The Paranormal & Ghost Society Private BBS Hosted By Lord Rick At

I Seen Something Disappointing Today....
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Author:  AngelOfThyNight [ Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  I Seen Something Disappointing Today....

I have to say that I have seen more shams in ghosthunting in 2010 then any
other year which eventually may force me to quit not just due to the fact
how our members act but other organizations.

For example today I seen a group trying to make thousands of dollars off
this location I visited 4 years ago. Although its a cool location its
falling apart and honestly the activity is not very high. I know because back
years ago I went there exploring at night just with one other person and I
thought to myself dang the neighborhood is really bad but so is the activity.

I mean sadly lets face it if this group is taking in hundreds of people
letting them roam the grounds WTF kind of ghost hunt is that shit. When you
think about it a true ghostbuster knows you get the best apparition
sightings and activity with the fewest people around.

I love the work I do I just am to a point that I am fed up with dealing
with seeing shams....idiots on tv...other groups who use me just to flaunt
there bs and lastly people here who have no appreciation for the great group
we are.

Now all ghosthunting is rather is an investment people do not do it other
then to earn an income which is sad but that is what it comes down to. Their
are hardly no genuine paranormal groups left most of them just do tours
the ones who do not charge thousands of people in ticket fees at some
location like its some ghost zoo. Its like hey folks come to the ghost zoo
descricate the spirits and pay me money.

I guess that I just wanted to share my opinion on this because the groups
like mine who go out there to find these hard at gathering
evidence are always the groups who have heart. Those that heart never see a
single dime nor are they disrespecting the deceased either. Sadly if I said
what location this is then again Lord Rick will be made out to be the bad
guy but deep down inside the group who is hosting that event knows that
place lacks paranormal activity so it kind of upsets me that they are making
thousands and you damn well know where most of the money will there

Most of you here are lurkers but if your like me and you work hard at this
for many years then you know the age of real paranormal investigators is
about to come to an end. Ghost today means money its not about educating the
public on the afterlife its about publicizing it to line your pockets.

I think that if I met some of them folks who fraud the public id get
arrested for battery because really id knock someone for a loop who does this
kind of crap. My organizations donations all go towards equipment, survival
gear for our outdoor expeditions and the cost of our website.

But anyway's that is my opinion for the day and whether you like it or not
their is always truth behind my words I am not a bullshitter never have
been. I say what I mean and do what I say. But when you go online and you see
tickets for this tickets for that like this is some concert you think hell
I get tickets to go see music and comedy shows not to go wander some
grounds in hopes of seeing casper the friendly ghost.

Ill be talking about this on my show Wednesday most of you should tune in
you might actually learn a few things from me and who knows you might have
more respect for this group and what we do here.
Lord Rick

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