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 Post subject: "Darkness Falls" Special Halloween Investigation Report....
PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:19 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
I will say that we finished off the month of October with a blaze of glory between 3 trips to Eldorado Canyon, a dynamite radio show which captured thousands of live listeners woooo, and a one hell of a meet up. Do not forget we still have a Halloween Party also. Jubilee mine is my precious you would not understand that unless you understand the connection I have had over the years to this location. Honestly Friday night completed our trilogy with Jubilee but were not done we will visit that area explore it many more times I am sure or rather once a month since that is where the Wild West began.

Some of you living in Vegas never heard of this location granted it is secluded but its a place of lore, history, tragedy, life, death and even The Paranormal. What I brought to the world from this adventure will rock when it gets on our site everything I worked for all the training I did was so that I could one day return and bring this location to the world.

It was amazing how many people backed out of this trip we had at least 10 to 15 people who wanted in on this but were no shows, cancelees, or just scaredies haha! I wanted to thank those involved in the Project in case they decide to read this down the road...June, Kirk, Boot, and Debbie. Everybody was a big aid to our historical interviews to the actual investigation. I completed my movie last night and filming were hoping to put it eventually on youtube for our viewers to enjoy.

I want you individuals reading this to keep in mind the risk I took on this trip I climbed into mine shafts, over mine shafts, down the sides of mountains and even rolled like goddamn Indiana Jones ha. Just ask June she will tell you the adversity we faced.

On this trip June and I went to eat at Subway its a good thing we did because honestly you never know what could happen you could die just in your car driving somewhere nowadays. June bought a new camera for the trip and we got some batteries they didn't last long which sucked but we got through the entire night thank goodness with dim lights.

I want others to know first off to my members I am disappointed that June had to pay for all 3 trips donations are so important don't be selfish to our group our cause is pure and simple. Secondly yeah I am disappointed with the lack of participants one day some of these places wont exist you guys missed some good adventures this month. You snooze you lose one of the best look out points in Southern Nevada is THIS LOCATION! Thirdly we have permission to enter some areas many do not so if you did not come trust me the locals shoot if you trespass:) just advice to other paranormal groups reading this for years to come.

I have taken this investigation and I turned it into something beautiful in the process I got to meet Debbie a few weeks ago from our group....and last night I got Boot to join our team. Boot runs horseback tours in the canyon he is a cowboy him and the locals are the law in El Dorado Canyon. He specializes in extreme adventuring such as rock climbing, desert safety, historical tours, off roading and horseback riding. We will be seeing Boot again to camp in Dec and next month he will show us some more key locations within the canyon.

I wanted to take time out to thank Boot he is a great guy to explore with he kept up quite well with me I have not met a person in a couple years that was able to do so. So kudos to him he knows the outdoors which is great we need more people like that.

Debbie Introduced me to boot a couple weeks ago we been trying to talk to another few locals on various locations. But anyhow Boot gives extreme tours to tourist so he has to stay in check and he gave me a pretty good run down about the canyon and its history. He is a bootlegger nothing wrong with that cause again keep in mind living in this canyon still has a lot of the old west traditions and if I dont go to CA anytime soon he has some places in UTAH to show our group.

Anyhow Boot strapped on his gun, his giant knife and some other things for the adventure. I signed up a new member of our team in a matter of minutes now that is how we roll YEAH! See folks things are already better then TAPS ghosthunters think about it for a second would they put you into there production think about it. I was directing my own movie here!

Boot was drinking a Budweiser and ya know that's cool with me I told him next time I come up to explore will get a 6 pack have a few brews and hike. That is how it should be none of us get paid to do this we do this to entertain and teach the public things. I am hoping by putting this on our site we bring business and restoration to the local town so you see we got a great group cause were all about helping others out.

Boot, June and I jumped in the truck as the car would not make it for where we were going. Darkness Fell in El Dorado canyon and our journey began. We visited the Pittsburgh Mine, San Juan Mining Camp, The Gettysburg, Our Final Exploration Of Jubilee Mine and our Halloween Special Skull Mine! We are so blessed to be able to bring you guys this cherish it!

The Pittsburgh Mine

This was not an easy journey this road Boot took us down was part of an old wagon road. A place where a carriage would carry 2000lbs of ore with wood brakes down a steep grade. The truck was flying over stones, gravel and hills. At one time we drove along the edge of a cliff and Boot he was cracking jokes like crazy man its great to see someone has a sense of humor cause you should.

Boot did some pretty fancy driving I mean he literally went straight up this mound of gravel and it almost felt like we were airborn. He had to put on the 4wheel drive cause the tires were spinning it was a road very few can get back to. He pulled right up to an area full of rocks, gravel which probably was ground up stone from the mine, and gave us a safety tip on a plant they call cat claw. Trust me you do not want to get cut by it bad bad news.

The climb up to the mine was NOT easy a lot of rocks, cat claw brush, and loose stones. It was a hidden entrance and Boot told me their are 6 other levels of entrances but in very steep hard to get areas. In some cases they were just holes leading down to the bottom of some of the main tunnels.

The mine was very humid their was water on the ground I felt one cold spot in the mine. I felt watched a few times because sometimes I will play with the equipment while the team goes off out of view leaving me alone standing in a tunnel like a clown waiting to be spooked. Of course that is what makes it fun.

The tunnel had a large vein in it and we seen some black rock including a drill bit that was stuck in the stone. Boot gave me a run down of the place. We even climbed up over a pile of fine rocks into a chamber which had signs of a shaft being built. We did also see some gold in the mine and silver. All the mines have a lot of it but they are no longer used or privately owned. Mining is very difficult back then their was no lighting Boot lit the lighter to show us how bright and how far a day they would mine.

The mine had some water in it their was a chamber that had two opposite directions but did not go very far. We seen a fault line and some old metal cans and such. Not a lot of activity but that's okay we do UEing also so I am not just there to get ghost I wanted to explore this place. We also seen a bat it almost hit me in the face.

I also seen some old rails for mining carts to haul the ore out it was an interesting place I mean honestly though it dead ends so if you go in their is only one way out. If something came down that tunnel you would have no choice but to face it head on. Its an eerie place and Boot told me a spook story about it.

Its truly amazing how the lay out is of El Dorado I mean if you shine your lights right you can see gold sparkles but what is more golden is being in a mine very few ever get to see hidden deep in the desert. I did not notice a lot of activity but on my way out I stayed behind and left the area last. I felt watched in that mine and very often. It was not strong but I could feel eyes on me even as I looked back into the darkness of the tunnel that swayed left to right for hundreds of feet.

When we arrived back Boot was joking about the truck missing he told us he was putting his trailer back here and that this road would become his driveway. I give him credit if you were to live here you would be dealing with more ghost then people lets put it that way.

Boot then took us a short ways to an area with a bed of nails to the old San Juan Mining Camp.

San Juan Mining Camp

Basically before Nelson started this was the town in El Dorado Canyon. I got a tour of a location very few know about or get in. Boot explained to me about how sometimes people come in there to vandalize, spraypaint and steal. It saddens me really because our group we go into a lot of places like these and we never touch a thing. We take some photos...have some laughs....get our ghost and leave without hurting a place.

Boot has been working on the restoring the camp and I can see why he never leaves the canyon...and I can see why he loves it there. Its beautiful, its historic, its haunted and like he says you are the law. I also share his belief to and trust me he don't mess around he shot someone's motorcycle for trespassing you have to love this place. So we probably will camp in San Juan sometime. What is interesting is that this is the same camp that shootouts and even a massacre took place!

Anyhow Boot told us a ghost story or two about the area including a tale about an apparition caught here on camera. He showed us the newly built old west town with the reptiles, bathrooms with running water and a few other cool projects. He also told me about a few girls he met on the Internet and it sounds like he is having the same issues I have with girls online which is no luck. So ladies if your into wildlife, ghost towns, canyons and beautiful sunsets let me know....Boot is looking for a lady to share this with. I am saying that with all due sincerity and also ladies this paranormal investigator needs a lady to hahahahaha

June and I were talking....and I made her laugh cause she has all these guys calling worried about her safety etc but like in my life as a founder you go out risking your life you come home and nobody cares lol. You dont get no emails saying hey Lord Rick hope your safe or okay. I wanted to add this into my report because people like Boot and myself we are risk takers he runs tours for tourist and I run paranormal investigations for the public. Its all really the same concept. Like he said will help eachother so hopefully my film will give the area some recognition and boosts Boots tours to.

The boards creaked as I walked on them I seen a small cave which was used back in the day to keep food cold. There was an old stage coach...a dried up pit etc. I mean all the old frying pans hanging up, cattle skulls, tools etc just amazing. The camp has a trail running along it and steep canyon walls on all sides its nestled in the mountains good.

Boot pointed out the Buster Mine near by the camp. We visited these stone houses same ones that were in the old photos. I mean families lived in small stone houses no bigger then 10 feet by 10 feet. They were restoring some of them kind of eerie seeing them sit up on the hill. One of the foundations we seen was just a hole in the desert with some stacked stones. Back in the day he told us it was a classy home to live in cause it had two rooms instead of one.

We hiked on up to a water hole the water in it is actually cleaner then Las Vegas water but the miners drank it as it has a filter with a pipe running through it. The water had green pond scum on top but Boot told me it goes down into a tunnel that may not have an end to it or cavern rather. I thought this was cool and the old pipe still ran from it including the new pipe he installed which gives the bathrooms water for the toilets and sink.

The canyon walls were very high I mean we were in the mountains and up to our left was a foundation of a processing area. Boot showed me another mine way up on the hill. He showed me how the concrete was held together with old pieces of tin cans and other materials called the Wilson property.

Next to the foundation was the Wilson's home which basically was a cave with two rooms. The bed was still in there or springs rather along with other debris. Boot showed us how they were able to have a fireplace based on the angle in the cave along with the fact that the ceilings were low it would not matter because with a couch and a television you would be living like the Flintstone's hehe:)

We left headed back into the old west town it was peaceful we could see the light from the Luxor in Vegas in the night sky. Every single star was out and constellation. It was a great little hike with stone structures on both sides...the cave, steep walls which near one of them was a stake hammered into the stone.

We came back to the old West town June took a knife to boots neck I got the photo to prove it haha. I ended up grabbing a bow and I shot it I got the picture to prove that one to lol. The tomahawks lets not go there lol. We then off roading this is things became a little more intense as we were working our way up to do more mines and hiking. I felt a little watched but like Boot says its a peaceful place you can lay your jacket down and sleep all night.

Boot took us down a very rough road to our right was desert to the left canyon walls. Eventually it dropped off to our right very narrow and Boot was like ehhh don't worry this is the highway here lol. It was fun and to our left was an old stone house where this Asian man started the mining operation in El Dorado. It was two stories built into the side of the mountain. We also seen another one way off in the desert on some rocks where an old lady use to live. It was a rough area to live in no doubt the road was deadly.

We came to a look out point and our adventure into the Gettysburg had began.

The Gettysburg Mine

Boot showed me the stamp mill foundation and the crusher. This is where they would crush the rock and process the minerals out of it such as gold and silver. Then I am sure they would melt them down into bars somewhere nearby. That gold and silver could be shipped out at the Colorado River the area I did some photography and filming at for our site.

We were basically in the middle of the desert we had high mountains, boulders, and desert everywhere. We were on a very high lookout point but it was to dark to see anything but Boot told me it was a killer view. I walked on down to the crusher seen a lot of gold sparkles shining my light not really worth anything unless you mined thousands of pounds of it.

I had to direct Boot out of this place he had to turn around on this dead end road truck could have gone over that would not have been cool. At one end of the look out was two roads below it was a deep canyon and across was a giant mountain. Boot was like Rick we have to get over there if you want to see the mine I was like wow. The roads were deadly so we would not drive rather we would get a little closer then hike our way in.

We had a mountain to climb and an old trail used by miners which was steep. Before we went up it Boot showed us a dam serious a huge dam in the middle of the desert. He also showed us these cactuses they are tiny balls that fall of this tree like plant dogwoods I think. But anyway's the needles can penetrate even a boot. Trust me I stepped down and a needle went deep into my foot. It stung and it hurt for awhile. I could feel a little blood on my foot. Boot had a tool to pull the needles out and he told me about the barrel cactus which turns bright red when you pour water on it like a glow in the night. We seen some that were 150 years old in the desert.

We left and ascended to the Gettysburg taking a road up then a very sharp trail. We entered a very narrow entrance a lot of rats bring those cactuses in the mines using them to protect there nest but also they are very edible without the needles. We encountered hundreds of them surrounding the entrance to a mine I got to far ahead seen silver in a rock got so excited you guessed it got about 7 balls of needles stuck in my deck shoes and pant legs.

I still have needles stuck in the soles of my shoes and unfortunately I am so poor I wear slippers pretty much hiking and I suffer. The only reason why I do not fall down slopes, mountains, or cliffs is cause I got very good balance but basically with no traction its like walking on ice and everything I step on I feel lol.

So I sat down had to pull them out one by one then we went into the mine. It did not go far back it ended with a chute and collapsed area. Of course the shaft we climbed in a little ways and Boot told me it went right up to the top of the mountain which had a square peak. We took our time here for a bit then went to seek out the other mines.

I got ahead again found a bunch of old things left by miners in the desert you see water tanks, dynamite boxes, tin cans etc everywhere. We found an area which looked like the start of the mine and to the left was a steep steep mountain side with gravel and to the right was rocks to step on. I went straight up the mountain just ask June it was a pain in the ass. I was sliding down....grabbing onto the side of the mountain on all fours...when I got to the top June and Boot looked like ants. I directed them around where it would be easier but take longer for them to get to me.

Boot told me Rick go in the mine see if its something you want to explore oh yeah I went into it. I walked into the tunnel...climbed a 5 foot ledge that went up then split off left and right. To the right it was a dead end however to the left was a small tunnel I had to crouch down in then to the left of that was a shaft going into the darkness.

I climbed over a rock wall and into the shaft. I never in my life thought I would go down a mine shaft but I did. I climbed down this crevice that went down at a sharp angle. My concern was is if I slide down the thing will it drop off into a deep vertical shaft or pit.

The wood poles were holding up the ceiling and cracked. It was very narrow I was on my back slowly going down. I could sit up a little but not much. When I reached the bottom it looked like a dead end but honestly there was a tunnel that curved around I did not see.

I heard the team get to the mine my camera was not working something went wrong and I felt an ice cold spot hit me in the shaft. I felt something in the mine with me I was by myself in a shaft deep inside trying to fix my camera and hold the light all at the same time. Because I was sliding down I also got it in the ass. When I say I got it in the ass it means I was pricked in the ass. I was pricked so good that when I got to the entrance I had to pull needles that rats carry in there mouth deep in the mines out of my ass cheeks. It was not fun cause the needles do not want to pull out once they are embedded. I told June I am done I am toking one up I do not care if the world was ending.

So we toked one up Boot was outside of the mine he was like whatever your smoking sure smells good hehehehe then he came on in there to chill with us while we toked up. He cannot smoke cause as a tour guide they test him for safety but he complimented me on some good smoke lol.

We went to the final area of the Gettysburg and boot showed me a fault line within. There are fault lines all over El Dorado trust me this area is a disaster waiting to happen earth quakes do happen but if you were to mine along those lines it could pose a problem if one were to happen.

This part of the mine split off two different ways pretty cool the one side had a wood wall stepping up into another tunnel while the other way led to the bottom of that shaft I was sliding down. June could not get to the top of that shaft so it was nice to show her how I got into it and so she got to enter it from the bottom area.

After that we took on off we went skiing down the side of a mountain. I did some video taping while doing it but basically in simple terms the mountain is steep...a lot of loose rock and like Boot told June if it was daytime you would not enjoy how high up we are lol. We slid all the way down got back onto the trail and to the truck.

The off-roading was nice it took us sometime to get back but Boot had to turn on in and we still had more adventuring to do. Boot was a great person to have on the team he helped June climb cause she had a few oopsydaisies skiing probably is not her thing and hell with the shoes I have one tumble forward and my keester would not have been eating chocolate chip cookies last night. June is a great person to hike with because when she falls she does not bitch about it she laughs and gets right back up. I told her your great because you do not give up you keep pushing on. I have had many men just stop and give up but in my society we take away the I cants and we turn them into do's!

At this point I still felt stabbed my needles and Boot gave me a needle from a barrel cactus just to show me how the dexterity is of them. I could barely break it nothing to mess with in the desert. Boot gave me some water in case I found one to pour it on there to see the glow. He also told me if I ever go partying to pick him up just watch your wives and gfs lol.

It was funny cause when we were sliding down the mountain and climbing....Boot started cracking TAPS jokes hahahaha I NEVER said a word about TAPS about how they visit all the places we already were at or did shows already about freaking hilarious. He was like you guys are the real deal not that TAPS stuff you see on TV hahahaha I almost fell down the mountain I laughed so hard. But yeah he had some pretty good rips on them so you see I am not the only guy in America who sees how much of clowns them dudes are. You can go out investigating and have fun without boosting ratings I am scared lets run please. You wont catch me running I told June if coyotes attack me I am playing soccer ill kick that bitch right off the mountain Lord Rick will shoot and score no running for this man especially after I had a needle go through my foot YEAH.

We did it we were back at base....we left Boot and it would be time to settle our score with Jubilee and Skull Mine.

Jubilee Mine Investigation 3 "Darkness Falls"

This place at night was 10 times more scary why lie June was like how did you find it well simple I know this mine better then I know the wrinkles on Sneezers ass okay! Sneezer is my pet and I see him daily sitting on my desk...but Jubilee is a place I was at 12 years ago and this month only and when you think you know it you don't.

So we parked out front I found it we started hiking up the road cause I wanted to go on the back side. Problem is that I got side tracked the area with the giant holes on the side of the mountain next to it I hiked up into. I told June wait here she was slowing down I seen her wobbling....hunched over etc dehydration was not only settling in but fatigue. I wanted to keep going I would not leave till I finished the journey and we finished it. We stopped at the main entrance which says no exit.

I yelled down the pit is anybody here...I thought for a second I heard voices and I heard some odd sound in mine I could not explain. The ghost activity here was mild but there was some. We did not stay long we had no plans on swimming this time around.

I went up this steep grade climbing watching my footing along a drop off and found two holes. The first one looked like a fireplace the other one went back about 5 feet. Looked like they started to mine then stopped for some odd reason. These holes disappeared a week ago not sure why but this is the mountain I photographed a UFO over so its strange. I seen Junes light from afar.

I came back we went around the mountain but somehow ended up taking a road way off into the desert and it just did not feel right so I had us turn around hike all the way back down this steep road we just climbed and to the front. Well the main entrance to the front we could not find either. The road split into a Y I never seen this before and I feel almost like their are vortexes we walked in cause Jubilee was not how I remembered it a week ago.

Basically lets put it this way June was very far behind I got very far ahead which is good cause I can get ahead scope out safety hazards for her etc and I did there was no animals or anything to odd. But on the other hand I was on a mountain peak and I was not finding any mines let alone the gated area we had plans to go into.

At the peak was a giant hole I was like wtf is this and when I got closer I stood on the edge almost and noticed a steep slope down. There was a tunnel to the left and a tree growing inside this shaft. I was thinking about going down it was steep almost impossible to get back up but I planned it out then said June are you here with me well she was nowhere even nearby. I was already walking along the edge of small cliffs and I even found a rock full of gold believe me I took a couple pieces of quartz with gold flakes as a souvenir of the expedition big deal right. But the rock intrigued me imagine a giant boulder made of quartz with gold sparkles just amazing.

I was about to explore this new area I found but when over the hill to look for June and seen her light further away from me then when she was following me. So I ended up getting to her cause if she cant get to this area I did not want to go that deep down and leave her out there. Their are animals and things in the desert some are pretty hungry from what Boot told me.

We hiked back down the side of the steep grade and were going try and find our bearings. I got ahead of June again thought she was following me and she got turned around. I think the dehydration caused her to be a little disorientated it happens the desert is dangerous even when its cold its dry and you lose all your fluids.

The one thing that was sort of odd here was I noticed two red lights in El Dorado canyon in the vastness for one. For two I seen at least 10 meteors. One of them was so bright that the trail of light could be seen even after it vaporized. I mean I seen more here then during a meteor shower I watched up at the Lake Mead Railroad Tunnels with my son. Not to mention the glowing eyes we seen later on driving past here at night.

I was calling for her no answer and then I had to be silent because I almost stepped on a giant tarantula. How cool is that? I got my had about a foot away from him and took a photo. He was not moving and I know he knew I was there. When June got to me she was crying cause she said she got lost didn't know where I was. I probably should have given her a radio but I did not want to make a lot of noise and good thing I didn't cause a car passed by and anybody passing by this place at night is usually out to cause problems hell even shoot you for all I know.

Its very easy to get lost out here lots of little trails, rock formations, canyons etc I thought June would follow my light signals but I guess somehow she didn't. I was only over the hill but it takes time. I do this all the time so I use landmarks...and look for sound and light its something that takes time so even though I was not far from June she ended up not being able to find me. When she came to me crying I felt pretty bad because this is not a sugar coated adventure its not pretty there are giant spiders, cactuses, steep hikes and the reality is that its rough. But the only way to learn is to do it and I told June don't think about it just do it.

I could not show her the giant spider it went under a rock I wanted to grab him for my pet the kids would have loved him as a pet and hell me to why not right. I could have named him slimer or something lol.

We eventually found the gated area which has a collapsed chamber then a tunnel which you crawl into and it leads into another collapsed chamber. I got here in seconds sat down took a break recording EVP. I did not seen June for about 10 minutes I heard her but waited. I wanted her to see this chamber I noticed also the shirt that was on the ground last time was not there this time kind of odd..

I am real meticulous when I revisit locations I try to see what has been moved around or out of place. People come up here so that's possible to you just do not know. We left quickly after this we had one more final area to visit behind the mountain which is a tunnel that splits off into a Y.

We passed by the broken computer smashed with bullet holes scattered near the tunnel. June and I entered it would be a dead end eventually so we had to just go some filming and take some photos. The car seat was still there and it was pretty quiet. I did feel a cold spot within but all of this is just that mild activity. I expected more at night but really it was more hard to maneuver in the dark then any sort of activity. Of course if I had a spotlight I am sure it would have shown us something strange I sure miss my 10 million candlelight power spotlight I could light up mountain ranges haha.

I closed the filming here then took June down the side of the mountain to the road. We walked down the eerie dark road the moon finally came up over El Dorado a small crescent and although darkness fell prior to this we survived one of the deadliest mines in all of southern Nevada! Where one journey ends a new one begans!

Technically I been to Jubilee four times and in a way I was lucky but felt sad to. I was sad because I have seen both sides of this mine the time when it was not collapsing...a time when wax draped the walls and demons flew down tunnels. Today I look at it and although there is strangeness their is changes too. One day this mine will no longer exist 12 years ago I visited it and in October of 2008 not once not twice but three times making the night excursion a special excursion very few every get to do.

When we arrived at the car we had one last exploration its a Halloween special called Skull Mine. Being in El Dorado showed us a world away from a world. If you ever wanted a taste of freedom Jubilee was it just us and its ghost! But now I give to you much more because our society will be doing many other places within the canyon which all really tie into the history of Jubilee such as the mining camp, ghost town of Nelson, and other mines that competed with eachother for monetary gain. Those that owned the gold had the power those searching for it died!

What we learned from Jubilee is more then just that its haunted. We learned its layout, how to survive it, its history and dark past. We learned that the canyon is full of mystery at one time the Indians drew petroglyphs and painted the rocks in this canyon then came man who brought disease, death and history to the area. A history we explored a mine that we ventured into sacrificing ourselves our time our energies not for money or fame but for the glory!

Skull Mine (Halloween Special)

During the day when I photographed this from very far it looked like a giant skull the holes were black for the eyes cause the sun was not hitting it in theory.

Finding this place at night well that was pretty hard because it sat way back off the road down a hill and across the desert to the canyon wall. It all looks the same out there at night.

June fell asleep she had to work at 7am and time was ticking. I had to just do it and we got out to look but did not find it. I found mining debris but my light was missing the entrance because a steep hill blocked my view. We got into the car I drove back and forth eventually when the lights hit the side of Jubilee I caught two sets of eyes staring at us not sure what they were but I knew I had to get out and look for this location.

I left June in the car told her get some rest and I grabbed my gear and said to myself its time for me to go hiking. Trust me I cut right through the desert not a thought in the world and I found it almost instant.

I climbed the little grade and in front of me I stood. The wind was blowing all of sudden hard a bible was laying wide open in front of the entrance to skull mine pages blowing. It was like something out of a movie. I took only a couple photos and did a dark video. Then I turned on the night vision did a night vision quick video.

I figured we could revisit this place at night more thorough I just wanted to get it on the site for our Halloween special feature so its all good. I walked into the tunnel and about 8 feet in was this steel set of bars. I shined my light and the tunnel looked like it went on forever. All of sudden there was a blast of heat in my face like a dragon breathing. I felt in that tunnel what you call paranormal it was there believe me and something in the darkness watched me. I felt it there and the bible must had been put there by a local to prevent or rather seal the beast within. Sadly they have no idea that these entities cannot be stopped by a bible at the entrance cause even more so that tunnel has to lead to a shaft.

So next time we return here Ill climb the mountain look for a shaft I can climb down or another tunnel that might connect with this one. I didn't get a lot of photos I took one or two outside. Took video with the camera at the iron bars. I never seen anything like this in my life it had two thick bars embedded in the ground with iron thick bars across I could not even get them to budge.

I went to my left to seek out another tunnel I found I did not find it but found an area in the rocks that was cut wide open just an empty cavity perhaps. I must say that this area was eerie I had mountains on all sides of me...I could see the dim light from the car far away and a lot of old junk left by the miners scattered in the desert. The stars were gorgeous you cannot see that in any city.

I got a little video a couple photos took some EVP and had to split to get June to work. I was so thirsty earlier the store was closed so we didn't end up having anything to drink since Subway lol. But that is okay its important to conquer hardships and obstacles it makes you stronger of an investigator.

On the way back I just chilled window open June was sleeping....we had no gas I was on E and we barely made it into Vegas. I filled on up bought her a water and me a power aid while in the gas station. I dropped June off borrowed her car and picked her up later in the afternoon.

These investigations they require sacrifice some are easier then others this was a very advanced trip a lot of climbing, dangers, wild animals, and hiking. But for years to come you as members can enjoy this. I mean honestly where else could you get this kind of adventure, entertainment and paranormal?

In conclusion were all safe were all well. I recorded hours of EVP, hundreds of photos, and hours of video at the Jubilee Mines. We found an area will be returning to but the Jubilee its done no more but other mines, caves and trails will work with for the next few months.

On a good note this is the only society that skis, gets pricked and tokes one while doing it all at the same time haha. I want to wish everybody a very safe and happy Halloween. I will try to get these updates done not sure it can be done by Friday unless I stay up all night the next few days and get no sleep. For those that did not show or help you missed out you really did. The history is very important not just the ghost or the adventure of it. Its the place where the Wild West existed and it still does today!

Lastly let me tell you something do not try this at home do not attempt to think just because we went to El Dorado canyon that you are like us. Guys like Boot and myself were professional off-roaders and hikers. But one must understand the desert is different then the swamp or the mountains with forest. The reality is you can die in El Dorado canyon between the creatures, poisonous plants which can kill a horse in 24 hours, locals protecting their land and its deadly mines. We bring stories like this so others do not have to take the risk were here to entertain our members and bright you a dose of reality must like my talk show I run! This is the chronicles of The Paranormal & Ghost Society!

Lord Rick
Founder, Talk Show Host & Author

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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