The Transit Farm is a very old ranch house and fallen barn. Many of the structures are no longer standing including the silo which is falling apart. The area this farm sits on is well over 25 acres. Many times I drove past this place and said no I will never investigate simply because of the condition of the area. But Ryan our medic and investigator told me he really wanted to check it out so we gave it a go and the results? Many ghost a whole family of them that reside here. They seem to be happy where they are. 

Unfortunately the property is now commercial and eventually the land will be turned into stores and plazas and this once beautiful farm will no longer stand no rubble, no old wood, no ranch over looking the countryside. Only thing is whoever builds on the land will have to accept the haunt that comes with it. Our organization loves old farm houses maybe because they serve as a piece of history in the early days of our area where we live? Or because so much happens on a farm over the years kids are born have more kids. Deaths occur of animals, or older folks as the farm is handed on to the next generation. There is alot of residual energy also. 

Despite the fallen barn or the holes all over the walls inside the ranch the ghost seemed to be pleased to call this place there home and that is what it is a home maybe not for you or I but a place to serve for there existence only. 

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