St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery was established in 1849. It is not very large and honestly the condition it is makes me sad. You have stones laying on the fence, on the ground, broke in half, worn so bad you cannot read them. There is not many trees here and although there are ghosts that haunt the cemetery they probably do it because of the condition of there stones. Even at night the cemetery is very well lit.  The Ebenezer Amana Cemetery & Upper Ebenezer Cemetery are now part of this cemetery. Now it has been purchased by St. Paul's Lutheran Church.

I found out about this place threw a member he asked if such a little cemetery like this could be haunted. Being that it is a old cemetery with some history to it the answer is yes. A lot of the stones seem to be written in German as it is a German cemetery. There are even some Fathers buried here. I found this place to be very challenging to get anything on film. The ghost are not responsive like some areas. You could take a photo and then take another and it is gone or rather you could be walking to your car turn around snap a photo and capture it. Footsteps, moving cold spots, even a shadow on the move are not uncommon here it seems. 

Basically what I wanted to do is capture a few photos just to show others that this cemetery does have a ghost mainly why? For the member who asked the question. So now it is answer and may the ghost of St Paul's Rest in peace.

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