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 Post subject: Our Expedition Of Mount Tallac & Historic Site - Lake Tahoe
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:01 pm 
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Our Expedition Of Mount Tallac & Historic Site - Lake Tahoe On 7/12/14

I was very excited about this expedition as it would take us to four different lakes, two peaks, historic estates, great views of Tahoe and into the Desolation Wilderness. Their was just so much to take in and see how can you not love this area?
When I first moved to this region we went into the Desolation Wilderness I for one was NOT disappointed with the bigfoot activity here. Its one of the most intense Bigfoot locations in North America so hiking up into it from the eastern edge was very exciting to me.
When you start off at the bottom of Mount Tallac their is a long dirt road then an area that follows Fallen Leaf Lake to your left while Tahoe is to your back. The higher you ascend the better views of both lakes so its fairly a picturesque area to hike at. Fallen Leaf Lake is heavily wooded I have gotten in reports from viewers who claim that it is a bigfoot hotspot so hiking above the lake is a good start.
The problem is anytime you hike near Tahoe you will never have the place to yourself their was at least 50 hikes out there and it makes me job a bit harder to find fresh tracks. But still not everything we do is about finding evidence sometimes its nice just to enjoy nature and get out into a cooler place where its shady.
The wilderness is very lush allot of trees,foliage and shady so it provides allot of cover from the sun. It does not take long to hike from the Tahoe Basin up into the wilderness. The views to the right of Mount Tallac are also gorgeous that is a massive peak. I would not summit it just because I had other sites I wanted to spend more time at.
Like most of the hikes in the sierras this one had its fair share of flowers and some butterflies. I seen plenty of birds and I have to say met lots of friendly folks. Its strange because online people hate on me for having long hair, tats and gothed out with black nails. But in the woods people are different I talk to this older man about wild flowers and photographing them. Nobody passes judgement in the wilderness people are chill drink brews, smoke some bud, hike and take photos. I wish people online would be more chill we see the most beautiful places on the planet and this place was eye popping. People out here are much different they are chill, openminded and enjoying life like I do. Everyone is an equal that is the thing so meeting folks talking to other hikers is just a great part of the entire experience and some of them are curious about our research we do when it comes to bigfoot.
For a good portion of the hike it is uphill it does level out once you reach Floating Isle Lake. Its more like a pond allot of algae the creek nearby is barely trickling and Mount Tallac overshadows it. Hiking around the lake is pointless their is no shore line this is why Bigfoot hides well in the sierras because most lakes have granite rocky shores so without mud or softer earth their is no way for an impression to be left. We found a fossilized rock up here that was pretty cool. We also apparently had a rotting half of the bottom of a frogs legs attached to one of our back packs because I found it days later in my jeep and thought hmmm must had sat our packs down here and picked it up. The lake is very primitive but the reflection of Mount Tallac seen within Floating Isle is a MUST SEE!
We would break at the lake then start heading towards Cathedral Peak. Below the peak is Cathedral Lake its nothing large but the water is a pristine blue color and the peak looks like a giant cathedral. This peak is used by cliff and rock climbers its one of the most challenging to climb. During our picnic I physically rock climbed and scrambled to a ridge found an easier way to get to the top. However I only made it to the ridge so I could get some good shots of the lake from above and Mount Tallac.
If you were to continue on past Cathedral Lake you would head to Mount Tallac its quite the ascension and the trail is not that great. Probably another five miles to the top but its not as woodsy and the sun will fry you. I am not sure about you but I hate direct sunlight I generally hike in the woods to stay cool and try to come back tanned not burnt lol.
I found this rock it was all scratched up to hell like something was taking a smaller rock scraping the side of it or maybe some buck scraped his antlers against it. Its hard to say but even at Cathedral Lake their is very little shoreline to look for tracks. I climbed allot of large rocks just to get to the ridge it was not easy and makes it harder for finding any bigfoot evidence since these creatures probably leap these rocks easily.
There was allot of dragonflies hanging out near the shoreline my son caught one. It was good to see him being a boy he generally is the one who never wants to hike or see anything but this time around he offered to come with us. My other son Jarrod did not want to go on this one he was like dad I been working hard looking for bigfoot for two months now so that was fine. But he sure became jealous when he realized we toured a rustic historic resort, ranches and these old estates. That was just a bonus to the entire hike so we kind of gotten the best of both worlds.
Another strange thing I found was a tree with a huge piece of bark missing off of it. Now I know the forestry will do that to mark its trails but this was not a trail marker it looked like something literally ripped off the bark on this very green tree. Others had taken the pulp of the tree cutting it all up with their knives. Just as I seen a tree all scraped up and another one with holes running horizontal and scratches. I know deer like to mark up trees sometimes bear so who knows welcome to the wilderness.
The hike back down was rather scenic you can see Tahoe and Fallen Leaf Lake the entire descent. Their are vista points you can stop off at away from the trail to get good photos or break. I was up on some overlooks when I smoked some herb when four older hikers asked if I could take their photo. They were a cool group drinking brews having a good time. I wish I had more people my own age to hike with but finding friends is like pulling teeth. Andy ditched me for the hike no call no show no contact so he missed a good one and now is off our team. I see so many people hiking together and for me its hard to find anyone who wants to journey. 
I climbed into the bushes to take these peoples picture they were like wow your pretty serious I told them of course I am lol I am a mountain man. Ill climb through brush, rock scramble, cliff climb, mountain climb and chase bear into the woods. I guess they were overall impressed that someone would go to a great length to take a group photo of them. I learned to just get a tripod because on some summits its just my dog and I lol. I drank some brews, smoked some herb and I partied up in the woods. I always celebrate my hikes we have allot to be thankful for that is also being able to have access to places like these within a very short drive from where I live so we take advantage of all of it.  
We would eventually make it back to the jeep going downhill is always easier it was early enough so I had one last surprise for our viewers and my family. I would take them across the road to the Mount Tallac Historic Site which features old Rustic cabins, ranches, estates and even a resort most of it from the 1800's right on the beach of Lake Tahoe.
We would park at the estates and I fell in love the property has allot of remnants of the past. Their are wagons, artifacts, old furniture, well, fountain and even a butterfly garden. Their is also a vegetable garden with a creepy scarecrow and some old classics like a fire engine.
There was allot of people around did not take EVP's and my cam was on its last leg so id like to go back here in the future show my younger son. People were on the beach swimming in Tahoe while other ones were just taking a stroll through many of the buildings found on site.
Keep in mind everyone that the Tallac Historic Site consist of the Valhalla, Pope and Baldwin Estates. Their are remnants of an old resort and many rustic structures. At one time saloons, hotels and many other buildings stood here but what is left is very historic. You can look through metal mesh through some of the buildings where you can see decor from the 1800's and many artifacts dating back to that period. One of the structures had a recreational room with a pool table the wax figures kind of caught me off guard chilling inside lol.
There was a chefs house, kitchen, seamstress quarters and even cottages on site, Their were many other rustic cabins which served other purposes too which had signs on them including an old barn. This place is sort of like a small ghost town or complex of historic sites all bordering one another. In the woods their are some old stone foundations so I plan on coming back to find them maybe do more work here.
 They also had a butterfly and flower garden I was impressed they had all sorts of flowers growing here that you find in the sierras including species I never seen before. Their were butterflies everywhere it was kind of like being in paradise and seeing Lake Tahoe through the trees. Their was also an old boat house it was locked up but still a cool site to visit. They had a stone waterway but no water in it with a gazebo you could relax at that was very nice.
I will have to do more in depth work here this retreat has allot of sites and its scattered everywhere. I did not take the tour but I was able to look inside many of the structures. Like one of the resort buildings had a massive fireplace with an old rug, lamps etc it was cozy but you have to figure all the cabins serve as a giant museum. Even the food storage house had old jars and glass from the 1800's allot of these things some of America's earliest prominent families came here using these things. Like for example one of the cabins had furniture from the 1800's including the bed, dresser and wood chairs. In one restroom locked up you could see an old tub and sink.
Surrounding the site are plaques one of them talks about horse racing which took place here such as the winners circuit at the Pope Estate. I guess the old resort also has a theater I had a few friends tell me how much they like one of the photos I took of it with me standing in front of this massive wood structure. I mean every rustic cabin is cozy or a fine piece of craftsmanship what is even more awesome is they all are still standing despite the rough weather Tahoe gets each winter.
Tammy and I also found another Tee Pee or Bark House. I have now seen so many in the sierras and can definitely use those to compare the Bigfoot Encampment with found in comparison with these smaller shelter which the Miwok tribe built in the sierras in central California. Inside the bark house were wood cross beams which were wedged between bark that overlaid it along with a few larger post which hold up most of the weight of the surrounding bark. By design they are rather fascinating and they are proven to keep you dry that is why the tribes built them. However what we found at Kings Canyon was much different as only one end was fortified leaving open areas so the wind could pass through creating a special wind flow effect. However in the sierras bark houses were sturdy but not durable high winds could decimate them and they were not embedded deep in the Earth.
Many things are long gone on these 40 acres like the piers, old hotel and casinos. Some due to fire others due to the elements. Id like to find some of the foundations and do a more in depth visit to the site. After hiking all day I was tired and ready to go home eat dinner. I guess I wanted to show you the historical and nature aspect of the Mount Tallac area because their is more to this place then just hiking. Many of those old structures and the grounds to the grandest resort in the world in the 1800's probably do have a few ghost stories no doubt of their own.
I want to see more my son and I sat in this old wood car used for photo props their was also an old gas pump nearby and portable fire hose on wagon wheels. I really do not think I see everything their is just so much preserved history here and looking in the windows had some pretty creepy cabins. Its like stepping back into time however after see did our exploration looked around a little I enjoyed taking a break at one of the two annexes found on the site. They have wood chairs all over you can lounge around in smoke a cigar relax in the shade its pretty sweet.
It was a great day to end the expedition all the way from hiking up near the top of Mount Tallac to overlooking Lake Tahoe all the way to walking Tahoe's shoreline enjoying the historic sites. We went from one extreme to the next. Not much Bigfoot activity but again it is Tahoe allot of tourist here people from other countries so this might be a reason for the lack of evidence besides the fact that we only trekked along the eastern edge of the Desolation Wilderness as opposed to last time we hiked deep into the heart of it.
I definitely want to see more you guys are going to love the nature photos, videos, scenic photography, history etc it will be a great addition to our site. Now that I have done one of the beautiful hikes surrounding Tahoe I want to do more. I want to climb Maggie's Peaks someone told me it has one of the best views of Lake Tahoe including a hidden granite lake up near the top so something to think about summating in the fall which is not to far off. This is such a gorgeous pristine area doe snot matter where you go the viewers are eternal and it gets remote very quickly. Not to mention that you have over two centuries of Bigfoot lore in this region probably a couple thousand years but when the white men came to the area they learned about the giants of the forest including the lake monster both of which we always get reports in about and over time I have gathered tons of data some areas more active then others but all in the end gorgeous expeditions.
Now ill be taking a few weeks off cam is in the shop, fair is coming to town and plus my GF is on call so ill spend the next two to three weeks trying to get some of our cases on our website. I have hours upon hours of HD footage of these locations so I am excited to get it out there.
Peace Be With You,
Lord Rick
PGS Founder

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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