and yet at times had a chewed up worm. However do not get me wrong Burnside is one of the better places to catch trout at in the sierras I just was not so lucky. It was fun my son had some good bites to we knew their was fish here we heard some big ones jump out of the water the evening before problem is we never caught anything but it still was a blast. I mean think about it cigar, fishing, beer, food and serenity all great things!

That night we had smores around the fire it was less windy so we had a much bigger fire then the night before. It was very quiet Tammy and I sat outside ourselves just talking. When all of sudden I heard in the canyon behind the west end of Burnside Lake these eerie vocalizations. They were so loud it sounded like two bigfoot like creatures screaming at eachother then their was a third scream like some animal being taken down. But the animal screamed it almost sounded like it said help but according to Tammy deer and rabbit scream like they are human when they are being killed.

Tammy said it sounded like coyotes but in the past three years I never seen one coyote or heard one in the high sierras. I have seen them in the NV mountains and high desert just not the high sierras so I really do not know. I realize their are wolves, bear and mountain lion which are predatory in this region but what I heard was shrilling and was just not right even Tammy off the cam admitted to me after I was trying to capture the vocalizations that they may not have been coyotes and that it sounded to her like some monster attacking another animal far off in the distance.

When I started to hear the vocalizations that is when I quickly turned on the cam whether the microphone will pick up those I will have to review the footage and see. I mean whatever was killed we heard echo 5 to 6 times just as we heard whatever was chasing it 5 to 6 times so that was pretty chilling. Could it have been Bigfoot?

I think we have to keep an openmind I mean whatever made the vocalizations was large you could hear the screams and what sounded like a large primate echoing over and over. I did not hear coyotes but Tammy is skeptical all until I told her I am going to call whatever made those back then she was like don't Rick they may not be nice creatures lol. So I think she really had gotten a taste for her first bigfoot vocalizations ever and they were straight up scary just out of the blue. No coyotes would ever make a sound like that something was being hunted for sport and it was caught!

Whatever it was had been long gone but I knew it came from a canyon that Jarrod and I seen on day 1. Its not a canyon you can just hike in either its overgrown, rocky and full of heavy vegetation with steep cliffs on both sides. So whatever it was truly was in a primitive area hunting its prey at midnight and ill never forget those horrifying sounds no matter what made them.

I did end up putting the fire out and going to bed I did not hear anything strange. Problem is once you shut the fire down and oil lamps that is it. Its free game for anything to come through camp and snoop around even Bigfoot or black bears. Luckily we lock up all food items in our jeep so that kind of keeps them at bay plus we keep our campsite very clean so that helps to and just a safety tip to those who want to camp here someday. I went to the tent put on a lamp read a book dozed off and had a really good nights worth of sleep.

Day 3

Morning came I heard the boys unzip their tent and they were messing around. I let my dog out to go to the bathroom put on some house slippers started the coffee. Jarrod was very over excited to tell me that he heard this banging noise on the other side of the lake which BTW is extremely over grown and primitive. Those cliffs on the opposite of the lake and peaks contain many paths over the lake basins ridge down into the very canyon we heard the vocalizations.

My son explained to me when he heard the banging he took a piece of wood banging it on the rock. When he seen a bipedal black creature come up to the lake shore look at him and lumber back off into the forest. Amazingly this sometimes works when it comes to finding these creatures but it also can piss them off or make them feel threatened. You have to understand its an early Monday morning not a soul was up there just us which allows creatures like Bigfoot to come down to the lake in search of water.

I believe and maybe I am wrong but based on how he described it this is what I seen on Day 1 on the edge of the meadow. I seen a bipedal black creature move from one tree to the next then vanish maybe because it climbed up the tree so yeah always look up when your looking for this creature.

That day I would pack our packs once again this would be one final hike actually a really great one. We would climb over the ridge and cliffs behind our campsite or rather the east end of the lake to a series of rocks which is the highest point on the east end of the lake besides the amazing Hawkins Peak which is a few miles off in the distance.

We did do a few tripod shots on the cliffs overlooking the lake then Jarrod and I went up into the woods below Hawkins. We then hiked north through the woods below one of the massive hills which resides below the peak or perhaps mountains afterall the first ascension is a 1000'k climb then you follow the saddle to another 1000'k climb without any woods so we were below the tree line hiking north for about 3 miles in primitive forest no trails or amenities.

We followed the foothills below Hawkins Peak for awhile then turned left and came right out onto Burnside Lake Road which again is 7 mile long and a couple years ago a man hiking on it froze to death. This is not an area to ever go up in during the winter time and if you do you better prepare because the snow gets higher then your head. The gates to the lake generally stay closed at least half of the year sometimes longer so its not an area that is accessible all the time.

One thing that caught us both by surprise is we found an unknown series of stool piles. One pile was massive it looked like something large made it I mean one of the sizes of the fecal matter was as large as my fist while I could study it and found out whatever made this pile was an herbivore. Their was no animal hair in the stool or even berries. We know it was not bear scat as nearby we did find a pile of it but again when you spend allot of time outdoors you know the difference. Their was a huge difference between the bear stool and the two piles of stool we found deep in the forest. I think we found the area where this creature relieves himself at as a third pile emerged not to far away each one was the same but made by something larger then that of a black bear. So the real question is what could it be? I had to video tape and photograph the stool its at this point evidence which point to all the signs that a very large creature is defecating in these woods.

This part of the woods was lush anotherwards flowers still grew and were not dying from an early Autumn. Just as I photographed a few butterflies back here as to where we did not see any on our other hikes. I found berries in the woods and even wild mushrooms. It appears that an early Autumn has not effected the forest below Hawkins peak but it is effected the woods and meadows that surround Burnside Lake based on my observations. This hills went up and down but really all we could see is more and more woods. We could not see any peaks, landmarks let alone even the lake but as a bigfoot chaser I know that the more remote you go the better of a chance you have at finding good evidence. All our finds are done with hard work nothing gets handed to me I use my own money and my legs to find me what needs to be found.

My dog has a new infatuation which is chasing chipmunks he never use to not sure what the deal is. But the one thing that caught me as strange is that on one occasion my dog went after a chipmunk which btw some carry the plague just so hikers know do NOT feed them if you value your life. The other thing that caught my eye is that my dog stopped in the woods in this frozen stance scared shitless like he just seen Bigfoot. I did not think much of it till later something came towards us when we made it to the road crashing through the woods. So I think my dog knew something was in those woods maybe trailing us from a distance. The woods below Hawkins Peak is a wild adventure in itself they are so thick and anything could be hiding elusively back here who knows!

We were glad to have finally found the road after being in thick woods for hours at the same time we were put on high alert when something big, broad and large snapped a bunch of branches. Once again never seen what it was but could hear it walking and it was extremely large as if it followed us to the edge of the woods and ended up stepping on a bunch of crisp branches.

We stood still waiting for something to come out of the forest but nothing came its as if whatever was following us just stopped or went up in the trees to hide. But at the moment I felt watched, followed and sort of disappointed that I did not get to see whatever was coming at us through the woods. I am finding that Bigfoot is extremely curious but at the same time its a cautious creature who at all cost does everything it can to remain hidden besides the tracks it leaves behind like the one I found in 2013 here.

When we arrived back at camp we had started up the fire then pulled out our roaster skewers and roasted some hot dogs over the fire. We had macaroni salad and triple berry muffins. It was a stellar lunch prior to us having to pack up all our gear into the truck which actually we had more room because we went through most of the food.

Jarrod and I target practiced I am 2 for 2 while he was 3 for 3 that was pretty fun. Looks like our aim shooting guns and arrows has greatly improved. This is a skill everyone should learn and possibly train for it might save your life lets just leave it at that. I also played football with my sons my older boy kicked the ball and his brand new shoe fell completely apart man that pissed me off if you are a parent then you know how much sneakers cost at the store lol. We also played horse shoes it was adults VS the kids Tammy and I kicked ass we played 5 rounds getting five points. I actually hit the bar a couple times but then again their was no winds at the time so my plastic horse shoes were not blowing like Frisbees in the wind lol.

Packing up is the biggest pain in the ass you spend time setting up lamps hell my son made a stone table and chair even. On a nice note I left a ton of firewood for another camper but within an hour everything was in the jeep. We had both tents down, food saved, gear in the jeep and just a few things left to shove on in before leaving. I took one last look at Burnside smoked a grape cigar a large one then I left. I decided to let Tammy drive the road out so she could experience how rugged it is actually its allot of fun but again if you go back here keep in mind if you get stuck on the road or at the lake you could be in a bit of a jam its desolate wilderness back in here most of the time.

I tried to find the Burnside Mine never found it to many roads go to the right I even found this one gate that said no vehicles past this point but you can hike the road. All the roads to the right lead up near the top of Hawkins Peak which is fine I guess if you want to drive but then you miss out on nature, scenic vista points and you really wont find bigfoot sitting in a jeep to the top.

Even though I captured allot of wildlife to top off the icing on the cake we saw a buck standing in the middle of the road leaving the lake. I went to grab my camera to photograph him I believe I captured him on the road and in the woods watching us.

In conclusion to our camping trip I learned allot that indeed their is something back here whether its a monster of some kind or giant of the forest or Sasquatch himself. I think that as a whole the woods around Burnside are just plain creepy and if you are not an outdoors expert you can get lost and even end up dead. Cliff climbing, rock scrambling, going primitive etc all require strong skills and decision making.

I am not sure what I seen or heard but I do not think bear follow you in the woods then stop when you stop or run on two legs or scream at one another while trying to capture some prey. Just as I am not sure what was banging on the trees and peering at my son on the other side of the lake. So many things just do not add up but being an adventure group we take the strange as it might come even if that is finding an old hermit camp or some other oddity like me photographing a cloud that looked like an angel or the odd chemtrails which seem to within hours cause the sky to turn gray everytime I hike in the sierras. So overall I have to look at this region as just a strange place that probably hides allot of its secrets.

I found on my hike plenty of berries in the woods and then their was the massive buck. If you combine that with the lake water and its primitive location its plausible to say that something might be lurking back here. This also goes with the massive track I found in a patch of snow in the woods here in Nov. 2013.

What I can tell all of you is this is going to be a wonderful addition to our site plus it completes the follow up expedition to this really amazing place. I took allot of videos, pictures and tried to gather as much evidence as I could. Your going to see allot of nature, offbeat primitive locations, cliffs, mountains and all that good stuff. I truly hope my cam caught the vocalizations or recorded them they would make a nice addition to our site to go with the track I found.

The only thing I was sad about is that someone near our camp spot cut the rope swing while Saturday night people partied so loud I never really had gotten the chance to listen for vocalizations especially with drunk people shouting and acting like fools.

Our trip home was relaxing I sipped Nesquik ate some candy and granola bars on the journey home. We stopped at Jack n The Box for dinner then came home to unload all the gear. All our clothes smelled like charcoal and campfire lol ahhhhhh what a nice smell.

I cant ask for more though I had gotten to do everything I wanted we climbed a peak, rock climbed, cliff climbed, explored a hidden meadow, went swinging in the woods and we had not one but two bigfoot sightings on this trip which is amazing in itself. I had gotten to see allot of nature even the changing of the foliage caused from an early autumn. I drank millers, smoked cigars and smoked the best medicinal bud right on the lake it was so relaxing.

I sat in my hammock read books played with the kids and got to spend alone time with my girl around the fire. It was a trip ill soon never ever forget this is the whole reasoning behind what we do here at PGS. Its not about fame or money its about truth, adventure and friendship. But its also about family too and to have my family be a part of my projects really is a blessing. I am not sure their is nothing I did not experience out my tent window I could see the peak I stood on just as I could fish night or day right from my camp fire. We ate like kings and Rascal my dog had gotten in two solid days of hiking. He needed it just as much as a cold wet bath at the lake just as much as the exercise lol.

The kids had a great time and I had completed my mission this place is truly an area where bigfoot roams. Its an area that will test you its one of the hardest hiking locations I have done in the sierras it has everything brush, rocks, crevices, volcanic rock, cliffs, swamp land, thick meadows, remote wilderness, wild animals and even the strange. Its very hard to get back here and when you do you really want to stay that is why I returned here because I needed more time to conduct my research.

I am sorry that nobody has heard from me I had to keep this trip on the down low as you guys know their is a group of felon bullies particularly Krusty who attacks my paranormal sites with porn and hate content. Therefore I did not announce this event or expedition sorry but chances are if I am not online I am offline as far away from technology as possible looking for anything strange that I can see or gather evidence from.

I will say this we have allot of exciting projects coming up like our second expedition to the top of Maggie Peak, Historic Fort and even a haunted school house from the 1800's. Were starting to get back into ghosts with old man winter approaching and October. We also have a special bigfoot expedition planned in October which will take us over the Tahoe rim to this old saw mill and hidden lake. The trees should all be various colors it should be a fun little trek. Ill also try to get back out to Apple Valley its an area we hiked in last year, drank at the brewery, ate fresh apple pie and even bought pumpkins at. We also got some EVP at some of the local cemeteries in the valley and so I look forward to returning there. My sons birthday is also coming up in a week so ill be very busy the next 6 weeks with no breaks trust me allot of paranormal cases coming to you.

We have allot of catching up to do with adding cases on our site but trust me all the evidence and our work is well worth waiting for. I am the only one who updates our site therefore I do all the hard work and its a full time job but soon will be showing off our bigfoot finds and even UFO video footage you will either grow to respect the work we do or not. I will not force anyone to believe in what we do but we are committed to debunking and truthseeking! Where will we go and what we will see next? Anything is possible at this point in time we even have someone who wrote us who wants me to examine their property they have a family of four bigfoot living behind their cabins the male being very aggressive and they might end up moving because of it. So were always working hard to not only bring others history, mystery and the paranormal but also to help people cope better with the unknown!

On my way home when we nearly reached our house we realized during our time away their was a fire up at the Tahoe rim. All of Lake Tahoe and sierras surrounding it were full of smoke. We did not see any smoke or smell any burnt trees but they finally had gotten the fire under control as of this morning. So you can understand why its so important to get a fire permit, douse your fires, keep them low and build a solid fire pit at all times! When I arrived home I felt so bad to see the forest burning down in Tahoe but at the same time I was to tired to jump online went to watch Hell On Wheels and Witches Of East End then went straight to bed.

Let me just say that once again Krusty has struck I been suspended on facebook for posting a LEGAL radio program which the host is now dying of cancer. Krusty reported it I wonder why could that be because he called Hawk a DUMB MOTHERF*CKER? Just as my anti bullying stuff gets reported just as my research gets reported just as my own paranormal videos gets reported. How do I know who reports it? Because it tells me who did it and well its straight up harassment, hate and jealousy. Because while were away the mice will play just as they use PSP to past my face on pornographic images.

My point is that I am out there all the time investigating/exploring it never stops we never take a rest almost every week we go out and do different projects and most of what we do is family run that way the work is done with reputability. We do ghost towns, mines, woods, tunnels, historic sites, forts, cemeteries and most definitely some of the prettiest places in the world even on top of the world! Ill never give up doing what I enjoy I do not need FB to do my work I just need to be loyal and true towards the work we do! The paranormal is life and while haters will go ill always be here for the next grand adventure. Burnside Lake for me was just that a grand adventure it was like stepping into a world within a world ill never forget this place nor the experiences we had here!

Lord Rick
PGS Founder

PS This field report is subject to change this is only a rough draft we may add some more content to it as we sift through our evidence and finds. Look for this addition on our site in the near future!

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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