Photo Taken  by Denise Frederick


Mount Albion now holds roughly 33,000 burials and was established in 1843. The offices across the street are made of cobble stone and the cemetery has a beautiful  fountain and stone bell when you first enter past the big iron gated stone archway. The cemetery is so wooded you can barely see the sky and most roads twice to many hidden areas that are not visible until your right on top of them. Some crypts are buried in the hillside while there is also a very pretty chapel and 68 foot tower at the top of Mount Albion made out of Sandstone that you can climb to the top. Basically I took our group here just to conquer climbing the tower. I did not focus very much on the ghost or the unexplained. Perhaps more of adventuring up the steep hills is what I seeked out. We had fun our first trip here though we slid down the wet hills, stood on top of the tower shining the spotlight down toward the ground and since it was 4am we were all half asleep. There is one thing unusual about this place and that it has a odd wind throughout it. When you walk outside of the cemetery there is none till you enter here. Also on the other side of the cemetery very old tracks run behind it. Due to the limited time I have in the Buffalo area I only was able to make one trip here into history however for anybody who wants to experience it you can visit this place in Albion NY on Route 31. There is an article and a photo below I did not write it or take the photo above  however it should give you an idea of the history and how the cemetery looks when you first enter it. 

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2 Post Cards Above By Vintage Views

This cemetery has over 18,000 burials and covers 100 acres. The earliest plots were sold at public auction to raise the money to buy the first 25 acres. Mt. Albion is very picturesque, with rolling hills, wooded areas, grassy areas and winding roads. At the highest point, stands the Civil War Memorial Tower honoring the 463 Orleans County men killed in that war. The tower was built from Medina sandstone and is 68 feet high. From the top of the tower you can see many miles in all directions.

There are over 1,900 family plots, 3 military sections (Civil War section, Veterans section and the Companion Veterans section), 4 single grave sections (Arbutus, Greenbank, Zephyr & Maplewood), Ashwood (crematory section) and many family mausoleums. Several old cemeteries in the area had to, for one reason or another, have the bodies removed. In most cases they were reburied in Mt. Albion. Therefore even though the cemetery starting burying in 1843, there are many earlier burials.

It took over two years to compile this information. Every stone was recorded, all the cemetery records were copied and Orleans county census records were researched in order to create as complete a record of this cemetery as possible.

By Sharon Kerridge