The baseline office building I was told may be the old Bell Atlantic office when it was shut down or overtaken by Verizon. Since I did not find a major vault or any signs of a teller area I believe that this rather was the old phone company building. More so then haunted this is one creepy looking building. It is not extremely old based on the heater vents I would say roughly it is a 40-50 year old complex. Is it haunted? I honestly cannot say different areas have different feelings. But as you walk through it could picture people sitting at there desk on there computers, secretary's on the phone, conferences occurring, people sitting in the break room Ect. The building is in great condition although it has been over taken by many vandals as windows are shattered, holes are in walls, broken sinks, mirrors, spray painted walls and much more. So the place has taken a beating. Approaching this place at night can be quite foreboding the building is roughly 3-4 floors, its very over grown, weeds grow through the parking lot and side walks as it sits alone in the dark. One thing that probably is noticeable is the energy that still exist here we may not have any ghost here maybe just residual energy such as orbs or a part of history repeating itself. It is obvious that people go up there to vandalize perhaps use the building for other means. But our organization had fun exploring it and bringing you a story and we hope you will have fun seeing this grand office.


Rick- AngelOfThyNight



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