Chandler Place perhaps at one time was a house turned into a lower and upper apartment flat totaling 3 apartments. Their are signs that the town has condemned the property due to many belongings left behind and the interior condition of the building is poor. The entire place is very dark and gloomy inside. I do not have alot of history on this location but when I first moved out here it was abandoned and has remained this way even over a year later.

Their seems to be alot of odd activity within this place like you could walk in and feel watched but then you will also hear movement inside like human walking. The outside is made of brick and wood so the building probably is at least 50 years old maybe even older due to its column architecture in the front. 

You almost get this feeling that death has occurred here before whether it was murder or just plain natural causes. It just has that residue about it like the one apartment you walk around the corner and see this step leading up to this small little stand up shower you feel really watched. Not saying that the shower is haunted but the place just has a real eerie set up. You never feel alone here for one minute does not matter what part of the house you go or where you walk around their is something here and it perhaps is rather lonely is my impression.

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