Subject: [ParanormalFlorida] Last Night's Investigation Report!
Date: 3/27/2006 6:30:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
To:, , 

Ocala The Brick City

Downtown Ocala technically is one giant part of history every structure is almost made of brick and of course despite it burned down once it still looks much the same. Much like Deland was downtown sort of has this eerie feeling about it as some shops the lights are dim while others they are very dark.

Downtown surrounds the Square which we have investigated twice however each and every structure does have some significance as they changed hands over the years. I started off taking photos of a store and eventually a tavern which was very dark.

I noticed a lot of patchy cold spots on the walkways almost as if the unseen were busy bustling building to building. We took a break and investigated the square then I walked across the street to investigated a Greek architecture type of building which use to be the old bank.

Many of the shops have multiple floors and out of some of the windows I felt watched as we slowly took our ghost walk downtown. What I noticed is that most of the buildings were bars or restaurants although we found this tattoo shop and Carol seen a dragon in the window. I know you really wanted that in your collection baby maybe someday right lol?

Anyhow the shop was strong in energy as there were eerie Halloween mask hanging up and then we passed next to it a bar where this girl walked on in so there was some life still downtown.

We only did one walk around although I bet the alleys and some of the other buildings outside of the square might be interesting investigations.

I am so amazed by some of Ocala's history that this really will be a wonderful addition to the site ghost photos and the read up. We finally wrapped up in the city and went to our last location which is the very historical Evergreen Cemetery.


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