Darien Cemetery was incorporated in 1819 so again we have another early pioneer cemetery. A lot of the burials here are that of farmers, large families and early settlers in the Darien area. There is nothing fancy about this peaceful cemetery although the benches, rolling hills, and a little chapel like building give it a nice feel. There is not a lot of history here I believe one politician is buried here and it is a pretty active cemetery. We did not have to send much time here to figure out we were not alone. A lot of the stones are very simple many rectangular tombstones and flat stones. You can tell not many visitors come here as honestly there was no footprints in the snow at all. Quite sad but it makes you think about how lonely some of these ghost get and perhaps this is why they enjoy our company. We produced some very nice Ectoplasmic shots here and now we can remember them in more ways then one.

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