Subj: [ParanormalFlorida] Saturday's Night Investigation Report..... 
Date: 1/16/2006 6:24:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Christmas Pioneer Village
This place was absolutely amazing. Imagine an entire ghost town preserved almost to look like something you would see out of a western movie. There were many wooden structures some of them looked like barns, stables, houses, general stores etc spread out in a giant open area probably about 19 structures in all.
I ended up getting injured when I fell thought I broke my leg cause one leg got stabbed by a piece of wood while my other one just got badly bruised and cut. I got up where I fell and fell again cause my legs gave out so it look me awhile to gain strength. I sent Jason and Ariel away so I could heal myself or block out the pain rather. Then I got up after they started to head on back to check on me.
It was rough ended up hobbling to the gate to climb over and finally I made it to the other side lol. I cannot recall the structures by name but you will read about them in some of my prologue history write up when the website is updated. But we walked around a few structures and to myself I gathered many of the ghost inside these structures were inside looking out.
It was almost like living during this time period. You could walk around and feel like the people did a century ago. There was an old iron tiller, farm tools, saddles, a building with deer skin on it, wood barrels, old wood rockers etc everything still remained in the village like in the 1800's.
There was one structure we walked up the stairs on and it was real cold as we strolled down the hallway. I remember Ariel turned to look at me and I seen what appeared to be an arm touch one of the rockers. All of sudden the rocker starting moving violently back and forth. Jason was near it to but did not touch it. Studying my photos I found a light energy mist surrounding that same rocker so we had one of our first run ins with a ghost who seemed to be playing with us.
The pioneer town seemed to have a lot of energy and what is more eerie to the situation is reading a sign about each structure with many photos of these pioneers. The more photos I studied the more I sensed the ghost of these people.
Some of the old wood houses I peered in the woods of and always felt something look back. Another time I heard something on one of the porches of the house like footsteps. This place was turning out to be quite an active location.
Ariel on occasion gathered some high EMF readings especially near the house where the rocker moved.  We also found an old outhouse so it was a pretty cool place. There was this giant citrus tree growing nearby and yum the oranges were ripe.
Then we walked in between these two ponds which led us to a grass hut and a stable. I heard what sounded like a bird off in the woods or maybe an animal of some kind. Ariel told me she heard a few other things while we were walking around. Whatever was with us stayed around us acting very curious.
My impression was that their was a child entity with us perhaps. We did find out that we missed a few other locations within the town like the turpentine mill. But it was a pretty eerie village a lot of contained energy surrounding the properties and historical sites.
I also thought at one time that something touched my arm and nobody was around me. The whole place was eerie overall and I think much more remains to be seen within the village.
In conclusion to Saturday's investigation it turned out to be a real successful investigation. It was really nice to get back out there do some exploring of history and supernatural. It was really Ariel's first major investigation and if possible we may visit these places a second time for more adventures.
I wanted to take the time to apologize to all my fans but its been rough cause In December we were heading to Christmas when I was illegally pulled over and had a bunch of redneck sheriffs steal my license. Then with me being kept home from my incident with my previous landlord I have not been able to go on any investigations. But I will produce many more investigations in coming weeks to make up for last month and be back on track. So I want to thank my fans and our supporters for sticking with the group and backing us all the way.
PGS Founder

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