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 Post subject: Yesterdays Investigation Of El Dorado Canyon & The Jubilee M
PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:56 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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Where one thing ends a new thing begins my return was not a pleasure trip for the weak as we would face every possible adversity as we did this paranormal investigation and Urban exploration. I appreciate so many of you worrying about my well being for this adventure. Many years ago I visited this place and years ago was perhaps a lot safer then this place is today. Of course 12 years ago I would have never covered the areas that I covered extensively today.

I never thought 12 years ago that I would return to the place where it all begin one of my first paranormal investigations ever. This investigation required a lot of well planning as we had to pick up extra lighting, I borrowed a night vision camera, I brought on a producer etc and we would be needing every single source in order to get the mine explored to the fullest.

El Dorado canyon is a place of Lore...the wild west...tales of tragedy and even a ghost town called Nelson which is slowly being restored. Things change over the years as history and elements take effect. One of my investigators could not make it but she made it up to me last night and drove all the way out of AZ to see some of my work last night that we did to help edit the production. It was self produced by me and will be doing a lot of editing so get a good solid movie out for a national TV network. Which means I may have to return the next couple of weekends and do as much filming as I can do.

Our trip would be different then others as we had no idea what we would come across along the way...deadly shafts....collapsing ceilings.....weak wood beams....and things from the unknown. It would involve climbing, trudging through ice cold water, and even close calls as we slowly walked near shafts leading to an abyss often known as hell over the years.

Visiting this location would be revisiting my past its like facing the demons you once encountered all over again. Not only that but one of our members she lives in the ghost town that is how she found us was we have a special update on Nelson on my site. All the sites we visit draw in people from all over the world sometimes those people are a big help to us on such planning for places such as this.

Anyhow June was at the house 7am....she handed me to the keys....and we went to Starbucks the girl their was like ummm your asking for a lot of sugar my reply was I need the energy. I knew this would be a long investigation perhaps are biggest in 2008 their was no room for error, tiredness or relaxation.

I ended up picking up the producer well he is really an actor does commercials, Taxi Cab Confessions and a few other shows. He was a pretty funny guy I needed that for this trip. First few minutes he fell asleep in the car catching flies but ya know its all good. We ended up at first going the wrong way went all the way back in Vegas...Kirk had me all turned around lol but we got back on track I just upped the speed to about 100 sat back and chilled out. It was a very cold day much like many years ago windy....low temperatures....sand blowing I found that to be strange.

We headed out from Albertsons we needed more batteries and Kirk is yelling in the store does anybody have any head lamps hehe. We bought a couple for the trip and I have to admit they come in handy for mines. We finally after going a few miles into the desert came to our turn off. The road was paved years ago it was all stone, sand and gravel. The historical plaque was gone and we started filming as I gave a prologue to our excursion on film.

We traveled up to the road leading to Nelson the scenery was pretty yet dismal. You could see mines and caves throughout the canyon walls. The rock formations, cactuses, various colored rocks etc really already made this trip worthy. I did not see the occult community that use to be back here. Years ago their use to be trailers and people just roughing it here who would stare out their drapes watching people who pass by. To put it nicely this location is now a tourist attraction with its mine tours in the area, restored ghost town of Nelson and even the hiking areas like at the river.

I was feeling extremely anxious to get investigating first we would drive around some of the new houses built around Nelson they were not there years ago. You could see mines behind some of the houses. We worked our way to the general store from 1861 they had everything in there it was like a museum. Their were old rifles on the wall, wax figures, old mine tools, minerals, post cards and so much more. I asked the clerks where Debbie Lived since she told me to stop in anytime thought I would surprise her.

We took some shots up in Nelson then went across the road seen a lot of mine equipment and knocked on her door. I asked her do you know who this is she goes your LordOfThyNight hehe:) I was impressed really we sat down talked about the area a little. She had a friend over and he was telling us some strange tales. I thank her for her time she was sick I can relate. I had an allergic reaction a few days ago and I am losing feeling in my toes, hands, entire body has broken on like chicken pox and I am not feeling to well. I had to try and put all of that to the side and focus on one thing exploring the mines with a clear head.

We learned about a few other mines in the area as well now for sure we have to return:) but they all have strange tales great for investigations. The only thing I wish we had was repelling gear and of course some good shoes would not hurt. Yeah I wore deck shoes for this hahaha so I had to be extra careful in the mines.

Anyhow I got our crew in front of our destination it was just how I remembered it a giant mountain with various entrances in the side of it and thus 12 years later I stood in front of the great Jubilee Mine.

Jubilee Mine

June, Kirk and I toked one up before going into the mine. Its pretty cool that he tokes it saved me from having to go hide somewhere in the mine lol. We then gathered our gear and headed to the main entrance which cuts right into the heart of the mine. We did some filming we took a ladder just in case since years ago their was a crevice I wanted to cross which had a ladder that lead into the lower levels.

When I reached the main entrance the welcome to hell spraypaint was gone so were many of the occult symbols I seen years ago. I also noticed the sealed stone door was gone. I always wondered what was behind the door and it was evident that behind it was a chamber. Someone removed the stone door perhaps dynamite but all the rock from it was gone. So that was the first oddity as to what happened to it. Years ago the stone door looked like it slid question is how do you move tons of rock. That giant stone slab vanished rumor had it years ago something ancient was beyond that door. Kirk could not figure out why his camera was not working I looked at him and was like your lens cap is on haha. Oh man I wish I had it on film it was a classic blooper.

Anyhow things seemed to be going smooth we had a very steep descent which went to the lower part of the mine. I forgot I had my sun glasses on and went down as I was filmed doing the descent. I felt my way down something that is more important then even sight which you develop over the years working in the dark. If you can learn to feel you can learn to be safer so I felt my way down till I reached the bottom. The loose gravel, garbage, stones and steepness made it a challenge.

When I arrived at the bottom the area split in three different directions. I also noticed the mine was filled with icy cold water. Kirk asked what do we do now I told him were going in the water. It was a given no turning back at this point. We took the tunnel to the right and it did dead end Kirt was mining for gold shame shame to me the ghost are like gold. Of course you would think I should be looking for the gold my members do not donate lol.

It was not easy because the water was eventually getting higher in some areas and again here is where feeling comes in. I had to feel my way around the rocks to make sure I would not fall over being that I was holding a night vision camera, another camera, light, and digital recorder. I had no room for error if the equipment got wet the investigation would be lost.

I heard something in the mine sound like movement. I know Kirk heard something to on one occasion he was like shhhh he heard what I heard. I never felt so watched in my life I felt like at the dead end we had dozens of entities watching us from the other end of the tunnel staring at us. My equipment had failures I noticed the night vision cam became blurry and my digital camera for a bit.

As we turned around we took the central tunnel if I remember correctly this would lead us to other tunnels and chambers within. Kirk went further ahead of us and the water was getting waste high. I was able to endure it without a problem as I spent many years in Buffalo NY going through ice water and snow. So for me it was more of an annoyance. Twelve years ago the water did not exist it was a dry mine.

We reached an area with a pile of rocks and dry land. Poor June fell over face first in the water and her camera fell in. It took a few minutes to find and unfortunately its the risk you take. These mines are dangerous full of shafts, water, collapsing rocks etc I expected us to run into some sort of problem.

Kirk went further ahead in the central part of the mine and next you know I heard him shout and a splash. You guessed it Kirk went swimming and we only were at the mine for a matter of minutes. I could not help but laugh I was enjoying this. Kirk comes back looks at me and says hey this is not a job this is an adventure. I found his sunglasses on a rock in some water which I had given to him seemed we were all losing things lol.

On his way back to where the tunnels split Kirk was pushed by something I seen him walk past me hunched over then all of sudden he flew past me and stumbled right into me. I seen it with my eyes I do think something pushed him he was throwing out a lot of humor when we arrived and I felt that stirred things up a little.

Kirk hit his head twice everytime he did he said thank god for the hard hat he brought hard hats I did not use one. I hit my head twice the first time I hit it I smiled because it hurt so goddamn bad I was lucky I did not cut it. Sometimes in this mine the tunnels are very small they were not made for tall guys like Kirk and I.

We went to our left Kirk left he did not follow he went right back up the main entrance and out. June and I continued forward. It opened up into a very large cathedral of pillars made of stone...steep inclines and various holes with the sunshine peaking through.

June and I found some dry land she mentioned hearing a clinking sound like maybe tin cups. I would believe it years ago a friend told me that this sound is common and its the miner ghost. I noticed their was not a feeling of any demeaning spirits you could tell the place had a different feeling perhaps because what cult is going to perform rituals in ice cold water. The room with all the candle wax we could not get to Kirk told me the water got very deep. But I also noticed that the water was flowing towards the back of the mine like a river rumor has it there is a secret cavern here you can swim into of course now with all the water we would never find that.

When we found some dry land there was two ways to go straight ahead through some more water or to our left and ascend out one of the large holes in the mountain. It was amazing how as we climbed up the steep bank we found more tunnels as this mine works in tiers.

We heard Kirk calling for us and next you know we were a few hundred feet from the main entrance. Kirk brought me a water changed his clothes. I told June say by to your car I figured he might want to take the car for a spin cause it is a lot for anybody to endure going down into a mine with ice water then falling in its rough its more then you expect lets put it that way especially when 12 years ago this mine was a lot more sturdy, safer and I went down tunnels we could no longer go down yesterday that I went down years ago.

I decided to take us on the back side of the mountain a trail would lead us up to the peak. The back side was different then the front. The backside had giant gapping holes some 10 feet wide that seemed bottomless. Some were just steep with ledges and such. That is where someone would need to repel in or tie a rope off hold on to it and climb into the holes down.

I do not believe the shafts here go down as far as most mines but in order to get to other chambers you would need rope. When we made our way up the trail Debbie showed up on her 4wheeler we gave her an on the spot interview on camera about the strangeness to the area. Just before that two tourist were out walking around in flip flops. Years ago nobody was out here the place nobody ever knew about people would not even dare get out to walk around so its changed now its more of a landmark but nonetheless a dangerous one of you fall down a shaft or are not cautious.

She could not go further the mountain was getting steep and we also had a ladder to carry. I got way ahead of the team I mean the area started to look familiar from years ago. As we reached the peak of Jubilee on the backside were many holes and many we could not go into. Kirk sat by the edge of one and a few I thought about going down into and just grabbing the rocks tightly but some were so steep literally it was impossible. Its strange just to see a black pit not knowing where it goes or even how far it goes. You throw a rock and it bounces around then you hear it take a few seconds to it. You think wow that could have been me. On top of it we came across a very bad cactus which can shoot its needles so just a few dangerous in the area. The view from the Jubilee peak was phenomenal mountains for miles.

I went up to many shafts on the opposite side none of them I could enter but I found one that cut off the trail that was very steep and I went down it. June and Kirk stayed on top and I made my descent alone for about 100 feet. I did not bring a light so Kirk had to throw one down to me but I was out of sight. He asked my permission to throw it I was like I do not care its a mag lite built to last lol.

At the bottom was a collapsed tunnel then another tunnel that split to the right and left. I took the right and came out to a HUGE chamber with a wood beam. That chamber had a pit that looked like it went to hell serious. I had my two way radios on me for this one just to let June know I was okay. I would not dare cross the chasm as the rock was crumbling along the narrow ledge. The other problem was if I fell off the ledge I would fall 15 feet on a steep slant and then into a huge hole.

I went the other way down a narrow tunnel. In fact I do remember this tunnel 12 years ago and to my right was a hole at an angle. I shined my light down there and their was a smooth slab that ran almost 100 feet down with a crisp ledge probably a drop-off. Between the slab and ceiling was only a few feet so if I fell down the hole I would roll knock out wood beams then go right over the edge.

I passed the hole had to be careful of the loose gravel around it since the hole took up half of the tunnel. When I went pass it I came across a rectangular gap with a wood frame. I put one foot to the left to take way off the wood support beam placing the right foot on the edge of this shaft. Yeah that is as close as your going to get to death and I crossed it.

I followed the tunnel to a well lit cathedral light cavern felt some heavy cold spots and the sun was shining through the ceiling. I also seen wood chutes that graced the tunnel and I turned the corner as I came out to salvation. I looked up and way up towards the peak Kirks back was facing me so I shouted in the radio turn around and look behind you. I did it I went in and came out another way it was quite a feat for me to go inside this place is what it is...hell. Its a dark place tunnels like a piece of Swiss cheese some areas you cannot even get to so everytime you find an area like that you have to turn find another way. To find another way out of the mine was pretty cool. I was starting to get a visual for the layout of this mine.

I climbed around various parts of the peak and that is all we found were more shafts. I was looking for one tunnel that would lead me to an area with a ladder NEVER found it have to assume that perhaps the collapsed areas is where it once was.

When we continued on the trail I found an area with rhubarb blocking one of the holes so I went to my right and found some gates. This area was gated because part of the mine collapsed. I went to my right after climbing some rocks and found a passage. The team stayed back and it was a very tight tunnel. It opened up into another chamber with two tunnels that were collapsed. I found a blue shirt and a beer can on the ground.

It was a dark chamber I felt something here I ended up lighting an incense for the deceased something I did 12 years ago but it went bad real quick. My team noticed the smell as we were talking they told me after they thought they smelled something. I did that on my own terms at the time just the right thing to do being so many died here.

I ended up hiking to the front of the mountain then we found another entrance with a giant red tank which was another collapsed chamber. You could tell their was tunnels within but it was sealed off I think I entered here years ago before the collapse took place so it was a let down.

Anyhow when we were wrapping up the investigation I panicked remembered I left my digital recorder back where I lit the incense. We hiked pretty far and I was like guys I got to go get it and I left my team to go solely on my own for a retrieval. I had to go back into the gates where were closed Kirk had shut them I had no idea so imagine what was going through my mind. I was like wow something does not want me in here.

I climbed over the rocks in the chamber went down the tunnel and their it was sitting on a rock...the incense I could smell everywhere strong. Strangely I looked to my right not sure how I missed it but there was a hole with a little sunlight peaking through so I climbed into the hole and it came out to a small area surrounded by rocks and steep walls. To my left was a steep hole and you bet I climbed down into it. Now keep in mind I left most of my gear with the team cause this was a retrieval mission not an exploration one but the tunnel seduced me with temptation and I climbed down.

Unfortunately my camera was out of juice and Kirks died an hour before so we had to cut our movie short but I believe we have another footage between us both for a nice little pilot. I went down the hole and to my left was a path leading to a deadly shaft I was sliding so of course I did not want to get to close and end up slipping right down the steep grade down the hole.

I went to the right climbing big rocks down and their was a tunnel that led me into a giant dark chamber it was amazing. To the left was a hole with a pole which led 10 feet down with luck I went to my right and found an easier way down. I followed that tunnel which one way was a dead end and the other way led to a room with a hole in the ceiling with a pole. That was the same room I seen an entity 12 years ago. This room is heavily used clothing, bottles, debris etc can be found here. Just as finding various shot gun shells and bullets is not uncommon. I found two unused bullets on the ground and Kirk earlier found an old world war II shell.

I felt really odd being here by myself standing at a dead end with a pole that is so inviting to climb up. I probably will go back and take June back here to see what she thinks. I mean why not go here a few times and get further photos and data. I felt watched and there was some cold spots around me. I was deep real deep in the team was sitting back outside very far away and I had no two way radio on me so that was that. I actually seen some of the occult symbols that I seen years ago rather interesting but I remembered them.

On one of the chamber walls was some decor of an evil looking serpent. I was having a problem finding my way back to all the holes in the one cavern I was in I ended up taking the wrong one. My only way out of hell would be to climb a steep grade almost straight up and climb out a hole back to the trail on the side of this massive mountain.

I climbed grabbing rocks pulling myself up looking behind as I knew if I fell I would roll, bounce, hit rocks and might even die from the impact. I made my way out and got back on the the distance seeing June and Kirk awaiting me. June wanted to kick my ass but she also told Kirk that I probably was off exploring. Just like she told Kirk I been doing this for awhile and that's why I am able to go down the steeper holes as fast as I do trust me I can move very fast even with bad shoes. So in reality as much of that area I covered alone I thought I made pretty good timing between the retrieval and exploration of one of the deepest parts of the mine.

Its hard though to say what's down below some of them steeper shafts there might be a whole new world further down only if we can repel or get some rope then ill go down some of the holes. The old story goes that the shafts lead to a giant cavern and in that cavern lays a sleeping black dragon. It might not be true but I bet if I can go down there I will find bodies so Ill work on finding someone who has equipment to go down some of the holes but if not it will never matter because my return to Jubilee mine was 10 times more the fun and adventure then 12 years ago. On a few occasions I through rocks down into the holes some hit quickly perhaps on a ledge or perhaps they only appeared deep. I did see a bat and I did hear some movement which sounded like it came deep within the mines. I am very sure strange things are still happening within even if they have subsided over the years.

We hiked back to the car fatigue was setting in and I had fun driving crazy on the road along a cliff. They had to our right a could see some caves...odd rock formations that were balanced and even a girl hiking in the washout. Kirk yelled to the lady its going to rain get out of the washout. The dark clouds were coming in fast and it is true if it were to rain that canyon would turn dangerous.

We went to the end of the road to an area known as the dry lake beds its an area of Lake Mead and the Colorado River. Very pretty wait till you see the photos but its also now an area for hikers and picnickers. Years ago yeah it was a way to get rid of a body but then again years ago the only people back here were people who dared to take the dirt road and often were occultist who did there rituals at the local mines. Its changed over the years its a friendlier place much like the mine did not have that negative feeling. I could feel the ghost, felt watched, sensed cold spots, heard a few noises but it was different. I did not see any ghost or demons but I seen parts of this mine I never knew existed its a beautiful place in a sense just the intricate network of tunnels. Did I find the gateway to hell who knows after all there are sealed off areas and shafts we could not get down to. Anything could be further down inside its just that a mysterious place full of tragedy, lore, history and gold.

On the way back we found a naval plane graveyard...also an airplane which was crashed into the side of a mountain. Probably a movie set area hard to say but it was pretty cool seeing the plane leaning up against the mountain with the nose facing down. I made sure I captured a few photos of this.

It was getting dark the sun was going down and I wanted to get us wrapped up so we stopped at Nelson to take a few historical plaque shots...then I went behind Debbie's house to visit another mine called the Savage Mine and yes its very haunted but the problem is the guy who owns it has to give you permission. So I went up this steep grade road the type that gets your car stuck with pot holes, rocks, loose gravel. I gave the car a good amount of speed and we pulled it off car was bouncing...hitting spinning and I parked in front of the trailer. The owner was not around so will try to catch him in the future and get a tour of the inside.

We left just in time as the sun was going down I had to drop Kirk off and had a long ways to get home. The first thing I did when I got home was hug my son I live for him that is why my investigators know they can trust me because if I am going to walk out of that place so are you. I took a lot of risk yesterday to get some video footage and all.

After I got home I noticed I was getting sick with a sore throat....I had Amber come over late last night she arrived around midnight here. She told me if I go back out to El Dorado canyon she would like to help on out. She will also being working on editing the video or videos we are producing here right now. It was a pretty wild adventure I could see over the years the amount of changes within the area and the mine. All it takes is one good rain and that mine could go at anytime we may have caught what's left of Jubilee before the mountain implodes. It looks extremely weak even some of the wood poles are barely holding up some of the ceilings.

All in all this was a great exploration everybody came back safe it was cold and windy out. I think everybody was just glad to be back into civilization. All I can say is Wild Wild West! Ill be taking the next few weeks examining the film, EVP and photos. A horse tour guide in the area told me yesterday that the Jubilee had more deaths and tragedy then anytime along El Dorado canyon. Even people like myself go here to explore end up dying so it just goes to show you how experience over the years helps when it comes to an expedition and our largest investigation of 2008 is brought to you by PGS.

All in all it was nice to meet Debbie she took a team photo and sent it to me last night. The people who live in the canyon are rather nice I even seen a cutie at the general store lol. Gives me a reason to return eh? We did talk about doing some of the other mines I really would not mind a night trip to Jubilee set up some cameras on tripods...sit down in one of the tunnels in the dark and I guarantee you we will get or see something. I had gotten 3 more offers when I arrived home last night from people who told me that if we return here they want to visit this place so looks like we will return next Saturday/Sunday for some more fun! peace
Lord Rick

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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