The Tornado Trail is up in Salamanca. I do not know the history on this place but it is also extremely old. As a creek runs right through it and the trail is very wooded. It is not very long but you can tell the area is quite old as there is a stone bridge, and 2 old foundations or what is left of them in the woods. Perhaps it is called this name because at one time a Tornado ripped through here maybe that is why all that is left is a stone fireplace and a few stones left. Are there ghost here? Of course this is all Native American lands. They hunted and traveled through these trails in search of bear skins and food. Of course there are many haunted areas surrounding the trail when Liz showed me a stone bridge and foundation I was like count PGS in and we investigated it and got some great results. Also one thing about this trail is its very ice cold I cannot say I ever been on a colder trail then this.

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