Everyday in life Bizarre occurrences happen all around us miracles, strange things we cannot explain but the fact remains is that some places are stranger then others. Perhaps all along its science that can defy the laws of man. This has to be one of the strangest places I ever live perhaps that's why according to the native American people it was called dead land. Perhaps they thought it was just as strange. 

Bizarre events could mean weird bugs gone crazy, strange storms brewing in the sky or anything else that is just plain odd. Although there might be explanations to some of these events so many happen for a reason as perhaps it is part of a bigger plan for me. But perhaps this page just validates my awareness of some of the simplest things in life.

Sometimes I wonder if the women are bizarre here as well lol. DeLand has some of the most beautiful women in the world but yet I just cannot figure them out at times  ha ha. But on a serious note this is a very strange town and I cannot say a day does not go by where I do not experience something odd, supernatural or even something unexplainable.

Sometimes for some of us we do not have to leave far from home to see the strange. But sometimes things happen around us and were often to busy to recognize them. Why is this so? As a paranormal investigator you begin to see beauty in the things others do not. So when reviewing this photo try to remember this page is meant to be fun especially for the kiddies out there who like the bizarre. So please click the 2004/2005 button at the top of this page and step into my world of the  Bizarre here in DeLand as well as around it.

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