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 Post subject: Our Explorations Of Big Trees & The Vallecito Quarry May 12t
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:07 pm 
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Our Explorations Of Big Trees & The Vallecito Quarry May 12th 2012

It feels good to be able to type reports for our friends of The Paranormal & Ghost Society although late their is fairly good reason. They say good things come to those who wait and these investigations are worth waiting to see when they are added to our site. Each place we investigate, explore or produce at is unique in their own way.

Tammy's father was coming out for a month so I wanted to show him a taste of the sierras. You really have not had a taste of it till you traverse along cliffs, snow capped peaks, narrow passes, raging rivers and see some of the largest trees in the world. In a way he could enjoy the Big Trees National Forest and the Scenic country surrounding the Vallecito Quarry while I was able to accomplish so many great things.

The only problem is being a paranormal investigator is that you never know when or what you may encounter. You can go to a location a thousand times never see a thing then one day something can change your entire thought process. Since their are thousands of places I can adventure at sometimes I only get one shot at getting it right so I try to be adamant about gathering proof that the paranormal exist at all locations I visit even if it means taking a few risk for our cause.

I do not live far from Big Trees its actually a location I have driven past many times and thought to myself how vast Calaveras County is. Believe or not allot of Bigfoot sightings do occur back here most of the county is full of ancient trees, rivers, dirt roads and historical sites. Its truly Mark Twain country and their are allot of areas man has not really explored making it an ideal place for something cryptid to live.

The Quarry same thing its very historic but resides in the middle of nowhere with miles of smaller mountains and foothills which grace the Western Sierras. Generally allot of our investigations take place in the eastern Sierras but we want to start bringing our investigators some places deeper into the heart of California which has some really amazing sites.

So we headed up into gold country well Bigfoot country as well not to far from Lake Malone's, Stanislaus River and with the Stanislaus national forest which has many gems. I knew I was in for a long day so we packed up the entire truck with food for the grill, football, paranormal gear etc and headed off on another great adventure.

Calaveras Big Trees

We stopped at this gas station their was a big old dog as I filled my tires with air. We were just down the road from the forest of sequoias. My truck was acting a bit funny its been through allot if you seen the places I offroad to you would understand that the places we get back to are gems but difficult.

I could not believe that gas was 5 dollars a gallon in California its utterly pathetic the billionaires become trillionaires all for what? Its highway robbery and it makes very difficult for me to pull off these investigations because offroading in the mountains is costly. Considering our T-shirt sales and donations are down to nothing everything I do comes out of my own pocket not bitching just making a valid point that we provide the public with a free service so all of you should really appreciate these gems we continue to bring to you.

At the gas station their was a giant smokey the bear statue its amazing how many forest have been burnt down recently. Your forest are my forest so every place I hike in I value. You see were more then just a paranormal group now we cover scenery, nature and other topics of educational interest. As many schools browse our sites believe it or not so we have set the tone for being one of the greater groups on the west coast.

When I arrived at Big Trees I posed with a bear statue and thought wow hope I do not encounter one of these here. If the trees are big perhaps the wildlife is larger as well who knows. I would start off on a very non paranormal related hike it would grow into something so much more later on during the day that I cannot even began to put it all into words.

Entering into the forest of giant trees was amazing some of them towered 300' high while being 30' wide. I would hike with everyone for awhile but eventually go my own way its just my nature. Their was a place called inspiration stump which was so large you had to take a series of stairs to stand up on it.

I noticed through my hike their were allot of trees cut in half where the trail ran through it while many of the big trees were burnt. Some looked as if they were purposely started on fire as the logs had charred marks. I also observed many fallen trees some on their sides so large that they were much taller then I was.

Allot of the trees were hollowed out you could physically walk through some of the trunks vertically and horizontally. Their were many trees on their sides that now had become tunnels. While I spent allot of my time climbing up onto the large fallen trunks I felt like I had been in a the movie honey I shrunk the kids.

All the flowers were blooming and their was a creek I spent a good amount of my time following. Their were parts of the trail that would go right through the giant sequoias. Some mother took a photo of my son and I standing inside one of the trees. The area during the day gets a bit busy unless you take the off beat trails which I eventually decided to do.

I may have found a Bigfoot track deeper in the forest but it was destroyed tracks do not always last long in this region due to heavy winds and poor weather. Some of the trees were bare on top even perhaps from years of storms that have hit the region.

My son and I climbed allot of the fallen trees to get some amazing views including taking the high trail so we could view the trees from above. When you walk through here you can sense the thousands of years of history as at the time the pyramids were being built these trees were growing to what they are today.

As much as I can explain the trees to you I would much rather post the videos and photos to our site. The photos speak louder then words you have to see it to believe it. I am lucky enough to only live about 90 minutes away from this forest.

When I went to meet back up with everyone after a couple hours of track finding their was this really cute blonde who I talked to for a bit I had her laughing like crazy. See she was taking a photo and I was hiding inside one of the trees so yeah I popped out by accident in her photo oops lol a drive to Big Trees 60 dollars in gas and a photo of Lord Rick popping out of a hole like rabbit PRICELESS lol.

I had the chance to actually visit some gardens while here and I did hike off the path for awhile. The forest is very thick and their were some animals around so its an ancient place that probably is home to Bigfoot. I would not know for sure though until I could investigate a little deeper on into the forest. The Big trees are all generally near the parks entrance however the forest has areas that go off deeper into the wilderness.

I remember I went crawling through one of the trees when a bird was inside of it with us nearly had gotten hit in the face. The tree called mother of the forest was burnt while the father of the forest was laying on the ground. Allot of the trees here have their own names its pretty cool sad to say at one time more of these trees were standing not to many are left and the ones that are growing ill be long gone before seeing them reach their potential sizes.

On my hike I also crossed a marsh and visited two older homesteads. After to many people were out hiking around I decided to hit dodge go somewhere quieter where I could BBQ on the grill and get some paranormal research done that is when we found a wooded area along the Stanislaus River.

Our picnic could not have been more beautiful it was so shady and calm back where we were at. I cooked brats for the grill and we had watermelon. I played some football with my sons before deciding to strap on my gear and do some Bigfoot tracking.

I hiked through the woods down a steep bank onto the rivers bank to look for tracks. I found a few toe impressions or possible tracks but most of them had been pounced on by other animals and hikers. This part of the woods is extremely overgrown their were allot of boulders, pools of water, brush and sand along the river. Their was also rapids so the water was moving along quite fast so I could not hear to much.

I walked along the sandy shore then we decided to climb through brush and over rocks so that we could locate tracks in areas humans do not normally go. For me I have found out that the areas people do not traverse in is where I always find most of my large Bigfoot tracks and sometimes you have to work hard to get to these places.

I walked out onto the rocks in the middle of the river everything seemed quiet here no odd noises, branches breaking or movement. Then all of sudden a giant rock flew past my shoulder from behind me in the thick woods. It nearly missed my head and I thought my son was messing around.

Seconds later another rock was thrown then another then another. The rocks were thrown so well that at times they would just graze my shirt other times they were way off landing into the river. A rather large one fell into one of the pools of water on the shore throwing up water everyone onto me.

My son was with me and for his safety I had to get him out of here. We were under attack I was operating my video camera looking all around me and noticed the rocks were coming not only behind us in the woods but across from the river. Whatever was throwing them was invisible maybe even up in the trees its hard to say.

Their was no humans up in the area nor did I see anything out of the ordinary. My son and I found a trail through the woods so we started to run another rock went flying over us. Eventually in the thick of the trees a twig spun around like a boomerang hitting one of the trunks of the trees. It was obvious that the woods were making it difficult for whatever it was to hit us and it didn't stop till we reached a service road leading up to where we were grilling at.

I yelled at whatever it was to stop or I was going to *uck it up and it didn't stop that's how I knew something was odd. Its quite common with some primates to have rocks hurled at you or things thrown at you especially in some Bigfoot cases. I am not sure if I was getting to close in its territory or it knew we were out there measuring tracks along a stretch of river where it might drunk or hunt for fish.

It was an intense experience I did film most of the incident as when the first rock came past I had the camera running. I believe the first rock grazed me and was bigger then my hand. That is when I thought nahhhhh just a fluke until more rocks started being hurled towards us as we were trying to escape the area.

Its good enough for me to say something strange is going on here. I realize that at one time native tribes made their homes in this sequoia forest. But the natives also knew about such myths and creatures in the woods as well.

I will carefully have to study my film to see if we can capture anything moving around in the woods or trees. It was hard to tell because the rocks came from different directions and the foliage back here was very dense.

On my way out of Big Trees Tammy and her dad probably thought I was nuts when I tried to explain to them we were under attack by rocks. They tried to come up with all these plausible explanations. But you would have to be there to understand that my quiet hike in the forest nearly almost turned deadly. I have never been attacked in the woods by anything really and something had to throw those rocks physically.

Humans are not very likely to throw rocks at a dad and his kid hiking along the river that would just be stupid considering the fact that I am armed. I do think the Big Trees area deserves more attention and it is possible in the future I may camp there or look into this particular area further as to what caused something to act in such a violent manner.

The ride out of the park would be rather quiet my son didn't know what to think about any of this either just that something wanted us gone. We would head on out to another place more scenic and historical then anything called the Vallecito Quarry.

I have to say it was a great time very memorable it was a nice time for Tammy and her father to spend quality time together. Where else can you go to see some of the largest trees in the world? I cannot wait to go back here hell I cant wait to share the videos from my Bigfoot expedition its the real deal and despite being attacked its every paranormal investigators dream to live the adventure.

Vallecito Quarry

I was trying to get into the old cement plant but found out later its currently in use. However just outside of it lays an old quarry that overlooks the Stanislaus River. Its in the lower sierras on the California side an area that has many historic sites such as cemeteries, caverns and buildings dating back to the days of the gold rush.

I would give Tammy's dad a taste of the sierras as we took this dirt road for many miles along sheer cliffs. The foothills are extremely overgrown nearly impossible to see in the woods all you can see his mountains covered in green trees. I remember my days years ago traversing back in this region boy those were good times and here I am bringing it to our viewers again only this time much more in depth.

Out here the cattle roam free believe me I know Tammy left me at the quarry and had a bull chasing our truck while I was out hiking around. It was kind of creepy driving past cattle in the mountains as they cross the road or were within reaching distance.

Their were some great views of the river below the canyons that the river flows through is deep one wrong fall or driving off the road could spell disaster. To get to the quarry it would be a decent hike in the roads were all blocked with giant boulders.

Their was a drug deal going down in front of the quarry entrance it was obvious the guy was waiting for someone else to show on up and didn't like the idea we were hanging around. That is the one thing I frown upon in towns like Jackson's and along the foothills on the California side is they have allot of problems with drugs in that region. It was only about twenty miles from here where last year someone robbed all my paranormal gear and supplies so yeah!

I tested the guy to see if he knew the area asked him if he knew where the old cement quarry was he said no. But yet he was dealing or waiting for someone at the service road to it. You could see the quarry right from the parking area so it was obvious he didn't want me around. Not sure why people have to taint places like these if people want to deal drugs deal them somewhere private not out in gods country where I am taking photos. I bet if I left my truck parked their the dude probably would have broke in so I had to change up my plans real quick when I arrived here.

This time around I pulled out my shot gun was not taking any chances then I sent Tammy off on her merry way. I had radios on me and was able to communicate using radio waves while I conducted my exploration. There was a road that led to this giant open pit which was three tiers deep. Then behind it on a ridge was a cliff that overlooked the river below.

It was not hard to tell that the locals used the quarry as a shooting range although we found electric boxes, rebar, metal, wood, pipes protruding from the ground etc there was not much left. I seen some manmade targets at the bottom of the quarry and thousands of bullet shells.

My son and I took this wooded road up to the top where they had some overlooks we had to stay back as they were broke. One wrong fall from me and id be going over a cliff. The view was nice but the quarry lacked excitement their were a few foundations but in the woodsy part people were using that to dump their appliances.

The last part of our exploration we had to carefully work our way down tot he bottom of the quarry which is this massive pit over a 100' down. It was hard because we had to climb some pretty steep rock inclines down to the next level.

The final climb down was the worst as I was walking along the edge and entire side wall gave out under my feet. I fell nearly 8' till my right foot caught a rock embedded in soil. If I didn't catch that id fell allot further down so I got pretty lucky. The quarry is crumbling it was pretty obvious all the walls were so it isn't safe to get near the edge of anything here especially with some of the cliffs dropping off for 50' at least.

Its an old quarry you can see areas they drilled into the rock I believe allot of the rock was used to make concrete to build the local towns in the area such as Jamestown, Arnold, Murphy's, Sonora and Angels Camp. Its a fairly big quarry so an entire hillside or rather mountain has just been erased here.

It would began to get dark out so we would eventually head on off their was a steep road we would have to climb up. I tried so hard on my bad knee to climb this thing end up falling straight on my chest and sliding 20' down and ouch did it hurt as the gravel scraped up my legs. I believe I was holding the video camera at the time when this happened.

I learned that quarries are strange places but they are also not very safe I hurt myself here three times on the hike and thought wow I didn't even get hurt at Big Trees when something was hurling rocks at us lol.

It was all good fun though something about a creepy quarry in desolation surrounded by mountains and woods really gets the blood pumping. I cant say I caught or recorded anything strange but it will be a nice exploration that will be able to share on our site as I did a ton of filming and photography out here.

After our journey we ended up having McDonalds in Angels Camp and why? Because nothing else stays open lol. I had originally made plans to go see the Death Valley Geyser found out that the area was purchased and no longer public so going out to Big Trees and Vallecito was just as nice.

It is truly amazing over the past few years how much our group has witnessed and how many places we have gotten to see. I would have never thought in a million years that we would be exploring places such as these and here we are today climbing into quarries and crawling through massive tree trunks.

I again apologize for the late report I have others I will be writing up in the next few days as updates progress on our site. I have allot of work to catch up on but it should move nice and smooth as we bring you guys our past months of amazing paranormal adventures.
Lord Rick
Producer, Author, Talk Show Host

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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