Subj: Today's Adventure Report...  
Date: 10/19/2003 1:11:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time 
To: ,  

Very rarely do I do daytime adventures however this place is much more spectacular during the day because you are able to see so much more. The leaves changing, the animals, the falls Ect. Today was a fairly cold day but My son and I set off adventuring in the morning in search of the ancient Indian caverns. So our adventure begins here..

Akron Caverns

We walked down near shelter 9 it was peaceful it did not feel as uncomfortable as it did at night. I took a photo and caught a pretty purple orb by the shelter way off in the distance. Then we proceeded to a trail area.

The trail split off and of course we wandered off it and walked along the rocky creek. A lot of animals were out it was quite peaceful actually I did not feel being watched or anything strange. I finally made it to the upper falls. Many people died near the upper falls however it felt like paradise back here as the water ran down.

Slowly my son and I crossed the creek hopping rock to rock making our way past a giant boulder and some rock formations. I finally was right near the falls. I went behind the falls and yes the water was ice cold in search of the cave. Strangely enough behind the falls their were a lot of beer bottles and cans behind a rock. I searched for the cave entrance by 2-3 large rocks probably a ton a piece were behind the falls. Could it be the entrance maybe or maybe not but the air coming from the rocks was quite warm so its a possibility. I did catch a face on camera under the falls it looks native American.

I came back out from under the falls and thought about climbing the cliff near by. What caught my eye is that above the falls or in the middle of the cliff rather was a giant hole and I thought maybe this was the entrance to the cavern after all I seen the words keep out written in spray paint. So I climbed up a steep trail, across some rocks to a very tiny ledge which was about 20-30 feet above. I had water flowing all around me and finally I grabbed a rock and swung myself into the hole. I was quite excited as I had my flash light I was hoping to go inside take a few photos.

The hole went about 8 to 10 feet back and then it came to dead end. Their was a pile of small rocks and boulders like the whole entrance collapsed. I caught a skull like face back in here. Perhaps this is why it was called dead mans caverns. I then had to devise a way to get back to reality as every time I looked out from the hole in the cliff i realized I was pretty high up with not much room to work with.

I climbed on a little rock sticking out over the edge and eventually made my way back making sure I didn't put my feet on any wet rocks as one slip would have made me go over the edge. Eventually I made it back to trail and we worked our way back to shelter 9 and the park road. 

I learned alot from this investigation for one the caves are no longer accessible. For two the ghost here are even activity during the day whether they appear in a rock or leave their essence I caught a little of everything orbs, a few faces even some light Ectoplasmic mist. It was alot of fun and really gave me an adrenaline rush. We did get pretty wet from a few times slipping into the creek and then when I went under the roaring waterfall but I conquered just about everything this park has to offer.



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