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 Post subject: Last Nights Investigation Report Valley Of Fire
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:09 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
Posts: 944
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Last night's investigation by far is the best one I have done so far in the area since I came back here. The one thing you will realize is I allow all people to get involved with the paranormal. I meet a lot of people because of it and some of those memories that we create last a lifetime.

I had a little help last night from Marcee met her from myspace over a week ago and she was pretty excited about coming on out for last nights excursion after she learned a little bit more about the group. I was glad she came because otherwise I would have been hiking all night alone in the middle of nowhere

I got stoned at the Luxor....before the exhibit....after the exhibit...each place almost we visited....and even in the car. I don't care I was going in style last night have to sometimes just live it up as you know The Paranormal & Ghost Society does more outdoor and wildlife excursions then indoor projects and the places I pick you make your own rules:)

We went to Bodies last night before the investigation at the Luxor which was a pretty interesting exhibit a little morbid maybe a lot morbid to lol. But you never realize how complicated the human species is till you take a look inside. We seen every organ, every bone, every muscle and even got to hold a brain lol. I did get a few photos you are not suppose to so I took the risk of getting thrown out did not get greedy just grabbed a couple shots from the exhibit for all my crazy fans out there.

You have to learn to appreciate life more once you see the dead like I seen last night. But for those that are curious we are all the same inside I could never understand why others treat others so horribly. Cause in the end we all are the same internally maybe not externally. Now when we are talking about the soul well souls are all different but some are more special then others. Before you could ever understand life you must also understand death.

After Bodies Marcee wanted to stop at KFC I swear man I got so lucky got off at some exit in North Vegas...went around the block and pow there was KFC. I did not get anything cause I packed a bunch of food for the night...including a gator, gallon of water, two waters and even Beer that Marcee bought. She picked some up at the gas station while I was filling up. If you do not go into the Valley Of Fire without a good amount of gas you will get stuck there and you could even die so I had to kiss my Subaru and give it a lot of TLC....gas...oil....water etc put front brakes on it earlier this week also cause the Valley of Fire is wild...twisty turns in the road....gravel roads to nowhere...and even steep drop offs.

I was showing Marcee some of my driving skills as I went 95 mph and squeezed in between a wall and tractor trailer hahaha I was trying to shown her that not only do I have to be trained in the outdoors but also to have to drive. Without good driving you cannot do multiple places let alone certain secluded places you know could lead you to be stuck and trust me I had my fair share of times being stuck...Once I had the entire front end of my car buried in 5 feet of dirt do not ask lol...that's just one story for you.

I did the Valley Of Fire cause over the years I have heard many horrifying experiences like Aliens in the desert, strange lights in the canyon, UFOs, White eyes etc. I know someone who had an alien sighting up here so I was pretty psyched to get out here and hike around. Many years ago I drove around the Valley Of Fire it was an eerie people....and a strange land of amazing rock formations.

I would be returning to the Valley Of Fire & would make an appearance of The Lost City last night. I feel I taught Marcee a lot of new things too like how to go under a fence or how to knock one down I swear it was an accident though I lost my balance and fell on it:)

The drive to the Valley Of Fire was calm Marcee was eating her KFC....I was stoned smiling about my next Radio show tomorrow haha. Was thinking about this investigation I have with a film crew in a couple weeks to I meet with the guy Friday I cannot wait to tour the place.

When we pulled off it was a road entering a dark desert and in the distance we could see the shadowy mountains. Eventually entering a canyon and stopping at a dark sign that said Valley Of Fire. I was glad that Marcee was comfortable eating with my crazy driving lol...but more happy to know I finally arrived.

The Valley Of Fire investigation I had planned was huge.....we would visit at least half of the locations this time and probably in October visit the other half as part of a October special. The places I picked out would be special though key sites around the Valley Of time we go out there though will be even going deeper into the Valley. This was more of a pilot investigation into a place that is plagued by the strange.

I had no idea how the night would turn out Marcee did say something to me about how if something certain happened you would not know how to react. The thing is that when I do this I know at all times what will happen you get so good at what you do that you learn to think one step ahead not behind always a plan B...always a way to be safer...and that is what I work at as the night traversed on.

When we first arrived there we could feel that discomfort looming in the area but after you hike for miles in so many canyons you just no longer care even if the aliens probe you haha. It would be very hot to hike around and on a good note we would get to hike under every star in the sky.

I give to you the Valley Of Fire anybody can drive threw here the question is how far are you willing to go to uncover the truth?

Valley Of Fire
Petrified Wood Forest

Their were two pull offs when we first entered leading to Petrified Wood Forest. I decided to visit the first one this time. I have always wanted to visit a Petrified forest for me I was just plain excited to be here. I did not care about aliens or ghost or anything just wanted to find me a petrified piece of wood lol.

We took a trail which is a small loop and at that time it was window. Way off behind us near a mountain was what appeared to be a dim light I believe an RV. Marcee was a little worried I would be I told her cause dealing with any people in that hour means drama.

We took some photos as I walked around the loop coming across a log half buried surrounded by chain link fencing. Their was at least a few other places along the trail that had this fencing with a buried log. You could see the wood was petrified and some of the stones along the trail had a porous feeling.

Along the trail we noticed stacks of rocks not done naturally some were near the trail others off in the desert. I took photos of them to show our members. It is a native American thing I seen it done up in PA at the Kinzua Dam area at some burial ground I once visited.

The odd breeze we felt was no more when I first got onto the trail my hat blew off a few times. You could almost feel the spirits in the air. Marcee seen a few meteors in the sky...we seen a lot of objects more then likely planes but I keep an openmind.

We were not even in the heart of Red Rock just yet we would be moments later as our second place was a thriller I had planned. I wanted to ease into things my knee is in pretty bad shape and we had a long night ahead of us.

It is hard to believe that the area we stood in at one time had streams, lakes, and even a forest. Now today all that remains are rock formations, canyons, sand and petrified wood. We took a break back at the car as I took some EMF readings.....and EVP. I was already getting pretty thirsty does not matter night or day the desert is very exhausting I have found this out in recent weeks.

Our next area would be very special perhaps all what the Valley Of Fire is about called Petroglyph Canyon & Mouse's Tank.

Petroglyph Canyon & Mouse's Tank

We took the road for a few miles sometimes the road would dip down or had dangerous curves. On both sides of us there were canyon walls some very bright red in color. Sometimes we would see little trees and brush growing around these rocks. It was very pretty even at night around every turn was suspense we did not know what we might see. There was not a building for miles.

We parked at the visitors center as I was told you could hike behind it to get to the natural spring and see petroglyphs. When we arrived we were out front talking and heard a huge loud bang it sounded like metal. Like something was beating on a car door. I stood still staring hard trying to look over a fence. I also noticed a television inside turn on by itself. We set off motion lights also and they took over 10 minutes to go off. If anything was ghostly I felt the visitors center was the most haunted part of our journey not sure perhaps the ghost are linked to the Anasazi artifacts within.

Beyond that fence was a construction area and dimly lit lights. I told Marcee we need to go check it out so we did. As soon as we went out back we heard another bang two or three times. I could never found out what the sound was but there was a water truck...a digger and a few other pieces of machinery.

I wanted to find the canyon with all the Petroglyphs so pretty much I noticed a trail on the other side of the fence going in between some rock formations. I scoped it out then went under the fence...Marcee we moved our gear under it. It looked like to me they were building a new trail head or scenic loop. Near here accidentally I grabbed a bush that had sharp thistles and it got my hand. I really hate the fauna in deserts everything has needles, thistles, or is so try it cuts the crap out of your legs. Marcee wore pants but me I am stubborn always wear shorts lol...hell one investigation I investigated a fort in a snow storm with a T-shirt on.

We were not on the other side and took this rough trail which led to some benches overlooking a drop off. We would eventually work our way weaving in and out of rocks...plants...and descended into here. We did not find any symbols on any rocks we hiked out in the desert...I was searching walls...and although the rock formations were pretty with giant holes...and wind erosion....I was determined to find some of these Petroglyphs...we hiked in the desert and came back out to where the car was.

We found a lot of neat things along our hikes like rocks that overhang forming shelters...small holes...and even a small cave which Marcee went in to look around. Being my knee was hurting crawling in or kneeling down would have killed me. But as I hiked I could imagine on a deeper level seeing these ancient tribes carving symbols in the rocks....sitting in these caves toking up with a burning fire....and standing atop these ancient rocks which probably looked the same a thousand years ago as they do today.

By this time Marcee and I got back in the car drove down some road it was steep going up and dangerous down. I was driving fast around curves to make it fun nobody was out here just us and we turned around went back to the visitors center and found a very well maintained trail.

When that trail dead ended we started to hike up on some rocks. It really is amazing how you could be up near a canyon wall or a bunch of steep rocks...and slowly climb then to stand on top. We did just that we found a weird formation Marcee climbed it. I was like be my guest I had enough climbing earlier this week lol.

She stood on top then I shined the light to help her get down. It was fun and we found this little canyon...when we reached the end of it you could tell it collapsed so we sat on these giant rocks drank a beer...I had something to eat...we took some photos and just chilled for awhile. I did almost 2 hours of EVP recording at this location. I also had a big bat almost hit me in the face it was that close.

I was upset no Petroglyphs and on our way back we hiked and weaved up the side of a mountain...we ended up taking these steep rocks down near some crevice right in back of the visitors center. Again we heard the bang when we entered into the yard of the visitors center. It was a pretty enclosed area it reminded me of a bad version of the movie gladiators. I was telling Marcee them stories about hungry Mountain Lions lol.

We went down a very very steep wall carefully and ended up behind this fence only this time we had to go under it for our freedom. We went under it again second time is always funner then the first....Marcee took some photos of me lol. Its all about the photos that tell the tale.

We then left and I pushed on the gate and it opened with ease...its like hmmmm would have been easier if we knew this from the get go. We got back at the car and I wanted to try one more thing which was to take this eerie road that curved around the backside of the mountains that were behind the visitors center.

That road led us to my dream for the night which was Petroglyph Canyon and this place will probably be my favorite area so far I have hiked in out west.

We started off on the trail head my light was dimming did not change out the batteries just yet. But the trail turned unfriendly really quick....Marcee and I must have climbed at least 1000 rocks last night and it takes time its not like the PA woods where you stay on the trail....these trails twist and turn....sometimes with plant life in the middle of them or giant sharp rocks.

The trail started to become rugged and the sand was very deep. About at times the walls on both sides of us were only twenty feet apart then other times a couple hundred feet. We seen cliffs some very high but no Petroglyphs so I got daring. I took Marcee and I to the left side and we started climbing rocks....where we found a narrow trail along these rocks.

We were a good twenty feet up overlooking the trail below...and I was talking about the Petroglyphs and looked to my left and low...and behold there was a series of them which looked like a Mother, Father and two children holding hands.

Later a few hundred feet more I found another wall with Petroglyphs of big horned sheep, figures which all looked the same perhaps warriors, and even symbols. One of the common symbols was the sun. I took photos...made a movie...and spent sometime admiring the symbols. Marcee climbed a couple rocks to get close to the symbols. I mean right now we were standing in an ancient place we had proof in front of our faces pictures we could bring back and say hey we hiked here at night.

It was dark out believe me I changed my batteries in the flashlight and believe me I had to feel cause I could not see. I am a little short on equipment right now so we do not have our spotlights and all that jazz with me. My spotlights are broke and the one that does work is in storage up in Cali lol.

I was just happy to have found some and they are easy to miss especially at night you have to get right up along the canyon walls and find them. We eventually climbed down went down these steep rocky bank and ended up hiking deep down this sandy trail which did dead end at this spring.

I kept telling Marcee how I want to go for a swim...and wash up a little to cool off. But when I arrived at the spring I changed my mind. It was this little crevice that ended with a 5 foot drop off into a pool of deep water which looked like if I went for a swim I might not be able to get out of the pool haha not good! I got right near the edge had Marcee take my picture. She was wondering how she would rescue me if I went in. I did notice one way to pull yourself up so I was not to worried but I thought man anything could be in that water lol. Problem was it was not in arms length to wash up so we would both remain soaked in sweat.

We took the trail back this time I looked at the other canyon wall thought I seen a few times more high up but the night was getting late and I passed on the climb. Each climb you do takes a good chunk of time out of the investigation so my main goal was just to find a few Petroglyphs I could share on the site to give you an idea of what we experienced.

On the way back there was a very big chill in the area. At times I heard a few noises also not sure what they were I was very focused on getting each place done. At that point I was so tired and in pain I felt that we worked very hard and should be proud of ourselves. I went to a place people fear people do not dare go in at night and we did it. It was a great feeling!

We arrived back at the car my knee was killing me at times it gave out and you just have to keep pushing. Its bad timing I guess but we were happy cause we found both the spring and the Petroglyphs. This was a cool place I took tons of photos here of the rocks....plant life...and symbols.

After this we would head on off to an area called Elephant Rock which also had Stone Cabins.

Elephant Rock

I could not find the stone cabins that I seen in the photo figured it was dark out we may have missed the turn off. Then as we almost entered the Lake Mead area I noticed a stone structure to the left of the road which also had the Elephant Rock loop trail.

We parked in front of the stone structure and it had different rooms with different educational information boards like information on the rocks, desert, wildlife etc. I figured this probably was the stone cabin wish I got more photos did not think about it at the time. I was just trying to find the entrance to the trail leading to Elephant Rock.

Marcee and I took the trail but we lost it most trails are short and end. It was our plaque of the night getting off course going into ravines...canyons...and atop mountains. This time though we followed these pyramid stones which mark the trail...well we found two and that was it.

By the time we got to the end of the trail we were trying to figure out how the hell we missed a giant stone that looks like an elephants head lol.

We ended up on the dark road we drove on and started to hike up it figuring we would just go back to the car. Well as we went up the road I looked up to my right and way up I noticed a giant rock that was it. I was so happy but we had to climb up tiers of rocks just to get to it. When we got on up there I took Marcee standing under the trunk cool place. We had to be careful right beforehand cause a truck came by on the road...Marcee and I ran in a ditch and stayed low. Again that goes with what I said early you avoid as much drama as possible with anybody who is wandering a place like this at night.

After our little adventure of hiding then climbing to Elephant rock we got turned around hiked the wrong way down this road with red walls on both sides and vast desert. We turned the time the moon was a yellow crescent and it lit our way very dim but I did not need my flash light.

We were happy to get back to the car it was still a long night ahead of us but we wrapped up the Valley Of Fire with only a few spills and chills. The activity was low but that is fine we like to explore and see things it does not always have to be the paranormal.

We left the Valley Of Fire perhaps with ease. I found another road that goes deeper in to some of the more hardcore hiking locations again that will be a future trip as I continue to put together a nice little Valley Of Fire piece on our site.

We did not get abducted....but we talked a lot about aliens during our hikes and the things that can happen. Marcee said she is was so tired that she would not be thinking of The Bodies exhibit we seen earlier haha. I felt the same the last thing on my mind was organs, arteries and bones lol.

We did go back down the road in the car to take one last look make sure that I did not miss those stone cabins since I was not sure if that was them. Things look different at night! On my one map they show the stone Cabins closer to the visitors center so our second trip here will do more searching...along with visits to the Seven Sisters...and Beehives and Atl Rock.

While driving I found a historic sign near the road with no pull off. Well off in the desert we noticed a monument of some kind. This would be one of our last jaunts in the Valley Of The Fire for the night.

I parked the car right on the side of the road...we slid and climbed down the steep bank. We hiked in the grooved desert terrain through this odd plant life. Eventually it led us to what appears to be the grave of Clark I believe the same man this county was named after. It was very far from the car just sitting on a small hill in the desert. I felt some colder spots here perhaps his ghost roams this place.

Our next location would be The Lost City I was excited to do this place I did not care how tired I was.

The Lost City

This location was the site of the Anasazi Indians even though the Pueblos are replicated the site does have a lot of original artifacts on the grounds.

We had to be really cautious with this one there was a truck driving around on the property....Marcee was so full of questions like Rick how are we getting in....there are people living there etc etc I was like so lets do it lol. I got legs I can run....that is if you can catch me so what did I have to lose.

She asked me if we would be shot and I was like well this is not FL..people our west are more about the scenery they wont shoot you for adoring it.

We noticed a pond to our right...and a step incline...we climbed it and came out in a place that had old farm machinery. The museum was very old looked more like a giant stone building....had that Alamo look to it lol. The sidewalk was dimly lit and I told Marcee we would walk around. We found a monument...and behind us near a docking area behind the museum a few vehicles. Marcee thought there would be others around and at this point we walked quietly past the vehicles It seemed very possible that others lived in quarters of the museum but who knows they could just be vehicles that maintain the park and grounds.

We walked around into a picnic area. we seen a pool and a parking lot with a locked gate. That trail led off into some heaving hills and brush. I wondered if the real lost city was back on this trail. People say a few miles from here is the actual lost city site. But where the museum was built was also the site of a indian village.

We came back around to the front of the museum I took a few photos of the outside but we kept moving. We found a fire pit area with steps leading to it...a giant stone slab with petroglyph and around the bend some Pueblos.

We had fun at the pueblos there were spiders in them and they were very hot but we both took turns climbing in them. Marcee was having to much fun and me I was thinking man I got to take my sons to school soon hahaha it would not be easy to get home on time as the sun would come up in a couple hours.

I heard a few noises on the museum property like a banging sounds, a few voices etc one of them I knew was coming from a house further down the road and over the fence. But a few others not so sure about I catch little things here and there while hiking around. e gave the grounds a quick walkthrough taking photos of the old farm tools like this old tractor made out of iron.

We made our way back to the car and hiked along the railroad tracks. I did notice one thing about the Lost City and that is the energy. The energy here is very very high for me its like a high I felt more energy here then any place we visited last night.

It was a cool place as it sat on a hill overlooking town I think Marcee liked this place a lot it was like a playland for us to explore.

After we got back into the car we had one other place called St. Joseph Cemetery. I did not find it I went according to the map and directions but still a no go. Where the cemetery was suppose to be was a couple private homes and vast desert.

It was pretty funny cause Marcee and I drove down a dark street and saw two zombies. I am not kidding those were goddamn zombies man. There was some old lady with a hunch freaking hobbling along then some weird guy jumping around like crazy. I looked to my left and told Marcee where the hell did I take us to a insane hospital. She was pretty spooked first time I seen her scared all night.

Well I was looking for the cemetery driving up and down the road. I turned around sat at an intersection and pow there comes this weirdo towards us. Marcee is like step on it I am laughing my ass off I am thinking please the Lord comes equipped for all situations.

I pull away quickly the guy has his head tilted to the side coming towards us I am laughing...freaking food is sliding off the dashboard me I am thinking man I need to toke another one here.

Well we never found St. Joseph's have to do more research but in light of things after turning around 10 times down dead end gravel roads and such....the zombies were enough for me the hell with the cemetery after seeing that man.

So on our way back we had to start heading home I seen another sign for a cemetery which is listed on the genealogy site. I figured what the hell a cemetery is a cemetery. So I take this grave and dirt road. There is so much growth on both sides of the road my car is practically hitting branches. I got no windows in the car so yeah not fun.

We come on out to an old classic beat up car and the road splits but its blocked with wood so we would either have to hike it. I did not see the cemetery we got out looked around. Marcee climbed in the car with her beer drank it I took a few photos. We were at this point just having fun cause it was late and all the hard projects for the night were conquered by us.

I went further down the road and thought Christ we are in a Rob Zombie movie like the Devils Rejects. I see a few old cars abandoned...parked including a school bus....a beat up house with rvs on the property....things hanging off the fence like tin cans....and just all kinds of things hanging from the trees etc it was eerie back here and think about it I drove past the place 4 times. We took a wrong turn ended up in a giant sand lot I was spinning the car in circles trying to shine my lights looking for St. Thomas Cemetery...and all I found was an overgrown house that look like it was saying Lord Rick please go before they eat you.

I decided to take the road further back around this school bus and ended up going up and down these rolling hills with rock formations to our right. There was a private house way out in the middle of the desert but we kept straight and almost got stuck as the road was getting worst. If anything the cemetery may have been back here and probably is a private one but the sign sure looks nice out by the road that says turn here St. Thomas Cemetery.

I know how that works people go back here to visit the cemetery and end up being supper on the table ha. Well the dark sky was lightening up I could see plant life, mountains, even that house way off. No sun but the night was diminishing fast.

I looked at my clock and was like man I got over 60 miles to get Marcee home and get my kids off to school haha. I took the scenic route all the way back. Marcee bought me an energy drink earlier I should have drank it and didn't I was feeling it believe me.

As I drove out of town to my right I could see the Valley Of Fire just a bright red series of rocks and mountains a few miles off in the distance. You could see the canyon we went through miles away. As we pulled further away the sun came up over the mountains.

This road we took was pretty bad at times I could not see the road cause it would dip low or incline so steep you come over the hill and pow have to turn the curve quickly. It was almost an hour I been driving in times along Lake Mead...and vast desert. Marcee looked really sleep she just turned her head towards me and was relaxing.

I woke her up probably scared her turned a corner at like 80 mph haha sorry Marcee was trying to make up for lost time. We stopped at a scenic area near Lake Mead and she went to the bathroom. I had a few snacks while driving and eventually when we started heading to our right we went right threw the mountains and seen one of the best views of Las Vegas.

The drive was nice I mean we got to see rock formations....giant holes in rocks...and a lot of scenic views. I dropped off Marcee then flew home I never made it so fast...I had to get my son to one school come back to the house take the other two to school.

I slept for a couple hours with sneezer went to bed at like 9am woke up at 2pm and he was still by my side staring at me haha. I always manage to get myself in trouble with where I am living and yeah I did but hell man I got to hike in the Valley Of Fire...visit The Lost City....and see dead bodies how many people can say they did that huh? lol

It was a great exploration and will make a nice addition to the site. I did over 4 hours of EVP recordings, took a couple hundred photos, and although we did not see anything of the paranormal we do have a nice exploration to add to the site.

I did notice at night or during the day it was just all around beautiful. I mean even at night in the dark you could still see the formations and rocks quite well. They call this place Valley Of Giants you will understand as to why once I get this onto our site.

The Anasazi's in this area disappeared nobody knows what happened to them but its a really interesting area. I will make a return trip out here hopefully next time find those cemeteries and get more people to come on out for this. Its a great place and I think there will be a lot more to see and experience here.

It was a great trip and like I was telling Marcee imagine doing something like this alone. I have in the past and its not fun. What is fun is being able to share such things with others. The scenic drive home was as nice as the fact that as we drove away we could look back and be like yeah we were there!

Do not forget Thursday 8pm Pacific Time is our radio show program this week. Also Friday I will be meeting with someone who is working with tv networks to get a live camera crew to follow me around at a haunted location that is very historical. I will consider bringing others with me Friday morning if they wish to tour the place during the day with me. Things are coming together and were definitely covering all the locations around Vegas that are relevant.

We still have some other cool trips planned and well although this one was a big one we will return for more exploration try to find out what these aliens are in the desert that people are seeing! Marcee said to me it was one of the best times of her life and I am glad cause that goes to creating memories that last. Its nice when we seen paranormal things to but even if we do not we know there out there you know there out there and thus we will continue our journeys.

Marcee did very well again I find females to be way better investigators a lot of the men the last few places we were based have really lacked energy and effort. Marcee did well she climbed all the rocks with me a few times we helped eachother climb...and she stuck it out the entire night my crazy driving...and odd hikes. I know I will be taking the next few days to try to stay off my leg I hurt my ankle also. If I was not so poor as I am I would get something for the terrain here but its okay no pain no glory we did it and Ill be talking about it on my next radio show!

Below you will find Marcee's report she sent out....she did it from her cell phone but she at least wanted others to read about her night out. She originally wrote me asking me about going hiking and I was like well PGS does plenty of that so it was nice to have her come on out to help me. I would have hated to do this place alone. It was really her first time doing something like this so I wanted it to be memorable for her and hopefully for some of you can I can do the same!
Lord Rick
Founder, Talk Show Host & Author

Marcee's Investigation Report Of The Valley Of Fire

Last night was among the best times I have had in my life. It began about 5:30 when we went to Luxor to see Bodies: The Exhibition. Everything you could possibly want to know about the human body you can see there. I held a piece of somebody's brain and part of the small intestine. My friend seemed really creeped out but had to do it too because I did. We left & headed for the Valley of Fire. As he drove, it occured to me that the only thing missing was the Doors' song, "Not to Touch the Earth.
We arrived in the Valley of Fire & took some pictures. We hiked in a few areas but the one I liked best was the petroglyphs, believed to have been made by Native Americans. The Elephant Rock was pretty cool, too. I had never done anything like this in my life, but I climbed up some of these enormous rocks like they were my home. This was way better than 3 am walks in MI (except one in May 2006). We then went to see the Lost City, where it is believed that the ancient Anasazi tribe once lived.

I can't really say too much about that, but it was an awesome place to visit & I wouldn't trade it for anything...whatever the truth is. We headed out for St. Joseph's cemetery, and I'm not sure we found it, but I sh*t you not - we saw 2 zombies. I can't even describe the way they walked, but I know they are not alive in the same way that we are.

We left somewhat disappointed, and went to St. Thomas' cemetery. We had to get out of the car and take pictures when we came upon my rusted out 1928 Delta, which I then pretended to drive again. Maybe this is a cemetery for people who don't get the luxury of a funeral... I don't believe you can truly live without confronting the freaky.
I would SO love to do this again!!

I believe there is some kind of God, and he or she did not intend for us to be alone too much, because everything means so much more if somebody was there with you. Boy or Girl, it doesn't matter. You can laugh or cry, live or die... together.

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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